Daily Iowan, April 29, 1919
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Tuesday, April 29, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE FIVE Mens' Glee Club Concert NATURAL SCIENCE AUDITORIUM WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 30 ADMISSION 25 Cents 8:15 P. M. FRESHMAN DEBATES TO BE HELD TONIGHT The annual freshman triangle debates of the three literary societies will be held tonight at 7:30 to determine the championship, among the first year men. The natural science auditorium, and rooms 206 and 204 of the law building will be used for the three debates respectively. The question for discussion is: Resolved, that the all interstate telegraph and telephone lines should be owned and operated by the federal government, constitutionality granted. Zetagathian affirmative, composed of Harold Ofelt, William Berghuis, and Glenn Aldrich, will compete with Philomathean negative, composed of Raymond Marple, Morris Dorsey, and John Helsley in the natural science auditorium. Irving affirmative, composed of Donald Hoeldogel, Cloyce Huston, and James Van Law in room 206 of the law building. Philomathean affirmative, composed of Fred Evans, William Moore, and Elmer Lenthe, will go against Irving negative, composed of Lovel Jahnke, Lloyd Anderson, and C. C. Graves. Phi Kappa fraternity entertained at a dancing party at Majestic hall Saturday evening. Prof. and Mrs. Claude Horack were the chaperons. Dr. R. B. Wylie attended a meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science at Cedar Falls last week. Ethel Vanatta of Reynolds, Ill., is visiting her sister Leona at the Achoth house. STRAND THEATRE LAST TIME TODAY WILLiam FAVERSHAM in "THE SILVER KING" TOMORROW PAULINE FREDERICK in "PAID IN FULL" The famous stage play. Garden Tuesday and Wednesday GLADYS LESLIE IN "MISS DULCIE FROM DIXIE" ALSO A POST TRAVEL EXCUSE US, PLEASE An error in Sunday's Iowan was contained in the account of the Hep-Zet play. The story stated that the play was to be held in the N. S. auditorium. Instead it will be given at the Englert Theatre. Sunday's issue of The Iowan quoted Prof. Ruth A. Wardall as stating that a child's diet should contain a half-pint milk a day. This was a typographical error: the statement as given out by Professor Wardell was that a pint and one-half should be purchased for each child. Donald Grimm, an alumnus of Harvard, and Douglas Van Meter of Clinton have been visiting the Kappa Sigmas this week end to attend the initiation Sunday. Other out of town guests were attorneys Homer Smith and Emmet Delaney of Clinton. At the recent meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science held at Cedar Falls, Prof. A. O. Thomas was reelected treasurer. Prof. S. M. Woodward head of the department of mechanics and hydraulics, has returned to the University after an absence of several months. He was here the first quarter but since that time has been engaged in Dayton, Ohio. On every outing- KODAK And let us finish your films when you return. HENRY LOUIS The Rexall Store 124 E. COLLEGE University Men who are not afraid of work can earn $500.00 or more with us this summer For an interview Phone 477 BASEBALL IOWA VS. CORNELL Tuesday, April 29 Iowa Field 4:30 P. M. People's Steam Laundry 225 IOWA AVE. WHEN IN NEED OF LAUNDRY WORK, Telephone 58 C. J. Toms UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text Books and Supplies WATERMAN, CONKLIN and SCHAEFFER FOUNTAIN PENS UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE
Tuesday, April 29, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE FIVE Mens' Glee Club Concert NATURAL SCIENCE AUDITORIUM WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 30 ADMISSION 25 Cents 8:15 P. M. FRESHMAN DEBATES TO BE HELD TONIGHT The annual freshman triangle debates of the three literary societies will be held tonight at 7:30 to determine the championship, among the first year men. The natural science auditorium, and rooms 206 and 204 of the law building will be used for the three debates respectively. The question for discussion is: Resolved, that the all interstate telegraph and telephone lines should be owned and operated by the federal government, constitutionality granted. Zetagathian affirmative, composed of Harold Ofelt, William Berghuis, and Glenn Aldrich, will compete with Philomathean negative, composed of Raymond Marple, Morris Dorsey, and John Helsley in the natural science auditorium. Irving affirmative, composed of Donald Hoeldogel, Cloyce Huston, and James Van Law in room 206 of the law building. Philomathean affirmative, composed of Fred Evans, William Moore, and Elmer Lenthe, will go against Irving negative, composed of Lovel Jahnke, Lloyd Anderson, and C. C. Graves. Phi Kappa fraternity entertained at a dancing party at Majestic hall Saturday evening. Prof. and Mrs. Claude Horack were the chaperons. Dr. R. B. Wylie attended a meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science at Cedar Falls last week. Ethel Vanatta of Reynolds, Ill., is visiting her sister Leona at the Achoth house. STRAND THEATRE LAST TIME TODAY WILLiam FAVERSHAM in "THE SILVER KING" TOMORROW PAULINE FREDERICK in "PAID IN FULL" The famous stage play. Garden Tuesday and Wednesday GLADYS LESLIE IN "MISS DULCIE FROM DIXIE" ALSO A POST TRAVEL EXCUSE US, PLEASE An error in Sunday's Iowan was contained in the account of the Hep-Zet play. The story stated that the play was to be held in the N. S. auditorium. Instead it will be given at the Englert Theatre. Sunday's issue of The Iowan quoted Prof. Ruth A. Wardall as stating that a child's diet should contain a half-pint milk a day. This was a typographical error: the statement as given out by Professor Wardell was that a pint and one-half should be purchased for each child. Donald Grimm, an alumnus of Harvard, and Douglas Van Meter of Clinton have been visiting the Kappa Sigmas this week end to attend the initiation Sunday. Other out of town guests were attorneys Homer Smith and Emmet Delaney of Clinton. At the recent meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science held at Cedar Falls, Prof. A. O. Thomas was reelected treasurer. Prof. S. M. Woodward head of the department of mechanics and hydraulics, has returned to the University after an absence of several months. He was here the first quarter but since that time has been engaged in Dayton, Ohio. On every outing- KODAK And let us finish your films when you return. HENRY LOUIS The Rexall Store 124 E. COLLEGE University Men who are not afraid of work can earn $500.00 or more with us this summer For an interview Phone 477 BASEBALL IOWA VS. CORNELL Tuesday, April 29 Iowa Field 4:30 P. M. People's Steam Laundry 225 IOWA AVE. WHEN IN NEED OF LAUNDRY WORK, Telephone 58 C. J. Toms UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text Books and Supplies WATERMAN, CONKLIN and SCHAEFFER FOUNTAIN PENS UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE
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