Daily Iowan, May 4, 1919
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Page Two The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Sunday, May 4, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN A morning paper published for the period of the war four times a week---Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday---by The Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City Member Iowa College Press Entered as second class matter at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa subscription Rate $2.00 per year BOARD OF TRUSTEES C. H. Weller, chairman, Gretchen Kane, secretary, E. M. McEwen, E. S. Smith, Alice E. Hinkley, M. Elizabeth Hendee, Mary Anderson EDITORIAL STAFF MILDRED E. WHITCOMB, Editor-in-chief Telephone, Black 1757; Office Hours---8-12; 1-6 daily, Room 14, L. A. Building Rowena Wellman---Managing Editor Associate Editor Ralph E. Overholser News Editor Eileen Galvin Exchange Editor Nancy Lamb Humorous Editor M. Elizabeth Hendee Sports Editor Leon H. Brigham BUSINESS STAFF ROMOLA LATCHEM---Business manager Edward Chamberlain---Advertising mgr. Telephone 935; Office Hours---3-5 daily, 103 Iowa Ave "I have never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day as each day came."---Lincoln. NIGHT EDITORS Ethyn Williams Dorothy Lingham GENTLE SPRING Spring, with that twittering of birds and budding of blossoms, so adored by the poets, has come. The river, carefully studied by freshman theme-ists (if such a word could be coined) and made immortal in freshman descriptions gleams invitingly. Hills, green with shrub and tree, the winding yellow road, beg the student to leave musty books and boresome references, to follow "the Romany patterns." In spite of March-like winds or April showers, May sunshine lures old and young alike to leave dull care, shake off fretful worry, and renew youth---or enforce it.---Only mid-quarterly examinations, and book reviews, laboratory work, and notebooks, dim the cheerfulness of the season. It may be a little late for a spring song, but who can resist? And we agree with the old folk-song--- "Now let him who desires remain with care in the house." PROFESSORS PERFECT PLATING METHOD What does a physics professor thinks about during his leisure hours? Physics professors in the University have been spending their leisure hours of late in perfecting a new method of plating paper, cloth and such substances with molten metals without burning the material to be plated. A wire made of the metal to be used in plating is heated white hot and placed near the substance to be coated. As the metal becomes white hot, small particles fly off and are deposited upon any bodies in the immediate vicinity. You will probably wonder, as the reporter did, why a perfectly good professor would spend any time on an invention like this when it is of no commercial value, at least the professors say it isn't. The value of the new method is that it is useful in silver-plating different substances for the study of light, and that is why the physics professors are so elated over their new discovery. They leave it to the engineers to make the invention of any commercial value. SMITH-VOGT The marriage of Clairie Smith to Robert Vogt, both of Iowa City, took place Saturday, April 26, in Davenport. Mrs. Vogt, who is a member of Alpha Xi Delta sorority, attended the University last year and was graduated from the Iowa City high school in 1917. Mr. Vogt was in aviation service, being stationed in England for some time. He is a member of the Delta Chi fraternity, and also graduated from Iowa City in 1917. DETROIT MINISTER SPEAKS AT VESPERS Author of Several Books Wrote Prize Essay Discussing International Peace The Rev. Gaius Glenn Atkins, pastor of the First Congregational church in Detroit, will speak at the next regular monthly vesper service, Sunday May 11, in the natural science auditorium. Special music has been provided. The University orchestra will play Bach's "Schauspiel Overture," and the "Intermezzo" by Mascaqui. Miss Bertha A. Cooper will sing "How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me?" by Oley Speaks, and Prof. W. E. Hays is to sing Protheroe's "Lead Kindly Light." The vesper choir, composed of the Men's and the Woman's Glee clubs, will sing "How Excellent the Name" by Wm. Lester. The Rev. Mr. Atkins is a native of Indiana and received his A. B. degree from Ohio state university in 1888. Three years later he received his LL.B. from the Cincinnati Law school, and afterwards studied in the Yale Divinity school. After a few years of teaching the Rev. Mr. Atkins was ordained into the Congregational ministry in 1895, and since that time has been pastor in Massachusetts, Vermont, Michigan, and Rhode Island. From 1906 until 1910, Reverend Atkins was pastor of the First Congregational church in Detroit, from there he went to Providence, R. I. for seven years. Since 1917 he has had charge of his former pastorate in Detroit. Besides contributing to religious journals, the Reverend Atkins is the author of the books: "Things That Remain," "Pilgrims of the Lonely Road," "The Maze of the Nations," and "The Godward Side of Life." Reverend Atkins was awarded the Church Peace Union prize for an essay on International Peace in 1914. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa. KNOWTICE The above is the deliberate attempt of an advertising woman and her colleague to attract the notice of the gentle reader to this paragraph. The title might also have been---"Why this space is not filled with news." Dilemma! Not enough "copy"---newspaper slang for what this should be---to fill the paper. A night editor Diana-of-the-chased over to The Iowan office. Horrors! The door locked! Like a foolish virgin she hung about begging entrance. Too late. The janitor was nowhere to be found. She sought him earnestly, piteously wailing "Mr. Janitor." Of no avail was her search. In desperation she conferred with (a) an associate professor and (b) a real dean. Both were gracious but regretful. Windows were firmly locked; Yale locks, true to tradition, resisted the feminine hairpin. The hero to the rescue! A kindly member of the staff, true to the traditions of the paper, succors ladies in distress. He flees to seek night watchman. [advertisement] STRAND Today Tomorrow and Tuesday CECIL B. DE MILLE'S Big Production "DON'T CHANGE YOUR HUSBAND" Also Christie Comedy IOWA WILL TEACH NATION'S MUSIC MEN Music Supervisors of Country to Attend First School For Testing Talent Leaders in music supervision from all over the country have signified their intention of attending a six weeks' course in the psychology of musical talent to be given at the University of Iowa. Supervisors from California and New York have already made arrangements to take the work. The national movement for measuring musical talent, just as mathematical or other talent is determined, originated with the psychologists at the University of Iowa. The summer course to be given is the first time the methods of musical measurement have been taught. "Every child according to his talent" is the new slogan adopted by the national musical supervisors association, and this is the idea which started in Iowa. Dean Carl E. Seashore, leader in the new work, favors a plan of testing every child for musical talent while he is in the fifth grade and later in the eighth grade. In the fifth grade, each child has had some musical training and after that if he has any latent talent it should be developed by special attention in singing clubs and orchestras, in Dean Seashore's opinion. By the time he reaches the eighth grade the child who is leaving school should be counseled and those who are going to high school will know whether it will be worth their while to specialize in music. When the child leaves the grades whether for high school or practical life he will have his talent chart in music and will know his capabilities. The tests and instruments for gauging musical ability have been devised in the university laboratory and the charts of hundreds of university students are on file with the psychology department. A number of psychologists at the university work almost exclusively on this problem. The Y.W.C.A. cabinet examination will be held Monday at 4:30 in room 116 of the liberal arts building. Dorothy Tyler, Ioto Xi Epsilon, is visiting at her home in Muscatine this week. Ora Jones of Gilbert is visiting her brother Ralph who is at the University hospital. Bernice Mitchell is visiting friends here. [advertisement] GARDEN Sunday and Monday VIOLA DANA in "SATAN, JR." Also a 2-reel Billy West Comedy [advertisement] NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL Founded, 1859 JOHN H. WIGMORE, Dean ANNOUNCES That new students may enter at beginning of the fourth term, June 19, 1919. Increase in Requirement for Admission and Graduation Admission: After September 1, 1919, students entering for the first time will be required to submit proof of the satisfactory completion of three years of college study. Graduation: Four years (or 36 months) of residence study is required, EXCEPT that students entering the Law School with a bachelor's degree representing a four year-course in an approved college, may complete the course in three years (or 27onths). For detailed information address the Secretary of the Law School Northwestern University Bldg., Lake and Dearborn Sts., Chicago, Ill. [advertisement] COMMENCEMENT SUITS AND TOP COATS $30 and upward Made to your Individual Measure by E. V. PRICE & CO. Clothes that invite the question WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? J. R. KEMPSTON Opposite Englert Theatre [advertisement] STUDENTS... We do the highest grade shoe repairing in the city. Bring in your old shoes and let us make them like new. WASHINGTON SHOE REPAIR SHOP Across From The Englert Theater [advertisement] SABINS' EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 A. M. M. DORNON, Manager The most widely patronized, because the most reliable Teachers Agency in the Middle West. Territory from Mississippi River to Pacific Coast. FLYNN BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA [advertisement] WE STARCH YOUR GARMENTS by the use of the most modern machinery. Our collar starcher carries your collars or cuffs between endless felt aprons, through a series of wooden rollers running a bath of hot liquid starch. In preparing this starch we use a very high grade of starch manufactured especially for the laundry trade and not sold at retail. By this method we insure superiority of work over that done at home, by the washerwoman. NEW PROCESS LAUNDRY "The Pride of Iowa City" Phone 294 [advertisement] MENU JEFFERSON HOTEL Special Table D'Hote Dinner 12 to 2 6 to 8 $1.25 per cover Genuine Green Sea Turtle Clear or Consommé Maderia Radishes Mixed Olives Choice of:--- Roast Domestic Goose, Stuffed, Apple Sauce Roast Prime Ribs of Beef, au jus Fresh Lobster, a La Newberg Mashed Potatoes or New Potatoes in Cream. String Beans or Fresh Asparagus in Cream Head Lettuce, French Dressing Choice of:--- Apple Pie or Blueberry Pie New York Ice Cream Tea Coffee Milk Grapefruit Cocktail, 35c Crab Meat Cocktail, 40c Broiled Live Lobster, $1.00
Page Two The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Sunday, May 4, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN A morning paper published for the period of the war four times a week---Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday---by The Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City Member Iowa College Press Entered as second class matter at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa subscription Rate $2.00 per year BOARD OF TRUSTEES C. H. Weller, chairman, Gretchen Kane, secretary, E. M. McEwen, E. S. Smith, Alice E. Hinkley, M. Elizabeth Hendee, Mary Anderson EDITORIAL STAFF MILDRED E. WHITCOMB, Editor-in-chief Telephone, Black 1757; Office Hours---8-12; 1-6 daily, Room 14, L. A. Building Rowena Wellman---Managing Editor Associate Editor Ralph E. Overholser News Editor Eileen Galvin Exchange Editor Nancy Lamb Humorous Editor M. Elizabeth Hendee Sports Editor Leon H. Brigham BUSINESS STAFF ROMOLA LATCHEM---Business manager Edward Chamberlain---Advertising mgr. Telephone 935; Office Hours---3-5 daily, 103 Iowa Ave "I have never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day as each day came."---Lincoln. NIGHT EDITORS Ethyn Williams Dorothy Lingham GENTLE SPRING Spring, with that twittering of birds and budding of blossoms, so adored by the poets, has come. The river, carefully studied by freshman theme-ists (if such a word could be coined) and made immortal in freshman descriptions gleams invitingly. Hills, green with shrub and tree, the winding yellow road, beg the student to leave musty books and boresome references, to follow "the Romany patterns." In spite of March-like winds or April showers, May sunshine lures old and young alike to leave dull care, shake off fretful worry, and renew youth---or enforce it.---Only mid-quarterly examinations, and book reviews, laboratory work, and notebooks, dim the cheerfulness of the season. It may be a little late for a spring song, but who can resist? And we agree with the old folk-song--- "Now let him who desires remain with care in the house." PROFESSORS PERFECT PLATING METHOD What does a physics professor thinks about during his leisure hours? Physics professors in the University have been spending their leisure hours of late in perfecting a new method of plating paper, cloth and such substances with molten metals without burning the material to be plated. A wire made of the metal to be used in plating is heated white hot and placed near the substance to be coated. As the metal becomes white hot, small particles fly off and are deposited upon any bodies in the immediate vicinity. You will probably wonder, as the reporter did, why a perfectly good professor would spend any time on an invention like this when it is of no commercial value, at least the professors say it isn't. The value of the new method is that it is useful in silver-plating different substances for the study of light, and that is why the physics professors are so elated over their new discovery. They leave it to the engineers to make the invention of any commercial value. SMITH-VOGT The marriage of Clairie Smith to Robert Vogt, both of Iowa City, took place Saturday, April 26, in Davenport. Mrs. Vogt, who is a member of Alpha Xi Delta sorority, attended the University last year and was graduated from the Iowa City high school in 1917. Mr. Vogt was in aviation service, being stationed in England for some time. He is a member of the Delta Chi fraternity, and also graduated from Iowa City in 1917. DETROIT MINISTER SPEAKS AT VESPERS Author of Several Books Wrote Prize Essay Discussing International Peace The Rev. Gaius Glenn Atkins, pastor of the First Congregational church in Detroit, will speak at the next regular monthly vesper service, Sunday May 11, in the natural science auditorium. Special music has been provided. The University orchestra will play Bach's "Schauspiel Overture," and the "Intermezzo" by Mascaqui. Miss Bertha A. Cooper will sing "How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me?" by Oley Speaks, and Prof. W. E. Hays is to sing Protheroe's "Lead Kindly Light." The vesper choir, composed of the Men's and the Woman's Glee clubs, will sing "How Excellent the Name" by Wm. Lester. The Rev. Mr. Atkins is a native of Indiana and received his A. B. degree from Ohio state university in 1888. Three years later he received his LL.B. from the Cincinnati Law school, and afterwards studied in the Yale Divinity school. After a few years of teaching the Rev. Mr. Atkins was ordained into the Congregational ministry in 1895, and since that time has been pastor in Massachusetts, Vermont, Michigan, and Rhode Island. From 1906 until 1910, Reverend Atkins was pastor of the First Congregational church in Detroit, from there he went to Providence, R. I. for seven years. Since 1917 he has had charge of his former pastorate in Detroit. Besides contributing to religious journals, the Reverend Atkins is the author of the books: "Things That Remain," "Pilgrims of the Lonely Road," "The Maze of the Nations," and "The Godward Side of Life." Reverend Atkins was awarded the Church Peace Union prize for an essay on International Peace in 1914. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa. KNOWTICE The above is the deliberate attempt of an advertising woman and her colleague to attract the notice of the gentle reader to this paragraph. The title might also have been---"Why this space is not filled with news." Dilemma! Not enough "copy"---newspaper slang for what this should be---to fill the paper. A night editor Diana-of-the-chased over to The Iowan office. Horrors! The door locked! Like a foolish virgin she hung about begging entrance. Too late. The janitor was nowhere to be found. She sought him earnestly, piteously wailing "Mr. Janitor." Of no avail was her search. In desperation she conferred with (a) an associate professor and (b) a real dean. Both were gracious but regretful. Windows were firmly locked; Yale locks, true to tradition, resisted the feminine hairpin. The hero to the rescue! A kindly member of the staff, true to the traditions of the paper, succors ladies in distress. He flees to seek night watchman. [advertisement] STRAND Today Tomorrow and Tuesday CECIL B. DE MILLE'S Big Production "DON'T CHANGE YOUR HUSBAND" Also Christie Comedy IOWA WILL TEACH NATION'S MUSIC MEN Music Supervisors of Country to Attend First School For Testing Talent Leaders in music supervision from all over the country have signified their intention of attending a six weeks' course in the psychology of musical talent to be given at the University of Iowa. Supervisors from California and New York have already made arrangements to take the work. The national movement for measuring musical talent, just as mathematical or other talent is determined, originated with the psychologists at the University of Iowa. The summer course to be given is the first time the methods of musical measurement have been taught. "Every child according to his talent" is the new slogan adopted by the national musical supervisors association, and this is the idea which started in Iowa. Dean Carl E. Seashore, leader in the new work, favors a plan of testing every child for musical talent while he is in the fifth grade and later in the eighth grade. In the fifth grade, each child has had some musical training and after that if he has any latent talent it should be developed by special attention in singing clubs and orchestras, in Dean Seashore's opinion. By the time he reaches the eighth grade the child who is leaving school should be counseled and those who are going to high school will know whether it will be worth their while to specialize in music. When the child leaves the grades whether for high school or practical life he will have his talent chart in music and will know his capabilities. The tests and instruments for gauging musical ability have been devised in the university laboratory and the charts of hundreds of university students are on file with the psychology department. A number of psychologists at the university work almost exclusively on this problem. The Y.W.C.A. cabinet examination will be held Monday at 4:30 in room 116 of the liberal arts building. Dorothy Tyler, Ioto Xi Epsilon, is visiting at her home in Muscatine this week. Ora Jones of Gilbert is visiting her brother Ralph who is at the University hospital. Bernice Mitchell is visiting friends here. [advertisement] GARDEN Sunday and Monday VIOLA DANA in "SATAN, JR." Also a 2-reel Billy West Comedy [advertisement] NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL Founded, 1859 JOHN H. WIGMORE, Dean ANNOUNCES That new students may enter at beginning of the fourth term, June 19, 1919. Increase in Requirement for Admission and Graduation Admission: After September 1, 1919, students entering for the first time will be required to submit proof of the satisfactory completion of three years of college study. Graduation: Four years (or 36 months) of residence study is required, EXCEPT that students entering the Law School with a bachelor's degree representing a four year-course in an approved college, may complete the course in three years (or 27onths). For detailed information address the Secretary of the Law School Northwestern University Bldg., Lake and Dearborn Sts., Chicago, Ill. [advertisement] COMMENCEMENT SUITS AND TOP COATS $30 and upward Made to your Individual Measure by E. V. PRICE & CO. Clothes that invite the question WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? J. R. KEMPSTON Opposite Englert Theatre [advertisement] STUDENTS... We do the highest grade shoe repairing in the city. Bring in your old shoes and let us make them like new. WASHINGTON SHOE REPAIR SHOP Across From The Englert Theater [advertisement] SABINS' EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 A. M. M. DORNON, Manager The most widely patronized, because the most reliable Teachers Agency in the Middle West. Territory from Mississippi River to Pacific Coast. FLYNN BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA [advertisement] WE STARCH YOUR GARMENTS by the use of the most modern machinery. Our collar starcher carries your collars or cuffs between endless felt aprons, through a series of wooden rollers running a bath of hot liquid starch. In preparing this starch we use a very high grade of starch manufactured especially for the laundry trade and not sold at retail. By this method we insure superiority of work over that done at home, by the washerwoman. NEW PROCESS LAUNDRY "The Pride of Iowa City" Phone 294 [advertisement] MENU JEFFERSON HOTEL Special Table D'Hote Dinner 12 to 2 6 to 8 $1.25 per cover Genuine Green Sea Turtle Clear or Consommé Maderia Radishes Mixed Olives Choice of:--- Roast Domestic Goose, Stuffed, Apple Sauce Roast Prime Ribs of Beef, au jus Fresh Lobster, a La Newberg Mashed Potatoes or New Potatoes in Cream. String Beans or Fresh Asparagus in Cream Head Lettuce, French Dressing Choice of:--- Apple Pie or Blueberry Pie New York Ice Cream Tea Coffee Milk Grapefruit Cocktail, 35c Crab Meat Cocktail, 40c Broiled Live Lobster, $1.00
Daily Iowan Newspapers