Daily Iowan, May 11, 1919
Page 4
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, May 11, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST—Leather purse containing money. Inquire at Iowan office. tf LOST—Phi Delta Theta pin, Friday night. Return to Iowan office. tf WANTED—Several copies of the Daily Iowan for April 22d. Will pay five cents apiece for them. Bring your copy to the business office, under University Book Store today. WANTED—Several men for general work in brick and tile factory, Sheffield, Iowa. Good wages by the hour and lots of piece work. Steady work. WANTED—Issues of The Daily Iowan for November 10, 1918. Will pay ten cents for the copy. Bring to The Iowan office. WANTED—Lady clerk, part time. Phone 217. 97 Five cents a copy will be paid for issues of The Daily Iowan for Oct. 22, Oct. 29, Nov. 3, and Nov. 10 at the editorial office of The Iowan, 14 liberal arts. tf WANTED—Experienced cook for outing club at Clear Lake, Iowa. Season opens June 20. Good salary. Verno L. Truman, Vinton, Iowa. LOST—Gold fountain pen without cap, with initials O.S.M. Finder please return to Daily Iowan office. tf CAPTAIN HOWARD BEYE RETURNS FROM FRANCE Capt. Howard L. Beye, M.C. returned to Iowa City last week after serving eighteen months overseas. Capt Beye does not say much in regard to his work overseas, but his companions tell how persistent he was in the midst of the fighting. He was gassed i nthe frontline trenches and the war department reported him as seriously injured. However, he is fully recovered now and is ready to resume his work. Capt. Beye is a graduate of the Rush Medical college and was assistant professor of surgery here four years. He comes [bacq] now to this same position. He enlisted in the summer of 1917 and has been in France since shortly after that time. PHARMACISTS FIND PLACES Students Who Will Graduate In June Have Accepted Positions The college of pharmacy has [has] more calls for pharmacists than can be met, according to Dean W.J. Teeters. There is a shortage of drug clerks at the present time. Out of about thirteen students who will graduate in June, eight have definitely accepted positions. Mrs. F. C. Johnson will manage her pharmacy at Atkins. L.W. March of Hot Springs, S. Dak., and M.W. Webb of Rolfe have accepted positions with the Schlegel Drug company at Davenport. Dena Richmond will work and her father’s store at Elma. L.W. Richmond of Riceville will be associated in business with his father. Ben C. Rogers of Winterset has accepted a position with the J.M. John Drug company of Clinton. H.A. Grimm and Milo Chehak are contemplating opening an ethical pharmacy in Cedar Rapids for prescription and analytic business only. These seniors will take up their work as soon as they graduate. H.M.F. Doden, who has been hospital pharmacist here for five years, will also go to Schlegel’s drugstore at Davenport. He has been in charge of the hospital dispensary at the University. IOWA NINE LOSES TO ILLINOIS TEAM IN NINTH INNING Continued from Page 1) Cockshoot, 1b…44 0 2 0 0 13 Belding, rf… 3 0 0 0 0 2 Olson, c…. 3 0 0 0 1 9 __ __ __ __ __ __ 27 2 4 5 12 27 Illinois Doss, cf…. 4 0 2 1 0 2 Edwards; lf… 4 0 0 0 0 2 Kaiser, c… 4 0 0 0 2 8 Ingwerson, 1b.. 5 0 0 0 0 10 Barklage, 2b.. 4 1 0 0 2 1 Johnson, rf.. 2 0 0 0 0 2 Diehl, ss… 3 1 1 1 1 1 Kissinger, 3b.. 4 1 2 0 1 1 Ryan, p… 4 1 0 0 4 0 __ __ __ __ __ ___ 35 4 5 2 10 27 Score by innings: Iowa…….000 000 110—2 Illinois….000 100 003—4 Two base hit-- Crawford; passed ball—Kaiser; sacrifice hits-- Johnson, Goodwin; stolen bases—Edwards, Kaiser 2, Barklage. Pitcher’s records: Struck out-- by Hamilton 9 (Edwards 2, Kaiser 2, Ingwerson 3, Barklage, Johnson) by Ryal 9 (Bing 3, Hamilton 2, McIlree, Cockshoot, Belding, Oldson). First base on balls-- off Hamilton 4 (Edwards, Barklage, Johnson, Diehl), off Ryan 1 (Crawford), Hit by pitcher-- by Hamilton, Kaiser. Umpire—Driscoll. FRATERNITIES BEGIN BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Pan-hellenic baseball began Thursday evening when the Phi Delts and Sigma Nus played at 3 to 3 tie, and the Sig Alphs walloped the Kappa Sigs 14 to 0. The first game was a neat pitchers’ battle between Synhorst of the Phi Delts and Draper and Mulroney of the Sigma Nus with Synhorst practically invincible except for an occasional streak of wildness. The other contest was a ragged affair and the Sig Alphs garnered eleven runs in one inning. The winner was presented a good game both on the field and on the mound. GLEE CLUB REHEARSE Rehearsal of the Men’s and Women’s Glee club for the Vesper service will be held in Prof. W. E. Hays’ studio this afternoon at 3:15. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS ILL Several University students are in the hospital. Theron J. Pease, freshman in the college of dentistry, is ill at isolation with the mumps. Pearce Newport of Adair went to the hospital Friday to have his tonsils removed. He is a sophomore in the liberal arts college. Harold Plotts of Des Moines, a junior in the college of dentistry, went to the hospital Tuesday. He was operated upon for appendicitis. [advertisement] DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING’S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. [advertisement] STRAND THEATRE TODAY TOMORROW AND TUESDAY ANITA STEWART in in her latest feature “[AMIDNIGHT] ROMANCE” [advertisement] [hand drawings of three women] Special Offering of Smocks Fashion’s Favorite in the Young Woman’s Best Friend— Choose early while styles and colorings and complete Smart, Becoming, Convenient, Inexpensive. Choose early as we have priced them for quick selling. Alice— Floral treatment in [woot] embroidery on a most becoming collar, lifts this “Triconette” smock out of the ordinary. Gold, Rose, Green and Blue, all sizes. PRICE $4.98 Dorothy— “Wonder-lin Cloth” forms the body, wool smocking and embroidery form the declaration of this practical smock. Women’s and Misses’ sizes in Blue, Green and Rose. PRICE $5.98 Enid-- The perfect proportions of this “Trouville” smock bear silent witness to the master designer’s [art?]. Rose, Blue and Green in all sizes. PRICE $5.98 New Georgette and Crepe-de-Chine Blouses Especially charming are the new Georgette and Crepe-de-Chine Blouses in high and low neck styles, plain and beaded or embroidered fronts, all colors. They are specially featured [frof] $6.98 up to $20.00. Yetter’s THE BIG STORE TEA FOR CHI OMEGA Women’s Pan-hellenic Council gave a tea Friday afternoon in honor of Chi Omega, the newly installed national sorority. The Methodist church will have a Mothers’ day service Sunday evening at 8 o’clock. The service is designed especially for young people. [advertisement] COMMENCEMENT SUITS AND TOP COATS $30 and upward Made to your Individual Measure by [E.V. Price & Co] Clothes that invite the question Who’s Your Tailer? J.R. KEMPSTON Opposite Englert Theatre [advertisement] Garden SUNDAY & MONDAY BERT LYTELL in “BLIND MAN’S EYES” Also Billy West Comedy [advertisement] HOME STUDY Will courses in History English Chemistry Mathematics, the Modern Languages, Economics, Sociology, Drawing, Philosophy, Education, etc. help you to carry out your college program? More than 400 courses in academic subjects are offered by correspondence. All command credit. Began at any time. Address The University of Chicago Division X, Chicago, Ill. A SERVICE MESSAGE A COURSE IN THRIFT Daily classes open to all S.U.I. under graduates. No entrance examination required. Matriculation fee $1 which will be returned to you on demand plus interest at 4per cent. This practical and profitable course qualifies for prominence in any walk of life—in any trade or profession. Register today by opening a savings account with the FIRST NATIONAL BANK IOWA CITY, IOWA [emblem] MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, May 11, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST—Leather purse containing money. Inquire at Iowan office. tf LOST—Phi Delta Theta pin, Friday night. Return to Iowan office. tf WANTED—Several copies of the Daily Iowan for April 22d. Will pay five cents apiece for them. Bring your copy to the business office, under University Book Store today. WANTED—Several men for general work in brick and tile factory, Sheffield, Iowa. Good wages by the hour and lots of piece work. Steady work. WANTED—Issues of The Daily Iowan for November 10, 1918. Will pay ten cents for the copy. Bring to The Iowan office. WANTED—Lady clerk, part time. Phone 217. 97 Five cents a copy will be paid for issues of The Daily Iowan for Oct. 22, Oct. 29, Nov. 3, and Nov. 10 at the editorial office of The Iowan, 14 liberal arts. tf WANTED—Experienced cook for outing club at Clear Lake, Iowa. Season opens June 20. Good salary. Verno L. Truman, Vinton, Iowa. LOST—Gold fountain pen without cap, with initials O.S.M. Finder please return to Daily Iowan office. tf CAPTAIN HOWARD BEYE RETURNS FROM FRANCE Capt. Howard L. Beye, M.C. returned to Iowa City last week after serving eighteen months overseas. Capt Beye does not say much in regard to his work overseas, but his companions tell how persistent he was in the midst of the fighting. He was gassed i nthe frontline trenches and the war department reported him as seriously injured. However, he is fully recovered now and is ready to resume his work. Capt. Beye is a graduate of the Rush Medical college and was assistant professor of surgery here four years. He comes [bacq] now to this same position. He enlisted in the summer of 1917 and has been in France since shortly after that time. PHARMACISTS FIND PLACES Students Who Will Graduate In June Have Accepted Positions The college of pharmacy has [has] more calls for pharmacists than can be met, according to Dean W.J. Teeters. There is a shortage of drug clerks at the present time. Out of about thirteen students who will graduate in June, eight have definitely accepted positions. Mrs. F. C. Johnson will manage her pharmacy at Atkins. L.W. March of Hot Springs, S. Dak., and M.W. Webb of Rolfe have accepted positions with the Schlegel Drug company at Davenport. Dena Richmond will work and her father’s store at Elma. L.W. Richmond of Riceville will be associated in business with his father. Ben C. Rogers of Winterset has accepted a position with the J.M. John Drug company of Clinton. H.A. Grimm and Milo Chehak are contemplating opening an ethical pharmacy in Cedar Rapids for prescription and analytic business only. These seniors will take up their work as soon as they graduate. H.M.F. Doden, who has been hospital pharmacist here for five years, will also go to Schlegel’s drugstore at Davenport. He has been in charge of the hospital dispensary at the University. IOWA NINE LOSES TO ILLINOIS TEAM IN NINTH INNING Continued from Page 1) Cockshoot, 1b…44 0 2 0 0 13 Belding, rf… 3 0 0 0 0 2 Olson, c…. 3 0 0 0 1 9 __ __ __ __ __ __ 27 2 4 5 12 27 Illinois Doss, cf…. 4 0 2 1 0 2 Edwards; lf… 4 0 0 0 0 2 Kaiser, c… 4 0 0 0 2 8 Ingwerson, 1b.. 5 0 0 0 0 10 Barklage, 2b.. 4 1 0 0 2 1 Johnson, rf.. 2 0 0 0 0 2 Diehl, ss… 3 1 1 1 1 1 Kissinger, 3b.. 4 1 2 0 1 1 Ryan, p… 4 1 0 0 4 0 __ __ __ __ __ ___ 35 4 5 2 10 27 Score by innings: Iowa…….000 000 110—2 Illinois….000 100 003—4 Two base hit-- Crawford; passed ball—Kaiser; sacrifice hits-- Johnson, Goodwin; stolen bases—Edwards, Kaiser 2, Barklage. Pitcher’s records: Struck out-- by Hamilton 9 (Edwards 2, Kaiser 2, Ingwerson 3, Barklage, Johnson) by Ryal 9 (Bing 3, Hamilton 2, McIlree, Cockshoot, Belding, Oldson). First base on balls-- off Hamilton 4 (Edwards, Barklage, Johnson, Diehl), off Ryan 1 (Crawford), Hit by pitcher-- by Hamilton, Kaiser. Umpire—Driscoll. FRATERNITIES BEGIN BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Pan-hellenic baseball began Thursday evening when the Phi Delts and Sigma Nus played at 3 to 3 tie, and the Sig Alphs walloped the Kappa Sigs 14 to 0. The first game was a neat pitchers’ battle between Synhorst of the Phi Delts and Draper and Mulroney of the Sigma Nus with Synhorst practically invincible except for an occasional streak of wildness. The other contest was a ragged affair and the Sig Alphs garnered eleven runs in one inning. The winner was presented a good game both on the field and on the mound. GLEE CLUB REHEARSE Rehearsal of the Men’s and Women’s Glee club for the Vesper service will be held in Prof. W. E. Hays’ studio this afternoon at 3:15. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS ILL Several University students are in the hospital. Theron J. Pease, freshman in the college of dentistry, is ill at isolation with the mumps. Pearce Newport of Adair went to the hospital Friday to have his tonsils removed. He is a sophomore in the liberal arts college. Harold Plotts of Des Moines, a junior in the college of dentistry, went to the hospital Tuesday. He was operated upon for appendicitis. [advertisement] DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING’S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. [advertisement] STRAND THEATRE TODAY TOMORROW AND TUESDAY ANITA STEWART in in her latest feature “[AMIDNIGHT] ROMANCE” [advertisement] [hand drawings of three women] Special Offering of Smocks Fashion’s Favorite in the Young Woman’s Best Friend— Choose early while styles and colorings and complete Smart, Becoming, Convenient, Inexpensive. Choose early as we have priced them for quick selling. Alice— Floral treatment in [woot] embroidery on a most becoming collar, lifts this “Triconette” smock out of the ordinary. Gold, Rose, Green and Blue, all sizes. PRICE $4.98 Dorothy— “Wonder-lin Cloth” forms the body, wool smocking and embroidery form the declaration of this practical smock. Women’s and Misses’ sizes in Blue, Green and Rose. PRICE $5.98 Enid-- The perfect proportions of this “Trouville” smock bear silent witness to the master designer’s [art?]. Rose, Blue and Green in all sizes. PRICE $5.98 New Georgette and Crepe-de-Chine Blouses Especially charming are the new Georgette and Crepe-de-Chine Blouses in high and low neck styles, plain and beaded or embroidered fronts, all colors. They are specially featured [frof] $6.98 up to $20.00. Yetter’s THE BIG STORE TEA FOR CHI OMEGA Women’s Pan-hellenic Council gave a tea Friday afternoon in honor of Chi Omega, the newly installed national sorority. The Methodist church will have a Mothers’ day service Sunday evening at 8 o’clock. The service is designed especially for young people. [advertisement] COMMENCEMENT SUITS AND TOP COATS $30 and upward Made to your Individual Measure by [E.V. Price & Co] Clothes that invite the question Who’s Your Tailer? J.R. KEMPSTON Opposite Englert Theatre [advertisement] Garden SUNDAY & MONDAY BERT LYTELL in “BLIND MAN’S EYES” Also Billy West Comedy [advertisement] HOME STUDY Will courses in History English Chemistry Mathematics, the Modern Languages, Economics, Sociology, Drawing, Philosophy, Education, etc. help you to carry out your college program? More than 400 courses in academic subjects are offered by correspondence. All command credit. Began at any time. Address The University of Chicago Division X, Chicago, Ill. A SERVICE MESSAGE A COURSE IN THRIFT Daily classes open to all S.U.I. under graduates. No entrance examination required. Matriculation fee $1 which will be returned to you on demand plus interest at 4per cent. This practical and profitable course qualifies for prominence in any walk of life—in any trade or profession. Register today by opening a savings account with the FIRST NATIONAL BANK IOWA CITY, IOWA [emblem] MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
Daily Iowan Newspapers