Daily Iowan, May 15, 1919
Page 3
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Thursday, May 15, 1919 The Daily Iowan, State University of Iowa Page Three LAW NUMBER OF ALUMNUS Key Issue of Alumni Magazine is Devoted Chiefly to Law College "Rolling Along with the Laws" by [Leroy?] A. Rader, law '19, along with several cuts of the chief minstrels of the Law Jubilee, one of Arthur [Kroppach?] in costume, and a large cut of the law building on the frontispiece will be the big feature in the next issue of The Iowa Alumnus, which will come off the press the last of this week. Harry Eugene Kelly '92, a prominent Iowa alumnus, formerly an influential man in the Colorado State legislature, and now a resident of Chicago, contributes an interesting articles upon the subject, "Denationalizing Education." The results of the recent music tests of Dean Seashore in the psychology department will be revealed in an article by Mrs. Esther Allen Gaw, who receives her degree of doctor of philosophy in June. Dean Wilber I. Teeters, of the college of pharmacy, writes on "Drug Gardens." "Sea-Lust" is the title of a poem contributed by Weare Holbrook, L. A. '19. Other articles by students are one on the new S.U.I. Legion by Carl Judson, and one on athletics by Earl Culver. Several seniors have written something relative to a senior memorial. LIEUT. HOERSCH WINS CROIX DE GUERRE Another one of Iowa's sons has been awarded the Croix de guerre by the French government. First Lieut. Victor Hoersch of Davenport received the cross and a bravery citation from Marshal Petain of France last Monday. These were forwarded to Lieutenant Hoersch by Adjutant General W. E. Cole. The lieutenant was wounded in the battle of Vaux, July 2, 1918. He led his men through a heavy bombardment and was seriously wounded. He encouraged his men to advance and refused to let them take him to the rear. The Croix de guerre was awarded Nov. 24, 1918, but he did not receive it or the citation notifying him of the awarding until last Monday. Lieutenant Hoersch was commissioned at the first Officers' training camp at Fort Snelling, and landed in France September 1917. He is a candidate for the degree of doctor of philosophy in the physics department and was one of the speakers at the Victory loan meeting in the natural science auditorium several weeks ago. COSMOPOLITAN BAZAAR IS TRULY BIZARRE Green of spreading palms and the purple of lilacs, fragrance of apple blossoms and incense, rich colors of national emblems and Japanese lanterns, and soft Hawaiian music from the balcony made beautiful the setting for the Cosmopolitan bazaar at the women's gymnasium Saturday night. Quaint little tables for the serving of refreshments in Hawaiian fashion were placed in the large room, and the mirror room was used for aesthetic dancing. Eula Van Meter gave a solo dance in costume. Florence Peterman and Quentin G. Fernandez danced the Jajota. Elsie Katz, violinist, and Alice Dragstedt at the piano furnished the music for the general dancing. In the drawing room on the first floor, ivory, sandal wood, satin tassels, satchet baskets, hand embroidered articles and Chinese pillows attracted covetous buyers. Chaperones were Mrs. Helen M. Whittaker, Prof. and Mrs. C. M. Case and Prof. and Mrs. E. D. Starbuck. Receipts from the bazaar totaled more than $100, leaving a net profit of $40. The money will be used as the contribution of the Cosmopolitan club to the expenses of Dr. George Raysmith of Syracuse university who sails in June for the universities of England, Italy, France, and Russia, where he will reestablish chapters of the Cosmopolitan club. Dr. E. S. Smith, instructor and demonstrator in the college of dentistry, was elected secretary of the Iowa State Dental society at its meeting in Des Moines last week. In recognition of his standing, he was the choice of the 1000 dentists who attended the conference. Drs. F. T. Breene, R. H. Volland, A. W. Bryan, R. A. Fenton, R. V. Smith, R. W. Rogers, W. W. Martin, Y. Chickaraishi, L. L. Kline, E. Thoen, E. A. Rogers, J. F. Walters, and O. Fatland also attended the meeting. Blanche Graham, Sylvia White and Irma Rowe, Alpha Xi Deltas from Coe college are visiting at the local chapter house. Xi Psi Phi announces the pledging of H. C. Struck of Hampton. Gertrude Treynor of Sioux City visited at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house Saturday and Sunday. Dorothy Middleton, freshman, is entertaining her mother of Eagle Grove at Currier hall. Alberta Metcalf, Alpha Xi Delta, entertained her father and mother of Nichols Sunday. [advertisement] HOME STUDY (28th Year) Will courses in History English Chemistry Zoology, Mathematics, the Modern Languages, Economics, Sociology, Drawing, Philosophy, Education, etc., help you to carry out your college program? More than 400 courses in academic subjects are offered by correspondence. All command credit. Begin at any time. [illustration of a tower] Address THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Division X, Chicago, Ill. [advertisement] WE STARCH YOUR GARMENTS by the use of the most modern machinery. Our collar starcher carries your collars or cuffs between endless felt aprons, through a series of wooden rollers running a bath of hot liquid starch. In preparing this starch we use a very high grade of starch manufactured especially for the laundry trade and not sold at retail. By this method we insure superiority of work over that done at home, by the washerwoman. NEW PROCESS LAUNDRY "The Pride of Iowa City" Phone 294 ROBBINS VISITS UNIVERSITY Alumnus Interviews Students interested In Red Cross Work E. C. Robbins, M. A. 1912, who is on leave of absence from his work in the economics department of the University of Minnesota, was here recently interviewing upperclassmen interested in a training course for the home service work of the Red Cross. Professor Robbins came in place of Dr. J. L. Gillin, director of civilian relief, central division of the Red Cross. Dr. Gillin, now of the University of Wisconsin, was at one time instructor in sociology at Iowa. A supervised course of three months to train college graduates to become secretaries of home service is part of the reconstruction program of the division. The work will enlarge in the future to include civilian relief. Students who had no opportunity to meet and talk with Professor Robbins may have their names sent to him by Professor Brisco, thereby receiving information by mail. A member of The Daily Iowan staff and secretary of the Alumni association, Professor Robbins directed the publication of the Alumnus 1909-1912. He was a member of the Zetagathian literary society. Warden Rimel, senior in the college of medicine is confined to his room with tonsillitis. Helen Bergner of Dubuque spent the week end at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house. Helen Reeves from Parsons college visited Gretchen Kane last week end. [advertisement] WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? You can duplicate a suit-price any place but a PRICE SUIT only one place Made to your Individual Measure E. V. PRICE & CO $30.00 and Upwards J. R. KEMPSTON Opposite Englert Theatre [advertisement] [illustration of W D C triangle trade mark] If you want the best pipe that can be made, you can get it in a W D C---up to $6. If you want the best genuine French Briar that as little as 75 cents will buy, you can get it in a W D C. American made, in all sizes and styles, and sold at the best shops. [illustration of W D C pipe] No man ever had a better pipe than this one. Carefully selected genuine French Briar, a sterling ring and vulcanite bit, hand fitted and finished by an expert. WM. DEMUTH & CO., New York World's Largest Pipe Manufacturer [advertisement] A SERVICE MESSAGE A COURSE IN THRIFT Daily classes open to all S.U.I. undergraduates. No entrance examination required. Matriculation fee $1 which will be returned to you on demand plus interest at 4 per cent. This practical and profitable course qualifies for prominence in any walk of life---in any trade or profession. Register today by opening a savings account with the FIRST NATIONAL BANK Iowa City, Iowa Member Federal Reserve System [advertisement] STYLE ALL THE WHILE The cool daintiness of Oxfords and Pumps are one of the real delights of the Season. Each style has a charm all of its own, Each Model is a distinct favorite where Style counts. Priced from $6.00 to $11.00 Bring Us Your Shoe Repairing KRUEGER BROS. BUSTER BROWN SHOE STORE 108 So. Clinton St. [illustration of a woman's casual shoe and dress shoe]
Thursday, May 15, 1919 The Daily Iowan, State University of Iowa Page Three LAW NUMBER OF ALUMNUS Key Issue of Alumni Magazine is Devoted Chiefly to Law College "Rolling Along with the Laws" by [Leroy?] A. Rader, law '19, along with several cuts of the chief minstrels of the Law Jubilee, one of Arthur [Kroppach?] in costume, and a large cut of the law building on the frontispiece will be the big feature in the next issue of The Iowa Alumnus, which will come off the press the last of this week. Harry Eugene Kelly '92, a prominent Iowa alumnus, formerly an influential man in the Colorado State legislature, and now a resident of Chicago, contributes an interesting articles upon the subject, "Denationalizing Education." The results of the recent music tests of Dean Seashore in the psychology department will be revealed in an article by Mrs. Esther Allen Gaw, who receives her degree of doctor of philosophy in June. Dean Wilber I. Teeters, of the college of pharmacy, writes on "Drug Gardens." "Sea-Lust" is the title of a poem contributed by Weare Holbrook, L. A. '19. Other articles by students are one on the new S.U.I. Legion by Carl Judson, and one on athletics by Earl Culver. Several seniors have written something relative to a senior memorial. LIEUT. HOERSCH WINS CROIX DE GUERRE Another one of Iowa's sons has been awarded the Croix de guerre by the French government. First Lieut. Victor Hoersch of Davenport received the cross and a bravery citation from Marshal Petain of France last Monday. These were forwarded to Lieutenant Hoersch by Adjutant General W. E. Cole. The lieutenant was wounded in the battle of Vaux, July 2, 1918. He led his men through a heavy bombardment and was seriously wounded. He encouraged his men to advance and refused to let them take him to the rear. The Croix de guerre was awarded Nov. 24, 1918, but he did not receive it or the citation notifying him of the awarding until last Monday. Lieutenant Hoersch was commissioned at the first Officers' training camp at Fort Snelling, and landed in France September 1917. He is a candidate for the degree of doctor of philosophy in the physics department and was one of the speakers at the Victory loan meeting in the natural science auditorium several weeks ago. COSMOPOLITAN BAZAAR IS TRULY BIZARRE Green of spreading palms and the purple of lilacs, fragrance of apple blossoms and incense, rich colors of national emblems and Japanese lanterns, and soft Hawaiian music from the balcony made beautiful the setting for the Cosmopolitan bazaar at the women's gymnasium Saturday night. Quaint little tables for the serving of refreshments in Hawaiian fashion were placed in the large room, and the mirror room was used for aesthetic dancing. Eula Van Meter gave a solo dance in costume. Florence Peterman and Quentin G. Fernandez danced the Jajota. Elsie Katz, violinist, and Alice Dragstedt at the piano furnished the music for the general dancing. In the drawing room on the first floor, ivory, sandal wood, satin tassels, satchet baskets, hand embroidered articles and Chinese pillows attracted covetous buyers. Chaperones were Mrs. Helen M. Whittaker, Prof. and Mrs. C. M. Case and Prof. and Mrs. E. D. Starbuck. Receipts from the bazaar totaled more than $100, leaving a net profit of $40. The money will be used as the contribution of the Cosmopolitan club to the expenses of Dr. George Raysmith of Syracuse university who sails in June for the universities of England, Italy, France, and Russia, where he will reestablish chapters of the Cosmopolitan club. Dr. E. S. Smith, instructor and demonstrator in the college of dentistry, was elected secretary of the Iowa State Dental society at its meeting in Des Moines last week. In recognition of his standing, he was the choice of the 1000 dentists who attended the conference. Drs. F. T. Breene, R. H. Volland, A. W. Bryan, R. A. Fenton, R. V. Smith, R. W. Rogers, W. W. Martin, Y. Chickaraishi, L. L. Kline, E. Thoen, E. A. Rogers, J. F. Walters, and O. Fatland also attended the meeting. Blanche Graham, Sylvia White and Irma Rowe, Alpha Xi Deltas from Coe college are visiting at the local chapter house. Xi Psi Phi announces the pledging of H. C. Struck of Hampton. Gertrude Treynor of Sioux City visited at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house Saturday and Sunday. Dorothy Middleton, freshman, is entertaining her mother of Eagle Grove at Currier hall. Alberta Metcalf, Alpha Xi Delta, entertained her father and mother of Nichols Sunday. [advertisement] HOME STUDY (28th Year) Will courses in History English Chemistry Zoology, Mathematics, the Modern Languages, Economics, Sociology, Drawing, Philosophy, Education, etc., help you to carry out your college program? More than 400 courses in academic subjects are offered by correspondence. All command credit. Begin at any time. [illustration of a tower] Address THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Division X, Chicago, Ill. [advertisement] WE STARCH YOUR GARMENTS by the use of the most modern machinery. Our collar starcher carries your collars or cuffs between endless felt aprons, through a series of wooden rollers running a bath of hot liquid starch. In preparing this starch we use a very high grade of starch manufactured especially for the laundry trade and not sold at retail. By this method we insure superiority of work over that done at home, by the washerwoman. NEW PROCESS LAUNDRY "The Pride of Iowa City" Phone 294 ROBBINS VISITS UNIVERSITY Alumnus Interviews Students interested In Red Cross Work E. C. Robbins, M. A. 1912, who is on leave of absence from his work in the economics department of the University of Minnesota, was here recently interviewing upperclassmen interested in a training course for the home service work of the Red Cross. Professor Robbins came in place of Dr. J. L. Gillin, director of civilian relief, central division of the Red Cross. Dr. Gillin, now of the University of Wisconsin, was at one time instructor in sociology at Iowa. A supervised course of three months to train college graduates to become secretaries of home service is part of the reconstruction program of the division. The work will enlarge in the future to include civilian relief. Students who had no opportunity to meet and talk with Professor Robbins may have their names sent to him by Professor Brisco, thereby receiving information by mail. A member of The Daily Iowan staff and secretary of the Alumni association, Professor Robbins directed the publication of the Alumnus 1909-1912. He was a member of the Zetagathian literary society. Warden Rimel, senior in the college of medicine is confined to his room with tonsillitis. Helen Bergner of Dubuque spent the week end at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house. Helen Reeves from Parsons college visited Gretchen Kane last week end. [advertisement] WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? You can duplicate a suit-price any place but a PRICE SUIT only one place Made to your Individual Measure E. V. PRICE & CO $30.00 and Upwards J. R. KEMPSTON Opposite Englert Theatre [advertisement] [illustration of W D C triangle trade mark] If you want the best pipe that can be made, you can get it in a W D C---up to $6. If you want the best genuine French Briar that as little as 75 cents will buy, you can get it in a W D C. American made, in all sizes and styles, and sold at the best shops. [illustration of W D C pipe] No man ever had a better pipe than this one. Carefully selected genuine French Briar, a sterling ring and vulcanite bit, hand fitted and finished by an expert. WM. DEMUTH & CO., New York World's Largest Pipe Manufacturer [advertisement] A SERVICE MESSAGE A COURSE IN THRIFT Daily classes open to all S.U.I. undergraduates. No entrance examination required. Matriculation fee $1 which will be returned to you on demand plus interest at 4 per cent. This practical and profitable course qualifies for prominence in any walk of life---in any trade or profession. Register today by opening a savings account with the FIRST NATIONAL BANK Iowa City, Iowa Member Federal Reserve System [advertisement] STYLE ALL THE WHILE The cool daintiness of Oxfords and Pumps are one of the real delights of the Season. Each style has a charm all of its own, Each Model is a distinct favorite where Style counts. Priced from $6.00 to $11.00 Bring Us Your Shoe Repairing KRUEGER BROS. BUSTER BROWN SHOE STORE 108 So. Clinton St. [illustration of a woman's casual shoe and dress shoe]
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