Daily Iowan, April 15, 1919
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, April 15 1919 WANTS ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST--A gold watch. If finder will return to post office box 495, the matter will be dropped, if not steps will be taken to locate same. D. P. WANTED--Lady clerk from 5 p. m. to 10 p. m. Sidwell's Dairy. Phone 217. 81 WANTED--Used typewriter and track shoes. Phone 1368 red. 81 LOST--Pair of tortoise-shell rimmed nose-glasses, in case. Finder phone 1079 for reward. LIEUT. HOERSCH IS BACK IN UNIVERSITY Wounded by Shell at Chateau Thierry July 2, 1918--In Hospital Until December One of the University's world war veterans who was wounded in the Chateau Thierry drive has returned from France. Lieut. V. A. Hoersch of Davenport has again entered the University and is working for his Ph. D. in physics. Lieut. Hoersch, in command of a platoon, was wounded by a high explosive shell July 2, 1918 at Chateau Thierry. On the evening of July 1, the advance began in which a town and several hundred prisoners were taken. Later during the night supplies were carried forward under a constant bombardment and it was then that Lieut. Hoersch was injured. Immediately he was started back through a series of hospitals to the base hospital, where he remained until December. On December 17, he sailed from Bordeaux and reached Newport News December 30. After two and one-half months at Fort Sheridan, he received his discharge March 15, 1919. Lieut. Hoersch left school to enter the first training school at Fort Snelling. Upon receiving his commission as first lieutenant there, he was sent across and attended an infantry officers' training school in southern France. About the middle of March 1918, he was sent to the front where he remained until July 2, when a high explosive wounded him and he was sent back to the United States. Lieut. Hoersch received his B. A. degree in 1915 and his M. S. degree in 1916. After two years' absence, he has now resumed his work for a Ph. D. in physics. SYMPHONY CONCERT TO BE NEXT MONTH (Continued from page 1) hiffer was practically unknown outside of St. Paul and Minneapolis where he then conducted the Philharmonic club. Since then both he and the orchestra have gained international fame. Most of the standard orchestral works are conducted by Mr. Oberhoffer from memory, and this year he has directed new compositions without the score at the first rehearsal. It is said that the unusually magnetic and interesting interpretations free from the pedantic qualities often observed in conductors, which Mr. Oberhoffer gives, are due to this thorough grasp of musical intent. HIGH SCHOOLS PLAN FOR ANNUAL MEET Medals, Special Prizes, and Alumni Cup are to be Awarded for Field and Track Events Three schools, Cedar Rapids, Madison City, and Davenport, have already signified their intention of entering teams in the annual interscholastic field and track meet to be held here May 3. This meet, now one of the big track events of the state, has come to be an established institution at the University and gives opportunity for the high schools of the state to compete against one another in one big classic. Sixteen schools had men entered last year. These were Cedar Rapids Cherokee, West Waterloo, Milford, Nashua, West Des Moines, Centerville, Marion, Iowa City, East Des Moines, Marshalltown, Holstein, Greenly, Dubuque, Moline, and Davenport. Medals are given to the winners of the first four places in all individual events. Special prizes are given to the members of relay teams winning first place. To the highest individual point winner a cup will be presented by the University "I" club. The team winning the highest number of points for the entire meet is awarded the Des Moines alumni cup, presented by the University alumni of Des Moines. This cup becomes the property of the school winning it for the third time. West Des Moines was the winner last year. Let The Iowan be your letter. DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITINGS' PHARMACY On Dubuque St. NORTHWESTER TEACHERS' AGENCY FOR ENTIRE WEST AND ALASKA-- THE LARGEST AND BEST AGENCY Write immediately for free circular BOISE IDAHO Blankets We take great care in washing blankets. They will come back to you soft, downy and fluffy--you simply can't have them done that way at home. And it costs so much less to have us do them than to parcel post them home. New Process Laundry "The Pride of Iowa City" PHONE 294 The Store of Courtesy The Springtime Store It Costs Little at The Big Store To Be Well Dressed For Easter THE GLADSOME EASTER SUNDAY OF 1919 A peace-time Easter again. What a beautifully observed Easter it should be! What an opportune time for relieved mothers, wives and sisters to outwardly show their joyfulness by wearing new SUITS, DOLMANS, DRESSES, LINGERIE, ACCESSORIES, NEW EVERYTHING. This week we offer an exclusive and varied assortment of authentic styles in Easter Suits for misses and women at $18.50. $25.00, $29.50, $35.00 up to $65.00. CAPES AND CAPE COATS Women who like to keep up-to-date in style will appreciate the exceedingly beautiful and entirely new Capes and Cape Coats for spring and summer. They are made of fine soft spring weight materials and are cut with a fullness, characteristic of these charming wraps. Braids and other plain trimmings may be seen in abundance. Depicting as they do the very latest trend of fashion, the modes shown may confidently be accepted as authoritative guides in choosing your spring wardrobe. Yetter's displays will be found particularly interesting and the values decidedly attractive. Prices range from $10.00 to $45.00. NEW GEORGETTE AND CREPE-DE-CHINE BLOUSES Especially charming are the new Georgette and Crepe- de- Chine Blouses in high and low neck styles, plain and beaded or embroidered fronts. The colors include all the season's new shades. They are specially featured for Easter selling from $6.98 up to $20. OTHER GEORGETTE BLOUSES SPECIALLY PRICED In the most bewitching styles, white or flesh, set off with dainty touches of hand embroidery, beads, etc., you will surely enjoy seeing them and perhaps will want one or more at these prices. $3.98, $4.98, and $5.98 EASTER HOSIERY TO MATCH SMART COSTUMES Not alone in coloring and design but in weaving is the new hosiery different. Here you will find a showing in which "Quality" and "Style" are equally considered. It comprises all the novelty effects as well as the staple blacks and whites (all sizes) at unusually attractive prices. We advise you supplying your Easter needs now. GLOVES THAT WILL APPEAL TO EXACTING WOMEN FOR EASTER We are pleased to announce that we are prepared to gratify that feminine desire to wear the newest and best of Fashion's most bewitching creations in Kid and Silk Gloves for Spring and Easter. Included in this shoying are the famous Centemir Kid gloves and the Kayser Silk gloves. All bright, new and modestly priced. NEW EASTER NECKWEAR IS NECESSARY To the complete attractiveness of Easter garments! And here are the kinds you will want! Certain types of garments seem to require distinctive kind of neckwear. But no matter what apparel styles you may have, you can find the most appropriate neckwear for each model. And the price is lower than you'll expect. If you seek style and quality you will be interested in the NEW THINGS WE ARE SHOWING Yetter's THE BIG STORE
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, April 15 1919 WANTS ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST--A gold watch. If finder will return to post office box 495, the matter will be dropped, if not steps will be taken to locate same. D. P. WANTED--Lady clerk from 5 p. m. to 10 p. m. Sidwell's Dairy. Phone 217. 81 WANTED--Used typewriter and track shoes. Phone 1368 red. 81 LOST--Pair of tortoise-shell rimmed nose-glasses, in case. Finder phone 1079 for reward. LIEUT. HOERSCH IS BACK IN UNIVERSITY Wounded by Shell at Chateau Thierry July 2, 1918--In Hospital Until December One of the University's world war veterans who was wounded in the Chateau Thierry drive has returned from France. Lieut. V. A. Hoersch of Davenport has again entered the University and is working for his Ph. D. in physics. Lieut. Hoersch, in command of a platoon, was wounded by a high explosive shell July 2, 1918 at Chateau Thierry. On the evening of July 1, the advance began in which a town and several hundred prisoners were taken. Later during the night supplies were carried forward under a constant bombardment and it was then that Lieut. Hoersch was injured. Immediately he was started back through a series of hospitals to the base hospital, where he remained until December. On December 17, he sailed from Bordeaux and reached Newport News December 30. After two and one-half months at Fort Sheridan, he received his discharge March 15, 1919. Lieut. Hoersch left school to enter the first training school at Fort Snelling. Upon receiving his commission as first lieutenant there, he was sent across and attended an infantry officers' training school in southern France. About the middle of March 1918, he was sent to the front where he remained until July 2, when a high explosive wounded him and he was sent back to the United States. Lieut. Hoersch received his B. A. degree in 1915 and his M. S. degree in 1916. After two years' absence, he has now resumed his work for a Ph. D. in physics. SYMPHONY CONCERT TO BE NEXT MONTH (Continued from page 1) hiffer was practically unknown outside of St. Paul and Minneapolis where he then conducted the Philharmonic club. Since then both he and the orchestra have gained international fame. Most of the standard orchestral works are conducted by Mr. Oberhoffer from memory, and this year he has directed new compositions without the score at the first rehearsal. It is said that the unusually magnetic and interesting interpretations free from the pedantic qualities often observed in conductors, which Mr. Oberhoffer gives, are due to this thorough grasp of musical intent. HIGH SCHOOLS PLAN FOR ANNUAL MEET Medals, Special Prizes, and Alumni Cup are to be Awarded for Field and Track Events Three schools, Cedar Rapids, Madison City, and Davenport, have already signified their intention of entering teams in the annual interscholastic field and track meet to be held here May 3. This meet, now one of the big track events of the state, has come to be an established institution at the University and gives opportunity for the high schools of the state to compete against one another in one big classic. Sixteen schools had men entered last year. These were Cedar Rapids Cherokee, West Waterloo, Milford, Nashua, West Des Moines, Centerville, Marion, Iowa City, East Des Moines, Marshalltown, Holstein, Greenly, Dubuque, Moline, and Davenport. Medals are given to the winners of the first four places in all individual events. Special prizes are given to the members of relay teams winning first place. To the highest individual point winner a cup will be presented by the University "I" club. The team winning the highest number of points for the entire meet is awarded the Des Moines alumni cup, presented by the University alumni of Des Moines. This cup becomes the property of the school winning it for the third time. West Des Moines was the winner last year. Let The Iowan be your letter. DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITINGS' PHARMACY On Dubuque St. NORTHWESTER TEACHERS' AGENCY FOR ENTIRE WEST AND ALASKA-- THE LARGEST AND BEST AGENCY Write immediately for free circular BOISE IDAHO Blankets We take great care in washing blankets. They will come back to you soft, downy and fluffy--you simply can't have them done that way at home. And it costs so much less to have us do them than to parcel post them home. New Process Laundry "The Pride of Iowa City" PHONE 294 The Store of Courtesy The Springtime Store It Costs Little at The Big Store To Be Well Dressed For Easter THE GLADSOME EASTER SUNDAY OF 1919 A peace-time Easter again. What a beautifully observed Easter it should be! What an opportune time for relieved mothers, wives and sisters to outwardly show their joyfulness by wearing new SUITS, DOLMANS, DRESSES, LINGERIE, ACCESSORIES, NEW EVERYTHING. This week we offer an exclusive and varied assortment of authentic styles in Easter Suits for misses and women at $18.50. $25.00, $29.50, $35.00 up to $65.00. CAPES AND CAPE COATS Women who like to keep up-to-date in style will appreciate the exceedingly beautiful and entirely new Capes and Cape Coats for spring and summer. They are made of fine soft spring weight materials and are cut with a fullness, characteristic of these charming wraps. Braids and other plain trimmings may be seen in abundance. Depicting as they do the very latest trend of fashion, the modes shown may confidently be accepted as authoritative guides in choosing your spring wardrobe. Yetter's displays will be found particularly interesting and the values decidedly attractive. Prices range from $10.00 to $45.00. NEW GEORGETTE AND CREPE-DE-CHINE BLOUSES Especially charming are the new Georgette and Crepe- de- Chine Blouses in high and low neck styles, plain and beaded or embroidered fronts. The colors include all the season's new shades. They are specially featured for Easter selling from $6.98 up to $20. OTHER GEORGETTE BLOUSES SPECIALLY PRICED In the most bewitching styles, white or flesh, set off with dainty touches of hand embroidery, beads, etc., you will surely enjoy seeing them and perhaps will want one or more at these prices. $3.98, $4.98, and $5.98 EASTER HOSIERY TO MATCH SMART COSTUMES Not alone in coloring and design but in weaving is the new hosiery different. Here you will find a showing in which "Quality" and "Style" are equally considered. It comprises all the novelty effects as well as the staple blacks and whites (all sizes) at unusually attractive prices. We advise you supplying your Easter needs now. GLOVES THAT WILL APPEAL TO EXACTING WOMEN FOR EASTER We are pleased to announce that we are prepared to gratify that feminine desire to wear the newest and best of Fashion's most bewitching creations in Kid and Silk Gloves for Spring and Easter. Included in this shoying are the famous Centemir Kid gloves and the Kayser Silk gloves. All bright, new and modestly priced. NEW EASTER NECKWEAR IS NECESSARY To the complete attractiveness of Easter garments! And here are the kinds you will want! Certain types of garments seem to require distinctive kind of neckwear. But no matter what apparel styles you may have, you can find the most appropriate neckwear for each model. And the price is lower than you'll expect. If you seek style and quality you will be interested in the NEW THINGS WE ARE SHOWING Yetter's THE BIG STORE
Daily Iowan Newspapers