Daily Iowan, April 22, 1919
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, April 22, 1919 [advertisement] Songs-Minstrels-Specialties Who Will Put the Law Put on Trial? Law Jubilee Thursday, April 24 ENGLERT THEATRE Tickets 75 cents including war tax Reservations Open Wednesday 9:30 a.m. SOCIETY AND PERSONAL Dona Foley of Chicago, a former student here, spent Easter Sunday at the Alpha Chi Omega house. Mildred, Weller, Alpha Xi Delta, is visiting for a few days at her home in Centerville. Mrs. W.E. Hays has been called to Corydon because of the illness of several members of her family. I.W.A.A. will elect new officers at its next meeting the third Wednesday in May. Marie Harbert, Alpha Xi Delta spent the week end at her home in Cedar Rapids. Naomi Albright was called to her home in Onawa by the sickness of her mother. Romola Latchem, senior, returned Monday morning after a absence of a week. Miss Latchem has been visiting towns throughout the state in the interest of the Victory Liberty loan. Genevieve Tracy, Alpha Chi Omega, visited at her home in Brighton, Sunday. The Y.W.C.A. provided an Easter musicale at the Old Ladies' home Sunday afternoon. Elsie Katz played a violin solo; Beatrice Gates and Mona Goodwin sang a duet, and Esther and Thelma Graves played a violin and cello number. Mona Goodwin played the piano accompaniments. Easter morning breakfast in the University hospital was accompanied by the singing of Easter hymns by Beatrice Gates, Blance Miller, Dorothy Barfoot, Catherine Morton, nd Lucille Sawyer, with a violin obligato by Elsie Katz. The anthems were sung in the different corridors of each floor of the building. Because of the law jubilee Thursday evening April 24, the women's swimming meet has been postponed until Thursday, May 1. NINE COUNTRIES ARE REPRESENTED University Has Students From Many Nations-Only One From Europe Eight foreign countries are represented among the students at the University this year. Twenty-nine states have students at the Iowa and hardly a town in the state fails to have at least one representative among the more than 4,000 students enrolled. South Dakota leads with the number of students outside of Iowa with 38. Illinois ranks next with 22. Thirteen are registered from Minnesota. Wisconsin has 7, and Idaho and Nebraska 6. Other states are represented as follows: Colorado 5; North Dakota 4; Kansas, 4; Oklahoma, 4; Texas, 4; Montana, 3; Massachusetts, 2; New York, 4; Virginia, 2; Pennsylvania, 2; Missouri, 2; California, 2; Michigan, 2; Utah, Indiana, West Virginia, Wyoming, Oregon, New Jersey, and Ohio contribute one student each. Washington D.C. has one man at the University. Phillipine Islands lead in the number of foreign students, there being ten men in the various college of the University.. Three Chinese, one Japanese, one Korean, a Porto Rican, a South African who is a senior in medicine, give the University class rooms a cosmopolitan air. A Hindu is a member of the faculty. France is the only European nation represented in the insitution at the present time. Jeanne Terraz, a French girl, is completing her education in America at the expense of the women's league of the University. A number of other students from European countries are enrolled at [advertisement] SABINS' EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 A.M.M. DORNON, Manager The most widely patronized, because the most reliable Teachers Agency in the Middle West. Territory form Mississippi River to Pacific Coast. FLYNN BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA [advertisement] On every outing--KODAK HENRY LOUIS The Rexall Store 124 E. COLLEGE Iowa, but consider America their home. The total number of students from outside of Iow anumber more than 150. In former years this number has been larger, but the war has affected travel. South America and Germany were two countries which several years ago were always represented. Two Chinese students have been graduated this year. Social regulations at Iowa State college are being considered by the Cardinal guild or student governing body, and faculty representatives. Until some action is taken, dances will be allowed to run until 11:45 on Saturday. The students hope to secre more liberal social rules. The bill to establish a college of business administration at the University of Nebraska has been passed by the Nebraska legislature. Heavy enrollment of students in the commerce department brought about its separation from the college of arts and sciences. The system of students self-government now in practice at the University of Wisconsin was thoroughly tested in its recent handling of the hazing case. Rioting among freshmen certain students by the student court and sophomores led ot the trial. The opinion of the Daily Cardinal is one that the court is incompetent in dealing with student problems, being merely a laboratory of the law school. A judiciary committee is advised to take the place of the court. Naomi Gunderson, Alpha Chi Omega, spent Sunday in Cedar Rapids. Students, buy a victory bond. [advertisement] Drink Coca-Cola DELICIOUS and REFRESHING You can't think of "delicious" or "refreshing" without thinking of Coca-Cola. You can't drink Coca-Cola without being delighted and refreshed. The taste is the test of Coca-Cola quality-so clearly distinguishes it from imitations that you cannot be deceived. Demand the genuine by full name-nicknames encourage subsitutions. THE COCA-COLA CO. ATLANTA, GA Sold Everywhere [advertisement] The Exclusive Features of Newberg's Photographs Make them Popular Newberg's Studio [advertisement] BASEBALL Coe vs. Iowa Wednesday Iowa Field Game Called at 4:15[?]
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, April 22, 1919 [advertisement] Songs-Minstrels-Specialties Who Will Put the Law Put on Trial? Law Jubilee Thursday, April 24 ENGLERT THEATRE Tickets 75 cents including war tax Reservations Open Wednesday 9:30 a.m. SOCIETY AND PERSONAL Dona Foley of Chicago, a former student here, spent Easter Sunday at the Alpha Chi Omega house. Mildred, Weller, Alpha Xi Delta, is visiting for a few days at her home in Centerville. Mrs. W.E. Hays has been called to Corydon because of the illness of several members of her family. I.W.A.A. will elect new officers at its next meeting the third Wednesday in May. Marie Harbert, Alpha Xi Delta spent the week end at her home in Cedar Rapids. Naomi Albright was called to her home in Onawa by the sickness of her mother. Romola Latchem, senior, returned Monday morning after a absence of a week. Miss Latchem has been visiting towns throughout the state in the interest of the Victory Liberty loan. Genevieve Tracy, Alpha Chi Omega, visited at her home in Brighton, Sunday. The Y.W.C.A. provided an Easter musicale at the Old Ladies' home Sunday afternoon. Elsie Katz played a violin solo; Beatrice Gates and Mona Goodwin sang a duet, and Esther and Thelma Graves played a violin and cello number. Mona Goodwin played the piano accompaniments. Easter morning breakfast in the University hospital was accompanied by the singing of Easter hymns by Beatrice Gates, Blance Miller, Dorothy Barfoot, Catherine Morton, nd Lucille Sawyer, with a violin obligato by Elsie Katz. The anthems were sung in the different corridors of each floor of the building. Because of the law jubilee Thursday evening April 24, the women's swimming meet has been postponed until Thursday, May 1. NINE COUNTRIES ARE REPRESENTED University Has Students From Many Nations-Only One From Europe Eight foreign countries are represented among the students at the University this year. Twenty-nine states have students at the Iowa and hardly a town in the state fails to have at least one representative among the more than 4,000 students enrolled. South Dakota leads with the number of students outside of Iowa with 38. Illinois ranks next with 22. Thirteen are registered from Minnesota. Wisconsin has 7, and Idaho and Nebraska 6. Other states are represented as follows: Colorado 5; North Dakota 4; Kansas, 4; Oklahoma, 4; Texas, 4; Montana, 3; Massachusetts, 2; New York, 4; Virginia, 2; Pennsylvania, 2; Missouri, 2; California, 2; Michigan, 2; Utah, Indiana, West Virginia, Wyoming, Oregon, New Jersey, and Ohio contribute one student each. Washington D.C. has one man at the University. Phillipine Islands lead in the number of foreign students, there being ten men in the various college of the University.. Three Chinese, one Japanese, one Korean, a Porto Rican, a South African who is a senior in medicine, give the University class rooms a cosmopolitan air. A Hindu is a member of the faculty. France is the only European nation represented in the insitution at the present time. Jeanne Terraz, a French girl, is completing her education in America at the expense of the women's league of the University. A number of other students from European countries are enrolled at [advertisement] SABINS' EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 A.M.M. DORNON, Manager The most widely patronized, because the most reliable Teachers Agency in the Middle West. Territory form Mississippi River to Pacific Coast. FLYNN BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA [advertisement] On every outing--KODAK HENRY LOUIS The Rexall Store 124 E. COLLEGE Iowa, but consider America their home. The total number of students from outside of Iow anumber more than 150. In former years this number has been larger, but the war has affected travel. South America and Germany were two countries which several years ago were always represented. Two Chinese students have been graduated this year. Social regulations at Iowa State college are being considered by the Cardinal guild or student governing body, and faculty representatives. Until some action is taken, dances will be allowed to run until 11:45 on Saturday. The students hope to secre more liberal social rules. The bill to establish a college of business administration at the University of Nebraska has been passed by the Nebraska legislature. Heavy enrollment of students in the commerce department brought about its separation from the college of arts and sciences. The system of students self-government now in practice at the University of Wisconsin was thoroughly tested in its recent handling of the hazing case. Rioting among freshmen certain students by the student court and sophomores led ot the trial. The opinion of the Daily Cardinal is one that the court is incompetent in dealing with student problems, being merely a laboratory of the law school. A judiciary committee is advised to take the place of the court. Naomi Gunderson, Alpha Chi Omega, spent Sunday in Cedar Rapids. Students, buy a victory bond. [advertisement] Drink Coca-Cola DELICIOUS and REFRESHING You can't think of "delicious" or "refreshing" without thinking of Coca-Cola. You can't drink Coca-Cola without being delighted and refreshed. The taste is the test of Coca-Cola quality-so clearly distinguishes it from imitations that you cannot be deceived. Demand the genuine by full name-nicknames encourage subsitutions. THE COCA-COLA CO. ATLANTA, GA Sold Everywhere [advertisement] The Exclusive Features of Newberg's Photographs Make them Popular Newberg's Studio [advertisement] BASEBALL Coe vs. Iowa Wednesday Iowa Field Game Called at 4:15[?]
Daily Iowan Newspapers