Daily Iowan, May 8, 1919
Page 4
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, May 8, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST--Leather purse containing money. Inquire at Iowan office. tf LOST--Phi Delta Theta pin, Friday night. Return to Iowan office. tf EXCHANGED by mistake--A man's blue spring top coat with one greatly similar. Call 1076. WANTED--Several copies of the Daily Iowan for April 22d. Will pay five cents apiece for them. Bring your copy to the business office, under University Book Store today. WANTED--Several men for general work in brick and tile factory, Sheffield, Iowa. Good wages by the hour and lots of piece work. Steady work. LOST:--PI PHI arrow. Name on back. Return to Iowan office. LOST--Conklin fountain pen between Currier hall and physics building. Finder please return to Iowan office for reward. WANTED--Lady clerk, part time. Phone 217 . 97 Five cents a copy will be paid for issues of The Daily Iowan for Oct. 22, Oct. 29, Nov. 3, and Nov. 10 at the editorial office of The Iowan, 14 liberal arts. tf Prof. Harry G. Plum will deliver an address on the subject, "America in the League of Peace," at Davis City, Friday. COMMENCEMENT SUITS AND TOP COATS $30 and upward Made to your Individual Measure by [signature] Clothes that invite the question Who's Your Tailor? J. R. KEMPSTON Opposite Englert Theatre Two Things Essential to Good Soda Water ARE THE-- "KNOW HOW" AND-- BEST QUALITY MATERIALS THE COMBINATION OF THESE TWO THINGS IS WHAT MAKES OUR SODA WATER TASTE SO MUCH BETTER-- Whetstones DRUG CO. TRACK MEN TO MEET MINNESOTA SQUAD Leave Tomorrow Night for First Conference Field and Track Meet Saturday Twenty-five members of the Iowa track team will leave Friday night for Minneapolis to compete with Minnesota Saturday in the first conference track and field meet of the season. For several years the Hawkeyes have not met the Gophers on the cinders, and little is known of the northern team. It is the belief of the men themselves, however, that Minnesota may prove a less formidable opponent than Ames. In tryouts yesterday afternoon Hill, Matthey, and Steussy won places on the squad that is to go to Minneapolis in the 100 yard dash, the 220 yard dash, and the half mile respectively. The other members of the squad had already been picked. The following men will make the trip: 100 yard dash, Colby, Justin, Hill; 220 yard dash, Colby, Justin, Matthey; 440 yard dash, Greenwood, Smith, Cumberland; Half mile run, Rosenbaugh, Steussy; Mile run, Valentine, Sweazy; Two mile run, Kruse, Young. Hammer throw, Slater, Mockmore; Shot put, Wallen, Slater, Mockmore; Discuss, Greenwood, Slater, Mockmore; Pole vault, Sheedy, Baily; High jump, Brigham, Kaufman; Broad jump, Brigham, Reno, Dyke; 120 yard high hurdles, Kostlan, Reno; 220 yard low hurdles, Kostlan, Kelly; Mile relay, Cumberland, Stoner, Smith, Greenwood. CHAMBERLIN IN UNIVERSITY Former Managing Editor Of Iowan Returns to School Harold Chamberlin has just re-entered school after being discharged from an eastern camp upon his return from France about two weeks ago. Mr. Chamberlin served in the ambulance unit in France and was awarded the French croix de guerre for valor on the Cambrai front. Previous to his enlistment, Mr. Chamberlain had been associated with the Iowan for about seven years and was managing editor during the year 1916-1917. He will now become sports editor for the Iowan. Lambda Theta, educational sorority, held initiation at the liberal arts drawing room last evening. Men and women intending to earn next year's school expenses will do well to investigate the offer made by the Fuller Brush Co., of Hartford, Conn. The average profit of S. U. I. students last year was over $500 per man per ten weeks. Several vacancies open. Apply to district manager immediately. Call 1076 for appointment. THE FULLER BRUSH CO. HOME STUDY (28th Year) Will courses in History English Chemistry Zoology, Mathematics, the Modern Languages, Economics, Sociology, Drawing, Philosophy, Education, etc., help you to carry out your college program? More than 400 courses in academic subjects are offered by correspondence. All command credit. Begin at any time. Address The University of Chicago Division X, Chicago, Ill. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS ON MOTHERS' DAY For mothers' memory flowers white For mothers living flowers bright For flowers speak the wonderful language of love SEND FLOWERS ORDER TODAY We will deliver them for you in any part of the United States by our telegraphic connections, representing over 600 F. T. D. stores. ALDOUS & SON, Florists Opposite Jefferson Hotel 112 S. Dubuque St. H. A. STRUB & CO. SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS-- MATERIALS FOR GRADUATION DRESSES IN ORGANDIES AND SILKS--FINE SELECTION--SEE THEM BEFORE YOU BUY. H. A. STRUB & CO. [illustration of man in suit] Tailored at Fashion Park FRIDAY, MAY 9th MILITARY BALL FORMAL Are you prepared? Have you all the necessary apparel you need for this occasion. If not come to us and be fitted out. Bremer's GOLDEN EAGLE IOWA CITY, IOWA We Starch Your Garments by the use of the most modern machinery. Our collar starcher carries your collars or cuffs between endless felt aprons, through a series of wooden rollers running a bath of hot liquid starch. In preparing this starch we use a very high grade of starch manufactured especially for the laundry trade and not sold at retail. By this method we insure superiority of work over that done at home, by the washerwoman. New Process Laundry "The Pride of Iowa City" PHONE 294 OH BOY! Did you ever taste those Sweet Rolls served for breakfast in the JEFFERSON COFFEE ROOM and JEFFERSON QUICK LUNCH SERVICE CAFE They are simply wonderful. Delicious coffee also--n'everything.
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, May 8, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST--Leather purse containing money. Inquire at Iowan office. tf LOST--Phi Delta Theta pin, Friday night. Return to Iowan office. tf EXCHANGED by mistake--A man's blue spring top coat with one greatly similar. Call 1076. WANTED--Several copies of the Daily Iowan for April 22d. Will pay five cents apiece for them. Bring your copy to the business office, under University Book Store today. WANTED--Several men for general work in brick and tile factory, Sheffield, Iowa. Good wages by the hour and lots of piece work. Steady work. LOST:--PI PHI arrow. Name on back. Return to Iowan office. LOST--Conklin fountain pen between Currier hall and physics building. Finder please return to Iowan office for reward. WANTED--Lady clerk, part time. Phone 217 . 97 Five cents a copy will be paid for issues of The Daily Iowan for Oct. 22, Oct. 29, Nov. 3, and Nov. 10 at the editorial office of The Iowan, 14 liberal arts. tf Prof. Harry G. Plum will deliver an address on the subject, "America in the League of Peace," at Davis City, Friday. COMMENCEMENT SUITS AND TOP COATS $30 and upward Made to your Individual Measure by [signature] Clothes that invite the question Who's Your Tailor? J. R. KEMPSTON Opposite Englert Theatre Two Things Essential to Good Soda Water ARE THE-- "KNOW HOW" AND-- BEST QUALITY MATERIALS THE COMBINATION OF THESE TWO THINGS IS WHAT MAKES OUR SODA WATER TASTE SO MUCH BETTER-- Whetstones DRUG CO. TRACK MEN TO MEET MINNESOTA SQUAD Leave Tomorrow Night for First Conference Field and Track Meet Saturday Twenty-five members of the Iowa track team will leave Friday night for Minneapolis to compete with Minnesota Saturday in the first conference track and field meet of the season. For several years the Hawkeyes have not met the Gophers on the cinders, and little is known of the northern team. It is the belief of the men themselves, however, that Minnesota may prove a less formidable opponent than Ames. In tryouts yesterday afternoon Hill, Matthey, and Steussy won places on the squad that is to go to Minneapolis in the 100 yard dash, the 220 yard dash, and the half mile respectively. The other members of the squad had already been picked. The following men will make the trip: 100 yard dash, Colby, Justin, Hill; 220 yard dash, Colby, Justin, Matthey; 440 yard dash, Greenwood, Smith, Cumberland; Half mile run, Rosenbaugh, Steussy; Mile run, Valentine, Sweazy; Two mile run, Kruse, Young. Hammer throw, Slater, Mockmore; Shot put, Wallen, Slater, Mockmore; Discuss, Greenwood, Slater, Mockmore; Pole vault, Sheedy, Baily; High jump, Brigham, Kaufman; Broad jump, Brigham, Reno, Dyke; 120 yard high hurdles, Kostlan, Reno; 220 yard low hurdles, Kostlan, Kelly; Mile relay, Cumberland, Stoner, Smith, Greenwood. CHAMBERLIN IN UNIVERSITY Former Managing Editor Of Iowan Returns to School Harold Chamberlin has just re-entered school after being discharged from an eastern camp upon his return from France about two weeks ago. Mr. Chamberlin served in the ambulance unit in France and was awarded the French croix de guerre for valor on the Cambrai front. Previous to his enlistment, Mr. Chamberlain had been associated with the Iowan for about seven years and was managing editor during the year 1916-1917. He will now become sports editor for the Iowan. Lambda Theta, educational sorority, held initiation at the liberal arts drawing room last evening. Men and women intending to earn next year's school expenses will do well to investigate the offer made by the Fuller Brush Co., of Hartford, Conn. The average profit of S. U. I. students last year was over $500 per man per ten weeks. Several vacancies open. Apply to district manager immediately. Call 1076 for appointment. THE FULLER BRUSH CO. HOME STUDY (28th Year) Will courses in History English Chemistry Zoology, Mathematics, the Modern Languages, Economics, Sociology, Drawing, Philosophy, Education, etc., help you to carry out your college program? More than 400 courses in academic subjects are offered by correspondence. All command credit. Begin at any time. Address The University of Chicago Division X, Chicago, Ill. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS ON MOTHERS' DAY For mothers' memory flowers white For mothers living flowers bright For flowers speak the wonderful language of love SEND FLOWERS ORDER TODAY We will deliver them for you in any part of the United States by our telegraphic connections, representing over 600 F. T. D. stores. ALDOUS & SON, Florists Opposite Jefferson Hotel 112 S. Dubuque St. H. A. STRUB & CO. SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS-- MATERIALS FOR GRADUATION DRESSES IN ORGANDIES AND SILKS--FINE SELECTION--SEE THEM BEFORE YOU BUY. H. A. STRUB & CO. [illustration of man in suit] Tailored at Fashion Park FRIDAY, MAY 9th MILITARY BALL FORMAL Are you prepared? Have you all the necessary apparel you need for this occasion. If not come to us and be fitted out. Bremer's GOLDEN EAGLE IOWA CITY, IOWA We Starch Your Garments by the use of the most modern machinery. Our collar starcher carries your collars or cuffs between endless felt aprons, through a series of wooden rollers running a bath of hot liquid starch. In preparing this starch we use a very high grade of starch manufactured especially for the laundry trade and not sold at retail. By this method we insure superiority of work over that done at home, by the washerwoman. New Process Laundry "The Pride of Iowa City" PHONE 294 OH BOY! Did you ever taste those Sweet Rolls served for breakfast in the JEFFERSON COFFEE ROOM and JEFFERSON QUICK LUNCH SERVICE CAFE They are simply wonderful. Delicious coffee also--n'everything.
Daily Iowan Newspapers