Daily Iowan, April 26, 1919
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Sunday, April 26, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE SOCIETY AND PERSONAL Engineers will dance tonight at the park. Professor and Mrs. Keller are the chaperones. Lieut. Tom Gardner is visiting friends in the city and Univeristy. He was recently discharged from aviation at Camp Devins and is living for the present at his home in Ottumwa. Pervious to enlistment Mr. Gardner was enrolled in engineering college. Mary E. Robeson is spending the week end at her home in Toledo. Carrie McIntosh of Currier hall is visiting Myrlie Sharp at Bartlet hall, Cedar Falls. Myrle Sinn, junior, is spending the week end at her home in Williamsburg. Delta Tau Delta will entertain at a dancing party at the house, 711 E. Burlington, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Rader and Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Records will chaperon. Isabel Nauerth, Alpha Theta, is at the University hospital for the removal of her tonsils. Dorothy Lingham, sophomore, is spending the week end at her home in DeWitt. Lorraine Taft, Gamma Phi Beta, is spending a few days at her home in Des Moines. A.H. Adams of Dumont, a former student in the college of pharmacy is visiting in the city. The Rev. George D. Rogers of Winterset, father of B.C. Rogers, is visiting his son. C.E. Dixon, pharmacy '16, of Pleasantville is visiting in Iowa CIty. Mrs. Justina Loren Stevens addressed Dr. Starbuck's class in comparative religion Wednesday morning on old Scandinavion religion. Francis Rowfe of Sioux City is visiting Lucile Milligan. Edna Kauffman of Des Moines is spending the week end at the Tri Delt house. Prof. F. C. Ensign will speak to the student clas sof the English Lutheran church on "Some of the Religious Aspects of Reconstruction" at 10:45 Sunday morning. Currier hall girls are giving a tea this afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock in honor of Mrs. A.M. Currier. All the faculty members are invited. Gertrude Kiser, sophomore, is spending a few days at her home in Wilton Junction. Esther Houch, of Rolfe, is a guest this week end at the Alpha Chi house. Gladys Cutter, Tri Delt, went to Ames yesterday to attend the Sig Alph party. Ardis Cummins, of Cedar Rapids is a guest at the Gamma Phi house. Lilah Whetstine is spending the week end at her home in Wellman. Emily Walters, who formerly attended the school of commerce and who is now teaching at Dubuque, is here visiting friends. Agnes Dawson has accepted a position as principal of the consolidated school at Irwin, Ia. She will teach English and have charge of athletics. Ila Collins, of Fairfield, is spending the week end at the Delta Gamma house. Ida Forbes, of Jefferson, who attended school here last year came Thursday to spend a few days at the Tri Delt House. Nancy Lamb has gone to Ames to spend the week end. SEASHORE AT CEDAR FALLS Dean C.E. Seashore left yesterday afternoon for Cedar Falls to attend the thirty-third meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science. While ther ehe will deliver two addresses before the meeting, one on the subject, "Evolution of Mental Tests as Used in the Army," the other on the "Distribution of Musical Talent in the Freshman Class in the Univeristy." [advertisement] SKIRTS OF EVERY KNOWN MODEL SILK WORSTED OR WOLL FABRICS AN UNPRECENDENTED SALE OF- Seperate Skirts Saturday, $9.85, $10.85. $11.85, $12.85 No where will you find it better. The most complete, comphrehensive showing of strictly tailored skirts we believe ever shown in the city. EVERY MODEL IS A NEW ONE and it strictly exclusive with this store. The materials are the finest money will buy. The styles are not only the latest, but the most approved. THE PRICE is 25 per cent less for an equal value. Every one a value we know none can better Bennison's WE OFFER SATURDAY SPECIAL 1000 Pairs of Silk Gloves worth up to $3.00 a pair- TWO LOTS 48c and 69c Pair It's a clean up of our entire stock of Silk and Fabric Gloves-there is an untold variety-and your careful inspection should find many pairs you can use the days to come for 1-3, 1-4, and 1-2 their actual worth. You'll see gloves for party, street, afternoon and every occassion. Some are in evening shades-tucked gauntlets, embroidered back and gauntlets-some in plain colors. Evening shades in 8, 10 and 12 button lengths-others are staple blacks, whites, tans, grays, ponee and champange shades. A complete line of A complete line of Swedetex at $1, $1.25, $1.50. ALL GO FINAL CLEARANCE OF GLOVES. $500 HIGH GRADE BON TON-ROYAL WORCESTER W.D. JUSTRITE-ROBERTA CORSETS TO CLOSE- Saturday for One-Half Their Worth We place these Corsets on sale Saturday and in their offering we wish to state every model is strictly up to the minute. These Corsets are numbers of models that the makers have advanced to such a figure that we do not feel justified in carrying and rather than continue we have discontinued the old price nearly one-half. HOLD THE ENTIRE LOT ON SALE. Saturday For $1.48 and $1.98 each The Corsets we offer at $1.48 sold originally at $2.00 and $2.50. The factory price today would make their retail value $4 and $5. The $1.98 lot would retail at $6.00 each we cut the old price of $4 and $5. Here's the Shoppers Saturday Savings-- Pebeco Tooth Paste..............29c Pepsodent Tooth Paste............39c Kolxnos Tooth Paste.........19c Colgate's Tooth Paste........19c Canthrox........45c Melba Cleaner.......45c Pompean Bloom Rouge.....45c SPECIAL SATURDAY- 500 CANS MAVIS TALCUM FOR 31C each TOILETS SOAPS-LAUNDRY-POWDERS Woodbury's Facial Soup, per cake..........19c Resinol Medicated Soap.......10c Cuticuri Medicated Soap..........19c Packer's Tar Soup, per cake............19c Lux, Saturday, 2 packages for.....................21c Dutch Cleansers. 2 packages for.............9c Ivory Soap, 3 bars for.............20c Kirk's Flake Soap, 3 bars for...............18c P. and G. Naptha Soap, 3 bars for...............20c
Sunday, April 26, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE SOCIETY AND PERSONAL Engineers will dance tonight at the park. Professor and Mrs. Keller are the chaperones. Lieut. Tom Gardner is visiting friends in the city and Univeristy. He was recently discharged from aviation at Camp Devins and is living for the present at his home in Ottumwa. Pervious to enlistment Mr. Gardner was enrolled in engineering college. Mary E. Robeson is spending the week end at her home in Toledo. Carrie McIntosh of Currier hall is visiting Myrlie Sharp at Bartlet hall, Cedar Falls. Myrle Sinn, junior, is spending the week end at her home in Williamsburg. Delta Tau Delta will entertain at a dancing party at the house, 711 E. Burlington, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Rader and Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Records will chaperon. Isabel Nauerth, Alpha Theta, is at the University hospital for the removal of her tonsils. Dorothy Lingham, sophomore, is spending the week end at her home in DeWitt. Lorraine Taft, Gamma Phi Beta, is spending a few days at her home in Des Moines. A.H. Adams of Dumont, a former student in the college of pharmacy is visiting in the city. The Rev. George D. Rogers of Winterset, father of B.C. Rogers, is visiting his son. C.E. Dixon, pharmacy '16, of Pleasantville is visiting in Iowa CIty. Mrs. Justina Loren Stevens addressed Dr. Starbuck's class in comparative religion Wednesday morning on old Scandinavion religion. Francis Rowfe of Sioux City is visiting Lucile Milligan. Edna Kauffman of Des Moines is spending the week end at the Tri Delt house. Prof. F. C. Ensign will speak to the student clas sof the English Lutheran church on "Some of the Religious Aspects of Reconstruction" at 10:45 Sunday morning. Currier hall girls are giving a tea this afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock in honor of Mrs. A.M. Currier. All the faculty members are invited. Gertrude Kiser, sophomore, is spending a few days at her home in Wilton Junction. Esther Houch, of Rolfe, is a guest this week end at the Alpha Chi house. Gladys Cutter, Tri Delt, went to Ames yesterday to attend the Sig Alph party. Ardis Cummins, of Cedar Rapids is a guest at the Gamma Phi house. Lilah Whetstine is spending the week end at her home in Wellman. Emily Walters, who formerly attended the school of commerce and who is now teaching at Dubuque, is here visiting friends. Agnes Dawson has accepted a position as principal of the consolidated school at Irwin, Ia. She will teach English and have charge of athletics. Ila Collins, of Fairfield, is spending the week end at the Delta Gamma house. Ida Forbes, of Jefferson, who attended school here last year came Thursday to spend a few days at the Tri Delt House. Nancy Lamb has gone to Ames to spend the week end. SEASHORE AT CEDAR FALLS Dean C.E. Seashore left yesterday afternoon for Cedar Falls to attend the thirty-third meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science. While ther ehe will deliver two addresses before the meeting, one on the subject, "Evolution of Mental Tests as Used in the Army," the other on the "Distribution of Musical Talent in the Freshman Class in the Univeristy." [advertisement] SKIRTS OF EVERY KNOWN MODEL SILK WORSTED OR WOLL FABRICS AN UNPRECENDENTED SALE OF- Seperate Skirts Saturday, $9.85, $10.85. $11.85, $12.85 No where will you find it better. The most complete, comphrehensive showing of strictly tailored skirts we believe ever shown in the city. EVERY MODEL IS A NEW ONE and it strictly exclusive with this store. The materials are the finest money will buy. The styles are not only the latest, but the most approved. THE PRICE is 25 per cent less for an equal value. Every one a value we know none can better Bennison's WE OFFER SATURDAY SPECIAL 1000 Pairs of Silk Gloves worth up to $3.00 a pair- TWO LOTS 48c and 69c Pair It's a clean up of our entire stock of Silk and Fabric Gloves-there is an untold variety-and your careful inspection should find many pairs you can use the days to come for 1-3, 1-4, and 1-2 their actual worth. You'll see gloves for party, street, afternoon and every occassion. Some are in evening shades-tucked gauntlets, embroidered back and gauntlets-some in plain colors. Evening shades in 8, 10 and 12 button lengths-others are staple blacks, whites, tans, grays, ponee and champange shades. A complete line of A complete line of Swedetex at $1, $1.25, $1.50. ALL GO FINAL CLEARANCE OF GLOVES. $500 HIGH GRADE BON TON-ROYAL WORCESTER W.D. JUSTRITE-ROBERTA CORSETS TO CLOSE- Saturday for One-Half Their Worth We place these Corsets on sale Saturday and in their offering we wish to state every model is strictly up to the minute. These Corsets are numbers of models that the makers have advanced to such a figure that we do not feel justified in carrying and rather than continue we have discontinued the old price nearly one-half. HOLD THE ENTIRE LOT ON SALE. Saturday For $1.48 and $1.98 each The Corsets we offer at $1.48 sold originally at $2.00 and $2.50. The factory price today would make their retail value $4 and $5. The $1.98 lot would retail at $6.00 each we cut the old price of $4 and $5. Here's the Shoppers Saturday Savings-- Pebeco Tooth Paste..............29c Pepsodent Tooth Paste............39c Kolxnos Tooth Paste.........19c Colgate's Tooth Paste........19c Canthrox........45c Melba Cleaner.......45c Pompean Bloom Rouge.....45c SPECIAL SATURDAY- 500 CANS MAVIS TALCUM FOR 31C each TOILETS SOAPS-LAUNDRY-POWDERS Woodbury's Facial Soup, per cake..........19c Resinol Medicated Soap.......10c Cuticuri Medicated Soap..........19c Packer's Tar Soup, per cake............19c Lux, Saturday, 2 packages for.....................21c Dutch Cleansers. 2 packages for.............9c Ivory Soap, 3 bars for.............20c Kirk's Flake Soap, 3 bars for...............18c P. and G. Naptha Soap, 3 bars for...............20c
Daily Iowan Newspapers