Daily Iowan, April 15, 1919
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THE DAILY IOWAN A morning paper published for the period of the war four times a week - Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday - by the Daily Iowan Publishing Company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City __________ Member Iowa College Press __________ Entered as second class matter at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa __________ Subscription Rate $2.00 per year __________ BOARD OF TRUSTEES C.H. Weller, chairman, Gretchen Kane, secretary, E.M. McEwen, E.S. Smith, Alice E. Hinkley, M. Elizabeth Hendee, Mary Anderson __________ EDITORIAL STAFF MILDRED E. WHITECOMB, Editor-in-chief Telephone, Black 1757; Office Hours - 8-12; 1-6 daily, Room 14, L.A. Building __________ Rowena Wellman - Managing Editor __________ Associate Editor, Ralph E. Overholser News Editor, Eileen Galvin Exchange Editor, Nancy Lamb Humorous Editor, M. Elizabeth Hendee Sports Editor, Leon H. Brigham __________ BUSINESS STAFF ROMOLA LATCHEM - Business manager Edward Chamberlain - Advertising Mgr. Telephone 935: Office Hours 3-5 daily, 103 Iowa Ave __________ "I have never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day as each day came." -- Lincoln. __________ Night Editors Elizabeth Hendee Elsie Katz Marian Dyer __________ SWAT THE KAISER! Take a final swat at the Kaiser! It may be your last chance to make Bill Hohenzollern grind his teeth and chew his royal cigarette in rage. The former kaiser's nights must be growing more sleepless as the days slip by toyard the time when he will have to face a foreign tribunal and justify, if he can, his despicable career. We must not let him think that the American people are becoming chicken-heated, forgetting that there was a war, and that the Americans are ready to be lenient with the arch-criminal of the age. When Kaiser Bill reads his morning "Weinerworst Gazette" the 21st of this month let him discover the cheerful news that "dose contemptible Americans as could nefer fight der Chermans" are still giving their billions toward finishing the war and making the world forever safe against future kaisers. The Victory Liberty loan is more vital than any preceding loan, and it will be the final test of America's patriotism. We are in the last lap of the race. Victory is ours. For all that, let us not slow down, but let us break the tape going full speed and with colors flying. Our duty to the two million boys who are yet on the other side of the Atlantic, which we are honor bound to fulfill, leave no respectable avenue of escape. We must buy! And he who can, but won't, is just as much of a slacker as the man or woman who refused to buy during the days of fighting. __________ WHAT OTHERS THINK __________ SLEEPING STUDENTS If some students were not talking courses dealing with topics of the day they would barely know that the war is over. They seem to think that newspapers and magazines were never intended for them; they never think Through the routine of the days they live, never knowing there is any world outside Iowa City and the reading current literature. It has often seemed strange to me that there exists a quite substantial group, or I might better say class of men and women in the University who are persistently misunderstood by their fellow students. We find this class of students greatly neglecting the development of the social phase of life; indulging in but few amusements, continually possessing a business-like bearing and walking about only on business errands. This type of individual is looked upon by the majority of his fellows as a self-centered priggish character. His earnest emphatic salutation, his erect carriage, his brisk gate, and his self-reliant poise impress many of the more socially inclined of his species as being indications of a self-centered mind. This, it seems, is where many of the more socially inclined of his species as being indications of a self-centered mind. This, it seems, is where many of us err too frequently by allowing snap judgments to decide forever the calibre of an individual. These people, we find after closer acquaintance, as a rule simply possess a superabundance of ambition. They are not trying to distinguish themselves as marked individuals as much as they are trying to benefit mankind as a whole by the development of their latent faculties for a particular art or science. They see in themselves only a possibility of greater usefulness to their fellowmen, and for this reason we should treat them well, rather than ostracize them from public society. Let us consider. H.W. __________ B.I.F.F. The following specimen of spring poetry was found on our doorstep, and, without superfluous comment, we present it. Please to remember that someone else wrote it. If the great season has inspired your own muse, hand in the result. If they can't be used as poetry they will do for humor. In the spring a young man's fancy Lightly turns to thoughts of love: Down the street they fondly saunter He holding parasol high above. Doesn't matter that it's gloomy - Pools of blue sky in her eyes, What of it that the streets are muddy? - But, alas, at this point the sun came out. __________ Elaine Jones has been called to her home in Clinton because of a death in the family. __________ TAXI Phone 1700 MURPHY'S SERVICE OFFICE HOTEL JEFFERSON __________ TEACHERS WANTED For all departments of school work. School officials will soon elect teachers for the next year. A MAXIMUM OF SERVICE AT A MINIMUM COMMISSION RATE. Commission 4 per cent. Territory, central and western states. Write today for blanks. HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY Cedar Rapids, Iowa __________ PEOPLE'S STEAM LAUNDRY 225 Iowa Ave WHEN IN NEED OF LAUNDRY WORK Telephone 58 C.J. Toms __________ OH BOY! Did you ever taste those Sweet Roos served for breakfast in the JEFFERSON COFFEE ROOM and JEFFERSON QUICK LUNCH SERVICE CAFE They are simply wonderful. Delicious coffee also - n'everything. __________ MARY ANDERSON IN PIANO RECITAL Mary Anderson, assisted by G. Harold Rigler, tenor, will give a piano recital at the school of music annex Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The public is invited. The program follows. Pastorale ... Scarlatti Concerto in C Minor ... Bethoven Allegro con brio Cadenza by Reinecki Orchestral accompaniment on second piano Mary Anderson Berceuse from Jocelyn ... Godard G. Harold Rigler From the Sea Pieces ... MacDowell From the Depths A.D. 1620 Etude (If I were a Bird) .. Henselt Concert Etude ... MacDowell Mary Anderson "Vainement, ma bien aimee" (from Le Roi d' Ys) ... Lalo G. Harold Rigler Serenade ... Strauss-Beach Romance Without Words ... Saint Saens Intermezzo in Octaves ... Leschetizky Mary Anderson __________ Alice Gibson, who is attending Drake university, visited her sister Eathel Gibson at the Kappa house Sunday. __________ PASTIME Theatre Tomorrow & Wednesday See the two new Fox stars ALBERT RAY (cousin to Charlie) and ELINOR FAIR in a snappy clean bright Comedy 'MARRIED IN HASTE' Also Pathe News-Pathe Review a Crackerjack show - Admission 15c __________ NAVAL RESERVE MUST DRILL Naval reserve men are required by the military department to attend drill until after the inspection next Wednesday. The order of the war department that men in the reserve shall not be required to drill is a check on the University regulation and a joint meeting of the military and faculty will be held to determine what course to pursue. __________ HESPERIA Regular business meeting and program tonight at 7:15 in the L.A. Assembly hall. Everybody come and be on time. __________ Let The Iowan be your letter. __________ Garden .. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY BESSIE LOVE in "THE WISHING RING MAN" Also a 2-reel Big-V special comedy. __________ Photographs ... Newest and Latest Folders just arrived for your Easter photographs. See them in our display window. NEWBERG STUDIO __________ STUDENTS ... We do the highest grade shoe repairing in the city. Bring in your old shoes and let us make them like new. Washington Shoe Repair Shop ACROSS FROM THE ENGLERT THEATER __________ [image] Drink Coca*Cola DELICIOUS and REFRESHING QUALITY tells the difference in the taste between Coca-Cola and counterfeit imitations. Coca-Cola quality, recorded in the public taste, is what holds it above imitations. Demand the genuine by full name - nicknames encourage substitution. THE COCA-COLA CO. Atlanta, Ga. Sold Everywhere __________ [image] TALC Jonteel 25c gives every woman who loves a rare perfume, the opportunity to know and enjoy a talc having a wonderful costly odor at a price unusually low. Take Jonteel home with you today. HENRY LOUIS The Rexall Store 124 E. College
THE DAILY IOWAN A morning paper published for the period of the war four times a week - Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday - by the Daily Iowan Publishing Company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City __________ Member Iowa College Press __________ Entered as second class matter at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa __________ Subscription Rate $2.00 per year __________ BOARD OF TRUSTEES C.H. Weller, chairman, Gretchen Kane, secretary, E.M. McEwen, E.S. Smith, Alice E. Hinkley, M. Elizabeth Hendee, Mary Anderson __________ EDITORIAL STAFF MILDRED E. WHITECOMB, Editor-in-chief Telephone, Black 1757; Office Hours - 8-12; 1-6 daily, Room 14, L.A. Building __________ Rowena Wellman - Managing Editor __________ Associate Editor, Ralph E. Overholser News Editor, Eileen Galvin Exchange Editor, Nancy Lamb Humorous Editor, M. Elizabeth Hendee Sports Editor, Leon H. Brigham __________ BUSINESS STAFF ROMOLA LATCHEM - Business manager Edward Chamberlain - Advertising Mgr. Telephone 935: Office Hours 3-5 daily, 103 Iowa Ave __________ "I have never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day as each day came." -- Lincoln. __________ Night Editors Elizabeth Hendee Elsie Katz Marian Dyer __________ SWAT THE KAISER! Take a final swat at the Kaiser! It may be your last chance to make Bill Hohenzollern grind his teeth and chew his royal cigarette in rage. The former kaiser's nights must be growing more sleepless as the days slip by toyard the time when he will have to face a foreign tribunal and justify, if he can, his despicable career. We must not let him think that the American people are becoming chicken-heated, forgetting that there was a war, and that the Americans are ready to be lenient with the arch-criminal of the age. When Kaiser Bill reads his morning "Weinerworst Gazette" the 21st of this month let him discover the cheerful news that "dose contemptible Americans as could nefer fight der Chermans" are still giving their billions toward finishing the war and making the world forever safe against future kaisers. The Victory Liberty loan is more vital than any preceding loan, and it will be the final test of America's patriotism. We are in the last lap of the race. Victory is ours. For all that, let us not slow down, but let us break the tape going full speed and with colors flying. Our duty to the two million boys who are yet on the other side of the Atlantic, which we are honor bound to fulfill, leave no respectable avenue of escape. We must buy! And he who can, but won't, is just as much of a slacker as the man or woman who refused to buy during the days of fighting. __________ WHAT OTHERS THINK __________ SLEEPING STUDENTS If some students were not talking courses dealing with topics of the day they would barely know that the war is over. They seem to think that newspapers and magazines were never intended for them; they never think Through the routine of the days they live, never knowing there is any world outside Iowa City and the reading current literature. It has often seemed strange to me that there exists a quite substantial group, or I might better say class of men and women in the University who are persistently misunderstood by their fellow students. We find this class of students greatly neglecting the development of the social phase of life; indulging in but few amusements, continually possessing a business-like bearing and walking about only on business errands. This type of individual is looked upon by the majority of his fellows as a self-centered priggish character. His earnest emphatic salutation, his erect carriage, his brisk gate, and his self-reliant poise impress many of the more socially inclined of his species as being indications of a self-centered mind. This, it seems, is where many of the more socially inclined of his species as being indications of a self-centered mind. This, it seems, is where many of us err too frequently by allowing snap judgments to decide forever the calibre of an individual. These people, we find after closer acquaintance, as a rule simply possess a superabundance of ambition. They are not trying to distinguish themselves as marked individuals as much as they are trying to benefit mankind as a whole by the development of their latent faculties for a particular art or science. They see in themselves only a possibility of greater usefulness to their fellowmen, and for this reason we should treat them well, rather than ostracize them from public society. Let us consider. H.W. __________ B.I.F.F. The following specimen of spring poetry was found on our doorstep, and, without superfluous comment, we present it. Please to remember that someone else wrote it. If the great season has inspired your own muse, hand in the result. If they can't be used as poetry they will do for humor. In the spring a young man's fancy Lightly turns to thoughts of love: Down the street they fondly saunter He holding parasol high above. Doesn't matter that it's gloomy - Pools of blue sky in her eyes, What of it that the streets are muddy? - But, alas, at this point the sun came out. __________ Elaine Jones has been called to her home in Clinton because of a death in the family. __________ TAXI Phone 1700 MURPHY'S SERVICE OFFICE HOTEL JEFFERSON __________ TEACHERS WANTED For all departments of school work. School officials will soon elect teachers for the next year. A MAXIMUM OF SERVICE AT A MINIMUM COMMISSION RATE. Commission 4 per cent. Territory, central and western states. Write today for blanks. HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY Cedar Rapids, Iowa __________ PEOPLE'S STEAM LAUNDRY 225 Iowa Ave WHEN IN NEED OF LAUNDRY WORK Telephone 58 C.J. Toms __________ OH BOY! Did you ever taste those Sweet Roos served for breakfast in the JEFFERSON COFFEE ROOM and JEFFERSON QUICK LUNCH SERVICE CAFE They are simply wonderful. Delicious coffee also - n'everything. __________ MARY ANDERSON IN PIANO RECITAL Mary Anderson, assisted by G. Harold Rigler, tenor, will give a piano recital at the school of music annex Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The public is invited. The program follows. Pastorale ... Scarlatti Concerto in C Minor ... Bethoven Allegro con brio Cadenza by Reinecki Orchestral accompaniment on second piano Mary Anderson Berceuse from Jocelyn ... Godard G. Harold Rigler From the Sea Pieces ... MacDowell From the Depths A.D. 1620 Etude (If I were a Bird) .. Henselt Concert Etude ... MacDowell Mary Anderson "Vainement, ma bien aimee" (from Le Roi d' Ys) ... Lalo G. Harold Rigler Serenade ... Strauss-Beach Romance Without Words ... Saint Saens Intermezzo in Octaves ... Leschetizky Mary Anderson __________ Alice Gibson, who is attending Drake university, visited her sister Eathel Gibson at the Kappa house Sunday. __________ PASTIME Theatre Tomorrow & Wednesday See the two new Fox stars ALBERT RAY (cousin to Charlie) and ELINOR FAIR in a snappy clean bright Comedy 'MARRIED IN HASTE' Also Pathe News-Pathe Review a Crackerjack show - Admission 15c __________ NAVAL RESERVE MUST DRILL Naval reserve men are required by the military department to attend drill until after the inspection next Wednesday. The order of the war department that men in the reserve shall not be required to drill is a check on the University regulation and a joint meeting of the military and faculty will be held to determine what course to pursue. __________ HESPERIA Regular business meeting and program tonight at 7:15 in the L.A. Assembly hall. Everybody come and be on time. __________ Let The Iowan be your letter. __________ Garden .. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY BESSIE LOVE in "THE WISHING RING MAN" Also a 2-reel Big-V special comedy. __________ Photographs ... Newest and Latest Folders just arrived for your Easter photographs. See them in our display window. NEWBERG STUDIO __________ STUDENTS ... We do the highest grade shoe repairing in the city. Bring in your old shoes and let us make them like new. Washington Shoe Repair Shop ACROSS FROM THE ENGLERT THEATER __________ [image] Drink Coca*Cola DELICIOUS and REFRESHING QUALITY tells the difference in the taste between Coca-Cola and counterfeit imitations. Coca-Cola quality, recorded in the public taste, is what holds it above imitations. Demand the genuine by full name - nicknames encourage substitution. THE COCA-COLA CO. Atlanta, Ga. Sold Everywhere __________ [image] TALC Jonteel 25c gives every woman who loves a rare perfume, the opportunity to know and enjoy a talc having a wonderful costly odor at a price unusually low. Take Jonteel home with you today. HENRY LOUIS The Rexall Store 124 E. College
Daily Iowan Newspapers