Daily Iowan, April 10, 1919
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, April 10, 2019 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST—A gold watch. If finder will return to post office box 495, the matter will be dropped, if not steps will be taken to locate same. D.P. LOST—A pair of tortoise shelled glasses with black ribbon attached. Reward. Call 1947. WANTED—Lady clerk from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sidwell’s Dairy. Phone 217. 81 LOST—Fountain pen with violet ink, between [rom] 213 and room 14 L.A. Wednesday morning. Finder call Rowena Wellman, Black 1757. LOST—Small signet ring on Dubuque street between Iowa avenue and Jefferson. Will finder please return to Daily Iowan office. 80 NEW HOSPITAL TO BE ERECTED AT IOWA Will Treat Mental Diseases in Early Stages. More Than 100 Beds Provided The Holdegal bill, providing for the construction of a $175,000 psychopathic hospital at Iowa City has passed both houses of the state legislature and favorable action by Governor Harding is assured. No plans have been made as yet, but the bill provides for the appointment of a director who will have charge of the construction of this hospital on Folsom Heights, west of the new Children’s hospital. The bill provides for more than 100 beds. In the past, there has been no place in the state to which patients with mental afflictions could be sent for study and treatment, other than a few private sanitoriums, less completely equipped than the planned state institution. This new hospital has been created for the purpose of [halding?] such cases. Whereas in the past the mentally afflicted were necessarily kept at home or sent to state institutions for the insane, they may now be sent here to be treated, either as private patients or at the expense of the state. It will now be possible to cure many cases of mania hitherto incurable, since cases will now be treated in early stages when their cure is possible. ORDER OF EELS PLANS ANNUAL CANOE RACE Swimming Exhibition Scheduled for April 18—Admission is Free Plans for the annual canoe race from Mid-river to Iowa City were discussed at a meeting of the Order of Eels last Thursday night at the armory. An order of events was also arranged for a swimming exhibition to take place on April 18 at the men’s tank. Winners of the canoe marathon, which is twenty-five long miles in distance and approximately six hours’ duration will be awarded a cup by the Eels. Entrance to the race is open to all students in the University, and any team of two who have had any canoe experience at all are strongly urged to sign up for it. Coach Armbruster’s slippery crew are daily churning the green depths of the men’s pool in preparation for the annual swimming and driving exhibition April 17. Daring flips and thrilling high dives are being carefully worked out by the Eels, and stunts and trick swimming of lighter vein are being practiced with a view to relieving the spectators from the tension of the more strenuous events. Admission to this exhibition is free of charge. The Order of Eels is an organization of swimmers and canoe artists and has as its object the promotion of every kind of aquatic activity and the elimination of canoe accidents on the Iowa river by a knowledge of the dangers and limitations. Requirements for membership are specified swimming and lifesaving tests and a satisfactory demonstration of canoeing ability. MILES KILDEE IS SEMI-CONSCIOUS AT MERCY HOSPITAL (Continued from page 1) over to the grand jury on charges preferred by the members of the Phi Kappa fraternity. The parties gave bonds for $500 each and were released from jail early Wednesday. Kildee Improved The condition of Miles Kildee was considered very serious, but late in the afternoon he had improved slightly and had regained partial consciousness. Doctors and relatives from Waterloo feel that Kildee has a good chance for recovery, if internal hemorrhages do not result. Raymond Pilcher was yesterday afternoon arrested on information sworn out by Quinn O’Brien charging assault and battery. He please guilty before Justice Ewing and paid a fine of $10. FRESHMEN GET NUMERALS Class Track Meet to be April 19—Other Events Planned It has been decided to award numerals to all first year men taking first, second, or third place in the freshman varsity track meet of April 19. This new decision gives each freshman an opportunity to make a name for himself and at the same time win his numeral without competing against too heavy odds. There is a need for yearling men in the distance events. According to Jack Watson a good distance runner cannot be made in one year unless he has exceptional ability. For the benefit of the varsity team next year it is important that a number of milers and two milers report for practice during their first year in the University. Because of the entrance of several men in the Drake relays, the freshman candidates will probably give the varsity team a close fight for points in most of the events. Telegraphic meets have been [defi]nitely scheduled with Northwestern and Wisconsin, Director Howard Jones announced yesterday. The University freshmen will compete with the first year men of these schools in these meets. Numerals will also be awarded to the winners in each of these competitions. OPEN MEETING TONIGHT Science club will hold an open meeting this evening in room 107 natural science building, to which everyone is invited. The program will consist of a paper on “The Evolution of Man from the Jurassic Period[‘] by Chester Awe and one on “Sporangia of Pteriodphytes” by Lucille Sawyer. A business meeting for the members will be held in room 206 at 7:15. THOMAS’S HAVE SON A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd E. Thomas on April 6. Mr. Thomas is at present in France serving in the army. He was prominent in athletics and was a member of the S. A. E. fraternity while in the University. Mrs. Thomas, a member of the Pi Beta Phi sorority, has been making her home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O.H. Brainerd during Mr. Thomas’s stay in France. [advertisement] STRAND THEATRE LAST TIME TONIGHT BRYANT WASHBURN in ‘VENUS OF THE EAST’ Starting Tomorrow Rex Beach’s Big Alaska Story—“The Brand” [advertisement] Garden THURSDAY & FRIDAY CATHERINE CALVERT in “MARRIAGE” Also a Post Travel [advertisement] SABINS’ EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 A.M.M. DORNON, Manager The most widely patronized, because the most reliable Teachers Agency in the Middle West. Territory from Mississippi River to Pacific Coast. FLYNN BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA [advertisement] Blankets We take great care in washing blankets. They will come back to you soft, downy and fluffy—you simply can’t have them done that way at home. And it costs so much less to have us do them than to parcel post them home. New Process Laundry “The Pride of Iowa City” PHONE 294 [advertisement] Photographs…Newest and Latest Folders just arrived for your Easter photographs. See them in our display window. NEWBERG STUDIO [advertisement] OH BOY! Did you ever taste those Sweet Rolls served for breakfast in the JEFFERSON COFFEE ROOM and JEFFERSON QUICK LUNCH SERVICE CAFÉ They are simply wonderful. Delicious coffee also—n’ everything. [advertisement] SENIORS Of All Colleges Order your Commencement Invitations at the UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE IF YOU WANT Any Do it now or you won’t get any. The Committee
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, April 10, 2019 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST—A gold watch. If finder will return to post office box 495, the matter will be dropped, if not steps will be taken to locate same. D.P. LOST—A pair of tortoise shelled glasses with black ribbon attached. Reward. Call 1947. WANTED—Lady clerk from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sidwell’s Dairy. Phone 217. 81 LOST—Fountain pen with violet ink, between [rom] 213 and room 14 L.A. Wednesday morning. Finder call Rowena Wellman, Black 1757. LOST—Small signet ring on Dubuque street between Iowa avenue and Jefferson. Will finder please return to Daily Iowan office. 80 NEW HOSPITAL TO BE ERECTED AT IOWA Will Treat Mental Diseases in Early Stages. More Than 100 Beds Provided The Holdegal bill, providing for the construction of a $175,000 psychopathic hospital at Iowa City has passed both houses of the state legislature and favorable action by Governor Harding is assured. No plans have been made as yet, but the bill provides for the appointment of a director who will have charge of the construction of this hospital on Folsom Heights, west of the new Children’s hospital. The bill provides for more than 100 beds. In the past, there has been no place in the state to which patients with mental afflictions could be sent for study and treatment, other than a few private sanitoriums, less completely equipped than the planned state institution. This new hospital has been created for the purpose of [halding?] such cases. Whereas in the past the mentally afflicted were necessarily kept at home or sent to state institutions for the insane, they may now be sent here to be treated, either as private patients or at the expense of the state. It will now be possible to cure many cases of mania hitherto incurable, since cases will now be treated in early stages when their cure is possible. ORDER OF EELS PLANS ANNUAL CANOE RACE Swimming Exhibition Scheduled for April 18—Admission is Free Plans for the annual canoe race from Mid-river to Iowa City were discussed at a meeting of the Order of Eels last Thursday night at the armory. An order of events was also arranged for a swimming exhibition to take place on April 18 at the men’s tank. Winners of the canoe marathon, which is twenty-five long miles in distance and approximately six hours’ duration will be awarded a cup by the Eels. Entrance to the race is open to all students in the University, and any team of two who have had any canoe experience at all are strongly urged to sign up for it. Coach Armbruster’s slippery crew are daily churning the green depths of the men’s pool in preparation for the annual swimming and driving exhibition April 17. Daring flips and thrilling high dives are being carefully worked out by the Eels, and stunts and trick swimming of lighter vein are being practiced with a view to relieving the spectators from the tension of the more strenuous events. Admission to this exhibition is free of charge. The Order of Eels is an organization of swimmers and canoe artists and has as its object the promotion of every kind of aquatic activity and the elimination of canoe accidents on the Iowa river by a knowledge of the dangers and limitations. Requirements for membership are specified swimming and lifesaving tests and a satisfactory demonstration of canoeing ability. MILES KILDEE IS SEMI-CONSCIOUS AT MERCY HOSPITAL (Continued from page 1) over to the grand jury on charges preferred by the members of the Phi Kappa fraternity. The parties gave bonds for $500 each and were released from jail early Wednesday. Kildee Improved The condition of Miles Kildee was considered very serious, but late in the afternoon he had improved slightly and had regained partial consciousness. Doctors and relatives from Waterloo feel that Kildee has a good chance for recovery, if internal hemorrhages do not result. Raymond Pilcher was yesterday afternoon arrested on information sworn out by Quinn O’Brien charging assault and battery. He please guilty before Justice Ewing and paid a fine of $10. FRESHMEN GET NUMERALS Class Track Meet to be April 19—Other Events Planned It has been decided to award numerals to all first year men taking first, second, or third place in the freshman varsity track meet of April 19. This new decision gives each freshman an opportunity to make a name for himself and at the same time win his numeral without competing against too heavy odds. There is a need for yearling men in the distance events. According to Jack Watson a good distance runner cannot be made in one year unless he has exceptional ability. For the benefit of the varsity team next year it is important that a number of milers and two milers report for practice during their first year in the University. Because of the entrance of several men in the Drake relays, the freshman candidates will probably give the varsity team a close fight for points in most of the events. Telegraphic meets have been [defi]nitely scheduled with Northwestern and Wisconsin, Director Howard Jones announced yesterday. The University freshmen will compete with the first year men of these schools in these meets. Numerals will also be awarded to the winners in each of these competitions. OPEN MEETING TONIGHT Science club will hold an open meeting this evening in room 107 natural science building, to which everyone is invited. The program will consist of a paper on “The Evolution of Man from the Jurassic Period[‘] by Chester Awe and one on “Sporangia of Pteriodphytes” by Lucille Sawyer. A business meeting for the members will be held in room 206 at 7:15. THOMAS’S HAVE SON A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd E. Thomas on April 6. Mr. Thomas is at present in France serving in the army. He was prominent in athletics and was a member of the S. A. E. fraternity while in the University. Mrs. Thomas, a member of the Pi Beta Phi sorority, has been making her home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O.H. Brainerd during Mr. Thomas’s stay in France. [advertisement] STRAND THEATRE LAST TIME TONIGHT BRYANT WASHBURN in ‘VENUS OF THE EAST’ Starting Tomorrow Rex Beach’s Big Alaska Story—“The Brand” [advertisement] Garden THURSDAY & FRIDAY CATHERINE CALVERT in “MARRIAGE” Also a Post Travel [advertisement] SABINS’ EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 A.M.M. DORNON, Manager The most widely patronized, because the most reliable Teachers Agency in the Middle West. Territory from Mississippi River to Pacific Coast. FLYNN BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA [advertisement] Blankets We take great care in washing blankets. They will come back to you soft, downy and fluffy—you simply can’t have them done that way at home. And it costs so much less to have us do them than to parcel post them home. New Process Laundry “The Pride of Iowa City” PHONE 294 [advertisement] Photographs…Newest and Latest Folders just arrived for your Easter photographs. See them in our display window. NEWBERG STUDIO [advertisement] OH BOY! Did you ever taste those Sweet Rolls served for breakfast in the JEFFERSON COFFEE ROOM and JEFFERSON QUICK LUNCH SERVICE CAFÉ They are simply wonderful. Delicious coffee also—n’ everything. [advertisement] SENIORS Of All Colleges Order your Commencement Invitations at the UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE IF YOU WANT Any Do it now or you won’t get any. The Committee
Daily Iowan Newspapers