Daily Iowan, May 8, 1919
Page 3
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Thursday, May 8, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE MRS FRED J. POYNEER DIES Mrs. Fred J. Poyneer of Cedar Rapids died at Oakdale Tuesday. The funeral will be this afternoon at Cedar Rapids. Her husband is a graduate of the liberal arts college and was a prominent athlete when here. He was also in the S. A. T. C. TO GRANT FELLOWSHIPS SOON Appointments to fellowships and scholarships in the University will be granted soon, according to Prof. C. E. Seashore, dean of the graduate college. The matter is now before President Jessup, he states, who will announce the elections as soon as they are settled. Pupils of the school of music will give a recital in Mrs. Anna Diller Starbuck's studio in the Dey building this evening at 7:30. Faculty members, students, and other persons connected with the University gave a musicale at the Methodist church last night. Garden THURSDAY & FRIDAY BILLIE RHODES in "THE LAMB AND THE LION" Also a big 2-reel comedy STRAND LAST TIME TODAY DOROTHY DALTON in "EXTRAVAGANCE" Starting Tomorrow-- MADGE KENNEDY in "A DAUGHTER OF MINE" Also Smiling Bill Parsons in a 2-reel comedy. EXTRA SPECIAL NEXT SUNDAY ANITA STEWART in her latest feature "A MIDNIGHT ROMANCE" TAXI PHONE 1700 MURPHY'S SERVICE Office HOTEL JEFFERSON FRESHMAN TRACK NOTICE The freshman track meet with Northwestern is postponed to Friday May 8 at 4 o'clock. PASTIME TODAY and TOMORROW See the woman that has posed for some of the world's greatest artists-- EVELYN NESBIT in "THE WOMAN WHO GAVE" Also a 2-reel Comedy-- FORD TRAVELOGUE Admission 15c WATCH FOR THAT $1,000,000.00 PICTURE THAT IS COMING SOON PROF. PELZER AT ST. LOUIS Prof. Louis Pelzer will speak today at the twelfth annual meeting of the Mississippi Valley Historical association at St. Louis. His subject is "A Frontier Officer's Old Military Order Book." This is the sixth program at which Professor Pelzer has been a speaker. He is a member of the executive committee of the association. ? What is the "Scrap of Paper" ? DANCE CITY PARK PAVILION SATURDAY, MAY 10 Properly Chaperoned TICKETS $1.00 War Tax 10c TEACHERS WANTED For all departments of school work. School officials will soon elect teachers for next year. A MAXIMUM OF SERVICE AT A MINIMUM COMMISSION RATE. Commission 4 per cent. Territory, central and western states. Write today for blanks. HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY Cedar Rapids, Iowa W D C TRADE MARK PRICE for price, grade for grade, there is no better pipe made than a W D C. You can get a pipe with the familiar triangle trademark in any size and shape and grade you want--and you will be glad you did it. W D C Pipes are American made and sold in the best shops at $6 down to 75 cents. WM. DEMUTH & CO., New York World's Largest Pipe Manufacturer [illustration of a pipe] Here is a pipe to be proud of in any company. Genuine French Briar, carefully selected, beautifully worked, superbly mounted with sterling band and vulcanite bit. The Exclusive Features of Newberg's Photographs Make them Popular Newberg's Studio UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text Books and Supplies WATERMAN, CONKLIN AND SCHAEFFER FOUNTAIN PENS UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE Cards and Gifts for Mother's Day Book and Craft Shop 124 E. Washington Street BY MAIL OR TELEGRAM ANYWHERE IN U. S. A. "Say it with Flowers" MOTHERS' DAY, SUNDAY, MAY 11th Leave your Order today. We will attend to the rest. PRINCES FLOWER SHOP FLOWERS FOR THE DEAREST MOTHER
Thursday, May 8, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE MRS FRED J. POYNEER DIES Mrs. Fred J. Poyneer of Cedar Rapids died at Oakdale Tuesday. The funeral will be this afternoon at Cedar Rapids. Her husband is a graduate of the liberal arts college and was a prominent athlete when here. He was also in the S. A. T. C. TO GRANT FELLOWSHIPS SOON Appointments to fellowships and scholarships in the University will be granted soon, according to Prof. C. E. Seashore, dean of the graduate college. The matter is now before President Jessup, he states, who will announce the elections as soon as they are settled. Pupils of the school of music will give a recital in Mrs. Anna Diller Starbuck's studio in the Dey building this evening at 7:30. Faculty members, students, and other persons connected with the University gave a musicale at the Methodist church last night. Garden THURSDAY & FRIDAY BILLIE RHODES in "THE LAMB AND THE LION" Also a big 2-reel comedy STRAND LAST TIME TODAY DOROTHY DALTON in "EXTRAVAGANCE" Starting Tomorrow-- MADGE KENNEDY in "A DAUGHTER OF MINE" Also Smiling Bill Parsons in a 2-reel comedy. EXTRA SPECIAL NEXT SUNDAY ANITA STEWART in her latest feature "A MIDNIGHT ROMANCE" TAXI PHONE 1700 MURPHY'S SERVICE Office HOTEL JEFFERSON FRESHMAN TRACK NOTICE The freshman track meet with Northwestern is postponed to Friday May 8 at 4 o'clock. PASTIME TODAY and TOMORROW See the woman that has posed for some of the world's greatest artists-- EVELYN NESBIT in "THE WOMAN WHO GAVE" Also a 2-reel Comedy-- FORD TRAVELOGUE Admission 15c WATCH FOR THAT $1,000,000.00 PICTURE THAT IS COMING SOON PROF. PELZER AT ST. LOUIS Prof. Louis Pelzer will speak today at the twelfth annual meeting of the Mississippi Valley Historical association at St. Louis. His subject is "A Frontier Officer's Old Military Order Book." This is the sixth program at which Professor Pelzer has been a speaker. He is a member of the executive committee of the association. ? What is the "Scrap of Paper" ? DANCE CITY PARK PAVILION SATURDAY, MAY 10 Properly Chaperoned TICKETS $1.00 War Tax 10c TEACHERS WANTED For all departments of school work. School officials will soon elect teachers for next year. A MAXIMUM OF SERVICE AT A MINIMUM COMMISSION RATE. Commission 4 per cent. Territory, central and western states. Write today for blanks. HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY Cedar Rapids, Iowa W D C TRADE MARK PRICE for price, grade for grade, there is no better pipe made than a W D C. You can get a pipe with the familiar triangle trademark in any size and shape and grade you want--and you will be glad you did it. W D C Pipes are American made and sold in the best shops at $6 down to 75 cents. WM. DEMUTH & CO., New York World's Largest Pipe Manufacturer [illustration of a pipe] Here is a pipe to be proud of in any company. Genuine French Briar, carefully selected, beautifully worked, superbly mounted with sterling band and vulcanite bit. The Exclusive Features of Newberg's Photographs Make them Popular Newberg's Studio UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text Books and Supplies WATERMAN, CONKLIN AND SCHAEFFER FOUNTAIN PENS UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE Cards and Gifts for Mother's Day Book and Craft Shop 124 E. Washington Street BY MAIL OR TELEGRAM ANYWHERE IN U. S. A. "Say it with Flowers" MOTHERS' DAY, SUNDAY, MAY 11th Leave your Order today. We will attend to the rest. PRINCES FLOWER SHOP FLOWERS FOR THE DEAREST MOTHER
Daily Iowan Newspapers