Daily Iowan, April 20, 1919
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday 20, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST—A gold watch. If finder will return to post office box 495, the matter will be dropped, if not steps will be taken to locate same. D.P. LOST—Pair of tortoise-shell rimmed nose-glasses, in case. Finder phone 1079 for reward. FOUND—Pocket book containing watch. Call Red 1714. LOST—Leather purse containing money. Inquire at Iowan office. tf CANOE for sale. Phone 1889. 88 FOR RENT—Suite of modern furnished rooms for housekeeping. 604 S. Clinton 87 VICTORY LOAN IN A NUT SHELL AMOUNT—4,000,000,000. IOWA'S QUOTA—$650,000,000 JOHONSON COUNTY'S QUOTA—$1,371,375. DATE OF ISSUE—May 20, 1919. DATE OF MATURITY—May 20, 1923. SUBSCRIPTIONS—All subscriptions up to $10,000 will be allotted in full. FORM OF ISSUE—In two series (1) 4 3-4 per cent four year gold bonds, (2) 3 3-4 per cent four year gold notes; either kind convertible into other at option of holder. DENOMINATIONS—$50, $100, $500, $1000 and $5,000 notes. INTEREST—Interest at the rate of 4 3-4 per cent payable every December 15 and June 15. Each $100 note returns $110 in four years. CHOICE OF BONDS—Whichever series is preferred. Choice at time of settlement. TAX EXEMPTION—3 3-4 per cent notes exempt from all taxation except estate and inheritance taxes; 4 3-4 per cent notes exempt from all taxation except estate and inheritance taxes and federal income surtaxes. REDEMPTION—At the option of U.S. three years after June 15, 1915, at par with accrued interest. SECURITY—The credit of the United States, the best security in the world. Payment of Loan in Johnson County WHERE—At any bank. WHEN—On or before May 5. Do it at once. HOW—Any one of four ways. (1) Cash payment in full. (2) Government instalment plan: 1 per cent on or before May 5; 10 per cent July 15; 20 per cent August 12; 20 per cent September 9; 20 per cent October 7; 20 per cent November 11. (3) Bank weekly plan: $4 per week on $100 notes; $2 per week on $50 notes. (4) 10 per cent on or before May 5, personal note for six months at 6 per cent interest to cover balance. Over the Top WHEN—Monday, April 21,—not one minute later. See that you subscription is not delayed. WHY—You know why; to show reverence for the boys who died for you; to pay for your country's debt of honor; to insure peace; to bring the boys home; to express your joy at the early ending of the war; to prove that you are no slacker. HOW—By one more strong pull, all together. It's the last time. We are not sacrificing. Our boys paid the supreme sacrifice over there. This is sacred privilege. NOW! PULL! TOGETHER! OVER WE GO. Easy! Show us something hard. C.H. Weller, County Chairman. DILL PLAN EXPEDITION Prof. H. Dill is planning an expedition to the seal islands off the coast of Washington this summer. The seal islands are about seven miles from La Push. Seals migrate for a few weeks of each year on these islands. The object of this expedition will be to secure seals, and also some rare specimens of birds that are found on these islands. Psi Omega entertained at a dinner dance Saturday evening. Dr. and Mrs. R.H. Volland and Dr. and Mrs. D.M. Brumfiel were chaperons. Iota Xi Epsilon announces the pledging of Evelyn Gager of Hawkeye. Margaret Brown, Tri-Delt, is visiting at Waverly this week end. Women's University council will meet Tuesday at 5:30 in the liberal arts drawing room. All members who will attend are asked to sign a paper in the Y.W.C.A. room before Tuesday morning. Social regulations at Iowa State college are being considered by the Cardinal guild or student governing body, and faculty representatives. Until some action is taken dances will be allowed to run until 11:45 on Saturdays. The students hope to secure more liberal social rules. [Ad] Garden SUNDAY & MONDAY HALE HAMILTON in "JOHNNY ON THE SPOT" Also a 2-reel Billy West Comedy [Ad] NORTHWESTERN TEACHERS' AGENCY FOR ENTIRE WEST AND ALASKA—THE LARGEST AND BEST AGENCY Write immediately for free circular BOISE IDAHO [Ad] COMMENCEMENT SUITS AND TOP COATS Made to Your Individual Measure by E.V. Gri[illegible] $30 and upward That Invite the Question Who's your tailor J.R. KEMPSTON Opposite Englert Theatre [Ad] PASTIME THEATRE TODAY & TOMORROW CONTANCE TALMADGE in "EXPERIMENTAL MARRIAGE" Also Harold Lloyd Comedy and Pathe News [Ad] STRAND THEATRE EAST SPECIAL TODAY WM. S. HART in "Branding Broadway" also MARGUERITE CLARK in "The Biggest and the Littlest Lady in the World" [Ad] MENU JEFFERSON HOTEL Special Table D'Hote Dinner 12 to 2 6 to 8 $1.25 per cover Green Sea Turtle Quiennlls or Consomme Clear Radishes Mixed Olives Salted Pecans Choice of:— Young Turkey, Stuffed, Raspberry Jelly Roast Prime Ribs of Beef, au jus Genuine Spring Lamb, Mint Sauce New Potatoes in Cream or Mashed Potatoes Friend Egg Plant or String Beans Head Lettuce, 1000 Island Dressing Toasted Wafers Choice of:— Strawberry Short-Cake Apricot Pie or Apple Pie Tea Coffee Milk [Ad] A SERVICE MESSAGE A Check Book -- An Asset A check book imprinted with the name of this bank is one of the best investments any S.U.I. man or woman can make. It stands for insurance against loss of money or mistakes in paying bills. It saves time and reduces the temptation to spend thoughtlessly. A check books puts you on the preferred list of people whom the bank, its officers and staff make it their especial business to aid in legitimate ways. FIRST NATIONAL BANK IOWA CITY, IOWA MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM [Ad] ENGLERT --- TUESDAY, APRIL 22 Theatre Iowa City HENRY W. SAVAGE OFFER THE ELABORATE MUSICAL SPECTACLE EVERY-WOMAN HER PILGRIMAGE IN QUEST OF LOVE [Beauty] [Passion] It Had Created. Furor in New York, Boston, Chicago and Every Other City from Coast to Coast It is without doubt one of the largest musical and dramatic productions ever sent on tour, combining as it does in one tremendous spectacle, drama, grand opera and musical comedy. Mr. Henry W. Savage considers Everywoman one of his great triumphs, as a produce, and this year's organization of his best Everywoman Companyy [sic] The One Really Great Play of the Present Day SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA SEATS NOW PRICES 50c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and war tax RESERVE YOUR SEATS BY MAIL Mail orders, from either in or out of town, take precedence over the regular box office sale. Enclose remittance and self-addressed stamped envelope and seats will be forwarded you by return mail, as near desired location as possible. ADD TEN Per cent WAR TAX. WHAT PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW I wish to call your attention to the fact that I am sending to your city the elaborate musical spectacle "EVERYWOMAN." Contrary to a custom that has been followed in the past years by most theatrical producers with a popular success to their credit, I have steadfastly refused to organize and send out any duplicate companies of this world famed success, which is coming to your city at the zenith of its fame and glory, full of international honor [and?] homage, and identical in the proportions that have made theatrical history here and abroad. I realize that I may be sacrificing much in taking this stand, but I feel positive that the theatergoers of the few cities to which I am sending "EVERYWOMAN" will appreciate the excellence of the company. Many of you have no doubt witnessed a performance of "EVERYWOMAN," and will be gratified to know that Paula [illegible], Natalia Lynn, Winifred Baldwin, Norman Lane, J.K. Hutchinson, Frank Kilday, F.M. McCarthy, and Fred Hampton still head [the?] cast and will appear in your city in the same roles with which they have been identified. Feeling that you will appreciate this effort to give you the best [in?] my power, I beg to remain, Faithfully yours, Henry W. Savage
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday 20, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST—A gold watch. If finder will return to post office box 495, the matter will be dropped, if not steps will be taken to locate same. D.P. LOST—Pair of tortoise-shell rimmed nose-glasses, in case. Finder phone 1079 for reward. FOUND—Pocket book containing watch. Call Red 1714. LOST—Leather purse containing money. Inquire at Iowan office. tf CANOE for sale. Phone 1889. 88 FOR RENT—Suite of modern furnished rooms for housekeeping. 604 S. Clinton 87 VICTORY LOAN IN A NUT SHELL AMOUNT—4,000,000,000. IOWA'S QUOTA—$650,000,000 JOHONSON COUNTY'S QUOTA—$1,371,375. DATE OF ISSUE—May 20, 1919. DATE OF MATURITY—May 20, 1923. SUBSCRIPTIONS—All subscriptions up to $10,000 will be allotted in full. FORM OF ISSUE—In two series (1) 4 3-4 per cent four year gold bonds, (2) 3 3-4 per cent four year gold notes; either kind convertible into other at option of holder. DENOMINATIONS—$50, $100, $500, $1000 and $5,000 notes. INTEREST—Interest at the rate of 4 3-4 per cent payable every December 15 and June 15. Each $100 note returns $110 in four years. CHOICE OF BONDS—Whichever series is preferred. Choice at time of settlement. TAX EXEMPTION—3 3-4 per cent notes exempt from all taxation except estate and inheritance taxes; 4 3-4 per cent notes exempt from all taxation except estate and inheritance taxes and federal income surtaxes. REDEMPTION—At the option of U.S. three years after June 15, 1915, at par with accrued interest. SECURITY—The credit of the United States, the best security in the world. Payment of Loan in Johnson County WHERE—At any bank. WHEN—On or before May 5. Do it at once. HOW—Any one of four ways. (1) Cash payment in full. (2) Government instalment plan: 1 per cent on or before May 5; 10 per cent July 15; 20 per cent August 12; 20 per cent September 9; 20 per cent October 7; 20 per cent November 11. (3) Bank weekly plan: $4 per week on $100 notes; $2 per week on $50 notes. (4) 10 per cent on or before May 5, personal note for six months at 6 per cent interest to cover balance. Over the Top WHEN—Monday, April 21,—not one minute later. See that you subscription is not delayed. WHY—You know why; to show reverence for the boys who died for you; to pay for your country's debt of honor; to insure peace; to bring the boys home; to express your joy at the early ending of the war; to prove that you are no slacker. HOW—By one more strong pull, all together. It's the last time. We are not sacrificing. Our boys paid the supreme sacrifice over there. This is sacred privilege. NOW! PULL! TOGETHER! OVER WE GO. Easy! Show us something hard. C.H. Weller, County Chairman. DILL PLAN EXPEDITION Prof. H. Dill is planning an expedition to the seal islands off the coast of Washington this summer. The seal islands are about seven miles from La Push. Seals migrate for a few weeks of each year on these islands. The object of this expedition will be to secure seals, and also some rare specimens of birds that are found on these islands. Psi Omega entertained at a dinner dance Saturday evening. Dr. and Mrs. R.H. Volland and Dr. and Mrs. D.M. Brumfiel were chaperons. Iota Xi Epsilon announces the pledging of Evelyn Gager of Hawkeye. Margaret Brown, Tri-Delt, is visiting at Waverly this week end. Women's University council will meet Tuesday at 5:30 in the liberal arts drawing room. All members who will attend are asked to sign a paper in the Y.W.C.A. room before Tuesday morning. Social regulations at Iowa State college are being considered by the Cardinal guild or student governing body, and faculty representatives. Until some action is taken dances will be allowed to run until 11:45 on Saturdays. The students hope to secure more liberal social rules. [Ad] Garden SUNDAY & MONDAY HALE HAMILTON in "JOHNNY ON THE SPOT" Also a 2-reel Billy West Comedy [Ad] NORTHWESTERN TEACHERS' AGENCY FOR ENTIRE WEST AND ALASKA—THE LARGEST AND BEST AGENCY Write immediately for free circular BOISE IDAHO [Ad] COMMENCEMENT SUITS AND TOP COATS Made to Your Individual Measure by E.V. Gri[illegible] $30 and upward That Invite the Question Who's your tailor J.R. KEMPSTON Opposite Englert Theatre [Ad] PASTIME THEATRE TODAY & TOMORROW CONTANCE TALMADGE in "EXPERIMENTAL MARRIAGE" Also Harold Lloyd Comedy and Pathe News [Ad] STRAND THEATRE EAST SPECIAL TODAY WM. S. HART in "Branding Broadway" also MARGUERITE CLARK in "The Biggest and the Littlest Lady in the World" [Ad] MENU JEFFERSON HOTEL Special Table D'Hote Dinner 12 to 2 6 to 8 $1.25 per cover Green Sea Turtle Quiennlls or Consomme Clear Radishes Mixed Olives Salted Pecans Choice of:— Young Turkey, Stuffed, Raspberry Jelly Roast Prime Ribs of Beef, au jus Genuine Spring Lamb, Mint Sauce New Potatoes in Cream or Mashed Potatoes Friend Egg Plant or String Beans Head Lettuce, 1000 Island Dressing Toasted Wafers Choice of:— Strawberry Short-Cake Apricot Pie or Apple Pie Tea Coffee Milk [Ad] A SERVICE MESSAGE A Check Book -- An Asset A check book imprinted with the name of this bank is one of the best investments any S.U.I. man or woman can make. It stands for insurance against loss of money or mistakes in paying bills. It saves time and reduces the temptation to spend thoughtlessly. A check books puts you on the preferred list of people whom the bank, its officers and staff make it their especial business to aid in legitimate ways. FIRST NATIONAL BANK IOWA CITY, IOWA MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM [Ad] ENGLERT --- TUESDAY, APRIL 22 Theatre Iowa City HENRY W. SAVAGE OFFER THE ELABORATE MUSICAL SPECTACLE EVERY-WOMAN HER PILGRIMAGE IN QUEST OF LOVE [Beauty] [Passion] It Had Created. Furor in New York, Boston, Chicago and Every Other City from Coast to Coast It is without doubt one of the largest musical and dramatic productions ever sent on tour, combining as it does in one tremendous spectacle, drama, grand opera and musical comedy. Mr. Henry W. Savage considers Everywoman one of his great triumphs, as a produce, and this year's organization of his best Everywoman Companyy [sic] The One Really Great Play of the Present Day SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA SEATS NOW PRICES 50c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and war tax RESERVE YOUR SEATS BY MAIL Mail orders, from either in or out of town, take precedence over the regular box office sale. Enclose remittance and self-addressed stamped envelope and seats will be forwarded you by return mail, as near desired location as possible. ADD TEN Per cent WAR TAX. WHAT PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW I wish to call your attention to the fact that I am sending to your city the elaborate musical spectacle "EVERYWOMAN." Contrary to a custom that has been followed in the past years by most theatrical producers with a popular success to their credit, I have steadfastly refused to organize and send out any duplicate companies of this world famed success, which is coming to your city at the zenith of its fame and glory, full of international honor [and?] homage, and identical in the proportions that have made theatrical history here and abroad. I realize that I may be sacrificing much in taking this stand, but I feel positive that the theatergoers of the few cities to which I am sending "EVERYWOMAN" will appreciate the excellence of the company. Many of you have no doubt witnessed a performance of "EVERYWOMAN," and will be gratified to know that Paula [illegible], Natalia Lynn, Winifred Baldwin, Norman Lane, J.K. Hutchinson, Frank Kilday, F.M. McCarthy, and Fred Hampton still head [the?] cast and will appear in your city in the same roles with which they have been identified. Feeling that you will appreciate this effort to give you the best [in?] my power, I beg to remain, Faithfully yours, Henry W. Savage
Daily Iowan Newspapers