Daily Iowan, May 4, 1919
Page 4
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Page Four The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Sunday, May 4, 1919 WANT ADS Rate 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions, Want ads cash in advance. LOST---A gold watch. If finder will return to post office box 495, the matter will be dropped, if not steps will be taken to locate same. D. P LOST---Leather purse containing money. Inquire at Iowan office. LOST--Phi Delta Theta pin, Friday night. Return to Iowan office. LOST--Silver wrist watch on No. Clinton. Finder please call 962 EXCHANGED by mistake---A man's blue spring top coat with one greatly similar. Call 1076. WANTED---Several copies of the Daily Iowan for April 22d. Will pay five cents apiece for them. Bring your copy to the business office, under University Book Store today. WANTED---Several men for general work in brick and tile factory, Sheffield, Iowa. Good wages by the hour and lots of piece work. Steady work. FOR SALE---L. C. Smith typewriter, nearly new, price attractive. Phone Black 1132. LOST:---PI PHI arrow. Name on back. Return to Iowan office. LOST---Conklin fountain pen between Currier hall and physics building. Finder please return to Iowan office for reward. MEDICAL GRADUATES SERVING OVERSEAS Many Iowa Doctors Are Stationed at Evacuation Hospitals at the Front Many doctors who received their degrees from the University and later served in the hospital as internes are now in France in various evacuation hospitals of the expeditionary forces. Capt. John B. Gregg is now serving as a doctor in a hospital at Bordeaux. Captain Gregg was graduated from the college of medicine in 1915, after which he served as junior clinical assistant under Doctor I. W. Dean, for one year and then was an assistant in the department of ophthalmology, [otolaryngology] and oral surgery. He entered service July 1, 1917 and has been in France since shortly after that time. Capt. T. R. Gittins, known by his fellow students as Roy, entered service at the same time as Captain Gregg, and is now at Evacuation hospital No. 12, with the American expeditionary forces. Captain Gittins also was graduated in 1915. He was interne in the department of ophthalmology, otolaryngology, and oral surgery for a year and next year served as assistant. Lieut. Wilbur Diven, is stationed at the Palace hotel. Bloomsburg street, London. W. C. Doctor Diven received his degree in [1917] and was junior clinical assistant under Dr. D. W. Dean until he entered service, July 1, 1918. Lieut. C. E. Chenoweth, is with the American expeditionary forces. He was also junior clinical assistant in the department for one year and in July, 1918 joined the army medical corps. Alice McMahon, Alpha Xi Delta, is visiting at Davenport this week end. "Waddie" Davis, who is coaching athletics at Newton, is visiting here this week. Davis was captain of the 1917 football team. CATS, MEDICS AND WOMEN IN QUARRELSOME TRIANGLE Cats, medics, and women are now occupying the center of the arena with the women after the medics and the medics after the cats with the result that poor kitty no longer purrs in peace. The first two are entertaining themselves and everyone else by throwing ink at each other, but the unfortunate felis domestica of the fireplace is a contender in a far more serious struggle in which her very life is in jeopardy. It is too late to help the feminists but something might yet be done to save the cats. Already the embryo doctors are scouring the city for specimens of this family to fix more clearly in their minds some of the principles of animal bi. That they are not meeting with the best of success is evidenced by the marks one of them bears as testimony to a fray in which several of the rounds must have gone to kitty. It is to be regretted our city doesn't afford an environment favorable to the peaceful pursuits of this family. The gravity of the situation is not comprehended. Cats and manly women will become extinct if no steps are taken for their protection. There is certainly a excellent opportunity for activities of the Humane society and it is the plea of one well informed that the society come to the aid of the cat and curl. NORTH DES MOINES HIGH WINS MEET (Continued on page 6) fourth. Time :22. 200 yard low hurdles: Brookings, Oskaloosa, first; Adkins, North Des Moines, second; Grady, Kalona, third; Talbott, Grinnell, fourth. Time---- :25. Half mile run: Jensen, Cedar Rapids, first; Schick, Davenport, and Barnes, Cedar Rapids, tied for second; Peterson, West Waterloo, fourth. Time--- 2:12-3. 440 yard dash: (first race) Walsh, North Des Moines, first; Dwyer, East Des Moines, second; H. Jensen, Cedar Rapids, third; Chesley, West Des Moines, fourth. Time---- :56. 440 yard dash: (second race) Beck, West Des Moines, first; Jensen, Cedar Rapids, second; Lowe, North Des Moines, third; Crawford, Mason City, fourth. Time---:55-4. 120 yard hurdles: Crawford, Mason City, first; Greenman, North Des Moines, second; Jennings, Davenport, third; Sprague, West Waterloo, fourth. Time--- :16-2. Broad jump: Brewton, Mason City, first; Jones, Vinton, second; Allen, West Waterloo, third; Steninger, Wellman, fourth. Distance 19 feet, 7 3/8 inches. Mile Relay: Won by West Des Moines; Mason City, second, Cedar Rapids third, East Des Moines, fourth. Time---3.50. Half mile relay: Won by North Des Moines; Boone, second; Mason City, third; West Waterloo, fourth. Time---1:43. Pole vault: Lowe and Colline of North Des Moines tied for first; Sindelar, Cedar Rapids; Brown, West Des Moines; Boge, Goldfield; Smith, Marion, and Trieschman, Wellman, tied for third and fourth. Height---9 feet, 9 inches. Prof. E. D. Starbuck will speak at Y.W.C.A. meeting Wednesday at 4:30 in the liberal arts drawing room. Tea will be served at 4:00 Maude Shuell, senior, was called to her home in Parnell this week end on account of the illness of her mother. [advertisement] PASTIME Today Tomorrow See CLARA KIMALL YOUNG in "THE SAVAGE WOMAN" It's a dandy See it. Also Harold Lloyd comedy--- Pathe News. Admission 20c [advertisement] NORTHWESTERN TEACHERS' AGENCY FOR ENTIRE WEST AND ALASKA---THE LARGEST AND BEST AGENCY Write immediately for free circular BOISE IDAHO [advertisement] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE On The Corner TEXT BOOKS AND SUPPLIES Waterman, Conklin and Schaeffer Fountain Pens UNIVERSTY BOOK STORE [advertisement] BANNER DAIRY LUNCH Offers you Wholesome Meals at Reasonable Prices 11 South Dubuque Street [advertisement] DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. [advertisement] OH BOY! Did you ever taste those Sweet Rolls served for breakfast in the JEFFERSON COFFEE ROOM and JEFFERSON QUICK LUNCH SERVICE CAFE They are simply wonderful. Delicious coffee also---n'everythig. [advertisement] CARDS AND GIFTS FOR MOTHER'S DAY BOOK AND CRAFT SHOP 124 E. Washington Street [advertisement] A SERVICE MESSAGE LIBERTY BOND COUPONS Due May 15th Interest coupons on bonds of the Second Liberty Loan issue, dated November 15, 1917, fall due May 15th. We shall be glad to cash these coupons for you or, better still, place them to your credit in your savings account. If you have no such account, here is an opportunity to open one without drawing on your own resources. Put your Liberty Bond Coupons to work ---earn interest on your interest. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Iowa City, Iowa Member Federal Reserve System
Page Four The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Sunday, May 4, 1919 WANT ADS Rate 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions, Want ads cash in advance. LOST---A gold watch. If finder will return to post office box 495, the matter will be dropped, if not steps will be taken to locate same. D. P LOST---Leather purse containing money. Inquire at Iowan office. LOST--Phi Delta Theta pin, Friday night. Return to Iowan office. LOST--Silver wrist watch on No. Clinton. Finder please call 962 EXCHANGED by mistake---A man's blue spring top coat with one greatly similar. Call 1076. WANTED---Several copies of the Daily Iowan for April 22d. Will pay five cents apiece for them. Bring your copy to the business office, under University Book Store today. WANTED---Several men for general work in brick and tile factory, Sheffield, Iowa. Good wages by the hour and lots of piece work. Steady work. FOR SALE---L. C. Smith typewriter, nearly new, price attractive. Phone Black 1132. LOST:---PI PHI arrow. Name on back. Return to Iowan office. LOST---Conklin fountain pen between Currier hall and physics building. Finder please return to Iowan office for reward. MEDICAL GRADUATES SERVING OVERSEAS Many Iowa Doctors Are Stationed at Evacuation Hospitals at the Front Many doctors who received their degrees from the University and later served in the hospital as internes are now in France in various evacuation hospitals of the expeditionary forces. Capt. John B. Gregg is now serving as a doctor in a hospital at Bordeaux. Captain Gregg was graduated from the college of medicine in 1915, after which he served as junior clinical assistant under Doctor I. W. Dean, for one year and then was an assistant in the department of ophthalmology, [otolaryngology] and oral surgery. He entered service July 1, 1917 and has been in France since shortly after that time. Capt. T. R. Gittins, known by his fellow students as Roy, entered service at the same time as Captain Gregg, and is now at Evacuation hospital No. 12, with the American expeditionary forces. Captain Gittins also was graduated in 1915. He was interne in the department of ophthalmology, otolaryngology, and oral surgery for a year and next year served as assistant. Lieut. Wilbur Diven, is stationed at the Palace hotel. Bloomsburg street, London. W. C. Doctor Diven received his degree in [1917] and was junior clinical assistant under Dr. D. W. Dean until he entered service, July 1, 1918. Lieut. C. E. Chenoweth, is with the American expeditionary forces. He was also junior clinical assistant in the department for one year and in July, 1918 joined the army medical corps. Alice McMahon, Alpha Xi Delta, is visiting at Davenport this week end. "Waddie" Davis, who is coaching athletics at Newton, is visiting here this week. Davis was captain of the 1917 football team. CATS, MEDICS AND WOMEN IN QUARRELSOME TRIANGLE Cats, medics, and women are now occupying the center of the arena with the women after the medics and the medics after the cats with the result that poor kitty no longer purrs in peace. The first two are entertaining themselves and everyone else by throwing ink at each other, but the unfortunate felis domestica of the fireplace is a contender in a far more serious struggle in which her very life is in jeopardy. It is too late to help the feminists but something might yet be done to save the cats. Already the embryo doctors are scouring the city for specimens of this family to fix more clearly in their minds some of the principles of animal bi. That they are not meeting with the best of success is evidenced by the marks one of them bears as testimony to a fray in which several of the rounds must have gone to kitty. It is to be regretted our city doesn't afford an environment favorable to the peaceful pursuits of this family. The gravity of the situation is not comprehended. Cats and manly women will become extinct if no steps are taken for their protection. There is certainly a excellent opportunity for activities of the Humane society and it is the plea of one well informed that the society come to the aid of the cat and curl. NORTH DES MOINES HIGH WINS MEET (Continued on page 6) fourth. Time :22. 200 yard low hurdles: Brookings, Oskaloosa, first; Adkins, North Des Moines, second; Grady, Kalona, third; Talbott, Grinnell, fourth. Time---- :25. Half mile run: Jensen, Cedar Rapids, first; Schick, Davenport, and Barnes, Cedar Rapids, tied for second; Peterson, West Waterloo, fourth. Time--- 2:12-3. 440 yard dash: (first race) Walsh, North Des Moines, first; Dwyer, East Des Moines, second; H. Jensen, Cedar Rapids, third; Chesley, West Des Moines, fourth. Time---- :56. 440 yard dash: (second race) Beck, West Des Moines, first; Jensen, Cedar Rapids, second; Lowe, North Des Moines, third; Crawford, Mason City, fourth. Time---:55-4. 120 yard hurdles: Crawford, Mason City, first; Greenman, North Des Moines, second; Jennings, Davenport, third; Sprague, West Waterloo, fourth. Time--- :16-2. Broad jump: Brewton, Mason City, first; Jones, Vinton, second; Allen, West Waterloo, third; Steninger, Wellman, fourth. Distance 19 feet, 7 3/8 inches. Mile Relay: Won by West Des Moines; Mason City, second, Cedar Rapids third, East Des Moines, fourth. Time---3.50. Half mile relay: Won by North Des Moines; Boone, second; Mason City, third; West Waterloo, fourth. Time---1:43. Pole vault: Lowe and Colline of North Des Moines tied for first; Sindelar, Cedar Rapids; Brown, West Des Moines; Boge, Goldfield; Smith, Marion, and Trieschman, Wellman, tied for third and fourth. Height---9 feet, 9 inches. Prof. E. D. Starbuck will speak at Y.W.C.A. meeting Wednesday at 4:30 in the liberal arts drawing room. Tea will be served at 4:00 Maude Shuell, senior, was called to her home in Parnell this week end on account of the illness of her mother. [advertisement] PASTIME Today Tomorrow See CLARA KIMALL YOUNG in "THE SAVAGE WOMAN" It's a dandy See it. Also Harold Lloyd comedy--- Pathe News. Admission 20c [advertisement] NORTHWESTERN TEACHERS' AGENCY FOR ENTIRE WEST AND ALASKA---THE LARGEST AND BEST AGENCY Write immediately for free circular BOISE IDAHO [advertisement] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE On The Corner TEXT BOOKS AND SUPPLIES Waterman, Conklin and Schaeffer Fountain Pens UNIVERSTY BOOK STORE [advertisement] BANNER DAIRY LUNCH Offers you Wholesome Meals at Reasonable Prices 11 South Dubuque Street [advertisement] DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. [advertisement] OH BOY! Did you ever taste those Sweet Rolls served for breakfast in the JEFFERSON COFFEE ROOM and JEFFERSON QUICK LUNCH SERVICE CAFE They are simply wonderful. Delicious coffee also---n'everythig. [advertisement] CARDS AND GIFTS FOR MOTHER'S DAY BOOK AND CRAFT SHOP 124 E. Washington Street [advertisement] A SERVICE MESSAGE LIBERTY BOND COUPONS Due May 15th Interest coupons on bonds of the Second Liberty Loan issue, dated November 15, 1917, fall due May 15th. We shall be glad to cash these coupons for you or, better still, place them to your credit in your savings account. If you have no such account, here is an opportunity to open one without drawing on your own resources. Put your Liberty Bond Coupons to work ---earn interest on your interest. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Iowa City, Iowa Member Federal Reserve System
Daily Iowan Newspapers