Daily Iowan, May 1, 1919
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The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa VOL. XVIII--NEW SERIES VOL. III IOWA CITY, IOWA, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1919 NUMBER 92 MEN'S GLEE CLUB PLEASES AUDIENCE WITH CLEVER SONGS -- Harry Raymond Sings "Here Comes the Groom" to the Music of a Funeral March -- STUNTS GET BIG APPLAUSE -- Quartet Members are Harold Thomas, N. E. Simonson, Roy Mayne and W. Earl Hall -- "Here Comes the Groom," a take-[illegible] on Lohengrin's wedding march, was read by Harry Raymond at the annual concert of the University Men's Glee club last night in natural science auditorium. Harold Thomas played Chopin's funeral march in connection with the humorous reading, and Mr. Raymond then gave an Italian street scene, "Go on, Goodbye." By special request, Mr. Raymond also interpreted "My Fader Vas a Musicker." The first chorus of the Glee Club, Bullard's "Winter Song," was especially well given, A rollicking "Boating Song" was the encore. "Lead Kindly Light," by Dudley Buck, was a heavy voice number and the Glee club sang a contrasting selection as encore, "Carry Me Back to Old Virginia." The program closed with a striking patriotic number, "We'll Keep Old Glory Flying." Leslie M. Hays made his first public appearance in Iowa City as so-loist last night when he sang "Where E'er You Walk," accompanied by Miss Dagmar Johnson. Mr. Hays has a very pleasing lyric tenor voice, which shows careful training. Imitations of a caliope and of ban-jo minstrels were presented by the quartet, composed of Harold Thomas, N.E. Simonson, Roy Mayne, and W. Earl Hall. Their stunts were excep-tionally clever and called forth much applause. In an encore to one of the Glee club members, the chorus sang "The Colored Band," to which Mr. Simonson whistled the part of a flute solo. Much credit for the success of the concert is due Prof. W. E. Hays, who coached the singing. -- WOMEN ADMITTED TO CLUB -- Colonel Mumma Speaks to Commerce Club on War -- Women are to be admitted to mem-bership of the Commerce club on the same basis as men. The constitution was amended to that effect at the meeting of the club at the Commer-cial club rooms Tuesday evening. At this meeting Col. M. C. Mumma gave a talk on the commercial side of the war. Plans for the annual banquet, which will be held at the Commercial club rooms may 13, were discussed. Any student is eligible to member-ship at the beginning of the school year providing he will have completed fourteen hours in the department of economics, sociology, and commerce by the end of the year. All students who are eligible for membership next fall are invited to attend the banquet and are urged to secure tickets at once. The officers for the ensuing year follow: Clarence Fackler, president; Edward Chamberlin, vice-president; Delos Quist, recording secretary; Dale Kilpatrick, corresponding secretary; executive committee, Harold Rigler, Leo Nicolaus, Edwin Zahorick. SNEDDEN TO TALK The freshman lecture will be held in the natural science auditorium Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Dr. David Snedden, an authority on vocational guidance in attendance at the conference on supervision, will give an address. -- PREPARATION MADE FOR MILITARY BALL -- Committee Asks Permission to Wax Armory Floor--Patriotic Decorations Arranged -- According to the plans of the military ball committee the formal on May 9 will offer the best that can be provided in the way of music, decorations, and floor. Arrangements are being made to wax the armory floor, James A. Hollingsworth announced yesterday. Johnson and Foard's twelve piece orchestra has been secured to furnish the music. Art Thorwick has an elaborate and artistic decorating scheme perfected. The entrance to teh floor will consist of three columns mantled with fo-liage and topped by a large American eagle. Four large arches, draped with flags and covered with flower will form the greater part of the side decorations. At the north end of the hall, the orchestra platform will be placed, with a statue of Liberty above it. American eagles, shields, flags and rows of stacked arms will help carry out the military scheme. Col. Morton C. Mumma is helping the committee. Refreshments will be served. -- ZETS WIN FROSH DEBATES -- Affirmative Teams of Three Liter-ary Societies Victors -- Zetagathian captured the championship in the freshman triangle debates held Tuesday night. All three societies registered a victory, but the Zet teams secured four decisions to Philo's three and Irving's two. The affirmative teams were winners on the proposition: Resolved; that all interstate telephone and telegraph lines should be owned and operated by the federal government, constitutionality granted." Zetagathian's affirmative, composed of Harold Ofelt, William Berg-huis, and Glenn Aldrich won a three to nothing decision over Philoma-thean's negative, composed of Morris Dorsey, John Helsley, and Ray-mond Marple. the affirmative team of Philomathean, composed of Fred Evans, William Moore, and Elmer Lenthe, defeated the Irving negative, compoed of Lovel Jahnke, Lloyde Anderson, and C. C. Graves by a unanimous decision. Irving affirmative, composed of H. M. barnes, Roy Patterson, and Craven Shuttleworth, defeated by a two to one decision, Zetagathian's team, composed of Cloyce Huston, Donald Hoeldogel, and James Van Law. -- DR. ALBERT HOME Dr. Henry Alber, professor of pathology and bacteriology returned yesterday from Des Moines, where he attended the meeting of the state board of health Monday. Last Fri-day, Dr. Albert was at Cedar Falls, where he gave a paper before the Iowa Academy of Science. The paper was on "The Resistance of Streptococci to Germicidal Agents." WEEPING SKIES HALT BASEBALL CONTESTS SCHEDULED AT IOWA -- Rain Causes Postponement of Games With Cornell and Regina Tues. and Wed. -- TO TAKE TRIP NEXT WEEK -- Clearing Skies and a Smiling Sun Will Permit Today's Game With Regina -- Once more Coach Jones' baseball team is the victim of rain. Both games, scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, have been postponed because of the fact that Iowa field is a sea of mud and water. Cornell college was billed to play a return game here Tuesday, and yesterday, Regina of the Canada league would have crossed bats with the Hawkeyes had his excellency, jupiter pluvius, permitted. Although the whims of the rain god have ruffled the disposition of Director Jones, he has not last confi-dence in Old Sol, and announces that if skies are smiling, he will send his championship team against the Canadians this afternoon as scheduled. Next week the Old Gold pill swat-ters have two important battles. Tuesday they journey to Aggieland for the first tussle on the diamond this spring with Coach Mayser's Cyclones. Since its decisive defeat of Chicago, the Ames crew has been entertain-ing hopes of a state championship. It will be Iowa's main endeavor to end this forlorn idea. Saturday, May 10, Illinois will ar-rive in Iowa City for a return en-gagement. Coach Huff's aggregation are "thirsting for revenge" and will certainly give Captain Brown and his men a lively nine innings. -- AURNER TO LEAVE FOR N. O. L. CONTEST -- Six Universities Enter Contest Which Will Be Held Friday at Northwestern -- Robrt R. Aurner and Prof. Glenn N. Merry will leave tonight for Ev-anston, Ill., where the former will take part in the Northwestern Ora-torical league contest Friday. Mr. Aurner was the winner of the Jessup prize of $25 at the preliminary con-test to the N. O. L., the largest con-test of its kind in the middle west. Siv universities will each send a delegate to compete in this contest. They are: Northwester, Michigan. Wisconsin, Iiilnois, Minnesota, and Iowa. The winner will receive a prize of $100. Fity dollars will be awarded as second prize. -- -- NOTICE -- A regulation of the Social Commit-tee requires that chaperones be re-ported for dancing parties at least two days in advance of the date of the party. Several organizations lately have failed, through oversight, to report chaperones to the Dean of Women until the day of the party. All per-sons interested therefore will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. WILBER J. TEETERS, Chairman Social Committee. ALL LITERARY DANCE The annual all-literary dance will be given at the Majestic Saturday night. Members of the men's organizations, Irving, Zetagathian, and Philomathean, and those of the women's Erodelphian, Hesperian, and Octave Thanet, will be present. -- ENGINEERS URGED TO JOIN R.O.T.CC. -- Training Camp at Funston in June--Unit in Heavy Artillery May Be Organized -- "By all means enroll in the R.O.T.C., and if possible take the ad-vance course for commissions," was the dominant thought and appeal of Colonel Mumma to the engineers in the liberal arts assembly Tuesday afternoon. No expense is attached and the student will receive twelve dollars a month. Iowa engineers who are members of the senior R.O.T.C., will go to Camp Funston June 21, for the first six weeks training. Colonel Mumma and others interested are of the opinion it would be better to have only one encampment instead of the two six weeks camps. An officer in the heavy artillery re-cently visited the school and urged the college of applied science to or-ganize units in that branch. The formation of another attractive unit is being advocated by the goern-ment and will have to do with motor transports, and their design and con-struction. In this case the govern-ment furnishes the cars if the Univer-sity will provide the instruction. After his talk the colonel showed a number of slides of projects in which the engineers were engaged during the war. They were chiefly pictures of pontoon bridges and roads under war conditions in France. -- DELTA SIGMA RHO DINES -- At Jefferson Tonight in Honor of State High School Debators -- Delta Sigma Rho, national honor-ary forensic fraternity, will banquet at the Hotel Jefferson tonight in hon-or of Bedford and Independence high schools, who contest in the natural science auditorium this evening for state debating honors. The is set at five-thirty in order to give the guests a short rest before the contest be-gins. A toast program has been prepared embracing short toasts from repre-sentatives of the men and women's forensic leagues, the various literary societies, and the fraternity itself. It is expected that thirty places will be filled. Delta Sigma Rho has as its purpose the fostering of forensic activities in the University. There are thirteen active members now in school. -- FARIS TO READ PAPER Prof. Ellsworth Faris of the Child Welfare department will read a paper before the Baconian club on "Imita-tion' discussion the child psychology, and the mob psychology, Friday night at 7:30 in the physics building. -- UNDERGOES OPERATION Frank Peterson, of Laurens, Iowa a senior in the college of medi-cine, was operated on yesterday morning at the University hospital for mastoid. He is getting along as well as could be expected. EMINENT SCHOOL MEN WILL SPEAK AT CONFERENCE -- Iowa Educators Hold Annual Meeting This Week--Colum-bia Man to Speak Today -- MEETING OPEN TO PUBLIC -- Under Auspices Education College In Cooperation With Exten-sion Division -- Increased efficiency in the admin-istration of school systems and a fur-ther correlation of school curricu-lums with the progress of the world are the tasks before the fith annual conference of Iowa school superin-tendents and supervisors who are holding meetings this week under the auspices of the college of educa-tion in cooperation with the exten-sion division. Such education leaders as Prof. David Snedden of Columbia Univer-sity, Prof. Charles H. Judd of the University of Chicago, Dean. L. D. Coffman of the University of Minne-sota, W. W. Theisen, director of edu-cational research in the Wisconsin state department of education, and Supt. S. O. Hartwell of St. Paul, will appear on the programs. Professor Snedden was formerly commissioner of education in Massa-chusetts, but now professor of edu-cation in the Teachers' college of Columbia University. He will give an address this morning at 11 o'clock. Professor Judd who is director of the school of education at the University of Chicago will discuss "Social Sciences in Junior High Schools" Saturday morning. members of the college of educa-tion and extension division will pre-side over the meetings and round tables. In addition they will discuss various problems relative to their re-spective fields. The conference closes Saturday. The program for today is as fol-lows: Morning O.E. Klingaman, presiding 9:15 a.m. Address of Welcome--President Walter A. Jessup 9:45 to 10:30 a.m. Providing of the Needs of the Individual Child--W. W. Theisen. 10:30 to 11:00 a.m. Some Late Results in Spelling--E. J. Ashbaugh. 11:00 to 12:00 Address--David Snedden. Afternoon William F. Russell, presiding 2:00 to 2:45 p.m. Measures of School Efficiency--Doctor Theisen 2:45 p.m. Round Tables Grade Principals--Leader, Professor Horn. High School Principals--Leader, Professor Robbins. County Superintendents--Leader, Professor Lewis. City Superintendents--Leader, Dean Russell. Evening E. E. Lewis, presiding 7:30 p.m. Address--Doctor Snedden 8:30 p.m. School of Japan--Dean Russell -- Beta Theta Pi will entertain at a dinner dance at the Country club Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rawson and Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Coast will chaperon.
The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa VOL. XVIII--NEW SERIES VOL. III IOWA CITY, IOWA, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1919 NUMBER 92 MEN'S GLEE CLUB PLEASES AUDIENCE WITH CLEVER SONGS -- Harry Raymond Sings "Here Comes the Groom" to the Music of a Funeral March -- STUNTS GET BIG APPLAUSE -- Quartet Members are Harold Thomas, N. E. Simonson, Roy Mayne and W. Earl Hall -- "Here Comes the Groom," a take-[illegible] on Lohengrin's wedding march, was read by Harry Raymond at the annual concert of the University Men's Glee club last night in natural science auditorium. Harold Thomas played Chopin's funeral march in connection with the humorous reading, and Mr. Raymond then gave an Italian street scene, "Go on, Goodbye." By special request, Mr. Raymond also interpreted "My Fader Vas a Musicker." The first chorus of the Glee Club, Bullard's "Winter Song," was especially well given, A rollicking "Boating Song" was the encore. "Lead Kindly Light," by Dudley Buck, was a heavy voice number and the Glee club sang a contrasting selection as encore, "Carry Me Back to Old Virginia." The program closed with a striking patriotic number, "We'll Keep Old Glory Flying." Leslie M. Hays made his first public appearance in Iowa City as so-loist last night when he sang "Where E'er You Walk," accompanied by Miss Dagmar Johnson. Mr. Hays has a very pleasing lyric tenor voice, which shows careful training. Imitations of a caliope and of ban-jo minstrels were presented by the quartet, composed of Harold Thomas, N.E. Simonson, Roy Mayne, and W. Earl Hall. Their stunts were excep-tionally clever and called forth much applause. In an encore to one of the Glee club members, the chorus sang "The Colored Band," to which Mr. Simonson whistled the part of a flute solo. Much credit for the success of the concert is due Prof. W. E. Hays, who coached the singing. -- WOMEN ADMITTED TO CLUB -- Colonel Mumma Speaks to Commerce Club on War -- Women are to be admitted to mem-bership of the Commerce club on the same basis as men. The constitution was amended to that effect at the meeting of the club at the Commer-cial club rooms Tuesday evening. At this meeting Col. M. C. Mumma gave a talk on the commercial side of the war. Plans for the annual banquet, which will be held at the Commercial club rooms may 13, were discussed. Any student is eligible to member-ship at the beginning of the school year providing he will have completed fourteen hours in the department of economics, sociology, and commerce by the end of the year. All students who are eligible for membership next fall are invited to attend the banquet and are urged to secure tickets at once. The officers for the ensuing year follow: Clarence Fackler, president; Edward Chamberlin, vice-president; Delos Quist, recording secretary; Dale Kilpatrick, corresponding secretary; executive committee, Harold Rigler, Leo Nicolaus, Edwin Zahorick. SNEDDEN TO TALK The freshman lecture will be held in the natural science auditorium Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Dr. David Snedden, an authority on vocational guidance in attendance at the conference on supervision, will give an address. -- PREPARATION MADE FOR MILITARY BALL -- Committee Asks Permission to Wax Armory Floor--Patriotic Decorations Arranged -- According to the plans of the military ball committee the formal on May 9 will offer the best that can be provided in the way of music, decorations, and floor. Arrangements are being made to wax the armory floor, James A. Hollingsworth announced yesterday. Johnson and Foard's twelve piece orchestra has been secured to furnish the music. Art Thorwick has an elaborate and artistic decorating scheme perfected. The entrance to teh floor will consist of three columns mantled with fo-liage and topped by a large American eagle. Four large arches, draped with flags and covered with flower will form the greater part of the side decorations. At the north end of the hall, the orchestra platform will be placed, with a statue of Liberty above it. American eagles, shields, flags and rows of stacked arms will help carry out the military scheme. Col. Morton C. Mumma is helping the committee. Refreshments will be served. -- ZETS WIN FROSH DEBATES -- Affirmative Teams of Three Liter-ary Societies Victors -- Zetagathian captured the championship in the freshman triangle debates held Tuesday night. All three societies registered a victory, but the Zet teams secured four decisions to Philo's three and Irving's two. The affirmative teams were winners on the proposition: Resolved; that all interstate telephone and telegraph lines should be owned and operated by the federal government, constitutionality granted." Zetagathian's affirmative, composed of Harold Ofelt, William Berg-huis, and Glenn Aldrich won a three to nothing decision over Philoma-thean's negative, composed of Morris Dorsey, John Helsley, and Ray-mond Marple. the affirmative team of Philomathean, composed of Fred Evans, William Moore, and Elmer Lenthe, defeated the Irving negative, compoed of Lovel Jahnke, Lloyde Anderson, and C. C. Graves by a unanimous decision. Irving affirmative, composed of H. M. barnes, Roy Patterson, and Craven Shuttleworth, defeated by a two to one decision, Zetagathian's team, composed of Cloyce Huston, Donald Hoeldogel, and James Van Law. -- DR. ALBERT HOME Dr. Henry Alber, professor of pathology and bacteriology returned yesterday from Des Moines, where he attended the meeting of the state board of health Monday. Last Fri-day, Dr. Albert was at Cedar Falls, where he gave a paper before the Iowa Academy of Science. The paper was on "The Resistance of Streptococci to Germicidal Agents." WEEPING SKIES HALT BASEBALL CONTESTS SCHEDULED AT IOWA -- Rain Causes Postponement of Games With Cornell and Regina Tues. and Wed. -- TO TAKE TRIP NEXT WEEK -- Clearing Skies and a Smiling Sun Will Permit Today's Game With Regina -- Once more Coach Jones' baseball team is the victim of rain. Both games, scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, have been postponed because of the fact that Iowa field is a sea of mud and water. Cornell college was billed to play a return game here Tuesday, and yesterday, Regina of the Canada league would have crossed bats with the Hawkeyes had his excellency, jupiter pluvius, permitted. Although the whims of the rain god have ruffled the disposition of Director Jones, he has not last confi-dence in Old Sol, and announces that if skies are smiling, he will send his championship team against the Canadians this afternoon as scheduled. Next week the Old Gold pill swat-ters have two important battles. Tuesday they journey to Aggieland for the first tussle on the diamond this spring with Coach Mayser's Cyclones. Since its decisive defeat of Chicago, the Ames crew has been entertain-ing hopes of a state championship. It will be Iowa's main endeavor to end this forlorn idea. Saturday, May 10, Illinois will ar-rive in Iowa City for a return en-gagement. Coach Huff's aggregation are "thirsting for revenge" and will certainly give Captain Brown and his men a lively nine innings. -- AURNER TO LEAVE FOR N. O. L. CONTEST -- Six Universities Enter Contest Which Will Be Held Friday at Northwestern -- Robrt R. Aurner and Prof. Glenn N. Merry will leave tonight for Ev-anston, Ill., where the former will take part in the Northwestern Ora-torical league contest Friday. Mr. Aurner was the winner of the Jessup prize of $25 at the preliminary con-test to the N. O. L., the largest con-test of its kind in the middle west. Siv universities will each send a delegate to compete in this contest. They are: Northwester, Michigan. Wisconsin, Iiilnois, Minnesota, and Iowa. The winner will receive a prize of $100. Fity dollars will be awarded as second prize. -- -- NOTICE -- A regulation of the Social Commit-tee requires that chaperones be re-ported for dancing parties at least two days in advance of the date of the party. Several organizations lately have failed, through oversight, to report chaperones to the Dean of Women until the day of the party. All per-sons interested therefore will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. WILBER J. TEETERS, Chairman Social Committee. ALL LITERARY DANCE The annual all-literary dance will be given at the Majestic Saturday night. Members of the men's organizations, Irving, Zetagathian, and Philomathean, and those of the women's Erodelphian, Hesperian, and Octave Thanet, will be present. -- ENGINEERS URGED TO JOIN R.O.T.CC. -- Training Camp at Funston in June--Unit in Heavy Artillery May Be Organized -- "By all means enroll in the R.O.T.C., and if possible take the ad-vance course for commissions," was the dominant thought and appeal of Colonel Mumma to the engineers in the liberal arts assembly Tuesday afternoon. No expense is attached and the student will receive twelve dollars a month. Iowa engineers who are members of the senior R.O.T.C., will go to Camp Funston June 21, for the first six weeks training. Colonel Mumma and others interested are of the opinion it would be better to have only one encampment instead of the two six weeks camps. An officer in the heavy artillery re-cently visited the school and urged the college of applied science to or-ganize units in that branch. The formation of another attractive unit is being advocated by the goern-ment and will have to do with motor transports, and their design and con-struction. In this case the govern-ment furnishes the cars if the Univer-sity will provide the instruction. After his talk the colonel showed a number of slides of projects in which the engineers were engaged during the war. They were chiefly pictures of pontoon bridges and roads under war conditions in France. -- DELTA SIGMA RHO DINES -- At Jefferson Tonight in Honor of State High School Debators -- Delta Sigma Rho, national honor-ary forensic fraternity, will banquet at the Hotel Jefferson tonight in hon-or of Bedford and Independence high schools, who contest in the natural science auditorium this evening for state debating honors. The is set at five-thirty in order to give the guests a short rest before the contest be-gins. A toast program has been prepared embracing short toasts from repre-sentatives of the men and women's forensic leagues, the various literary societies, and the fraternity itself. It is expected that thirty places will be filled. Delta Sigma Rho has as its purpose the fostering of forensic activities in the University. There are thirteen active members now in school. -- FARIS TO READ PAPER Prof. Ellsworth Faris of the Child Welfare department will read a paper before the Baconian club on "Imita-tion' discussion the child psychology, and the mob psychology, Friday night at 7:30 in the physics building. -- UNDERGOES OPERATION Frank Peterson, of Laurens, Iowa a senior in the college of medi-cine, was operated on yesterday morning at the University hospital for mastoid. He is getting along as well as could be expected. EMINENT SCHOOL MEN WILL SPEAK AT CONFERENCE -- Iowa Educators Hold Annual Meeting This Week--Colum-bia Man to Speak Today -- MEETING OPEN TO PUBLIC -- Under Auspices Education College In Cooperation With Exten-sion Division -- Increased efficiency in the admin-istration of school systems and a fur-ther correlation of school curricu-lums with the progress of the world are the tasks before the fith annual conference of Iowa school superin-tendents and supervisors who are holding meetings this week under the auspices of the college of educa-tion in cooperation with the exten-sion division. Such education leaders as Prof. David Snedden of Columbia Univer-sity, Prof. Charles H. Judd of the University of Chicago, Dean. L. D. Coffman of the University of Minne-sota, W. W. Theisen, director of edu-cational research in the Wisconsin state department of education, and Supt. S. O. Hartwell of St. Paul, will appear on the programs. Professor Snedden was formerly commissioner of education in Massa-chusetts, but now professor of edu-cation in the Teachers' college of Columbia University. He will give an address this morning at 11 o'clock. Professor Judd who is director of the school of education at the University of Chicago will discuss "Social Sciences in Junior High Schools" Saturday morning. members of the college of educa-tion and extension division will pre-side over the meetings and round tables. In addition they will discuss various problems relative to their re-spective fields. The conference closes Saturday. The program for today is as fol-lows: Morning O.E. Klingaman, presiding 9:15 a.m. Address of Welcome--President Walter A. Jessup 9:45 to 10:30 a.m. Providing of the Needs of the Individual Child--W. W. Theisen. 10:30 to 11:00 a.m. Some Late Results in Spelling--E. J. Ashbaugh. 11:00 to 12:00 Address--David Snedden. Afternoon William F. Russell, presiding 2:00 to 2:45 p.m. Measures of School Efficiency--Doctor Theisen 2:45 p.m. Round Tables Grade Principals--Leader, Professor Horn. High School Principals--Leader, Professor Robbins. County Superintendents--Leader, Professor Lewis. City Superintendents--Leader, Dean Russell. Evening E. E. Lewis, presiding 7:30 p.m. Address--Doctor Snedden 8:30 p.m. School of Japan--Dean Russell -- Beta Theta Pi will entertain at a dinner dance at the Country club Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rawson and Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Coast will chaperon.
Daily Iowan Newspapers