Daily Iowan, May 3, 1919
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Saturday, May 3, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE FIVE [advertisement] MAY MILLINERY SPECIAL SHOWER Prices are dropping on our most attractive Hats for the Spring and Summer wearing. Look over these specials. Come in and try them on. Fit for every wear and purse. A rousing value at- $2.95 and $3.95 There's a line of everything in these styles, for every occasion-or old or young. Some sold up to $7.50. None for less than $4.50. 2 days $3.95 WIDE BRIM HATS In Lacy Straws, fine Milans, Hemps, Lisere, Horsehair and Georgette. We have assembled these at a price for the 2 days in the best models of the season. $10 to $20 models at $5.95, $5.98, 8.95 2 Days-Save 1-2 SMALL SHAPED HATS Hand made braids, Lisere, Panamas, Tailored and banded Sailors. Clever styles. The very latest design-Gage, Fisk Keith, for 1-3 and 1-2 less.- For these 2 days 3.95 $5.95 $7.85 HANDKERCHIEFS 1,000 fine Lawn and Shamrock Lawns--25c, 35c, 50 values for these 2 days-Every Handkerchief is perfect and a bargain-Buy your summer needs, 2 days-2 for 25c "MAVIS TALCUM" SPECIAL If you have never tried it-do so. Those that have-say it's the most pleasing of all Talcums they have ever used-Price 25c. To get you in the habit Saturday Special, a can for ......................21c WE ARE CLEANING UP OUR GLOVE STOCK- THESE TWO DAYS-2 SPECIAL LOTS 48c and 69c For Gloves worth up to $3.00. They consist of fine Silks and Fabric Gloves, in the evening shades and regular shades-Some are 8, 10, 12, 14, 16. Button lengths. You'll find them a bargain in every sense, and any amount of styles and sizes, that you'll use. We are selling them 2 pairs to 6 pairs to the ladies. $2.00 PAIR FINEST SILK HOSIERY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FOR ..............$1.75 NEW VEILS Novelty meshes in quaint new designs for Summer wear........25c, 35c, 50c AUTO VEILS In Taupe, Black, Brown, and Navy, of Chiffon. The Cape of the Season It clings to the figure in a full, graceful drape. It's folds gathering about the form in a most becoming manner. The materials include all the newest in Satins and Silks-as well as Novelty Cloths. We have for these 2 days Amenswear Serge Cape, Special value...........$18.50 The most wonderful Capes of the Season at ......$65.00 In combination of Tricolette, Serge and Satin. Beautiful lines of the finest qualities. The best Dolmans money will buy here at $25.00 $35.00 $45.00 NEW SUMMER GOWNS OF GEORGETTE AND SATIN FROM WEISS-MITCHELL ARE ARRIVING You'll look at these in wonderment-It's hard to realize such wonderful pretty styles in the most refined and perfect colorings of Georgettes, Pearl Greys, Rose and White are foremost. No store ever showed a more complete and comprehensive line of SEPARATE SKIRTS- We never showed such values-nor have we ever shown or seen such really clever styles and wonderful separate Skirts- $5.00 UP TO $35.00 HERE'S EVERY DAY WANTS AT BIG SAVINGS Woodbury's Facial Soap 19c Resinod Soap, medicated 19c Packer Tar Soap.......19c Cuticura Soap....19c Pebeco Tooth Paste....39c Pepsodent Tooth Paste...39c Kolynos Tooth Paste....19c Colgate's Tooth Paste....19c Love Me Face Powder....59c Djer Kiss Face Powder...59c Pompeian Beauty Powder....45c Maris Face Powder....45c Canthrox......45c Pond's Cold Cream.....21c D. & R. Cold Cream......35c Love Me Talcum.......21c Mebba Talcum.......21c Colgate's Talcum.....12c Silks==2 Days $2.50 Georgette Crepes, a yard for..............$1.05 $2.50 Crepe du Chenes, a yard for ................$1.95 $1.25 Slik Shirtings, a yard for ..................$1.00 $1.50 Silk Poplins, a yard for ...................$1.25 $3.50 White Satins, for Skirts, a yard for.........$2.50 $3.50 Black Satin Skirtings, a yard for...........$2.50 Our Patriot Chiffon Silk for Lingerie-Longerie. A wonderful value ..............................75c New Silk Ginghams for Summer....95c and $1.19 yd. LADIES' SHIRTS FOR SUMMER JUST IN Fancy Madras and Crepe du Chene $3.25 and $3.95 each HERSHEY'S CHOCOLATE BARS EACH 5c Bennison's ALL THE BEST CHEWING GUMS 3 FOR 10c FULL YARD WIDE PERCALES Light and Dark Styles, 36 inches wide.............19c FINEST QUALITY 36 INCH VOILES Fine Sheer Mercerized. Remnants 2 yds to 10 yds...18c 64 INCH $1 YARD SATIN DAMASK TABLE CLOTH-5 styles, for a yard............67c 72 INCH $1.25 SATIN TABLE DAMASK Open Border styles, for a yard....................93c 250 EDUCATION MEN CONFER ON PUBLIC SCHOOL PROBLEMS Value of Psychology in Army for Selection of Recruiting Shown By Dean Coffman RUSSELL SPEAKS ON JAPAN Largest Meeting in History of the University to Be Closed at Noon Today Two hundred and fifty county superintendents, city superintendents, high school principals grade principals, and supervisors are here in attendance at the largest annual conference on supervision ever held at the University. Every hotel in the city is filled and many private homes have been opened to accommodate the visitors. Motor trips have been arranged for the entertainment of the guests and for the purpose of showing the visitors places of interest in the city. The new Perkins hospital and the University buildings were among the chief points of inspection. In addition 150 enjoyed a University dinner given last evening in the Commercial club rooms. Psychologist Talks The program took place yesterday according to schedule. Prof. F. C. Ensign presided and introduced Dean L. D. Coffman of the University of Minnesota who has been engaged until recently in active work in the army. Dean Coffman brought out emphatically the value of psychology in selecting and classifying recruits and the economy in time thus obtained. "Distribution of School Costs" was the subject of Supt. S. O. Hartwell's address which followed. Professor Lewis closed the morning session with a discussion of the Smith-Hughes act, an act which gives money to the schools of the United States for the purpose of furthering all vocations. E. J. Ashbaugh presided at the afternoon session. Supt. S. O. Hartwell of St. Paul spoke on the subject "Breaking Grade Lines." An address by F. G. Nichols, assistant director of the federal board of vocational education, completed the afternoon's program. Efficiency Emphasized The conference was especially fortunate in hearing Prof. David Snedden of Columbia University Thursday. W. W. Theisen of Wisconsin discussed "Measures of School Efficiency," with respect to finances, teachers, pupils, and courses of study. One of the most interesting addresses of the conference was that by Dean William F. Russell on the "Schools of Japan." The first things a Japanese educator would notice in our schools, he stated are lack of objective material, indolence among students, and lack of extensive training on the part of the teachers. At noon today the conference closes. The program for the morning follows: MORNING Dr. Horn, presiding 9:00 to 10.00 a. m. Address-Director Nichols 10:00 to 10:00 a. m. Social Sciences in Junior High Schools-Prof. Charles H. Judd. 11:00 to 11:45 a. m. Bible Study for Credit in Public and Private Schools-Prof. F. C. Ensign. Williams A. Konantz, research assistant in the college of pharmacy last year, and a graduate of that college in 1917, has an article in the April number of the Journal of the American Pharmaceutical association on "The Manufacture of Acetphenetidin."
Saturday, May 3, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE FIVE [advertisement] MAY MILLINERY SPECIAL SHOWER Prices are dropping on our most attractive Hats for the Spring and Summer wearing. Look over these specials. Come in and try them on. Fit for every wear and purse. A rousing value at- $2.95 and $3.95 There's a line of everything in these styles, for every occasion-or old or young. Some sold up to $7.50. None for less than $4.50. 2 days $3.95 WIDE BRIM HATS In Lacy Straws, fine Milans, Hemps, Lisere, Horsehair and Georgette. We have assembled these at a price for the 2 days in the best models of the season. $10 to $20 models at $5.95, $5.98, 8.95 2 Days-Save 1-2 SMALL SHAPED HATS Hand made braids, Lisere, Panamas, Tailored and banded Sailors. Clever styles. The very latest design-Gage, Fisk Keith, for 1-3 and 1-2 less.- For these 2 days 3.95 $5.95 $7.85 HANDKERCHIEFS 1,000 fine Lawn and Shamrock Lawns--25c, 35c, 50 values for these 2 days-Every Handkerchief is perfect and a bargain-Buy your summer needs, 2 days-2 for 25c "MAVIS TALCUM" SPECIAL If you have never tried it-do so. Those that have-say it's the most pleasing of all Talcums they have ever used-Price 25c. To get you in the habit Saturday Special, a can for ......................21c WE ARE CLEANING UP OUR GLOVE STOCK- THESE TWO DAYS-2 SPECIAL LOTS 48c and 69c For Gloves worth up to $3.00. They consist of fine Silks and Fabric Gloves, in the evening shades and regular shades-Some are 8, 10, 12, 14, 16. Button lengths. You'll find them a bargain in every sense, and any amount of styles and sizes, that you'll use. We are selling them 2 pairs to 6 pairs to the ladies. $2.00 PAIR FINEST SILK HOSIERY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FOR ..............$1.75 NEW VEILS Novelty meshes in quaint new designs for Summer wear........25c, 35c, 50c AUTO VEILS In Taupe, Black, Brown, and Navy, of Chiffon. The Cape of the Season It clings to the figure in a full, graceful drape. It's folds gathering about the form in a most becoming manner. The materials include all the newest in Satins and Silks-as well as Novelty Cloths. We have for these 2 days Amenswear Serge Cape, Special value...........$18.50 The most wonderful Capes of the Season at ......$65.00 In combination of Tricolette, Serge and Satin. Beautiful lines of the finest qualities. The best Dolmans money will buy here at $25.00 $35.00 $45.00 NEW SUMMER GOWNS OF GEORGETTE AND SATIN FROM WEISS-MITCHELL ARE ARRIVING You'll look at these in wonderment-It's hard to realize such wonderful pretty styles in the most refined and perfect colorings of Georgettes, Pearl Greys, Rose and White are foremost. No store ever showed a more complete and comprehensive line of SEPARATE SKIRTS- We never showed such values-nor have we ever shown or seen such really clever styles and wonderful separate Skirts- $5.00 UP TO $35.00 HERE'S EVERY DAY WANTS AT BIG SAVINGS Woodbury's Facial Soap 19c Resinod Soap, medicated 19c Packer Tar Soap.......19c Cuticura Soap....19c Pebeco Tooth Paste....39c Pepsodent Tooth Paste...39c Kolynos Tooth Paste....19c Colgate's Tooth Paste....19c Love Me Face Powder....59c Djer Kiss Face Powder...59c Pompeian Beauty Powder....45c Maris Face Powder....45c Canthrox......45c Pond's Cold Cream.....21c D. & R. Cold Cream......35c Love Me Talcum.......21c Mebba Talcum.......21c Colgate's Talcum.....12c Silks==2 Days $2.50 Georgette Crepes, a yard for..............$1.05 $2.50 Crepe du Chenes, a yard for ................$1.95 $1.25 Slik Shirtings, a yard for ..................$1.00 $1.50 Silk Poplins, a yard for ...................$1.25 $3.50 White Satins, for Skirts, a yard for.........$2.50 $3.50 Black Satin Skirtings, a yard for...........$2.50 Our Patriot Chiffon Silk for Lingerie-Longerie. A wonderful value ..............................75c New Silk Ginghams for Summer....95c and $1.19 yd. LADIES' SHIRTS FOR SUMMER JUST IN Fancy Madras and Crepe du Chene $3.25 and $3.95 each HERSHEY'S CHOCOLATE BARS EACH 5c Bennison's ALL THE BEST CHEWING GUMS 3 FOR 10c FULL YARD WIDE PERCALES Light and Dark Styles, 36 inches wide.............19c FINEST QUALITY 36 INCH VOILES Fine Sheer Mercerized. Remnants 2 yds to 10 yds...18c 64 INCH $1 YARD SATIN DAMASK TABLE CLOTH-5 styles, for a yard............67c 72 INCH $1.25 SATIN TABLE DAMASK Open Border styles, for a yard....................93c 250 EDUCATION MEN CONFER ON PUBLIC SCHOOL PROBLEMS Value of Psychology in Army for Selection of Recruiting Shown By Dean Coffman RUSSELL SPEAKS ON JAPAN Largest Meeting in History of the University to Be Closed at Noon Today Two hundred and fifty county superintendents, city superintendents, high school principals grade principals, and supervisors are here in attendance at the largest annual conference on supervision ever held at the University. Every hotel in the city is filled and many private homes have been opened to accommodate the visitors. Motor trips have been arranged for the entertainment of the guests and for the purpose of showing the visitors places of interest in the city. The new Perkins hospital and the University buildings were among the chief points of inspection. In addition 150 enjoyed a University dinner given last evening in the Commercial club rooms. Psychologist Talks The program took place yesterday according to schedule. Prof. F. C. Ensign presided and introduced Dean L. D. Coffman of the University of Minnesota who has been engaged until recently in active work in the army. Dean Coffman brought out emphatically the value of psychology in selecting and classifying recruits and the economy in time thus obtained. "Distribution of School Costs" was the subject of Supt. S. O. Hartwell's address which followed. Professor Lewis closed the morning session with a discussion of the Smith-Hughes act, an act which gives money to the schools of the United States for the purpose of furthering all vocations. E. J. Ashbaugh presided at the afternoon session. Supt. S. O. Hartwell of St. Paul spoke on the subject "Breaking Grade Lines." An address by F. G. Nichols, assistant director of the federal board of vocational education, completed the afternoon's program. Efficiency Emphasized The conference was especially fortunate in hearing Prof. David Snedden of Columbia University Thursday. W. W. Theisen of Wisconsin discussed "Measures of School Efficiency," with respect to finances, teachers, pupils, and courses of study. One of the most interesting addresses of the conference was that by Dean William F. Russell on the "Schools of Japan." The first things a Japanese educator would notice in our schools, he stated are lack of objective material, indolence among students, and lack of extensive training on the part of the teachers. At noon today the conference closes. The program for the morning follows: MORNING Dr. Horn, presiding 9:00 to 10.00 a. m. Address-Director Nichols 10:00 to 10:00 a. m. Social Sciences in Junior High Schools-Prof. Charles H. Judd. 11:00 to 11:45 a. m. Bible Study for Credit in Public and Private Schools-Prof. F. C. Ensign. Williams A. Konantz, research assistant in the college of pharmacy last year, and a graduate of that college in 1917, has an article in the April number of the Journal of the American Pharmaceutical association on "The Manufacture of Acetphenetidin."
Daily Iowan Newspapers