Daily Iowan, April 15, 1919
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Tuesday, April 15, 1919 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Three SOCIETY AND PERSONAL Lieut. Edward J. Goodrich, a former student in the college of liberal arts, is now on detached service for the University of Nancy. This educational opportunity is in accordance with the plan to allow members of the A. E. F. to attend French colleges or universities at government expense. Miss Nellie Barnes, advance agent for "The Birth of a Race," was a guest Friday night at the Alpha Xi Delta house. Miss Barnes was a member of the University of Illinois chapter. Ann McGovern, of Davenport, visited her cousin Julia Wade last week end. Eileen Concannon, Kappa Kappa Gamma, was at her home in Davenport Sunday. The Iowa Academy of Science will meet April 25 and 26 at Cedar Falls, where a number of papers will be read by men from the University. The Acacia fraternity held initiation at the Masonic Temple Sunday afternoon. Major Nelson A. Kellogg, former instructor in Greek, and manager of athletics is now in the second army replacement depot at Toul, France. Major Kellogg entered the first officer's training camp as soon as he left the University. Mildred Garvin, of Coe College, spent the week end with Elizabeth Hendee. After holding initiation ceremonies at the Phi Kappa Psi house, Sigma Delta Chi, the journalistic fraternity, will give a dinner at the Jefferson hotel Thursday evening, in honor of Mr. White, who is editor of The Quill, the fraternity publication. Sigma Chi held its annual initiation at the chapter house Sunday. The men initiated were: Dean Cornwall, Carl Marks, Tom Farnsworth, John Hutchings, Paul Cobel, Wilbert Bond, Harry Tyrrell, Sam Brees, and Ty Smith. Judge Lawrence DeGraff of Des Moines district praetor of Sigma Chi, was in town for the ceremony. Carry McLaury, graduate student, has returned to her home, having been ill at the homeopathic hospital. Esther Christenson is at the University hospital recovering from an operation for removal of tonsils. Miss Nina Shaffer of the library spent the week end at Vinton. Delta Chi has initiated S. Couch, J. H. Van Law, Ray Wehrman, E. G. Hammerschmidt, H. L. Barnes, Joe Sykes, R. Donnahey, H. Kouvalinka, C. McElroy, and L. Lamb. Miss Clementina Spencer, professor of zoology at Coe, visited the University museum with the ornithology class last week. Phi Delta Phi announces the following initiates: Henry B. Whitham, Leroy Rader, Emsley Scott Hutcheon, James Hollingsworth, Floyd Edwin Page, Neil C Adamson and Frank Kostlan. TO ATTEND LONDON UNIVERSITY Lieut. Don Harrison, Alumnus of the University and Sigma Alpha Epsilon, has been selected to attend the University of London for the next three months. Lieut. Harrison has been personnel officer of evacuation hospital No. 10 in the Argonne forest. He was formerly a member of the Des Moines Register staff. [advertisement] $500.00 AND EXPENSES Exceptional opportunity for college men and women. Congenial and interesting work. Application must be made at once. State age, class and department. International Press College Department, 1010 Arch street, Philadelphia. SCOUT COURSE OFFERED Training for Men to Handle Troops Efficiency A course is being offered in the summer session for the training of scout masters and scout executives. The work will be in charge of Charles F. Smith, educational scout commissioner of New York City and scout master of the Staten Island academy. Mr. Smith was in charge of this department for the scouts last summer and met with unusual success. The course is designed to train men so they will be able to handle troops of Boy Scouts efficiently. The course includes the real activities of scouting, and the men who undertake the work gain actual practice in the various activities as if they themselves were scouts. Two cottages have been secured along the Iowa river about a mile from the city, and the work will be carried on from this vicinity. The cottages are close enough so that men in attendance may take advantage of lectures and other facilities of the University. SWIMMING MEET THURSDAY The Men's Swimming exhibit will be held at the Armory Thursday, April 17, at 7:30 p. m. Fancy diving, novelty stunts, and swimming contests make up the program. Admission is free and everyone is invited. [advertisement] BANNER DAIRY LUNCH Offers you Wholesome Meals at Reasonable Prices 11 South Dubuque Street [advertisement] [illustration of Venus de Milo statue] The largest selling quality pencil in the world VENUS PENCILS 17 black degrees and 3 copying [illustration of VENUS pencil] FREE Trial samples of VENUS pencils sent free on request. AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL CO. 215 Fifth Ave., Dept. 8 N. Y. Of all stationers and stores throughout the world. (continued from page 1) VICTORY CAMPAIGN BEGINS MONDAY exempt from certain taxes. The denominations will be for $50, $100, $500, $1,000, and $5,000. Both classes of notes will run for four years. Organization of workers is practically completed, according to the class presidents making up the committee. The cards listing the students have been completed and will be given out to the committee Saturday morning. A large thermometer at the entrance of the campus will measure the progress of the campaign. Send The Iowan home. Let The Iowan be your letter. Let The Iowan be your letter. Send The Iowan home. [advertisement] 11 WEEKS At the Blackstone Theater and playhouse, Chicago, where it was voted the Most Stupendous And Thrilling Picture Of All Time THE BIRTH OF A RACE It affords two hours and a half of depicting and exalted stirring entertainment and never dying love. It is the culmination of more than two years' effort and the expenditure of a fortune. Augmented Orchestra Twice Daily 2:30 8:15 Starting APRIL 17 At The ENGLERT Mail Orders Now The Greatest Themes Ever Presented in a Photoplay [advertisement] SABINS' EDCATIONAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 A. M. M. DORNON, Manager The most widely patronized, because the most reliable Teachers Agency in the Middle West. Territory from Mississippi River to Pacific Coast. FLYNN BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA [advertisement] H. A. STRUB & CO. MILLINERY All the Newest Creations in Millinery---Big Stock at Right Prices H. A. STRUB & CO. [advertisement] COMMENCEMENT SUITS AND TOP COATS Made to Your Individual Measure by E. V. PRICE & CO. $30 and upward That Invite the Question WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? J. R. KEMPSTON Opposite Englert Theatre [advertisement] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE On The Corner TEXT BOOKS AND SUPPLIES Waterman, Conklin and Schaeffer Fountain Pens UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE [advertisement] [man wearing a suit and holding an umbrella, with, a woman holding a camera standing beside him] International Tailoring Co. New York Chicago MEN'S CLOTHES SHOULD LOOK ATTRACTIVE Of course Good Quality and Fine Tailoring are important and necessary but a suit without GOOD LOOKS doesn't deserve the name. International made-to-measure clothes are not only made well, but they carry on their surface the very essence of Beauty. F. J. BENDA Modern Tailor 12 1/2 S. Dubuque
Tuesday, April 15, 1919 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Three SOCIETY AND PERSONAL Lieut. Edward J. Goodrich, a former student in the college of liberal arts, is now on detached service for the University of Nancy. This educational opportunity is in accordance with the plan to allow members of the A. E. F. to attend French colleges or universities at government expense. Miss Nellie Barnes, advance agent for "The Birth of a Race," was a guest Friday night at the Alpha Xi Delta house. Miss Barnes was a member of the University of Illinois chapter. Ann McGovern, of Davenport, visited her cousin Julia Wade last week end. Eileen Concannon, Kappa Kappa Gamma, was at her home in Davenport Sunday. The Iowa Academy of Science will meet April 25 and 26 at Cedar Falls, where a number of papers will be read by men from the University. The Acacia fraternity held initiation at the Masonic Temple Sunday afternoon. Major Nelson A. Kellogg, former instructor in Greek, and manager of athletics is now in the second army replacement depot at Toul, France. Major Kellogg entered the first officer's training camp as soon as he left the University. Mildred Garvin, of Coe College, spent the week end with Elizabeth Hendee. After holding initiation ceremonies at the Phi Kappa Psi house, Sigma Delta Chi, the journalistic fraternity, will give a dinner at the Jefferson hotel Thursday evening, in honor of Mr. White, who is editor of The Quill, the fraternity publication. Sigma Chi held its annual initiation at the chapter house Sunday. The men initiated were: Dean Cornwall, Carl Marks, Tom Farnsworth, John Hutchings, Paul Cobel, Wilbert Bond, Harry Tyrrell, Sam Brees, and Ty Smith. Judge Lawrence DeGraff of Des Moines district praetor of Sigma Chi, was in town for the ceremony. Carry McLaury, graduate student, has returned to her home, having been ill at the homeopathic hospital. Esther Christenson is at the University hospital recovering from an operation for removal of tonsils. Miss Nina Shaffer of the library spent the week end at Vinton. Delta Chi has initiated S. Couch, J. H. Van Law, Ray Wehrman, E. G. Hammerschmidt, H. L. Barnes, Joe Sykes, R. Donnahey, H. Kouvalinka, C. McElroy, and L. Lamb. Miss Clementina Spencer, professor of zoology at Coe, visited the University museum with the ornithology class last week. Phi Delta Phi announces the following initiates: Henry B. Whitham, Leroy Rader, Emsley Scott Hutcheon, James Hollingsworth, Floyd Edwin Page, Neil C Adamson and Frank Kostlan. TO ATTEND LONDON UNIVERSITY Lieut. Don Harrison, Alumnus of the University and Sigma Alpha Epsilon, has been selected to attend the University of London for the next three months. Lieut. Harrison has been personnel officer of evacuation hospital No. 10 in the Argonne forest. He was formerly a member of the Des Moines Register staff. [advertisement] $500.00 AND EXPENSES Exceptional opportunity for college men and women. Congenial and interesting work. Application must be made at once. State age, class and department. International Press College Department, 1010 Arch street, Philadelphia. SCOUT COURSE OFFERED Training for Men to Handle Troops Efficiency A course is being offered in the summer session for the training of scout masters and scout executives. The work will be in charge of Charles F. Smith, educational scout commissioner of New York City and scout master of the Staten Island academy. Mr. Smith was in charge of this department for the scouts last summer and met with unusual success. The course is designed to train men so they will be able to handle troops of Boy Scouts efficiently. The course includes the real activities of scouting, and the men who undertake the work gain actual practice in the various activities as if they themselves were scouts. Two cottages have been secured along the Iowa river about a mile from the city, and the work will be carried on from this vicinity. The cottages are close enough so that men in attendance may take advantage of lectures and other facilities of the University. SWIMMING MEET THURSDAY The Men's Swimming exhibit will be held at the Armory Thursday, April 17, at 7:30 p. m. Fancy diving, novelty stunts, and swimming contests make up the program. Admission is free and everyone is invited. [advertisement] BANNER DAIRY LUNCH Offers you Wholesome Meals at Reasonable Prices 11 South Dubuque Street [advertisement] [illustration of Venus de Milo statue] The largest selling quality pencil in the world VENUS PENCILS 17 black degrees and 3 copying [illustration of VENUS pencil] FREE Trial samples of VENUS pencils sent free on request. AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL CO. 215 Fifth Ave., Dept. 8 N. Y. Of all stationers and stores throughout the world. (continued from page 1) VICTORY CAMPAIGN BEGINS MONDAY exempt from certain taxes. The denominations will be for $50, $100, $500, $1,000, and $5,000. Both classes of notes will run for four years. Organization of workers is practically completed, according to the class presidents making up the committee. The cards listing the students have been completed and will be given out to the committee Saturday morning. A large thermometer at the entrance of the campus will measure the progress of the campaign. Send The Iowan home. Let The Iowan be your letter. Let The Iowan be your letter. Send The Iowan home. [advertisement] 11 WEEKS At the Blackstone Theater and playhouse, Chicago, where it was voted the Most Stupendous And Thrilling Picture Of All Time THE BIRTH OF A RACE It affords two hours and a half of depicting and exalted stirring entertainment and never dying love. It is the culmination of more than two years' effort and the expenditure of a fortune. Augmented Orchestra Twice Daily 2:30 8:15 Starting APRIL 17 At The ENGLERT Mail Orders Now The Greatest Themes Ever Presented in a Photoplay [advertisement] SABINS' EDCATIONAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 A. M. M. DORNON, Manager The most widely patronized, because the most reliable Teachers Agency in the Middle West. Territory from Mississippi River to Pacific Coast. FLYNN BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA [advertisement] H. A. STRUB & CO. MILLINERY All the Newest Creations in Millinery---Big Stock at Right Prices H. A. STRUB & CO. [advertisement] COMMENCEMENT SUITS AND TOP COATS Made to Your Individual Measure by E. V. PRICE & CO. $30 and upward That Invite the Question WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? J. R. KEMPSTON Opposite Englert Theatre [advertisement] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE On The Corner TEXT BOOKS AND SUPPLIES Waterman, Conklin and Schaeffer Fountain Pens UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE [advertisement] [man wearing a suit and holding an umbrella, with, a woman holding a camera standing beside him] International Tailoring Co. New York Chicago MEN'S CLOTHES SHOULD LOOK ATTRACTIVE Of course Good Quality and Fine Tailoring are important and necessary but a suit without GOOD LOOKS doesn't deserve the name. International made-to-measure clothes are not only made well, but they carry on their surface the very essence of Beauty. F. J. BENDA Modern Tailor 12 1/2 S. Dubuque
Daily Iowan Newspapers