Daily Iowan, April 19, 1919
Page 3
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LEACOCK'S FICTION PLEASES AUDIENCE MAKES THEM SMILE Canadian Humorist Shuns Deep Subjects-Traces Popular Fiction for Generations GIVES TALK OF BOLSHEVISM As Poltical Scientist He Addresses Class on Situation in Russia and Europe Laughs followed laughs, smiles ran into smiles, and such genial humor filled the air that when Stephen Leacock bowed and left the stage after his lecture Thursday night the audience almost forgot to go and wanted to remain for the second act of the comedy. For over an hour the humorist kept his hearers laughing with him as he portrayed with rich burlesque the heroes and heroines of fiction from the tranquil and modest days of our great grandfathers down to present spicy times. Hero Changes With Times "Spinnet and harpsicord playing with a parlor ornamented with peacock feathers furnished the setting fo the novels of half a century ago," he explained, "but nothing that tame goes now. Midnight frolics in a cabaret to the sounds of ukuleles is the only possible setting for the modern story." And as a parallel evolution he showed how the heroine has changed from a fragile creature gifted with a swoon to the sophisticated thing who is the other man's wife; how the hero has passed from the boy of a thousand dangers to the man in the tuxedo jacket. He carried the pair, the hero and heroine, through adventure after adventure, and when he had finished his lecture, and left them stepping from the Hotel Biltmore to be swalloed up by the night, the audience realized that here was a man who could talk for an hour without mentioning the league of nations. Bolshevism, or the Victory loan! Grows Serious in Interview But when forced, Mr. Leacock can be serious. In an interview at his rooms in the Jefferson, caught between an open suticase, a dresser, and a chair, the writer talked on literature, the late war, and the proletarian unrest. Beginnign with writers, he expressed the opinion that, among Americans, Mark Twain and O. Henry hold the high place and that of present day humorists his choice includes Wallace Irwin, Montague Glass, and Irvin Cobb. The subject of Bolshevism, upon which he talked at greater length to the political science classes in the natural science auditorium at 11 o'clock yesterday, brought the poignant remarks that made his later talk such a clarifier of the haze surrounding popular knowledge of this menace. "Bolshevism is only syndicalism with a bomb in its hand," he declared," and is doomed to failure because of the nature of the economic problems it must come against. THe way to combat it is not to combat the men who preach it; that only martyrs them. It must be argued down, ridiculed, until its absurdity is apparent. SOLO DANCE, QUARTERS WILL FEATURE CONCEPT The Women's Glee club will give its annual concert in the natural science auditorium Wednesday, April 23. Several quartets will offer variety in the program of well selected choruses which has been arranged and solos will be given by Vivienne Coady and Florence Pascoe. Regina Des Jardins will dance "To Spring" in costume. A violin solo will be played by Corinne Hamill. 3 Big Clsoing Out-Rebuilding Sale Days Featuring Easter Needs at Bennison's A Most Wonderful Sale of Millinery, Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, Etc. at Prices Cut to Reduce This Stock An Easter Exhibit Without Doubt The Greatest Ever Made By This Store [illegible] we have occasional showings of new arrivals and advanced offerings of new spring millinery, this is the first complete exhibit of the season's modes, giving evrey type of the new medels in hats for warm weather wearing. HERE YOU WILL SEE FOUR GROUPS of millinery which will delight, chosen from the wealth of beautiful models which come from both Parisian and American matters, true reflections of the world's gay periods that influenced and abduced their creation. LEGHORNS, flower trim; LISERE, large and small; FINE MILANS in all colors; PANAMAS; PINAPPLE BRAID SAILORS; WHITE MILAN SAILOTS, banded in lisere straw; FLOWER TURBANS, flower crown, maline brims; GEORGETTE CREPE for dresses and sport wear- OFFERED THESE 3 DAYS BEFORE EASTER LOT 1---Hats sold up to $21.00 for........ $10.85, $12.50, $14.85 LOT 2---Hats sold up to $15.00, for... $8.95 LOT 3---Hats sold up to $11.50, for... $5.95 LOT 2---Hats sold up to $7.50, for... $3.95 We ask your careful and most exacting comparison of the hats for these 3 days. We wish to emphasize the fact, the very finest materials, the best of qualities and the most expert workmanship in every model, exists not in our ad here, but actually in the hats of reality. Priced to you for the 3 days at savings of 1-4 and 1-3. SPECIALS FOR CHILDREN Straws in a various assortment of shapes and kinds, priced at virtually half- 29c, 49c, 59c, 89c, 95 c REAL KID GLOVES From CHarlon & Cie, Grenoble, France-A Direct Importation for Easter Weshow for these 3 days the first real genuine Kid Gloves we have been able to get hold of since the starting of the war. Real French Kids, the kind that give entire satisfication. The Price to retail these finest qualities today would be $3.95 and $3.75 a pair. FOR OUR EASTER SALES WE OFFER- The $3.25 Pair in all the Staple Shades, black, tan, brown, grey, navy, green, at... $2.75 The $3.75 Pair is Fancy Embroidered champs, pongee, quite A big 2-clasp pearl button, with a color to match embroidery gauntlet. THe prettiest and best kid gloves possible to produce. Washable Suede Tex Gloves for Children.. 2-clasp stiched back, fabric you can hardly tell the difference in real suece leather; white, grey, pongee. SUEDE TEX GLOVES FOR LADIES- It's a fabric true enough, but you cannot tell it, when the hand, from kid, and it's made by the best kid glove maker in France; fits perfectly, washes and wears. We are selling vast quanities of these; every lady that sees them admits they never wore their equal. In all the wanted shades, for a pair..................69c 89c We are not quitting brands; we are just offering good substantial hosiery that we know, at our prices, no store can better or few equal- to make is strong. Your Trial Wearing Will Convince- For 75c, a $1.00 "Val" A pure silk boot, in black and white; a full fashioned stocking. $1.00 value. For $1.09 a $1.35 "Val" A silk hose we know will give entire satisfication to the wearer in all the new shades, lisle garter, top and full fashioned, [illegible], heel, sole, and toe. For $1.75 a $2.25 "Val" The best silk stocking for wear producde in America; in all colors compare it with any $2.25 stockng, we don't care what brand of quality you wear, here's it better. CORSET SPECIALS BON TONS The $6.50 One For $5.00 Ask for No. 1014 Average figure, low bust, front lace, protecting tongue, elastic insert back, non pinching slasps. Our 1042 Bon Ton Pink broche, for average figures, semi-rubber top, perfected front lace, higher back, free hip, protecting gongue. Our 814 Bon Ton, pink silk, polka dot, average figure, low bust, higher back, free hip, back lace; a $5.00 one for...... $4.00 MRS. AURNER MEETS CLASSES Mrs. Nelle S. Aurner, dean of women, who has been ill the past month with pleursly met her classes for the first time yesterday afternoon. KLINGMAN SPEAKS TO FROSH Director O.E Klingaman fo the extension division spoke at the freshman lectures Thursday on "New Vocations Open to Women." Mr. Klingaman described the dutiesof an educational director in a store. This is one of the positions with a large field open to women today, The Humanist society will meet Monday evening, April 21, at 8 o'clocl in the liberal arts drawing room. Miss Lucille Franchere will give a violin recital.
LEACOCK'S FICTION PLEASES AUDIENCE MAKES THEM SMILE Canadian Humorist Shuns Deep Subjects-Traces Popular Fiction for Generations GIVES TALK OF BOLSHEVISM As Poltical Scientist He Addresses Class on Situation in Russia and Europe Laughs followed laughs, smiles ran into smiles, and such genial humor filled the air that when Stephen Leacock bowed and left the stage after his lecture Thursday night the audience almost forgot to go and wanted to remain for the second act of the comedy. For over an hour the humorist kept his hearers laughing with him as he portrayed with rich burlesque the heroes and heroines of fiction from the tranquil and modest days of our great grandfathers down to present spicy times. Hero Changes With Times "Spinnet and harpsicord playing with a parlor ornamented with peacock feathers furnished the setting fo the novels of half a century ago," he explained, "but nothing that tame goes now. Midnight frolics in a cabaret to the sounds of ukuleles is the only possible setting for the modern story." And as a parallel evolution he showed how the heroine has changed from a fragile creature gifted with a swoon to the sophisticated thing who is the other man's wife; how the hero has passed from the boy of a thousand dangers to the man in the tuxedo jacket. He carried the pair, the hero and heroine, through adventure after adventure, and when he had finished his lecture, and left them stepping from the Hotel Biltmore to be swalloed up by the night, the audience realized that here was a man who could talk for an hour without mentioning the league of nations. Bolshevism, or the Victory loan! Grows Serious in Interview But when forced, Mr. Leacock can be serious. In an interview at his rooms in the Jefferson, caught between an open suticase, a dresser, and a chair, the writer talked on literature, the late war, and the proletarian unrest. Beginnign with writers, he expressed the opinion that, among Americans, Mark Twain and O. Henry hold the high place and that of present day humorists his choice includes Wallace Irwin, Montague Glass, and Irvin Cobb. The subject of Bolshevism, upon which he talked at greater length to the political science classes in the natural science auditorium at 11 o'clock yesterday, brought the poignant remarks that made his later talk such a clarifier of the haze surrounding popular knowledge of this menace. "Bolshevism is only syndicalism with a bomb in its hand," he declared," and is doomed to failure because of the nature of the economic problems it must come against. THe way to combat it is not to combat the men who preach it; that only martyrs them. It must be argued down, ridiculed, until its absurdity is apparent. SOLO DANCE, QUARTERS WILL FEATURE CONCEPT The Women's Glee club will give its annual concert in the natural science auditorium Wednesday, April 23. Several quartets will offer variety in the program of well selected choruses which has been arranged and solos will be given by Vivienne Coady and Florence Pascoe. Regina Des Jardins will dance "To Spring" in costume. A violin solo will be played by Corinne Hamill. 3 Big Clsoing Out-Rebuilding Sale Days Featuring Easter Needs at Bennison's A Most Wonderful Sale of Millinery, Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, Etc. at Prices Cut to Reduce This Stock An Easter Exhibit Without Doubt The Greatest Ever Made By This Store [illegible] we have occasional showings of new arrivals and advanced offerings of new spring millinery, this is the first complete exhibit of the season's modes, giving evrey type of the new medels in hats for warm weather wearing. HERE YOU WILL SEE FOUR GROUPS of millinery which will delight, chosen from the wealth of beautiful models which come from both Parisian and American matters, true reflections of the world's gay periods that influenced and abduced their creation. LEGHORNS, flower trim; LISERE, large and small; FINE MILANS in all colors; PANAMAS; PINAPPLE BRAID SAILORS; WHITE MILAN SAILOTS, banded in lisere straw; FLOWER TURBANS, flower crown, maline brims; GEORGETTE CREPE for dresses and sport wear- OFFERED THESE 3 DAYS BEFORE EASTER LOT 1---Hats sold up to $21.00 for........ $10.85, $12.50, $14.85 LOT 2---Hats sold up to $15.00, for... $8.95 LOT 3---Hats sold up to $11.50, for... $5.95 LOT 2---Hats sold up to $7.50, for... $3.95 We ask your careful and most exacting comparison of the hats for these 3 days. We wish to emphasize the fact, the very finest materials, the best of qualities and the most expert workmanship in every model, exists not in our ad here, but actually in the hats of reality. Priced to you for the 3 days at savings of 1-4 and 1-3. SPECIALS FOR CHILDREN Straws in a various assortment of shapes and kinds, priced at virtually half- 29c, 49c, 59c, 89c, 95 c REAL KID GLOVES From CHarlon & Cie, Grenoble, France-A Direct Importation for Easter Weshow for these 3 days the first real genuine Kid Gloves we have been able to get hold of since the starting of the war. Real French Kids, the kind that give entire satisfication. The Price to retail these finest qualities today would be $3.95 and $3.75 a pair. FOR OUR EASTER SALES WE OFFER- The $3.25 Pair in all the Staple Shades, black, tan, brown, grey, navy, green, at... $2.75 The $3.75 Pair is Fancy Embroidered champs, pongee, quite A big 2-clasp pearl button, with a color to match embroidery gauntlet. THe prettiest and best kid gloves possible to produce. Washable Suede Tex Gloves for Children.. 2-clasp stiched back, fabric you can hardly tell the difference in real suece leather; white, grey, pongee. SUEDE TEX GLOVES FOR LADIES- It's a fabric true enough, but you cannot tell it, when the hand, from kid, and it's made by the best kid glove maker in France; fits perfectly, washes and wears. We are selling vast quanities of these; every lady that sees them admits they never wore their equal. In all the wanted shades, for a pair..................69c 89c We are not quitting brands; we are just offering good substantial hosiery that we know, at our prices, no store can better or few equal- to make is strong. Your Trial Wearing Will Convince- For 75c, a $1.00 "Val" A pure silk boot, in black and white; a full fashioned stocking. $1.00 value. For $1.09 a $1.35 "Val" A silk hose we know will give entire satisfication to the wearer in all the new shades, lisle garter, top and full fashioned, [illegible], heel, sole, and toe. For $1.75 a $2.25 "Val" The best silk stocking for wear producde in America; in all colors compare it with any $2.25 stockng, we don't care what brand of quality you wear, here's it better. CORSET SPECIALS BON TONS The $6.50 One For $5.00 Ask for No. 1014 Average figure, low bust, front lace, protecting tongue, elastic insert back, non pinching slasps. Our 1042 Bon Ton Pink broche, for average figures, semi-rubber top, perfected front lace, higher back, free hip, protecting gongue. Our 814 Bon Ton, pink silk, polka dot, average figure, low bust, higher back, free hip, back lace; a $5.00 one for...... $4.00 MRS. AURNER MEETS CLASSES Mrs. Nelle S. Aurner, dean of women, who has been ill the past month with pleursly met her classes for the first time yesterday afternoon. KLINGMAN SPEAKS TO FROSH Director O.E Klingaman fo the extension division spoke at the freshman lectures Thursday on "New Vocations Open to Women." Mr. Klingaman described the dutiesof an educational director in a store. This is one of the positions with a large field open to women today, The Humanist society will meet Monday evening, April 21, at 8 o'clocl in the liberal arts drawing room. Miss Lucille Franchere will give a violin recital.
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