Daily Iowan, April 15, 1919
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The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa VOL. XVIII--NEW SERIES VOL.III IOWA CITY, IOWA, TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1919 NUMBER 83 PHILOSOPHERS WILL DISCUSS THEIR PART IN RECONSTRUCTION Western Association Has Convention at University Friday and Saturday STARBUCK ON COMMITTEE Various Clubs are Guests of Organization--Psychology Classes Will Hear Visitors Philosophy in reconstruction will be the general theme for the chief symposium in the nineteenth annual meeting of the Western Philosophical association which convenes here Friday and Saturday. This organization consists of the leading teachers of psychology and philosophy in the colleges and universities from Ohio and Michigan west to the Rocky mountains. About twenty or twenty-five prominent professors from these institutions will attend this convention, which meets in Iowa City for the first time since 1911. President Wright Chief Speaker The principal address of the meeting will be given by the president, Henry Wilkes Wright, professor of philosophy in Lake Forest college, who speaks on "The Social Purpose of Education," in the liberal arts assembly hall Friday evening at 8:30. Members of the Baconian and Political Science clubs and the Humanist society have been invited to be the guests of the association at this time. Prof. Edward Leroy Schaub, formerly in the phycology department of the University, is secretary and treasurer of the association. Porfessor Schaub, who is now doing government work in Washington, will be accompanied by Mrs. Schaub, who also possesses a doctor of philosophy degree. Patrick and Starbuck Talk "The Function of Philosophy in Social Reconstruction" is to be discussed Friday morning by a group of leaders including Prof. G. T. W. Patrick and Prof. E. D. Starbuck. Professor Starbuck is a member of the executive committee of the association. One of the visiting philosophers will address the psychology classes on Friday morning. Members of the University faculty and advance students interested are invited to attend the sessions of the convention. Entertainment for the visitors will consist of a complimentary dinner at the Triangle club Friday evening given by the University, and a luncheon Saturday noon given by Dean and Mrs. C. E. Seashore. STUNTS TO BE GIVEN AFTER INITIATION The regular meeting of the I. W. A. A. wil be held Wednesday, at 7:30 in the women's gymnasium. Initiation of the new members who have taken their required five mile hike and were not initiated before will take place. Stunts will be given by the new members. These stunts will be reported to Helen Shoesmith by Wednesday. The sports of the evening will be baseball and volley-ball. Refreshments will be served. FORENSIC COUNCIL MEETS The Women's Forensic council will meet in room 115, L. A. at 4 today. By order of President. Y. W. HAS EASTER PROGRAM Music, Lilies and Effective Lighting Make Service Impressive "I am the resurrection and the life; whosoever believeth on me, shall never die." This theme has been worked up into a special Easter service which will be presented in the liberal arts drawing room Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 by the Y. W. C. A. Lighted tapers will illuminate the theme and will be the only light used. Concealed by palms and Easter lilies, a choir and two soloists will carry out the theme in song. Marie Colfix will give several solo parts. The choir will be composed of Mona Goodwin, Rosalind Jenks, Blanche Miller, Beatrice Gates, and Clarice Knudson. Veronica Zettler will play. Alice Hatcher and Margery Herberling are to have the speaking parts. All girls are invited by the Y. W. C. A to the Easter service. Preceding it, at 4 o'clock a special Easter tea will be served in the Y. W. C. A. room. PRESS ASSOCIATION ELECTS OFFICERS Ralph Overholser Vice-President--Attendance Doubled Over That of Last Year University delegates to the Iowa College Press association meeting held at Colfax
The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa VOL. XVIII--NEW SERIES VOL.III IOWA CITY, IOWA, TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1919 NUMBER 83 PHILOSOPHERS WILL DISCUSS THEIR PART IN RECONSTRUCTION Western Association Has Convention at University Friday and Saturday STARBUCK ON COMMITTEE Various Clubs are Guests of Organization--Psychology Classes Will Hear Visitors Philosophy in reconstruction will be the general theme for the chief symposium in the nineteenth annual meeting of the Western Philosophical association which convenes here Friday and Saturday. This organization consists of the leading teachers of psychology and philosophy in the colleges and universities from Ohio and Michigan west to the Rocky mountains. About twenty or twenty-five prominent professors from these institutions will attend this convention, which meets in Iowa City for the first time since 1911. President Wright Chief Speaker The principal address of the meeting will be given by the president, Henry Wilkes Wright, professor of philosophy in Lake Forest college, who speaks on "The Social Purpose of Education," in the liberal arts assembly hall Friday evening at 8:30. Members of the Baconian and Political Science clubs and the Humanist society have been invited to be the guests of the association at this time. Prof. Edward Leroy Schaub, formerly in the phycology department of the University, is secretary and treasurer of the association. Porfessor Schaub, who is now doing government work in Washington, will be accompanied by Mrs. Schaub, who also possesses a doctor of philosophy degree. Patrick and Starbuck Talk "The Function of Philosophy in Social Reconstruction" is to be discussed Friday morning by a group of leaders including Prof. G. T. W. Patrick and Prof. E. D. Starbuck. Professor Starbuck is a member of the executive committee of the association. One of the visiting philosophers will address the psychology classes on Friday morning. Members of the University faculty and advance students interested are invited to attend the sessions of the convention. Entertainment for the visitors will consist of a complimentary dinner at the Triangle club Friday evening given by the University, and a luncheon Saturday noon given by Dean and Mrs. C. E. Seashore. STUNTS TO BE GIVEN AFTER INITIATION The regular meeting of the I. W. A. A. wil be held Wednesday, at 7:30 in the women's gymnasium. Initiation of the new members who have taken their required five mile hike and were not initiated before will take place. Stunts will be given by the new members. These stunts will be reported to Helen Shoesmith by Wednesday. The sports of the evening will be baseball and volley-ball. Refreshments will be served. FORENSIC COUNCIL MEETS The Women's Forensic council will meet in room 115, L. A. at 4 today. By order of President. Y. W. HAS EASTER PROGRAM Music, Lilies and Effective Lighting Make Service Impressive "I am the resurrection and the life; whosoever believeth on me, shall never die." This theme has been worked up into a special Easter service which will be presented in the liberal arts drawing room Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 by the Y. W. C. A. Lighted tapers will illuminate the theme and will be the only light used. Concealed by palms and Easter lilies, a choir and two soloists will carry out the theme in song. Marie Colfix will give several solo parts. The choir will be composed of Mona Goodwin, Rosalind Jenks, Blanche Miller, Beatrice Gates, and Clarice Knudson. Veronica Zettler will play. Alice Hatcher and Margery Herberling are to have the speaking parts. All girls are invited by the Y. W. C. A to the Easter service. Preceding it, at 4 o'clock a special Easter tea will be served in the Y. W. C. A. room. PRESS ASSOCIATION ELECTS OFFICERS Ralph Overholser Vice-President--Attendance Doubled Over That of Last Year University delegates to the Iowa College Press association meeting held at Colfax
Daily Iowan Newspapers