Daily Iowan, April 24, 1919
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The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa VOL XVIII-NEW SERIES VOL. III IOWA CITY, IOWA, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1919 IOWA AND COE CLASH IN DUEL TRACK MEET SCHEDULED SATURDAY The College Team Expects to Give Local Runners Much Competition LOCAL TEAM IS CHOSEN Three Men Are to Compete In Each Event Outside of the Relay Race The first dual track meet of the season will be held on Iowa field Saturday afternoon when Coe college clashes with Jack Watson's runners in tryouts last Tuesday, the men were picked for several of the events. According to Coe representatives that college has a stronger track season than last year and expects to make the meet anything but a walkway on the part of the Iowa athletes. The contest is called for 2:30 p.m. Men entered in the 100-yard dash and the high hurdles will report on the field at 2:15, according to an order issued by Coach Watson yesterday. Three men are to compete in each event outside of the relay races. The following men are entered: 100 yard dash-Justin, Colby, Hill Mile run-Valentine, Sweazey, Kinney. 220 yard dash-Justin, Colby, Matthey. 120 yard high hurdles-Reno, Kostlan, Hayes. 440 yard dash-Greenwood, Smith, Dyke. 220 yard low hurdles, Kely, Kostlan, Hayes. Half mile run- Rosenbaugh, Sharp, Steussy. Mile relay-Greenwood, Smith, Stoner, Cumberland. Half mile relay-Justin, Matthey, Colby. Two mile run- Kruse, Young, Culver. Running high jump- Brigham, Kaufman, Kohrs. Running broad jump-Brigham, Reno, Bauma. Pole vault-Sheedy,, Baily, Kohrs. Discus-Greenwood, Slater, Mockmore. Shot put- Wallen, Slater, Mockmore. Javelin- Sheedy, Dyke, Bauma. The different events will probably be run off in this order although the two mile run may be changed to come at a different time. According to the present plans of those in charge of athletics, the members of the freshman track squad may compete against each other between the events of the Coe-Iowa dual meet Saturday. At this time the yearlings will be able to decide who is the best man in each event. Judges will pick the winners. Probably all events with the expectation of the two mile run will be include in the schedule. INSPECTS PSYCH. LABORATORY Capt. Botts of the Canadian medical corps, recently appointed head of the department of psychology of the University of Toronto, was here Tuesday studying the equipment and methods in practice in the University. He will probably introduce some of the features have been developed in the department here. SCIENTISTS WILL HOLD CONVENTIONS SATURDAY The Iowa Academy of Science will hold its thirty-third annual convention in Cedar Falls Friday and Saturday of this week. Dean George W. Kay, Prof. B. Shimek, Prof. A.O. Thomas, and Prof. R.W. Chaney with perhaps others from the University will attend. Professor Thomas is acting treasurer of the organization. The Iowa section of the American Chemical society will meet at the same place Saturday morning. Prof. E.W. Rockwell, L.C. Railford, J.N. Pearce, P.A. Bond, and F.S. Mortimer will probably attend this meeting. Mr. Mortimer is secretary of the Iowa section of the society, and Professor Bond is counsellor. WOMEN'S GLEE CLUB GIVES GOOD PROGRAM Selections Particulalrly Suited to Individuals-Voices Show Quality and Training Excellent training and thorough understanding was displayed in the annual concert of the Women's Glee club last night in the natural science auditorium. The Glee club opened the program with a lively, cheerful song, "A Madrigal in May," by Newton, and sang as an encore "My Lady Chlo," a negro love song. Ambrose's "Gypsy Serenade" sung by the Glee club brought out the planitive minor strains characteristic of gypsy life. With her clear lyric soprano voice, Vivienne Coady delighted the audience with a number from the "Cycle of Life" by Roland. In contrast to her singing, was that of Florence Pascoe whose contralto voice was full of depth and emotion. Corinne Hamill gave a pleasing violin solo, and also played a sympathetic obligato to Miss Pascoe's selection. Regina Des Jardins interpreted a seasonable "Dance to Spring." Wilson's "Carmina Waltz" sung by a quartet composed of Marie Colfix, Mona Goodwin, Lucille Arnold, and Dorothy Kelly, added variety to the program. Dignity and volume marked the closing chorus, "Song of Liberty." Prof. W.E. Hays conducted the Glee club and is largely responsible for the success of the concert. IRVINGS TO DEBATE PHILOS Inter-Society Championship Debate Is Presented Tomorrow Night Irving and Philo will contend for premiership in sophomore circles tomorrow evening at 7:30 in the natural science auditorium. The question for debate is one that has arisen out of the exigencies of war. As stated, it is: Resolved: that immigration into the United States should be restricted for a period of five years after the signing of the peace treaty, Cubans and Canadians to be expected, constiutionality granted. The Philo team, consisting of Albert Cannon, Csester Awe, and Joseph Tamisea, will argue that affirmative of the proposition; and Irving team, composed of Willis Nutting, Harold Keeley, and WIlliam Carr will present the negative discussion. A gila monster, a large lizard has been given to the museum, by Dr. A. Rogers. DR. GEORGE ROYAL HEAD OF HOMEOPATHY Dr. George Royal, formerly dean of homeopathic medicine, has been given the chair of homoepathic materia medica and therapeutics in the college of medicine. The members of the thirty-eighth general assembly repealed the law which established the homeopothic college here and authorized the Iowa State Board of Education to establish this new department or chair in the college of medicine. President Walter A. Jessup states that the old homeopathic hospital is to be used for the adult Perkins patients and for the discharged soldiers and sailors sent here by the bureau of war risk insurance. LAWS WILL EXPOSE CAMPUS CELEBRITIES Tickets Find Ready Sale for Big Jubilee Show- Elaborate Preperation Everything is in readiness for the big Law Jubilee which is to be presented at the Englert theater tonight. Yesterday the seat sale opened up to a long line of patrons anxious to procure the best seats in the theater. Although there still remain scores of desirable seats today it is expected that they will be taken by noon. The law's show, although an amateur and altogether original production, is said to be decidedly one of the best home talent presentations seen at the University for some time, from all the standpoints of successful production. Special scenery, lighting effects, music and costuming have been secured. The laws have taken the profits from their 1917 show for preparation of the presentation this year. It is rumored that many of the "leading lights" on the campus will receive cruel "let-downs" this evening when the laws put them on trial in their mock court room scene. However some 1100 University people will no doubt revel in glee at the antics of Iowa's lawyers-to-be. The curtain rises at 8:15 sharp. SWIM MEET WEDNESDAY Woman Contestants Will Compete For Honors In Nine Events The women's swimming meet, postponed because of the Law Jubilee, will be held Wednesday evening in the women's gymnasium. Women only may attend. Admission is 15 cents. Few girls, so far, have signified their intentions to enter the contest. Marion R. Lyon, swimming instructor, wishes more women to enroll, in order that the meet may offer real competition for honors. Events of the meet, and the present number of contestants is as follows: diving for form, 5; running dive, 4; fancy diving, 4; distance plunge, 7; stunts, 5; breat stroke, 6; side stroke, 8; back stroke, 7; any stroke, 5. Many of the figures are duplicated in every event. The stunt event affords opportunity for the exhibition of originality and should make one of the most interesting features of the meet. Swimmers who wish to enter this part of the meet may hand in their names to Magaret Starbuck, chairman. Eileen Concannon, Kappa Kappa Gamma, visited at her home in Davenport Easter Sunday. HAWKEYES TAKE TEN INNING GAME FROM MT. VERNON TEAM Old Gold Men Given Bad Scare When Cornell Rallied on EIghth Stanza HAMILTON STARS FOR IOWA Captain Brown, Cockshoot and Ehred win Laurels With the Stick Coach Jones' baseball nine won a weird game from Cornell yestrday afternoon at Mt. Vernon after a ten inning struggle that taxed the Hawkeyes to their limit. The score was 5 to 4. This makes the fourth straight victory for the Old Gold including one Big ten contest, and yesterday's triumph is another step toward the state championship. Hamilton did slab duty for the Hakweye yesterday while Lemon performed for Cornell. During the nine innings, Hammy struck out seventeen men and allowed but one walk, yet in spite of this brilliant performance, the enemy stickers nicked him for eleven hits. The game was slugfest from start to finish for Jones men slammed out thirteen hits themselves. Unfortunately for the Iowa swatters their hits came inopportunely. In the first stanza, after two outs had been made, four Hawkeyes got hits in succession, but they notice only one run. Iowa led in the score column, 3 to 1 up to the eighth frame, and Coach Jones was just packing the bats to go home when the COrnellians fell upon Hammy for two more scores and tied the count. Neither crew "drew blood" in the ninth inning, so it was neccessary to scrap another round. A determinted rally by the Old Gold athletes pushed two more counters across the plate in this tenth round, and although the Mt. Vernon players got another run in their half, Iowa went home with the proverbial "side o'hawg." Features of the game were the catching of Olson, lately assigned to the backstop berth, and the hitting of Captain Brown, Cockshoot, and Ehred. Cockshoot broke into the limelight with a triple and double while Brownie banged out four hits in as many at bat. The team leaves tomorrow for Layfayette where it will clash with Purdue Friday. Saturday, Coach Jones will lead his proteges to Urbana for a battle with Illinois before the return home. Score of Cornell game: Cornell 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 Iowa 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Batteries: Iowa-Hamilton and Olson; Cornell-Lemon and Balls. Struck out by Hamilton 17: by Lemon 7. PAN-HELLENIC BASKETBALL Pan-Hellenic fraternities will continue athletics and a baseball tournament will take place during the next few weeks. Owing to the interest created by basketball and the number of close games played the delegates at the meeting were highly in favor of a resumption of activities on the diamond. Ronald Reed is in charge of the schedule which will be divided into the north and east ends, the winner of each to play the final game. A silver cup will be awarded to the team having the cleanest slate.
The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa VOL XVIII-NEW SERIES VOL. III IOWA CITY, IOWA, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1919 IOWA AND COE CLASH IN DUEL TRACK MEET SCHEDULED SATURDAY The College Team Expects to Give Local Runners Much Competition LOCAL TEAM IS CHOSEN Three Men Are to Compete In Each Event Outside of the Relay Race The first dual track meet of the season will be held on Iowa field Saturday afternoon when Coe college clashes with Jack Watson's runners in tryouts last Tuesday, the men were picked for several of the events. According to Coe representatives that college has a stronger track season than last year and expects to make the meet anything but a walkway on the part of the Iowa athletes. The contest is called for 2:30 p.m. Men entered in the 100-yard dash and the high hurdles will report on the field at 2:15, according to an order issued by Coach Watson yesterday. Three men are to compete in each event outside of the relay races. The following men are entered: 100 yard dash-Justin, Colby, Hill Mile run-Valentine, Sweazey, Kinney. 220 yard dash-Justin, Colby, Matthey. 120 yard high hurdles-Reno, Kostlan, Hayes. 440 yard dash-Greenwood, Smith, Dyke. 220 yard low hurdles, Kely, Kostlan, Hayes. Half mile run- Rosenbaugh, Sharp, Steussy. Mile relay-Greenwood, Smith, Stoner, Cumberland. Half mile relay-Justin, Matthey, Colby. Two mile run- Kruse, Young, Culver. Running high jump- Brigham, Kaufman, Kohrs. Running broad jump-Brigham, Reno, Bauma. Pole vault-Sheedy,, Baily, Kohrs. Discus-Greenwood, Slater, Mockmore. Shot put- Wallen, Slater, Mockmore. Javelin- Sheedy, Dyke, Bauma. The different events will probably be run off in this order although the two mile run may be changed to come at a different time. According to the present plans of those in charge of athletics, the members of the freshman track squad may compete against each other between the events of the Coe-Iowa dual meet Saturday. At this time the yearlings will be able to decide who is the best man in each event. Judges will pick the winners. Probably all events with the expectation of the two mile run will be include in the schedule. INSPECTS PSYCH. LABORATORY Capt. Botts of the Canadian medical corps, recently appointed head of the department of psychology of the University of Toronto, was here Tuesday studying the equipment and methods in practice in the University. He will probably introduce some of the features have been developed in the department here. SCIENTISTS WILL HOLD CONVENTIONS SATURDAY The Iowa Academy of Science will hold its thirty-third annual convention in Cedar Falls Friday and Saturday of this week. Dean George W. Kay, Prof. B. Shimek, Prof. A.O. Thomas, and Prof. R.W. Chaney with perhaps others from the University will attend. Professor Thomas is acting treasurer of the organization. The Iowa section of the American Chemical society will meet at the same place Saturday morning. Prof. E.W. Rockwell, L.C. Railford, J.N. Pearce, P.A. Bond, and F.S. Mortimer will probably attend this meeting. Mr. Mortimer is secretary of the Iowa section of the society, and Professor Bond is counsellor. WOMEN'S GLEE CLUB GIVES GOOD PROGRAM Selections Particulalrly Suited to Individuals-Voices Show Quality and Training Excellent training and thorough understanding was displayed in the annual concert of the Women's Glee club last night in the natural science auditorium. The Glee club opened the program with a lively, cheerful song, "A Madrigal in May," by Newton, and sang as an encore "My Lady Chlo," a negro love song. Ambrose's "Gypsy Serenade" sung by the Glee club brought out the planitive minor strains characteristic of gypsy life. With her clear lyric soprano voice, Vivienne Coady delighted the audience with a number from the "Cycle of Life" by Roland. In contrast to her singing, was that of Florence Pascoe whose contralto voice was full of depth and emotion. Corinne Hamill gave a pleasing violin solo, and also played a sympathetic obligato to Miss Pascoe's selection. Regina Des Jardins interpreted a seasonable "Dance to Spring." Wilson's "Carmina Waltz" sung by a quartet composed of Marie Colfix, Mona Goodwin, Lucille Arnold, and Dorothy Kelly, added variety to the program. Dignity and volume marked the closing chorus, "Song of Liberty." Prof. W.E. Hays conducted the Glee club and is largely responsible for the success of the concert. IRVINGS TO DEBATE PHILOS Inter-Society Championship Debate Is Presented Tomorrow Night Irving and Philo will contend for premiership in sophomore circles tomorrow evening at 7:30 in the natural science auditorium. The question for debate is one that has arisen out of the exigencies of war. As stated, it is: Resolved: that immigration into the United States should be restricted for a period of five years after the signing of the peace treaty, Cubans and Canadians to be expected, constiutionality granted. The Philo team, consisting of Albert Cannon, Csester Awe, and Joseph Tamisea, will argue that affirmative of the proposition; and Irving team, composed of Willis Nutting, Harold Keeley, and WIlliam Carr will present the negative discussion. A gila monster, a large lizard has been given to the museum, by Dr. A. Rogers. DR. GEORGE ROYAL HEAD OF HOMEOPATHY Dr. George Royal, formerly dean of homeopathic medicine, has been given the chair of homoepathic materia medica and therapeutics in the college of medicine. The members of the thirty-eighth general assembly repealed the law which established the homeopothic college here and authorized the Iowa State Board of Education to establish this new department or chair in the college of medicine. President Walter A. Jessup states that the old homeopathic hospital is to be used for the adult Perkins patients and for the discharged soldiers and sailors sent here by the bureau of war risk insurance. LAWS WILL EXPOSE CAMPUS CELEBRITIES Tickets Find Ready Sale for Big Jubilee Show- Elaborate Preperation Everything is in readiness for the big Law Jubilee which is to be presented at the Englert theater tonight. Yesterday the seat sale opened up to a long line of patrons anxious to procure the best seats in the theater. Although there still remain scores of desirable seats today it is expected that they will be taken by noon. The law's show, although an amateur and altogether original production, is said to be decidedly one of the best home talent presentations seen at the University for some time, from all the standpoints of successful production. Special scenery, lighting effects, music and costuming have been secured. The laws have taken the profits from their 1917 show for preparation of the presentation this year. It is rumored that many of the "leading lights" on the campus will receive cruel "let-downs" this evening when the laws put them on trial in their mock court room scene. However some 1100 University people will no doubt revel in glee at the antics of Iowa's lawyers-to-be. The curtain rises at 8:15 sharp. SWIM MEET WEDNESDAY Woman Contestants Will Compete For Honors In Nine Events The women's swimming meet, postponed because of the Law Jubilee, will be held Wednesday evening in the women's gymnasium. Women only may attend. Admission is 15 cents. Few girls, so far, have signified their intentions to enter the contest. Marion R. Lyon, swimming instructor, wishes more women to enroll, in order that the meet may offer real competition for honors. Events of the meet, and the present number of contestants is as follows: diving for form, 5; running dive, 4; fancy diving, 4; distance plunge, 7; stunts, 5; breat stroke, 6; side stroke, 8; back stroke, 7; any stroke, 5. Many of the figures are duplicated in every event. The stunt event affords opportunity for the exhibition of originality and should make one of the most interesting features of the meet. Swimmers who wish to enter this part of the meet may hand in their names to Magaret Starbuck, chairman. Eileen Concannon, Kappa Kappa Gamma, visited at her home in Davenport Easter Sunday. HAWKEYES TAKE TEN INNING GAME FROM MT. VERNON TEAM Old Gold Men Given Bad Scare When Cornell Rallied on EIghth Stanza HAMILTON STARS FOR IOWA Captain Brown, Cockshoot and Ehred win Laurels With the Stick Coach Jones' baseball nine won a weird game from Cornell yestrday afternoon at Mt. Vernon after a ten inning struggle that taxed the Hawkeyes to their limit. The score was 5 to 4. This makes the fourth straight victory for the Old Gold including one Big ten contest, and yesterday's triumph is another step toward the state championship. Hamilton did slab duty for the Hakweye yesterday while Lemon performed for Cornell. During the nine innings, Hammy struck out seventeen men and allowed but one walk, yet in spite of this brilliant performance, the enemy stickers nicked him for eleven hits. The game was slugfest from start to finish for Jones men slammed out thirteen hits themselves. Unfortunately for the Iowa swatters their hits came inopportunely. In the first stanza, after two outs had been made, four Hawkeyes got hits in succession, but they notice only one run. Iowa led in the score column, 3 to 1 up to the eighth frame, and Coach Jones was just packing the bats to go home when the COrnellians fell upon Hammy for two more scores and tied the count. Neither crew "drew blood" in the ninth inning, so it was neccessary to scrap another round. A determinted rally by the Old Gold athletes pushed two more counters across the plate in this tenth round, and although the Mt. Vernon players got another run in their half, Iowa went home with the proverbial "side o'hawg." Features of the game were the catching of Olson, lately assigned to the backstop berth, and the hitting of Captain Brown, Cockshoot, and Ehred. Cockshoot broke into the limelight with a triple and double while Brownie banged out four hits in as many at bat. The team leaves tomorrow for Layfayette where it will clash with Purdue Friday. Saturday, Coach Jones will lead his proteges to Urbana for a battle with Illinois before the return home. Score of Cornell game: Cornell 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 Iowa 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Batteries: Iowa-Hamilton and Olson; Cornell-Lemon and Balls. Struck out by Hamilton 17: by Lemon 7. PAN-HELLENIC BASKETBALL Pan-Hellenic fraternities will continue athletics and a baseball tournament will take place during the next few weeks. Owing to the interest created by basketball and the number of close games played the delegates at the meeting were highly in favor of a resumption of activities on the diamond. Ronald Reed is in charge of the schedule which will be divided into the north and east ends, the winner of each to play the final game. A silver cup will be awarded to the team having the cleanest slate.
Daily Iowan Newspapers