Daily Iowan, April 17, 1919
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Thursday, April 17, 1919 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Three SOCIETY AND PERSONAL Marian Hossfeld, '18, of Rochester, Minn., is visiting Marie Kellog today. Miss Hossfeld is connected with the editorial department of the Mayo Clinic. Katherine Hutchinson of Cedar Rapids is visiting Mrs. Erling Thoen at the Summit apartments. Rosine Geiser, senior, is visiting at her home in Independence. Bruce McDowell, junior I. A. is in isolation hospital with diphtheria. Mrs. Carl Hougen, province inspector of Alpha Delta Pi, of Appleton, Wisconsin, is a guest at the Alpha Delta Pi house this week. The girls of the chapter entertained at a tea in her honor Tuesday afternoon. Dorothy Stong, a sophomore here last year, is spending spring vacation in Iowa City. Miss Stong is attending school in Chicago. Evelyn McClure left Wednesday for her home in Waverly after spending several days at the Delta Gamma house. Mrs. O. E. Hull of Leon is visiting her daughter Dorothy at the Delta Gamma house. F. M. Russel, editor of the Iowa State Student at Ames, will be here Thursday to attend Sigma Delta Chi initiation and banquet. Glen B. Miller, who graduated in chemistry at the March convocation, is now chemical secretary to the head chemist at the National Aniline and Chemical company at Buffalo N. Y, Three alumni of the college of pharmacy are visiting in the city this week. They are E. M. Wertz, '08; [C.?] O. Burnside, '12 managers of the Schegel drug stores in Davenport; and H. D. Long, 11 and '14. O. E. Klingaman director of the extension division of the University will give a talk before the freshman girls this afternoon on "New Vocations open to College Women." Marie Cone of Davenport, freshman in the college of liberal arts, is ill at 532 S. Dubuque St. Mrs. Barbara Hougen of Appleton, Wis., province president of Alpha Delta Pi, was a guest of the local chapter this week. Alpha Xi Delta will hold its Founders' day banquet and initiation tonight. Mary Kinnavey, Venita Koch, Gertrude Chaffer, Della Shaffer [Romine?], all of Davenport, will attend and will also spend a few days at the chapter house. Dr. C. J. Rowan, instructor in the college of medicine, has gone to Florida to recuperate from an operation. He will return in May. Kathleen O'Grady, senior, is confined to her home on account of illness. Helen Marquis of Clinton and Veda Miller of Chicago are visitors at the Gamma Phi Beta house this week. Ruth Rogers, senior, is spending a few days with her parents in Des Moines. Mildred Whitcomb, editor-in-chief of The Daily Iowan, returned Tuesday after spending the week end at her home in Ottumwa. Miss Frances Turner, Gamma Phi Beta, has gone home to recuperate from an attack of diphtheria. Marian Smith and Dorothy Lingham returned Tuesday after spending the week end out of town. The last meeting of the Music Study club was held yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Preston Coast on North Clinton street. Musical numbers were given by Mrs. Anna Diller Starbuck, Miss Bertha A. Cooper, Mrs. Esther Gaw, and Harold Rigler. Miss Alice Camerer, Gamma Phi Beta chaperon, who has been ill with appendicitis, is reported as being much better. KILDEE IS RECOVERING Miles Kildee, Phi Kappa, who was injured last week in an attack on the street by the Pilcher brothers of Iowa City is reported as greatly improved. The attackers have been bound over to the grand jury. The case is being handled by the county attorney. TRACK MEN TRAIN FOR DRAKE RELAYS Greenwood, Stoner, Smith and Cumberland Will Compose The Relay Squad Every night this week after the other track men have had their workouts Jack Watson puts the two relay teams who will compete in the Drake relays, Saturday, through their paces. A mile team, a half mile team, and two men in the 100 yard dash make up the squad that will represent the University in this annual classic. Here the Iowa runners will compete against the best track stars of the middle west. Michigan, Illinois, Kansas and many other of the larger institutions will enter men in the relays. For the mile relay team Jack Watson will take Greenwood, Smith, Stoner, and Cumberland, with Dyke as substitute. These men have been making good time on a soft track. The half mile relay is to be made up of Justin, Greenwood, Colby, and Mathhey, with Hill as substitute. These dash men have been running the 220 yard dash in approximately the same time. Justin and Colby will be entered in the special 100 yard dash. TICKET SALE HEAVY FOR LAWS' JUBILEE Hugh Rosson Brings Scenery and Costumes for the Performance From Chicago Ticket sale for the Law Jubilee, which takes place at the Englert Thursday, April 24, is proceeding in a satisfactory manner, according to Le Roy Rader, chairman of the committee in charge. Reports from ticket sellers, show that more than half the house is sold out at this time, with every indication that standing room only will remain by the end of the week. The price of the tickets is 75 cents including the war tax, and they may be exchanged for reserved seats at the Englert, Wednesday April 23, at 9:30 a. m. Not more than ten seats may be reserved by one person. Hugh Rosson, one of the stars of the jubilee of 1917, returned yesterday from Chicago, where he secured the newest and best equipment in scenery, lighting effects, and costumes for the performance. The Law Students' association has on hand a comfortable balance from the previous Jubilee and Mr. Rosson has spared no funds to make these features of the show a smashing success. The nature of the entertainment on which the laws are working remains shrouded in the deepest mystery. Not a single legal joke, not a title of a song, has been hinted by the caste, even to colleagues in the school. Only the muffled sound of sonorous male voices which escapes through the closed doors and windows of the marshall law room, or a faint syncopation from the Foarde Jazz Band, tell of progress within. However, members of the committee promise that the veil of secrecy will be raised before the end of the week. Every student a bond owner. [advertisement] DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. [advertisement] SABINS' EDCATIONAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 A. M. M. DORNON, Manager The most widely patronized, because the most reliable Teachers Agency in the Middle West. Territory from Mississippi River to Pacific Coast. FLYNN BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA [advertisement] BLANKETS We take great care in washing blankets. They will come back to you soft, downy and fluffy---you simply can't have them done that way at home. And it costs so much less to have us do them than to parcel post them home. NEW PROCESS LAUNDRY "The Pride of Iowa City" Phone 294 MEETING POSTPONED The meeting of the University council which was to have been held this evening in the Commercial club rooms has been postponed. VESPERS POSTPONED Easter vesper services have been postponed because the music which was ordered a month ago failed to arrive on time for the glee clubs to rehearse this week. This musical program will be given at a later date. R. E. GLEASON TO SPEAK The mathematical club will meet this afternoon at 4:15 in room 222 physics building. Mr. R. E. Gleason will speak on graphic solutions for complex roots of algebraic equations. Those interested are cordially invited. ALPHA DELTA PI INITIATES Alpha Delta Pi held initiation at its chapter house last night. The new members are Virginia Boyd, Colfax; Pauline Benda, Iowa City; Luella and Ruth Wilson, Sigourney; Bessie Tye, Pleasonton; Lucille Burtis, Decorah; Cora Reed, North English; Charlotte Wickham, Garner; and Mildred Swain, Osceola. [advertisement] PASTIME THEATRE THURSDAY & FRIDAY MARY MILES MINTER IN “WIVES AND OTHER WIVES” A dandy comedy-drama, also 2-reel comedy. ADMISSION 15c --COMING-- SAT—SUN—MON CONSTANCE TALMADGE in her very latest picture “EXPERIMENTAL MARRIAGE” Oh! Girls! Don’t miss this One! [advertisement] TEACHERS WANTED For all departments of school work. School officials will soon elect teachers for next year. A MAXIMUM OF SERVICE AT A MINIMUM COMMISSION RATE. Commission 4 per cent. Territory, central and western states. Write today for blanks. HEUER TEACHERS’ AGENCY Cedar Rapids, Iowa [advertisement] PAPER TYPEWRITER AND NOTE $1.25 Per Ream Patterson’s Typewriter & Office Equipment Dept. Phone 71 Dey Bldg. [advertisement] EASTER Cards and Novelties at the Book and Craft Shop 124 E. Washington Street [advertisement] Dancing from 8:45 to 11:45 VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory Varsity 8 Piece Orchestra FRIDAY EVE, APRIL 18 SATURDAY EVE, APRIL 19
Thursday, April 17, 1919 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Three SOCIETY AND PERSONAL Marian Hossfeld, '18, of Rochester, Minn., is visiting Marie Kellog today. Miss Hossfeld is connected with the editorial department of the Mayo Clinic. Katherine Hutchinson of Cedar Rapids is visiting Mrs. Erling Thoen at the Summit apartments. Rosine Geiser, senior, is visiting at her home in Independence. Bruce McDowell, junior I. A. is in isolation hospital with diphtheria. Mrs. Carl Hougen, province inspector of Alpha Delta Pi, of Appleton, Wisconsin, is a guest at the Alpha Delta Pi house this week. The girls of the chapter entertained at a tea in her honor Tuesday afternoon. Dorothy Stong, a sophomore here last year, is spending spring vacation in Iowa City. Miss Stong is attending school in Chicago. Evelyn McClure left Wednesday for her home in Waverly after spending several days at the Delta Gamma house. Mrs. O. E. Hull of Leon is visiting her daughter Dorothy at the Delta Gamma house. F. M. Russel, editor of the Iowa State Student at Ames, will be here Thursday to attend Sigma Delta Chi initiation and banquet. Glen B. Miller, who graduated in chemistry at the March convocation, is now chemical secretary to the head chemist at the National Aniline and Chemical company at Buffalo N. Y, Three alumni of the college of pharmacy are visiting in the city this week. They are E. M. Wertz, '08; [C.?] O. Burnside, '12 managers of the Schegel drug stores in Davenport; and H. D. Long, 11 and '14. O. E. Klingaman director of the extension division of the University will give a talk before the freshman girls this afternoon on "New Vocations open to College Women." Marie Cone of Davenport, freshman in the college of liberal arts, is ill at 532 S. Dubuque St. Mrs. Barbara Hougen of Appleton, Wis., province president of Alpha Delta Pi, was a guest of the local chapter this week. Alpha Xi Delta will hold its Founders' day banquet and initiation tonight. Mary Kinnavey, Venita Koch, Gertrude Chaffer, Della Shaffer [Romine?], all of Davenport, will attend and will also spend a few days at the chapter house. Dr. C. J. Rowan, instructor in the college of medicine, has gone to Florida to recuperate from an operation. He will return in May. Kathleen O'Grady, senior, is confined to her home on account of illness. Helen Marquis of Clinton and Veda Miller of Chicago are visitors at the Gamma Phi Beta house this week. Ruth Rogers, senior, is spending a few days with her parents in Des Moines. Mildred Whitcomb, editor-in-chief of The Daily Iowan, returned Tuesday after spending the week end at her home in Ottumwa. Miss Frances Turner, Gamma Phi Beta, has gone home to recuperate from an attack of diphtheria. Marian Smith and Dorothy Lingham returned Tuesday after spending the week end out of town. The last meeting of the Music Study club was held yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Preston Coast on North Clinton street. Musical numbers were given by Mrs. Anna Diller Starbuck, Miss Bertha A. Cooper, Mrs. Esther Gaw, and Harold Rigler. Miss Alice Camerer, Gamma Phi Beta chaperon, who has been ill with appendicitis, is reported as being much better. KILDEE IS RECOVERING Miles Kildee, Phi Kappa, who was injured last week in an attack on the street by the Pilcher brothers of Iowa City is reported as greatly improved. The attackers have been bound over to the grand jury. The case is being handled by the county attorney. TRACK MEN TRAIN FOR DRAKE RELAYS Greenwood, Stoner, Smith and Cumberland Will Compose The Relay Squad Every night this week after the other track men have had their workouts Jack Watson puts the two relay teams who will compete in the Drake relays, Saturday, through their paces. A mile team, a half mile team, and two men in the 100 yard dash make up the squad that will represent the University in this annual classic. Here the Iowa runners will compete against the best track stars of the middle west. Michigan, Illinois, Kansas and many other of the larger institutions will enter men in the relays. For the mile relay team Jack Watson will take Greenwood, Smith, Stoner, and Cumberland, with Dyke as substitute. These men have been making good time on a soft track. The half mile relay is to be made up of Justin, Greenwood, Colby, and Mathhey, with Hill as substitute. These dash men have been running the 220 yard dash in approximately the same time. Justin and Colby will be entered in the special 100 yard dash. TICKET SALE HEAVY FOR LAWS' JUBILEE Hugh Rosson Brings Scenery and Costumes for the Performance From Chicago Ticket sale for the Law Jubilee, which takes place at the Englert Thursday, April 24, is proceeding in a satisfactory manner, according to Le Roy Rader, chairman of the committee in charge. Reports from ticket sellers, show that more than half the house is sold out at this time, with every indication that standing room only will remain by the end of the week. The price of the tickets is 75 cents including the war tax, and they may be exchanged for reserved seats at the Englert, Wednesday April 23, at 9:30 a. m. Not more than ten seats may be reserved by one person. Hugh Rosson, one of the stars of the jubilee of 1917, returned yesterday from Chicago, where he secured the newest and best equipment in scenery, lighting effects, and costumes for the performance. The Law Students' association has on hand a comfortable balance from the previous Jubilee and Mr. Rosson has spared no funds to make these features of the show a smashing success. The nature of the entertainment on which the laws are working remains shrouded in the deepest mystery. Not a single legal joke, not a title of a song, has been hinted by the caste, even to colleagues in the school. Only the muffled sound of sonorous male voices which escapes through the closed doors and windows of the marshall law room, or a faint syncopation from the Foarde Jazz Band, tell of progress within. However, members of the committee promise that the veil of secrecy will be raised before the end of the week. Every student a bond owner. [advertisement] DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. [advertisement] SABINS' EDCATIONAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 A. M. M. DORNON, Manager The most widely patronized, because the most reliable Teachers Agency in the Middle West. Territory from Mississippi River to Pacific Coast. FLYNN BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA [advertisement] BLANKETS We take great care in washing blankets. They will come back to you soft, downy and fluffy---you simply can't have them done that way at home. And it costs so much less to have us do them than to parcel post them home. NEW PROCESS LAUNDRY "The Pride of Iowa City" Phone 294 MEETING POSTPONED The meeting of the University council which was to have been held this evening in the Commercial club rooms has been postponed. VESPERS POSTPONED Easter vesper services have been postponed because the music which was ordered a month ago failed to arrive on time for the glee clubs to rehearse this week. This musical program will be given at a later date. R. E. GLEASON TO SPEAK The mathematical club will meet this afternoon at 4:15 in room 222 physics building. Mr. R. E. Gleason will speak on graphic solutions for complex roots of algebraic equations. Those interested are cordially invited. ALPHA DELTA PI INITIATES Alpha Delta Pi held initiation at its chapter house last night. The new members are Virginia Boyd, Colfax; Pauline Benda, Iowa City; Luella and Ruth Wilson, Sigourney; Bessie Tye, Pleasonton; Lucille Burtis, Decorah; Cora Reed, North English; Charlotte Wickham, Garner; and Mildred Swain, Osceola. [advertisement] PASTIME THEATRE THURSDAY & FRIDAY MARY MILES MINTER IN “WIVES AND OTHER WIVES” A dandy comedy-drama, also 2-reel comedy. ADMISSION 15c --COMING-- SAT—SUN—MON CONSTANCE TALMADGE in her very latest picture “EXPERIMENTAL MARRIAGE” Oh! Girls! Don’t miss this One! [advertisement] TEACHERS WANTED For all departments of school work. School officials will soon elect teachers for next year. A MAXIMUM OF SERVICE AT A MINIMUM COMMISSION RATE. Commission 4 per cent. Territory, central and western states. Write today for blanks. HEUER TEACHERS’ AGENCY Cedar Rapids, Iowa [advertisement] PAPER TYPEWRITER AND NOTE $1.25 Per Ream Patterson’s Typewriter & Office Equipment Dept. Phone 71 Dey Bldg. [advertisement] EASTER Cards and Novelties at the Book and Craft Shop 124 E. Washington Street [advertisement] Dancing from 8:45 to 11:45 VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory Varsity 8 Piece Orchestra FRIDAY EVE, APRIL 18 SATURDAY EVE, APRIL 19
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