Daily Iowan, April 5, 1919
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA SATURDAY, APRIL 5,1919 [advertisement] WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST- A gold watch. If finder will return to post office box 495, the matter will be dropped, if not steps will be taken to locate same. D.P. LOST-Blue serge coat and trousers. Delivered to wrong address. Please call phone 1137. 76 (Continued from page 1) STUDENT MISSION IN ACTIVE SESSION of addresses by Dr. Belle Allen and Dr. P.H. Lerrigo. Dr. Allen will speak on "Women's Work in India." She is the traveling secretary for the Student Volunteer movement. Dr. Lerrigo is a returned missionary from the Philippines. Secretary on Program Other speakers will be J. Lovell Murray, editorial secretary of the Student Volunteers; Henry E. WIlson, Y.M.C.A. general secretary of the University of Illinois; Marion Janes, secretary of the north central field of the Y.W.C.A.; and Prof. V. Vartanian of Parsons college. Professor Vartanian is in charge of all devotional periods. PLANS DEVELOPED FOR COMMENCEMENT NEAR COMPLETION Senior Chairman Solve Problems Facing Play Committee Who Lack Necessary Funds SENIOR FROLIC DISTINCTIVE Other Committees Are Active, Announce Partial Plans-Senior Hop May Not Be Formal A knotty problem confronting the seniors was brought to the attention of senior chairmen at their meeting Thursday afternoon, when the chairman of the play committee announced that no funds were available to be advanced as surity to the company releasing plays. It is necessary to advance $26 before a play will be sent out for examination, although all but $1 of this is refund when the manuscript is returned. No funds remain from last years' treasury since the proceeds of the junior prom were turned over to war work. Consequently the committee has experienced consid- [advertisement] PASTIME THEATRE TODAY TOMORROW MONDAY- America's greatest screen actor WILLIAM FARNUM in "FOR FREEDOM" Also Harold Lloyd Comedy-A Great Show ADMISSION 20c "Farnum is always good" Come early-Avoid the rush-Continuous 1:30 to 11. erable handicap in getting material from which to select a suitable play. At the all-chairman conference Tuesday, it was decided that the executives of the different colleges and the members of the play committee be personally responsible for advancing a sum sufficient to enable the committee to procure several manuscripts immediately. Another difficulty in connection with the senior play is the very small number of persons who will try out for it. The various executives have promised that they will endeavor to make an appeal to the graduating classes in their respective colleges in order to induce the members to take part in the play. The senior frolic this year is to be a distinctive attraction if the desire of the committee can be carried out. According to one senior, an Iowa City resident, the frolic ought to be as in ye good old days when the lads and lasses of the local high school called it a holiday and flocked out to the already crowded city park to witness an exciting tug of war across the lake between the professional colleges or to watch an equally thrilling performance of the medics conducting a wrestling match on a greased pole above the lake. Something in the way of a senior symposium, a hard times party, senior breakfast and senior sings are also being planned for commencement week. The date for the senior hop is June 13, the Friday before graduation, although whether or not the affair will be formal has not been decided. [advertisement] TAXI Phone 1700 MURPHY'S SERVICE Office HOTEL JEFFERSON [advertisement] Drink Coca Cola DELICIOUS and REFRESHING QUALITY tells the difference in the taste between Coca-Cola and counterfeit imitations. Coca-Cola quality, recorded in the public taste, is what holds it above imitations. Demand the genuine by full name -nicknames encourage substitution THE COCA-COLA CO. Atlanta, Ga. Sold Everywhere [advertisement] PLEASANT MEMORIES OF SCHOOL FRIENDS CAN BE MOST EASILY KEPT "THE KODAK WAY" HENRY LOUIS The Rexall & Kodak Store 124 E. College [advertisement] Special Values Right Now! With the Baseball Season upon us, we find we have a great big supply of Baseballs, Bats, Fielders' Gloves, Mitts, etc. COME ON BOYS We are going to give you prices which are below the market on our high grade line of Reach and D. and M. Sporting Goods. Smith & Cilek HARDWARE AND BASEBALL GOODS CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS MEET The University Christian Science society meets every Saturday evening from 7 to 7:45 at 211 1-2 E. Iowa avenue upstairs. All students, members of the faculty and graduates of the University are welcome. [advertisement] Have you tried BANNER DAIRY LUNCH for a meal? BANNER DAIRY LUNCH 11 South Dubuque St. The Chemistry club held its second meeting of the year last Tuesday April 1. Eight new members were elected, six of whom are acting on the instructional staff of the department. [advertisement] DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. [advertisement] [illustration} Buy the New Sebelli Hat FOR SPRING WEAR This is an Italian Hat as soft and light as a feather. Feels easy and soft to the head. Can be put into any shape you desire. Silk lined with narrow band. Colors-Dark green, tan, taupe and brown. Just the hat you'll want - $6.00. WHY PAY MORE? NEW ARRIVALS in Priestly Caps. These caps have soft, flexible visor. Can be rolled up and put into pocket. All new colors and shapes. See the new shades in green and brown. $2.50, $3 and $3.50. Bremer's GOLDEN EAGLE IOWA CITY, IOWA [advertisement] UNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION THE TEST In April comes the real test of Americanism-the Fifth Liberty Loan. There is not likely to be much flag-waving, red fire and martial music attached to this campaign. Citizens are not going to sign up for their share because they are swept off their feet by patriotic impulses induced by brass bands and fireworks. They are going to buy bonds because they know that this country needs money to pay for the war just won. They are going to buy bonds first, because they are patriots, second, because Uncle Sam makes it profitable to be patriots. In April we are going to find out who the real blue Americans are. FIRST NATIONAL BANK MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA SATURDAY, APRIL 5,1919 [advertisement] WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST- A gold watch. If finder will return to post office box 495, the matter will be dropped, if not steps will be taken to locate same. D.P. LOST-Blue serge coat and trousers. Delivered to wrong address. Please call phone 1137. 76 (Continued from page 1) STUDENT MISSION IN ACTIVE SESSION of addresses by Dr. Belle Allen and Dr. P.H. Lerrigo. Dr. Allen will speak on "Women's Work in India." She is the traveling secretary for the Student Volunteer movement. Dr. Lerrigo is a returned missionary from the Philippines. Secretary on Program Other speakers will be J. Lovell Murray, editorial secretary of the Student Volunteers; Henry E. WIlson, Y.M.C.A. general secretary of the University of Illinois; Marion Janes, secretary of the north central field of the Y.W.C.A.; and Prof. V. Vartanian of Parsons college. Professor Vartanian is in charge of all devotional periods. PLANS DEVELOPED FOR COMMENCEMENT NEAR COMPLETION Senior Chairman Solve Problems Facing Play Committee Who Lack Necessary Funds SENIOR FROLIC DISTINCTIVE Other Committees Are Active, Announce Partial Plans-Senior Hop May Not Be Formal A knotty problem confronting the seniors was brought to the attention of senior chairmen at their meeting Thursday afternoon, when the chairman of the play committee announced that no funds were available to be advanced as surity to the company releasing plays. It is necessary to advance $26 before a play will be sent out for examination, although all but $1 of this is refund when the manuscript is returned. No funds remain from last years' treasury since the proceeds of the junior prom were turned over to war work. Consequently the committee has experienced consid- [advertisement] PASTIME THEATRE TODAY TOMORROW MONDAY- America's greatest screen actor WILLIAM FARNUM in "FOR FREEDOM" Also Harold Lloyd Comedy-A Great Show ADMISSION 20c "Farnum is always good" Come early-Avoid the rush-Continuous 1:30 to 11. erable handicap in getting material from which to select a suitable play. At the all-chairman conference Tuesday, it was decided that the executives of the different colleges and the members of the play committee be personally responsible for advancing a sum sufficient to enable the committee to procure several manuscripts immediately. Another difficulty in connection with the senior play is the very small number of persons who will try out for it. The various executives have promised that they will endeavor to make an appeal to the graduating classes in their respective colleges in order to induce the members to take part in the play. The senior frolic this year is to be a distinctive attraction if the desire of the committee can be carried out. According to one senior, an Iowa City resident, the frolic ought to be as in ye good old days when the lads and lasses of the local high school called it a holiday and flocked out to the already crowded city park to witness an exciting tug of war across the lake between the professional colleges or to watch an equally thrilling performance of the medics conducting a wrestling match on a greased pole above the lake. Something in the way of a senior symposium, a hard times party, senior breakfast and senior sings are also being planned for commencement week. The date for the senior hop is June 13, the Friday before graduation, although whether or not the affair will be formal has not been decided. [advertisement] TAXI Phone 1700 MURPHY'S SERVICE Office HOTEL JEFFERSON [advertisement] Drink Coca Cola DELICIOUS and REFRESHING QUALITY tells the difference in the taste between Coca-Cola and counterfeit imitations. Coca-Cola quality, recorded in the public taste, is what holds it above imitations. Demand the genuine by full name -nicknames encourage substitution THE COCA-COLA CO. Atlanta, Ga. Sold Everywhere [advertisement] PLEASANT MEMORIES OF SCHOOL FRIENDS CAN BE MOST EASILY KEPT "THE KODAK WAY" HENRY LOUIS The Rexall & Kodak Store 124 E. College [advertisement] Special Values Right Now! With the Baseball Season upon us, we find we have a great big supply of Baseballs, Bats, Fielders' Gloves, Mitts, etc. COME ON BOYS We are going to give you prices which are below the market on our high grade line of Reach and D. and M. Sporting Goods. Smith & Cilek HARDWARE AND BASEBALL GOODS CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS MEET The University Christian Science society meets every Saturday evening from 7 to 7:45 at 211 1-2 E. Iowa avenue upstairs. All students, members of the faculty and graduates of the University are welcome. [advertisement] Have you tried BANNER DAIRY LUNCH for a meal? BANNER DAIRY LUNCH 11 South Dubuque St. The Chemistry club held its second meeting of the year last Tuesday April 1. Eight new members were elected, six of whom are acting on the instructional staff of the department. [advertisement] DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. [advertisement] [illustration} Buy the New Sebelli Hat FOR SPRING WEAR This is an Italian Hat as soft and light as a feather. Feels easy and soft to the head. Can be put into any shape you desire. Silk lined with narrow band. Colors-Dark green, tan, taupe and brown. Just the hat you'll want - $6.00. WHY PAY MORE? NEW ARRIVALS in Priestly Caps. These caps have soft, flexible visor. Can be rolled up and put into pocket. All new colors and shapes. See the new shades in green and brown. $2.50, $3 and $3.50. Bremer's GOLDEN EAGLE IOWA CITY, IOWA [advertisement] UNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION THE TEST In April comes the real test of Americanism-the Fifth Liberty Loan. There is not likely to be much flag-waving, red fire and martial music attached to this campaign. Citizens are not going to sign up for their share because they are swept off their feet by patriotic impulses induced by brass bands and fireworks. They are going to buy bonds because they know that this country needs money to pay for the war just won. They are going to buy bonds first, because they are patriots, second, because Uncle Sam makes it profitable to be patriots. In April we are going to find out who the real blue Americans are. FIRST NATIONAL BANK MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
Daily Iowan Newspapers