Daily Iowan, April 6, 1919
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, April 6, 1919 MAJOR HARDIN CRAIG, Ph. D. New Head of English Department WATERWORKS CONVENTION Engineers Will Come to Iowa City for Fourth Meet, April 16 and 17 Sixty prominent engineers will be in Iowa City to attend the fourth annual meeting of the Iowa section of the American Water Works association which is scheduled for April 16 and 17. Although this is primarily a convention of the Iowa section many waterworks men from adjoining states are expected to be present. President W. A. Jessup will open the meeting with an address of welcome and S. L. Etnyre of council Bluffs will give the response in behalf of the association. Discussions and reading of papers are included in the program and on the last afternoon an automobile excursion is being planned to take the visitors to inspect the new armory and children's hospital and also the scene of the last spring flood. The closing evening the members are to be the guests of the Commercial Club at a banquet. Headquarters for the session will be in physics hall. Mary Prestler is spending the week end at her home in Davenport. Vesta Meredith and Ruth Tuttle spent Saturday in Cedar Rapids. MENU JEFFERSON HOTEL Special Table D'Hote Dinner Cream of Tomato -or- Consomma Clear Radishes Mixed Olives Choice of:- Roast Spring Chicken Stuffed, Jelly Roast Prime Ribs of Beef, au jus Fresh Lobster a la Newburg, Casserole Mashed or Browned New Potatoes Cauliflower in Cream or String Beans California Head Lettuce, 1000 Island Dressing Toasted Wafers Choice of:- Maple Nut Sundae Boston Cream Pie Apple Pie Coffee Tea Milk LATEST STYLES IN EASTER Suits, Dolhmans, Capes and Waists Fresh from their wrappers, are now on display in our apparel section All young women of the University and community, will find pleasure in seeing the latest and prettiest creations of apparel brought out by the Easter fashion designers and manufacturers, for the American girl STUDENT GIRLS Will find an effective solution to their spring and Easter DRESS UP problems when they witness the new arrivals. CORRECTLY TAILORED SUITS MODERATELY PRICED AT $18.50, $22.50, $25.00, $29.50, $35 up to $65 HERE ARE DRESSES OF RARE CHARM FOR WOMEN SPECIAL VALUES AT $10, $12.98, $15, $18.50, $22.50 $25.00 AND UPWARD Distinctive styles for EASTER with many new features, Dresses of Taffeta, Foulard, Silk Poplin, Georgette, and Georgette Combination. Prominent among the colors are Taupe, Navy, Belgian Blue, Tan and Black. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF DOLMANS AND CAPES The materials are Gaberdine, Wool, Velour Silvertone and Serge. The colors are Rookie, French Blue, Navy, Red, Henna and Black. The Dolmans are specially priced at $18.50, $22.50, $25.00, $29.50 to $45.00 Capes, extra values at $10.98, $12.85, $15.00, $18.50, $25.00 to $45.00. Yetter's THE BIG STORE Have you tried BANNER DAIRY LUNCH for a meal? BANNER DAIRY LUNCH 11 South Dubuue St. Garden BERT LYTEL in "FAITH" Also a good comedy ADMISSION 5 c & 10c ENGLERT THEATRE THURSDAY, APRIL 10 THE GREATEST MUSICAL SHOW IN AMERICA Comes Here After All-Season Runs in Boston, Chicago and New York, Where It Made 1,000,000 People Realize the Joy of Living Klaw & Erlanger's Supreme Musical Comedy Triumph MISS SPRINGTIME By Kalman, Golton and Wodehouse Radiant with Enthralling Rollicking Wonderfully [outh?] and BeatyMelodies Fun Sciened Perfect Cast-Special Orchestra and A Girl Chorus of Bewitching Beauty BOX OFFICE SEAT SALE WEDNESDAY MORNING SEND MAIL ORDERS NOW- PRICES 50c to $2.00
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, April 6, 1919 MAJOR HARDIN CRAIG, Ph. D. New Head of English Department WATERWORKS CONVENTION Engineers Will Come to Iowa City for Fourth Meet, April 16 and 17 Sixty prominent engineers will be in Iowa City to attend the fourth annual meeting of the Iowa section of the American Water Works association which is scheduled for April 16 and 17. Although this is primarily a convention of the Iowa section many waterworks men from adjoining states are expected to be present. President W. A. Jessup will open the meeting with an address of welcome and S. L. Etnyre of council Bluffs will give the response in behalf of the association. Discussions and reading of papers are included in the program and on the last afternoon an automobile excursion is being planned to take the visitors to inspect the new armory and children's hospital and also the scene of the last spring flood. The closing evening the members are to be the guests of the Commercial Club at a banquet. Headquarters for the session will be in physics hall. Mary Prestler is spending the week end at her home in Davenport. Vesta Meredith and Ruth Tuttle spent Saturday in Cedar Rapids. MENU JEFFERSON HOTEL Special Table D'Hote Dinner Cream of Tomato -or- Consomma Clear Radishes Mixed Olives Choice of:- Roast Spring Chicken Stuffed, Jelly Roast Prime Ribs of Beef, au jus Fresh Lobster a la Newburg, Casserole Mashed or Browned New Potatoes Cauliflower in Cream or String Beans California Head Lettuce, 1000 Island Dressing Toasted Wafers Choice of:- Maple Nut Sundae Boston Cream Pie Apple Pie Coffee Tea Milk LATEST STYLES IN EASTER Suits, Dolhmans, Capes and Waists Fresh from their wrappers, are now on display in our apparel section All young women of the University and community, will find pleasure in seeing the latest and prettiest creations of apparel brought out by the Easter fashion designers and manufacturers, for the American girl STUDENT GIRLS Will find an effective solution to their spring and Easter DRESS UP problems when they witness the new arrivals. CORRECTLY TAILORED SUITS MODERATELY PRICED AT $18.50, $22.50, $25.00, $29.50, $35 up to $65 HERE ARE DRESSES OF RARE CHARM FOR WOMEN SPECIAL VALUES AT $10, $12.98, $15, $18.50, $22.50 $25.00 AND UPWARD Distinctive styles for EASTER with many new features, Dresses of Taffeta, Foulard, Silk Poplin, Georgette, and Georgette Combination. Prominent among the colors are Taupe, Navy, Belgian Blue, Tan and Black. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF DOLMANS AND CAPES The materials are Gaberdine, Wool, Velour Silvertone and Serge. The colors are Rookie, French Blue, Navy, Red, Henna and Black. The Dolmans are specially priced at $18.50, $22.50, $25.00, $29.50 to $45.00 Capes, extra values at $10.98, $12.85, $15.00, $18.50, $25.00 to $45.00. Yetter's THE BIG STORE Have you tried BANNER DAIRY LUNCH for a meal? BANNER DAIRY LUNCH 11 South Dubuue St. Garden BERT LYTEL in "FAITH" Also a good comedy ADMISSION 5 c & 10c ENGLERT THEATRE THURSDAY, APRIL 10 THE GREATEST MUSICAL SHOW IN AMERICA Comes Here After All-Season Runs in Boston, Chicago and New York, Where It Made 1,000,000 People Realize the Joy of Living Klaw & Erlanger's Supreme Musical Comedy Triumph MISS SPRINGTIME By Kalman, Golton and Wodehouse Radiant with Enthralling Rollicking Wonderfully [outh?] and BeatyMelodies Fun Sciened Perfect Cast-Special Orchestra and A Girl Chorus of Bewitching Beauty BOX OFFICE SEAT SALE WEDNESDAY MORNING SEND MAIL ORDERS NOW- PRICES 50c to $2.00
Daily Iowan Newspapers