Daily Iowan, May 10, 1919
Page 4
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Page Four The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Saturday, May 10, 1919 WANT ADS Rate 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance LOST----Leather purse containing money. Inquire at Iowan office. LOST---Phi Delta Theta pin, Friday night. Return to Iowan office. WANTED---Several copies of the Daily Iowan for April 22d. Will pay five cents apiece for them. Bring your copy to the business office, under University Book Store today. WANTED---Several men for general work in brick and tile factory, Sheffield, Iowa. Good wages by the hour and lots of piece work. Steady work. WANTED: Issues of The Daily Iowan for November 10, 1918. Will pay ten cents for the copy. Bring to The Iowan office. WANTED---Lady clerk, part time. Phone 217. Five cents a copy will be paid for issues of The Daily Iowan for Oct. 22, Oct. 29, Nov. 3, and Nov. 10 at the editorial office of The Iowan, 14 liberal arts. WANTED---Experienced cook for outing club at Clear Lake, Iowa. Season opens June 20. Good salary. Verno L. Truman, Vinton, Iowa. LOST---Gold fountain pen without cap, with initials O. S. M. Finder please return to Daily Iowan office. BRODWICK-TOBIN J. W. Tobin of Vinton and Helen Brodwick also of Vinton were married last week. Mr. Tobin has just returned from overseas. He is a graduate from the liberal arts and law colleges of the University, and is connected with the law firm of Tobin, Tobin, and Tobin at Vinton. J. Reed Lane, prominent attorney of Davenport and graduate of the law college of the University, is going to move to New York city where he will have charge of the new system of federal bakeries. The ambulance unit of Iowa State college men has landed in the United States and is now on its way to Camp Dodge for demobilization, according to a telegram received at Ames. Plans for extensive entertainment are already being made. [advertisement] To those young men who are not intending to return to college this coming year, we wish to suggest that there are at this time most unusual openings in our Chicago house. These positions will carry good starting salaries; the work will be congenial and instructive and will lead the right men to very exceptional futures. If you are interested, please write Mr. R. L. CRANDALL, today. BUTLER BROTHERS Wholesale General Merchandise Randolph Street Bridge Chicago, Ills. New York Minneapolis Dallas St. Louis Chicago WOMEN BETTER "PITCHERS" Women in the University excel in pitch, consonance, and memory music according to a report of the recent musical tests made at freshman lectures. Dean C. E. Seashore says that the men of the University show superiority in the sense of intensity and time. Lloyd Burns of Osceola and a sailor on S. S. Virginia is visiting Ruth King. Lilian Tow, graduate student, has been at her home in Cedar Rapids because of a death in the family. Bernice Cole, Y.W.C.A. secretary, returned Tuesday evening after spending several weeks at Upper Iowa University and Iowa Wesleyan college. J. B. Hathorn, senior dentist, has been visiting for several days at his home in Des Moines. Christian Endeavor will entertain at a white elephant party at the Congregational conference house Saturday evening. Every one is asked to bring a white elephant. Nu Sigma Nu gave a dinner dance at the Jefferson last night. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schroeger announce the birth of a daughter Wednesday. Mrs. Schroeger was formerly Cornelia Prentiss. Christian Endeavor of the Presbyterian church will have a picnic at Gould's on the West side this afternoon at 5:30. [advertisement] Cash Paid for Second Hand Books MONDAY MAY 12 At the University Book Store ONE DAY ONLY [advertisement] On every outing---- KODAK And let us finish your films when you return. HENRY LOUIS The Rexall Store 124 E. College [advertisement] Men and women intending to earn next year's school expenses will do well to investigate the offer made by the Fuller Brush Co., of Hartford, Conn. The average profit of S.U.I. students last year was over $500 per man per ten weeks. Several vacancies open. Apply to district manager immediately. Call 1076 for appointment. THE FULLER BRUSH CO. [advertisement] Cards and Gifts for Mother's Day BOOK AND CRAFT SHOP 124 E. Washington Street [advertisement] BASEBALL Saturday, May 10 ILLINOIS VS. IOWA Iowa Field Game Called 3:00 P. M. Admission 50c
Page Four The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Saturday, May 10, 1919 WANT ADS Rate 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance LOST----Leather purse containing money. Inquire at Iowan office. LOST---Phi Delta Theta pin, Friday night. Return to Iowan office. WANTED---Several copies of the Daily Iowan for April 22d. Will pay five cents apiece for them. Bring your copy to the business office, under University Book Store today. WANTED---Several men for general work in brick and tile factory, Sheffield, Iowa. Good wages by the hour and lots of piece work. Steady work. WANTED: Issues of The Daily Iowan for November 10, 1918. Will pay ten cents for the copy. Bring to The Iowan office. WANTED---Lady clerk, part time. Phone 217. Five cents a copy will be paid for issues of The Daily Iowan for Oct. 22, Oct. 29, Nov. 3, and Nov. 10 at the editorial office of The Iowan, 14 liberal arts. WANTED---Experienced cook for outing club at Clear Lake, Iowa. Season opens June 20. Good salary. Verno L. Truman, Vinton, Iowa. LOST---Gold fountain pen without cap, with initials O. S. M. Finder please return to Daily Iowan office. BRODWICK-TOBIN J. W. Tobin of Vinton and Helen Brodwick also of Vinton were married last week. Mr. Tobin has just returned from overseas. He is a graduate from the liberal arts and law colleges of the University, and is connected with the law firm of Tobin, Tobin, and Tobin at Vinton. J. Reed Lane, prominent attorney of Davenport and graduate of the law college of the University, is going to move to New York city where he will have charge of the new system of federal bakeries. The ambulance unit of Iowa State college men has landed in the United States and is now on its way to Camp Dodge for demobilization, according to a telegram received at Ames. Plans for extensive entertainment are already being made. [advertisement] To those young men who are not intending to return to college this coming year, we wish to suggest that there are at this time most unusual openings in our Chicago house. These positions will carry good starting salaries; the work will be congenial and instructive and will lead the right men to very exceptional futures. If you are interested, please write Mr. R. L. CRANDALL, today. BUTLER BROTHERS Wholesale General Merchandise Randolph Street Bridge Chicago, Ills. New York Minneapolis Dallas St. Louis Chicago WOMEN BETTER "PITCHERS" Women in the University excel in pitch, consonance, and memory music according to a report of the recent musical tests made at freshman lectures. Dean C. E. Seashore says that the men of the University show superiority in the sense of intensity and time. Lloyd Burns of Osceola and a sailor on S. S. Virginia is visiting Ruth King. Lilian Tow, graduate student, has been at her home in Cedar Rapids because of a death in the family. Bernice Cole, Y.W.C.A. secretary, returned Tuesday evening after spending several weeks at Upper Iowa University and Iowa Wesleyan college. J. B. Hathorn, senior dentist, has been visiting for several days at his home in Des Moines. Christian Endeavor will entertain at a white elephant party at the Congregational conference house Saturday evening. Every one is asked to bring a white elephant. Nu Sigma Nu gave a dinner dance at the Jefferson last night. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schroeger announce the birth of a daughter Wednesday. Mrs. Schroeger was formerly Cornelia Prentiss. Christian Endeavor of the Presbyterian church will have a picnic at Gould's on the West side this afternoon at 5:30. [advertisement] Cash Paid for Second Hand Books MONDAY MAY 12 At the University Book Store ONE DAY ONLY [advertisement] On every outing---- KODAK And let us finish your films when you return. HENRY LOUIS The Rexall Store 124 E. College [advertisement] Men and women intending to earn next year's school expenses will do well to investigate the offer made by the Fuller Brush Co., of Hartford, Conn. The average profit of S.U.I. students last year was over $500 per man per ten weeks. Several vacancies open. Apply to district manager immediately. Call 1076 for appointment. THE FULLER BRUSH CO. [advertisement] Cards and Gifts for Mother's Day BOOK AND CRAFT SHOP 124 E. Washington Street [advertisement] BASEBALL Saturday, May 10 ILLINOIS VS. IOWA Iowa Field Game Called 3:00 P. M. Admission 50c
Daily Iowan Newspapers