Daily Iowan, April 12, 1919
Page 4
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Saturday, April 12, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST—A gold watch. If finder will return to post office box 495, the matter will be dropped, if not steps will be taken to locate same. D.P. LOST—A pair of tortoise shelled glasses with black ribbon attached. Reward. Call 1947. WANTED—Lady clerk from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sidwell's Dairy. Phone 217. 81 LOST—Fountain pen with violet ink, between rom [sic] 213 and room 14 L.A. Wednesday morning. Finder call Rowena Wellman, Black 1757. LOST—Small signet ring on Dubuque street between Iowa avenue and Jefferson. Will finder please return to Daily Iowan office. 80 WANTED—Used typewriter and track shoes. Phone 1368 red. 81 FOR SALE—Good serge R.O.T.C. uniform for spring and summer wear. 81 (Continued from page 1) COE VS. IOWA TODAY ON HOME GROUNDS the Coe team, so both teams will be on an equal footing. It is probable that the grass diamond will be used, because the turtle bock field is not in shape for a game. As to who will start the game from the firing line Coach Jones is inclined to believe that Belding will be the hurler to oppose the Coe hitters. Belding has a good line of tools and has excellent control for so early in the season. He had little difficulty in fooling Carrithers' team last season, and this should be an advantage in Red's favor. It is not known who will start the game as Belding's battery mate. The coach started Luce in the first game, and it may be that he will start today although nothing definite is assured. Use Saturday's Lineup It is almost certain that the same lineup in the other places will be used today that was used last Saturday. Ehred will cover the short field while Olson, who looks a mate for George Sister, will gather the throws in at the initial sack. Irish looks to be the choice for second and either Goodwin or Mcilree will play the far corner. Brown is expected to take care of fly balls in left field with Crawford to his left in centre field. In case Belding pitches, it may be that Hamilton will be sent to right field instead of Parrott. Ham is adept at using the willow and the coach is in favor of a combination that will bring in the runs. With one game to their favor the Hawkeyes may be able to cop the second fracas although Carrithers' team can be relied upon to put up stiff opposition. The Very Rev. Father Flannigan of Davenport spent Friday visiting his sister, Agnes Flannigan of the school of music. FARQUHAR LISTS AVAILABLE Members of the faculty and others interested in the India series of publications of the Oxford committee, headed by Dr. J.N. Farquar who spoke here in February, may get lists by calling the Y.M.C.A. EDDA GIVES SOCIAL A regular meeting and social for Scandinavian students and those interester [sic] will be given tonight at 7:30 in the L.A. drawing room by the Edna literary society. There will be refreshments, games and dancing. Let The Iowan be your letter. [Ad] Leave orders for the official senior class pin at Fuik's Jewelry Store 212 E. Washington, without delay. [Ad] SENIOR CLASS PINS should be ordered at Fuik's Jewelry Store, 212 E. Washington St., at once. You will not be solicited for these pins. [Ad] "Class" There's class written all over the new petticoats we just received. You really ought to see them. Flowered effects in taffetas, plain taffetas with Dresden trimming, silk jerseys and all bright colors in the new shades to conform with the new gowns. Also many beautiful contrasting colors. It's a wonderful collection of the well known "Fitrite" Petticoats. Silk Petticoats very specially priced at $4.98, $5.98, $6.98 and $7.98. Extra values cotton top, silk, flounce petticoats at .......................... $2.98 and $3.98 CALL AND SEE THEM [Yetter's?] THE BIG STORE IOWA CITY'S GREATEST AND BEST STORE. [Ad] NORTHWESTERN TEACHERS' AGENCY FOR ENTIRE WEST AND ALASKA—THE LARGEST AND BEST AGENCY Write immediately for free circular BOISE IDAHO [Ad] BASEBALL COE VS. IOWA Saturday, April 12 3:30 P.M. IOWA FIELD [Ad] OH BOY! Did you ever taste those Sweet Rolls served for breakfast at the JEFFERSON COFFEE ROOM and JEFFERSON QUICK LUNCH SERVICE CAFE They are simply wonderful. Delicious coffee also—n'everything. [Ad] We will employ a few bright resourceful young men for a good vigorous job this summer paying $500 or more apiece. Apply to P.O. Box 280, Iowa City. [Ad] SENIORS Of All Colleges Order your Commencement Invitations at the UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE IF YOU WANT ANY Do it now or you won't get any. The Committee
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Saturday, April 12, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST—A gold watch. If finder will return to post office box 495, the matter will be dropped, if not steps will be taken to locate same. D.P. LOST—A pair of tortoise shelled glasses with black ribbon attached. Reward. Call 1947. WANTED—Lady clerk from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sidwell's Dairy. Phone 217. 81 LOST—Fountain pen with violet ink, between rom [sic] 213 and room 14 L.A. Wednesday morning. Finder call Rowena Wellman, Black 1757. LOST—Small signet ring on Dubuque street between Iowa avenue and Jefferson. Will finder please return to Daily Iowan office. 80 WANTED—Used typewriter and track shoes. Phone 1368 red. 81 FOR SALE—Good serge R.O.T.C. uniform for spring and summer wear. 81 (Continued from page 1) COE VS. IOWA TODAY ON HOME GROUNDS the Coe team, so both teams will be on an equal footing. It is probable that the grass diamond will be used, because the turtle bock field is not in shape for a game. As to who will start the game from the firing line Coach Jones is inclined to believe that Belding will be the hurler to oppose the Coe hitters. Belding has a good line of tools and has excellent control for so early in the season. He had little difficulty in fooling Carrithers' team last season, and this should be an advantage in Red's favor. It is not known who will start the game as Belding's battery mate. The coach started Luce in the first game, and it may be that he will start today although nothing definite is assured. Use Saturday's Lineup It is almost certain that the same lineup in the other places will be used today that was used last Saturday. Ehred will cover the short field while Olson, who looks a mate for George Sister, will gather the throws in at the initial sack. Irish looks to be the choice for second and either Goodwin or Mcilree will play the far corner. Brown is expected to take care of fly balls in left field with Crawford to his left in centre field. In case Belding pitches, it may be that Hamilton will be sent to right field instead of Parrott. Ham is adept at using the willow and the coach is in favor of a combination that will bring in the runs. With one game to their favor the Hawkeyes may be able to cop the second fracas although Carrithers' team can be relied upon to put up stiff opposition. The Very Rev. Father Flannigan of Davenport spent Friday visiting his sister, Agnes Flannigan of the school of music. FARQUHAR LISTS AVAILABLE Members of the faculty and others interested in the India series of publications of the Oxford committee, headed by Dr. J.N. Farquar who spoke here in February, may get lists by calling the Y.M.C.A. EDDA GIVES SOCIAL A regular meeting and social for Scandinavian students and those interester [sic] will be given tonight at 7:30 in the L.A. drawing room by the Edna literary society. There will be refreshments, games and dancing. Let The Iowan be your letter. [Ad] Leave orders for the official senior class pin at Fuik's Jewelry Store 212 E. Washington, without delay. [Ad] SENIOR CLASS PINS should be ordered at Fuik's Jewelry Store, 212 E. Washington St., at once. You will not be solicited for these pins. [Ad] "Class" There's class written all over the new petticoats we just received. You really ought to see them. Flowered effects in taffetas, plain taffetas with Dresden trimming, silk jerseys and all bright colors in the new shades to conform with the new gowns. Also many beautiful contrasting colors. It's a wonderful collection of the well known "Fitrite" Petticoats. Silk Petticoats very specially priced at $4.98, $5.98, $6.98 and $7.98. Extra values cotton top, silk, flounce petticoats at .......................... $2.98 and $3.98 CALL AND SEE THEM [Yetter's?] THE BIG STORE IOWA CITY'S GREATEST AND BEST STORE. [Ad] NORTHWESTERN TEACHERS' AGENCY FOR ENTIRE WEST AND ALASKA—THE LARGEST AND BEST AGENCY Write immediately for free circular BOISE IDAHO [Ad] BASEBALL COE VS. IOWA Saturday, April 12 3:30 P.M. IOWA FIELD [Ad] OH BOY! Did you ever taste those Sweet Rolls served for breakfast at the JEFFERSON COFFEE ROOM and JEFFERSON QUICK LUNCH SERVICE CAFE They are simply wonderful. Delicious coffee also—n'everything. [Ad] We will employ a few bright resourceful young men for a good vigorous job this summer paying $500 or more apiece. Apply to P.O. Box 280, Iowa City. [Ad] SENIORS Of All Colleges Order your Commencement Invitations at the UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE IF YOU WANT ANY Do it now or you won't get any. The Committee
Daily Iowan Newspapers