Daily Iowan, April 24, 1919
Page 3
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Thursday, April 24, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE MARSTON-FEENEY The marriage of Evelyn Marston of Mason City, former assistant instructor of household economics in Iowa City public schools, to Lieut. A. J. Feeney, Jr., Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Feeney of Iowa City took place in Des Moines Saturday, April 12 at 7 o'clock at the residence of the Rev. Mr. Kirby, pastor of Plymouth Congregational Church. Mrs. Feeney attended Iowa State college and was a member of the Pi Beta Phi sorority there receiving her degree of bachelor of science at Rockford college at Rockford, Ill. Lieut. Feeney was graduated from liberal arts in 1915 and from law in 1917. While in the University he was affiliated with the Delta Tau Delta fraternity and the Phi Alpha Delta fraternity. Since Feb. 3 Lieut. Feeney has been in various hospitals in France. At present he is stationed at Fort Des Moines. Mrs. Feeney will make her home with her parents in Mason City until Lieut. Feeney is discharged. ------ GEISER-LYNCH The marriage of Agatha Geiser, B. A. '15, to Percy L. Lynch, both of Independence, took place April 6. Mr. and Mrs. Lynch will make their home at Greeley, Colo., at present as Mr. Lynch is completing his course at the agricultural college at Greeley. ----- Currier hall girls will entertain at tea Saturday afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30. Members of the faculty and their wives are to be the guests and Mrs. A. N. Currier will be the guest of honor. Dr. and Mrs. Otto Stuhlman and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Cowin will be the chaperones at a dance at Reichardt's pavilion Friday evening. Amy Morris Homans, former head of physical education at Wellesley college, visited Marion Lyons, head of the physical education department the first of the week. Miss Jane E. Roberts, the University librarian will talk on "Opportunities in Library Work for College Girls," at freshman lectures today. Y.W.C.A. held it's weekly tea at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Prof. C.M. Case spoke on "The College Women and her Bondage to Fashion." Kathryn Roberts of Fort Madison is spending a few days at the Delta Gamma house. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Starbuck have gone to Washburn college at Topeka, Kans. Mrs. Starbuck will give a series of musical recitals and professor Starbuck will give lectures on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. S. N. Geiser, head of the department of biology at Upper Iowa university, will come here next year to work for his doctor of philosophy degree. Mrs. J. W. Tummel and daughter of State Center visited Mildred Tummel ot the Tri-Delt house Monday and Tuesday of this week. Sigma Delta Chi, honorary journalistic fraternity, announces the pledging of Dr. Cyril Upham and Warren Bassett. A quartet composed of Edna Lewis Clarice Knudson, Harold Thomas and Charles Maruth, gave a musical program at Currier hall Sunday afternoon. PAN-HELLENIC DANCE Pan-Hellenic will dance at the Armory Friday evening. Decorations are in charge of Art Thorwick of Coasts' No palms and no ferns in decorating will furnish a break in the usual monotony of decorating schemes. Flowers and a general springtime effect will be appreciated. Panels with shading in colors and bird houses form an aesthetic division between the booth effects which are devoted to the different fraternities. Chaperons will be Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Brumfiel, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Rader, Mr. and Mrs. William Coast, Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Whinery, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Thayer, Mr. and Mrs. Ingalls Swisher, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clearman, Dr. and Mrs. Harold Van Meter, and Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Whiteis. ----- TRIANGLE FORMAL Triangle club entertained at a formal dancing party at the club rooms last evening. This is the first formal party of the present year. Light refreshments were served. Special music was furnished by Johnson's orchestra. Attendance was somewhat larger than usual. ----- ALL FOOLS' JUBILEE TRYOUTS Tryouts for the All Fools' jubilee will be held tomorrow afternoon from 4 to 6. the different organizations which have prepared stunts will then perform before a censor board of three members. The persons selected to judge the presentations at that time are prof. E. H. Lauer, Prof. H. F. Goodrich , and Miss Catherine Mullin. ----- FATE SAVED HER Thanks to an errand in her outer office, Prof. Ruth A. Wardall, head of the home economics department, escaped injury yesterday noon when the plaster above her desk in the home economics building parted company with the ceiling and crushed to the floor. NORTHWESTERN TEACHERS' AGENCY FOR ENTIRE WEST AND ALASKA-- THE LARGEST AND BEST AGENCY Write immediately for free circular BOISE IDAHO TEACHERS WANTED For all departments of school work. School officials will soon elect teachers for next year. A MAXIMUM OF SERVICE AT A MINIMUM COMMISSION RATE. Commission 4 per cent. Territory, central and western states. Write today for blanks. HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY Cedar Rapids, Iowa We Will Launder Your Negligee Shirts in a way that makes them look much better than is possible when they are sent elsewhere. You will find that we wash them thoroughly, but so carefully that the colors stay brights. Don't mail your laundry home. All you have to do is phone 294. New Process Laundry "The Pride of Iowa City" PHONE 294 TENTH INNING GIVES IOWA WINNING SCORE Iowa went ten innings before it was able to down Cornell at Mount Vernon Tuesday afternoon. The score was 5 to 4. Goodwin batting.for Parrott in the tenth singled to right field, scoring the winning run. Cornell had three men on bases in the tenth and one man out but was unable to score. Hamilton pitched for the Hawkeyes but he was not in his best form. Iowa hit Lemon for a total of twelve hits but these were not bunched. Cockshoot hit a triple and a double. Bink played his first game substituting for Lrish at second base. Olson caught a good game while his throwing to the bases was good, after throwing the first two Methodists out in the attempt to steal, the rest refrained from beaing Alie's trusty arm. Cornell will play a return game here later in the season. ------ Athena literary society will entertain at a dancing party at the Burkley Friday evening. Prof. and Mrs. H. F. Wickham will chaperon. ----- Ella Ohde of Manning has returned home after a week's visit with her sister Dora, a sophomore in the University. COMMENCEMENT SUIT SAND TOP COATS $30 and upward Made to your Individual Measure by E. V. Price JC Clotes that invite the question Who's your Tailor J. R. KEMPSTON Opposite Englert Theatre [[imagae of man next to box of clothing]] Shirts Are you hard to fit? Our Custom Made Shirts made to your measure will satisfy the most exacting. CALL 48 and ask us to submit samples at your home or office. HERE'S our business code: Give you more value, more style, more clothes satisfaction. If we don't do it-- give your money back. Coasts' Coast's [[image: WDC Trademark]] PRICE for price, grade for grade, there is no better pipe made than a WDC. You can get a pipe with the familiar triangle trademark in any size and shape and grade you want -- and you will be glad you did it. WDC Pipes are American made and sold in the best shops at $6 down to 75 cents. WM. Demuth & Co., New York World's Largest Pipe Manufacturer [[image: smoking pipe]] Here is a pipe to be proud of in any company. Genuine French Friar, carefully selected, beautifully worked, superbly mounted with sterling band and vulcanite bit. UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text Books and Supplies WATERMAN, CONKLIN AND SCHAEFFER FOUNTAIN PENS UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE APRIL 26 ALL FOOLS JUBILEE N. S. AUDITORIUM
Thursday, April 24, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE MARSTON-FEENEY The marriage of Evelyn Marston of Mason City, former assistant instructor of household economics in Iowa City public schools, to Lieut. A. J. Feeney, Jr., Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Feeney of Iowa City took place in Des Moines Saturday, April 12 at 7 o'clock at the residence of the Rev. Mr. Kirby, pastor of Plymouth Congregational Church. Mrs. Feeney attended Iowa State college and was a member of the Pi Beta Phi sorority there receiving her degree of bachelor of science at Rockford college at Rockford, Ill. Lieut. Feeney was graduated from liberal arts in 1915 and from law in 1917. While in the University he was affiliated with the Delta Tau Delta fraternity and the Phi Alpha Delta fraternity. Since Feb. 3 Lieut. Feeney has been in various hospitals in France. At present he is stationed at Fort Des Moines. Mrs. Feeney will make her home with her parents in Mason City until Lieut. Feeney is discharged. ------ GEISER-LYNCH The marriage of Agatha Geiser, B. A. '15, to Percy L. Lynch, both of Independence, took place April 6. Mr. and Mrs. Lynch will make their home at Greeley, Colo., at present as Mr. Lynch is completing his course at the agricultural college at Greeley. ----- Currier hall girls will entertain at tea Saturday afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30. Members of the faculty and their wives are to be the guests and Mrs. A. N. Currier will be the guest of honor. Dr. and Mrs. Otto Stuhlman and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Cowin will be the chaperones at a dance at Reichardt's pavilion Friday evening. Amy Morris Homans, former head of physical education at Wellesley college, visited Marion Lyons, head of the physical education department the first of the week. Miss Jane E. Roberts, the University librarian will talk on "Opportunities in Library Work for College Girls," at freshman lectures today. Y.W.C.A. held it's weekly tea at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Prof. C.M. Case spoke on "The College Women and her Bondage to Fashion." Kathryn Roberts of Fort Madison is spending a few days at the Delta Gamma house. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Starbuck have gone to Washburn college at Topeka, Kans. Mrs. Starbuck will give a series of musical recitals and professor Starbuck will give lectures on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. S. N. Geiser, head of the department of biology at Upper Iowa university, will come here next year to work for his doctor of philosophy degree. Mrs. J. W. Tummel and daughter of State Center visited Mildred Tummel ot the Tri-Delt house Monday and Tuesday of this week. Sigma Delta Chi, honorary journalistic fraternity, announces the pledging of Dr. Cyril Upham and Warren Bassett. A quartet composed of Edna Lewis Clarice Knudson, Harold Thomas and Charles Maruth, gave a musical program at Currier hall Sunday afternoon. PAN-HELLENIC DANCE Pan-Hellenic will dance at the Armory Friday evening. Decorations are in charge of Art Thorwick of Coasts' No palms and no ferns in decorating will furnish a break in the usual monotony of decorating schemes. Flowers and a general springtime effect will be appreciated. Panels with shading in colors and bird houses form an aesthetic division between the booth effects which are devoted to the different fraternities. Chaperons will be Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Brumfiel, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Rader, Mr. and Mrs. William Coast, Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Whinery, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Thayer, Mr. and Mrs. Ingalls Swisher, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clearman, Dr. and Mrs. Harold Van Meter, and Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Whiteis. ----- TRIANGLE FORMAL Triangle club entertained at a formal dancing party at the club rooms last evening. This is the first formal party of the present year. Light refreshments were served. Special music was furnished by Johnson's orchestra. Attendance was somewhat larger than usual. ----- ALL FOOLS' JUBILEE TRYOUTS Tryouts for the All Fools' jubilee will be held tomorrow afternoon from 4 to 6. the different organizations which have prepared stunts will then perform before a censor board of three members. The persons selected to judge the presentations at that time are prof. E. H. Lauer, Prof. H. F. Goodrich , and Miss Catherine Mullin. ----- FATE SAVED HER Thanks to an errand in her outer office, Prof. Ruth A. Wardall, head of the home economics department, escaped injury yesterday noon when the plaster above her desk in the home economics building parted company with the ceiling and crushed to the floor. NORTHWESTERN TEACHERS' AGENCY FOR ENTIRE WEST AND ALASKA-- THE LARGEST AND BEST AGENCY Write immediately for free circular BOISE IDAHO TEACHERS WANTED For all departments of school work. School officials will soon elect teachers for next year. A MAXIMUM OF SERVICE AT A MINIMUM COMMISSION RATE. Commission 4 per cent. Territory, central and western states. Write today for blanks. HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY Cedar Rapids, Iowa We Will Launder Your Negligee Shirts in a way that makes them look much better than is possible when they are sent elsewhere. You will find that we wash them thoroughly, but so carefully that the colors stay brights. Don't mail your laundry home. All you have to do is phone 294. New Process Laundry "The Pride of Iowa City" PHONE 294 TENTH INNING GIVES IOWA WINNING SCORE Iowa went ten innings before it was able to down Cornell at Mount Vernon Tuesday afternoon. The score was 5 to 4. Goodwin batting.for Parrott in the tenth singled to right field, scoring the winning run. Cornell had three men on bases in the tenth and one man out but was unable to score. Hamilton pitched for the Hawkeyes but he was not in his best form. Iowa hit Lemon for a total of twelve hits but these were not bunched. Cockshoot hit a triple and a double. Bink played his first game substituting for Lrish at second base. Olson caught a good game while his throwing to the bases was good, after throwing the first two Methodists out in the attempt to steal, the rest refrained from beaing Alie's trusty arm. Cornell will play a return game here later in the season. ------ Athena literary society will entertain at a dancing party at the Burkley Friday evening. Prof. and Mrs. H. F. Wickham will chaperon. ----- Ella Ohde of Manning has returned home after a week's visit with her sister Dora, a sophomore in the University. COMMENCEMENT SUIT SAND TOP COATS $30 and upward Made to your Individual Measure by E. V. Price JC Clotes that invite the question Who's your Tailor J. R. KEMPSTON Opposite Englert Theatre [[imagae of man next to box of clothing]] Shirts Are you hard to fit? Our Custom Made Shirts made to your measure will satisfy the most exacting. CALL 48 and ask us to submit samples at your home or office. HERE'S our business code: Give you more value, more style, more clothes satisfaction. If we don't do it-- give your money back. Coasts' Coast's [[image: WDC Trademark]] PRICE for price, grade for grade, there is no better pipe made than a WDC. You can get a pipe with the familiar triangle trademark in any size and shape and grade you want -- and you will be glad you did it. WDC Pipes are American made and sold in the best shops at $6 down to 75 cents. WM. Demuth & Co., New York World's Largest Pipe Manufacturer [[image: smoking pipe]] Here is a pipe to be proud of in any company. Genuine French Friar, carefully selected, beautifully worked, superbly mounted with sterling band and vulcanite bit. UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text Books and Supplies WATERMAN, CONKLIN AND SCHAEFFER FOUNTAIN PENS UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE APRIL 26 ALL FOOLS JUBILEE N. S. AUDITORIUM
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