Daily Iowan, April 27, 1919
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Sunday, April 27, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE FIVE UNIVERSITY BAND WILL MAKE TOUR OF WEST IN JUNE Will Play Six Weeks in California With Headquarters at Los Angeles GET SALARY AND EXPENSES Trip is Backed By National Society Which is Raising $10,000 for Prisoner’s Orphans Six weeks of concert playing in California has been assured the chautauqua section of the University band for this summer’s tour. The men will go to Los Angeles immediately after the June commencement and remain in that vicinity until the first part of August. This offer comes as a result of the eleven weeks concert tour, covering 10,000 miles through ten states, made by this division of the band last year. Charles Brandon Booth, who was on the same circuit of the [Midland?] Chautauqua with the University band during that season, will lecture again at the concerts this summer. The California trip is backed and guaranteed by the board of directors of a national society which is organizing a campaign to raise $10,000 for a home for prisoners’ orphans. Pullman service, all other expenses, and a salary will be provided for every member of the band. Los Angeles will be the summer headquarters, and daily concerts will be given in nearby towns, which can be reached by train or automobile in a few hours time. The last two weeks will be spent on the road. Picnics and other outings are planned by the guarantors for the University band. “This is the biggest thing ever offered to a student band in this country, to my knowledge. It is the result of the success of last summer’s trip, through our acquaintance with Mr. Booth,” said Dr. O.E. Van Doren is yesterday. Dr. Van Doren has been the band instructor for the past eight years, and it was through his efforts that the University band began concert touring three years ago. HAWKEYES DEFEAT PURDUE, SCORES 7-6 Hamilton’s Clout in Final Frame Breaks Deadlock Which Threatens Extra Innings Coach Jones’ Hawkeye baseball team lifted another conference scalp at Lafayette Friday when they [unreadable] an exciting baseball game from Purdue. McIlree did mound duty for the Old Gold and allowed but five hits to the Boilermakers. The game was a little ragged in some stanzas as the errors will testify, six crimes being chalked to Iowa and four to Purdue. Hamilton, one of the Old Gold pitchers but who played in the outfield Friday, won a place in the Hawkeye hall of fame. With the count tied in the final frame, Hammy lambasted the horsehide for two bases and scored Ehred with the winning run. Ehred was also a big factor in the Iowa Victory as he poled out four hits in five trips to the plate. Crawford, Old Gold outfielder, managed to get two safe clouts while Brown and Cockshoot were credited with one each. The Hawkeye crew started the game with a rush, scoring four runs in the initial period, and adding a fifth in the second inning. The Boilermakers nicked McIlree for one run in the first frame, two in the third, one in the fourth, and passed the Hawkeyes in the fifth round with two more runs. No more scoring occurred until the eighth inning when Iowa fell on Heine, the Purdue twirler, for another counter, tieing the tally. In the final frame, Hammy’s clout broke up the ball game and saved the contest from going into extra periods to settle a deadlock. The score: Iowa Brown, lf.. AB 5 R 2 H 1 E 0 Bink, 2b AB 5 R 0 H 0 E 2 Ehred, ss AB 5 R 2 H 4 E 1 Hamilton, rf AB 5 R 1 H 2 E 0 Crawford, cf AB 5 R 1 H 2 E 0 McIlree, p AB 3 R 1 H 0 E 1 Cockshoot, 1b AB 4 R 0 H 1 E 0 Olson, c AB 4 R 0 H 0 E 0 Goodwin, 3b AB 4 R 0 H 0 E 2 _____ ___ ___ ___ Totals 40 7 10 6 Purdue Beall, lf AB 2 R 1 H 0 E 2 Bailey, lb AB 5 R 0 H 1 E 0 Martin, rf AB 4 R 0 H 1 E 0 Heine, p AB 5 R 0 H 1 E 1 Markley, cf AB 4 R 1 H 0 E 0 McConnel, 3b AB 4 R 1 H 0 E 0 Hyde, 2b AB 5 R 1 H 1 E 0 Loebig, c * AB 1 R 1 H 1 E 1 Ferguson, ss AB 1 R 1 H 0 E 0 _____ ___ ____ ___ Totals 34 6 5 4 *De Roche batted for Loebig in ninth. Purdue…1 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 0—6 Iowa……4 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1—7 Hit by pitcher—Furguson 2, Loebig 1. Struck out—Heine 6, [McIltree] 5. Two base hits—Heine, Ehred. Umpire—Fritzpatrick. [advertisement] BANNER DAIRY LUNCH Offers you Wholesome Meals at Reasonable Prices 11 South Dubuque Street WAR RELICS ATTRACT MANY Exhibits of Modern Warfare Brought By Train “The only point the Germans respect is the bayonet point, not Wilson’s fourteen points as some people think,” said Sergeant Nightingale of the Princess Pat regiment, one of the speakers who addressed the hundreds of students and city people viewing the war relics exhibited yesterday morning. Seventeen persons in all came with the train among them being the honorable Carl F. Kuehnle, alumnus of the University. One of the main features of the exhibit was a “baby” tank. In addition there were anti-air craft guns, siege guns, trench motors, howitzers, helmets and breast plates. Twenty returned soldiers and sailors guarded the exhibit. The great crowd which turned out to see this exhibit and listen to the patriotic speeches showed the same enthusiasm that they had in the Victory loan toward which the University, exclusive of the faculty, has subscribed $25,000. Another patriotic exhibition will be “The Price of Peace,” which is said to be the finest war film released thus far. It has just been released by the United States government. It will be shown here Thursday evening, May 1, at the Englert theatre at nine o’clock following the first performance. No admission will be charged for this picture. COMMERCE CLUB TO MEET The Commerce club will hold its regular meeting Tuesday evening. Colonel Mumma will speak on the “Relation of War to Business Conditions.” Election of officers for the ensuing year will follow the social program. [advertisement] TAXI PHONE 1700 MURPHY’S SERVICE Office HOTEL JEFFERSON [advertisement] COMMENCEMENT SUITS AND TOP COATS $30 and upward Made to your Individual Measure by [E.V. Price & Co.] Clothes that invite the question Who’s Your Tailor? J.R. KEMPSTON Opposite Englert Theatre [advertisement] NORTHWESTERN TEACHERS’ AGENCY FOR ENTIRE WEST AND ALASKA—THE LARGEST AND BEST AGENCY Write immediately for free circular BOISE IDAHO [advertisement] The Exclusive Features of Newberg’s Photographs Make them Popular Newberg’s Studio [advertisement] MENU JEFFERSON HOTEL Special Table D’Hote Dinner 12 to 2 6 to 8 $1.25 per cover Cream of Tomato –or—Consomme Royal --0—Radishes Salted Pecans Sweet Pickles --0-- Choice of:-- Roast Philadelphia Capon, Stuffed, Jelly Roast Prime Ribs of Beef, au jus Creamed calf’s sweetbreads, en Casserole --0-- Browned New Potatoes Mashed Potatoes Cauliflower in Cream Buttered Beets --0-- Head Lettuce and Tomato Salad, French Dressing Toasted Wafers --0-- Choice of:-- Boston Cream Pie Apple Pie Maple Nut Sundae Assorted Cake --0—Tea Coffee Milk [advertisement] COASTS’ The first loss is the cheapest Take it and forget it is our theory—so Seventy-five all wool H.S. & M suits that sold up to $40.00, but are Not Waist Seam Models, but will make good school suits or suits for second best, to go on sale Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for $19.75 This is a clean-up of all young men’s models that are not waist seamers, for the waist seams are the only styles that young fellows want these days for best. Sizes in this lot range from 33 to 38. HERE’S our business code: Give you more value, more style, more clothes satisfaction. If we don’t do it— give your money back. –COASTS’
Sunday, April 27, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE FIVE UNIVERSITY BAND WILL MAKE TOUR OF WEST IN JUNE Will Play Six Weeks in California With Headquarters at Los Angeles GET SALARY AND EXPENSES Trip is Backed By National Society Which is Raising $10,000 for Prisoner’s Orphans Six weeks of concert playing in California has been assured the chautauqua section of the University band for this summer’s tour. The men will go to Los Angeles immediately after the June commencement and remain in that vicinity until the first part of August. This offer comes as a result of the eleven weeks concert tour, covering 10,000 miles through ten states, made by this division of the band last year. Charles Brandon Booth, who was on the same circuit of the [Midland?] Chautauqua with the University band during that season, will lecture again at the concerts this summer. The California trip is backed and guaranteed by the board of directors of a national society which is organizing a campaign to raise $10,000 for a home for prisoners’ orphans. Pullman service, all other expenses, and a salary will be provided for every member of the band. Los Angeles will be the summer headquarters, and daily concerts will be given in nearby towns, which can be reached by train or automobile in a few hours time. The last two weeks will be spent on the road. Picnics and other outings are planned by the guarantors for the University band. “This is the biggest thing ever offered to a student band in this country, to my knowledge. It is the result of the success of last summer’s trip, through our acquaintance with Mr. Booth,” said Dr. O.E. Van Doren is yesterday. Dr. Van Doren has been the band instructor for the past eight years, and it was through his efforts that the University band began concert touring three years ago. HAWKEYES DEFEAT PURDUE, SCORES 7-6 Hamilton’s Clout in Final Frame Breaks Deadlock Which Threatens Extra Innings Coach Jones’ Hawkeye baseball team lifted another conference scalp at Lafayette Friday when they [unreadable] an exciting baseball game from Purdue. McIlree did mound duty for the Old Gold and allowed but five hits to the Boilermakers. The game was a little ragged in some stanzas as the errors will testify, six crimes being chalked to Iowa and four to Purdue. Hamilton, one of the Old Gold pitchers but who played in the outfield Friday, won a place in the Hawkeye hall of fame. With the count tied in the final frame, Hammy lambasted the horsehide for two bases and scored Ehred with the winning run. Ehred was also a big factor in the Iowa Victory as he poled out four hits in five trips to the plate. Crawford, Old Gold outfielder, managed to get two safe clouts while Brown and Cockshoot were credited with one each. The Hawkeye crew started the game with a rush, scoring four runs in the initial period, and adding a fifth in the second inning. The Boilermakers nicked McIlree for one run in the first frame, two in the third, one in the fourth, and passed the Hawkeyes in the fifth round with two more runs. No more scoring occurred until the eighth inning when Iowa fell on Heine, the Purdue twirler, for another counter, tieing the tally. In the final frame, Hammy’s clout broke up the ball game and saved the contest from going into extra periods to settle a deadlock. The score: Iowa Brown, lf.. AB 5 R 2 H 1 E 0 Bink, 2b AB 5 R 0 H 0 E 2 Ehred, ss AB 5 R 2 H 4 E 1 Hamilton, rf AB 5 R 1 H 2 E 0 Crawford, cf AB 5 R 1 H 2 E 0 McIlree, p AB 3 R 1 H 0 E 1 Cockshoot, 1b AB 4 R 0 H 1 E 0 Olson, c AB 4 R 0 H 0 E 0 Goodwin, 3b AB 4 R 0 H 0 E 2 _____ ___ ___ ___ Totals 40 7 10 6 Purdue Beall, lf AB 2 R 1 H 0 E 2 Bailey, lb AB 5 R 0 H 1 E 0 Martin, rf AB 4 R 0 H 1 E 0 Heine, p AB 5 R 0 H 1 E 1 Markley, cf AB 4 R 1 H 0 E 0 McConnel, 3b AB 4 R 1 H 0 E 0 Hyde, 2b AB 5 R 1 H 1 E 0 Loebig, c * AB 1 R 1 H 1 E 1 Ferguson, ss AB 1 R 1 H 0 E 0 _____ ___ ____ ___ Totals 34 6 5 4 *De Roche batted for Loebig in ninth. Purdue…1 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 0—6 Iowa……4 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1—7 Hit by pitcher—Furguson 2, Loebig 1. Struck out—Heine 6, [McIltree] 5. Two base hits—Heine, Ehred. Umpire—Fritzpatrick. [advertisement] BANNER DAIRY LUNCH Offers you Wholesome Meals at Reasonable Prices 11 South Dubuque Street WAR RELICS ATTRACT MANY Exhibits of Modern Warfare Brought By Train “The only point the Germans respect is the bayonet point, not Wilson’s fourteen points as some people think,” said Sergeant Nightingale of the Princess Pat regiment, one of the speakers who addressed the hundreds of students and city people viewing the war relics exhibited yesterday morning. Seventeen persons in all came with the train among them being the honorable Carl F. Kuehnle, alumnus of the University. One of the main features of the exhibit was a “baby” tank. In addition there were anti-air craft guns, siege guns, trench motors, howitzers, helmets and breast plates. Twenty returned soldiers and sailors guarded the exhibit. The great crowd which turned out to see this exhibit and listen to the patriotic speeches showed the same enthusiasm that they had in the Victory loan toward which the University, exclusive of the faculty, has subscribed $25,000. Another patriotic exhibition will be “The Price of Peace,” which is said to be the finest war film released thus far. It has just been released by the United States government. It will be shown here Thursday evening, May 1, at the Englert theatre at nine o’clock following the first performance. No admission will be charged for this picture. COMMERCE CLUB TO MEET The Commerce club will hold its regular meeting Tuesday evening. Colonel Mumma will speak on the “Relation of War to Business Conditions.” Election of officers for the ensuing year will follow the social program. [advertisement] TAXI PHONE 1700 MURPHY’S SERVICE Office HOTEL JEFFERSON [advertisement] COMMENCEMENT SUITS AND TOP COATS $30 and upward Made to your Individual Measure by [E.V. Price & Co.] Clothes that invite the question Who’s Your Tailor? J.R. KEMPSTON Opposite Englert Theatre [advertisement] NORTHWESTERN TEACHERS’ AGENCY FOR ENTIRE WEST AND ALASKA—THE LARGEST AND BEST AGENCY Write immediately for free circular BOISE IDAHO [advertisement] The Exclusive Features of Newberg’s Photographs Make them Popular Newberg’s Studio [advertisement] MENU JEFFERSON HOTEL Special Table D’Hote Dinner 12 to 2 6 to 8 $1.25 per cover Cream of Tomato –or—Consomme Royal --0—Radishes Salted Pecans Sweet Pickles --0-- Choice of:-- Roast Philadelphia Capon, Stuffed, Jelly Roast Prime Ribs of Beef, au jus Creamed calf’s sweetbreads, en Casserole --0-- Browned New Potatoes Mashed Potatoes Cauliflower in Cream Buttered Beets --0-- Head Lettuce and Tomato Salad, French Dressing Toasted Wafers --0-- Choice of:-- Boston Cream Pie Apple Pie Maple Nut Sundae Assorted Cake --0—Tea Coffee Milk [advertisement] COASTS’ The first loss is the cheapest Take it and forget it is our theory—so Seventy-five all wool H.S. & M suits that sold up to $40.00, but are Not Waist Seam Models, but will make good school suits or suits for second best, to go on sale Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for $19.75 This is a clean-up of all young men’s models that are not waist seamers, for the waist seams are the only styles that young fellows want these days for best. Sizes in this lot range from 33 to 38. HERE’S our business code: Give you more value, more style, more clothes satisfaction. If we don’t do it— give your money back. –COASTS’
Daily Iowan Newspapers