Daily Iowan, May 15, 1919
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BIG BANQUET GIEN BY COMMERCE CLUB ON TUESDAY NIGHT _________ For First Time Women Students Were Guests of the Club - 100 Students Attend _________ CLUB THREE YEARS OLD _________ Organized by Professor Briscoe in 1916 With a Membership of Five Students _________ Commerce club entertained more than 100 guests at a banquet at the Commercial club rooms Tuesday evening. For the first time women students in the department were guests. Charles M. Dutcher was toastmaster. Prof. Paul S. Peirce opened the program with "The School of Commerce" in which he traced the development of the school since its organization by Prof. Norris A. Briscoe about three years ago. W.L. Erickson spoke on "The Commerce club, its organization three years ago with a membership of vie, its new plan to admit women to membership, its scholastic requirement, and its hopes for the future." Harry Raymond, secretary of the Commercial club of Iowa City and a former students in the University, gave a musical reading and as an encore presented a humorous negro selection of a woman talking over the telephone. The Hon. Frank Messer outlined the many good provisions for education that were passed by the thirty-eighth general assembly. J.L. Records, president of the local Commercial club followed with "The Modern Business Man." President Jessup concluded the toast program with "Education of Tomorrow." He told of the generous support the general assembly had from the University in the past year and the significance of this action in relation to higher education in Iowa. Officers of the Commerce club are: W.L. Erickson, president; D. Richard Young, vice president; Floyd Walsh, treasurer; and Edward Chamberlin, corresponding secretary. Members must do above average work in commerce. _________ NOTICE - FROLIC COMMITTEE There will be a meeting of the senior frolic committee Thursday afternoon at 5 in room 105 L.A. The following persons are expected to be present: Anne Hobbet, Dorie Davitt, G.S. Homes, W.W. Jewell, K.P. Cotton, L.R. Johnson, William Hemping, Glen Taylor, J.M. McLaughlin and A.H. Hanapel. _________ Ruth Stewart Delta Zeta, will visit at her home in Des Moines this week end. _________ TAXI PHONE 1700 MURPHY'S SERVICE Office Hotel Jefferson _________ Dancing from 8:45 to 11:45 VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory Varsity 8 Piece Orchestra Friday Eve, May 16 Saturday Eve, May 17 _________ SOCIAL COMMITTEE ELECTED TOMORROW _________ Three Juniors and Three Sophomores Will Be Selected for New Board _________ Every student in the State University of Iowa should cast his or her vote tomorrow at the election of student representatives on the University social committee. The following rules for the election have been given out by the election committee composed of Ronald Reed, W. Keith Hamill, Harry Dahl, Harry Ehred, L.W. March and Alvin Hanapel: 1. Election hours shall be from 1 o'clock to 5:30 p.m. on Friday, May 16, 1919. 2. There shall be a ballot box in each college of the University at the following places: For the liberal arts, education, and graduate colleges, at the north end of the main corridor of the first floor of the liberal arts building; for the law college, in the hall on the first floor of the law building; for the college of medicine, in the hall on the first floor at the south entrance of the main building; for the college of denistry, in the hall at the main entrance; for the college of applied science at the east entrance of the engineering building; and for the college of pharmacy, in the vestibule on the third floor of the chemistry building. 3. A student must vote at the ballot box in the college in which he is registered. 4. Each student may vote for six candidates, three of these to be sophomores, and three juniors. 5. There shall be two judges and a clerk at each ballot box. The candidates for election are the following: Junior: Grace Altshuler, Julia Wade, Roy D. Burns, John A. Schneider, K.L. Burgett, Mary Moss. Sophomore: Rodney Cobb, Margaret Mulroney, Mrs. Dorothy Smith, "Happy" Evans, Marion G. Smith, Frank G. Shuttleworth. This is the first time that students will be elected to membership on the University social committee. Last year the faculty chose the students that were on the social committee, but this plan did not work out satisfactorily as it was not truly representative. The election this year is in the hands of the students and if they care anything about student representation and government and the University, every one will vote at the appointed places for three sophomores and three juniors. _________ Episcopal students and faculty members will have a banquet this evening at 6 o'clock in the Commercial club rooms. The Rev. Paul Macou, who is in charge of the work of the Episcopal church in universities will be the guest of honor. _________ TWO BIG EVENTS TRACK MEET Ames vs. Iowa 2 P.M. ------------------- BASEBALL Notre Dame vs. Iowa 4 P.M. ------------------- IOWA FIELD Saturday, May 17, 1919 _________ FACE POWDER Jonteel [image] Clinging Invisible WONDERFULLY soft and fine, it adheres so closely as to seem to belong to the skin itself. Never gives that coarse "make-up" look. And the exquisite Jonteel fragrance makes it a delight to use. Have you tried it? Take a box home today. 50 cents HENRY LOUIS The Rexcell Store 124 E. COLLEGE _________ NORTHWESTERN TEACHERS' AGENCY FOR ENTIRE WEST AND ALASKA - THE LARGEST AND BEST AGENCY Write immediately for free circular BOISE IDAHO _________ OH BOY! Did you ever taste those Sweet Rolls served for breakfast in the JEFFERSON COFFEE ROOM and JEFFERSON QUICK LUNCH SERVICE CAFE They are simply wonderful. Delicious coffee also - n'everything.
BIG BANQUET GIEN BY COMMERCE CLUB ON TUESDAY NIGHT _________ For First Time Women Students Were Guests of the Club - 100 Students Attend _________ CLUB THREE YEARS OLD _________ Organized by Professor Briscoe in 1916 With a Membership of Five Students _________ Commerce club entertained more than 100 guests at a banquet at the Commercial club rooms Tuesday evening. For the first time women students in the department were guests. Charles M. Dutcher was toastmaster. Prof. Paul S. Peirce opened the program with "The School of Commerce" in which he traced the development of the school since its organization by Prof. Norris A. Briscoe about three years ago. W.L. Erickson spoke on "The Commerce club, its organization three years ago with a membership of vie, its new plan to admit women to membership, its scholastic requirement, and its hopes for the future." Harry Raymond, secretary of the Commercial club of Iowa City and a former students in the University, gave a musical reading and as an encore presented a humorous negro selection of a woman talking over the telephone. The Hon. Frank Messer outlined the many good provisions for education that were passed by the thirty-eighth general assembly. J.L. Records, president of the local Commercial club followed with "The Modern Business Man." President Jessup concluded the toast program with "Education of Tomorrow." He told of the generous support the general assembly had from the University in the past year and the significance of this action in relation to higher education in Iowa. Officers of the Commerce club are: W.L. Erickson, president; D. Richard Young, vice president; Floyd Walsh, treasurer; and Edward Chamberlin, corresponding secretary. Members must do above average work in commerce. _________ NOTICE - FROLIC COMMITTEE There will be a meeting of the senior frolic committee Thursday afternoon at 5 in room 105 L.A. The following persons are expected to be present: Anne Hobbet, Dorie Davitt, G.S. Homes, W.W. Jewell, K.P. Cotton, L.R. Johnson, William Hemping, Glen Taylor, J.M. McLaughlin and A.H. Hanapel. _________ Ruth Stewart Delta Zeta, will visit at her home in Des Moines this week end. _________ TAXI PHONE 1700 MURPHY'S SERVICE Office Hotel Jefferson _________ Dancing from 8:45 to 11:45 VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory Varsity 8 Piece Orchestra Friday Eve, May 16 Saturday Eve, May 17 _________ SOCIAL COMMITTEE ELECTED TOMORROW _________ Three Juniors and Three Sophomores Will Be Selected for New Board _________ Every student in the State University of Iowa should cast his or her vote tomorrow at the election of student representatives on the University social committee. The following rules for the election have been given out by the election committee composed of Ronald Reed, W. Keith Hamill, Harry Dahl, Harry Ehred, L.W. March and Alvin Hanapel: 1. Election hours shall be from 1 o'clock to 5:30 p.m. on Friday, May 16, 1919. 2. There shall be a ballot box in each college of the University at the following places: For the liberal arts, education, and graduate colleges, at the north end of the main corridor of the first floor of the liberal arts building; for the law college, in the hall on the first floor of the law building; for the college of medicine, in the hall on the first floor at the south entrance of the main building; for the college of denistry, in the hall at the main entrance; for the college of applied science at the east entrance of the engineering building; and for the college of pharmacy, in the vestibule on the third floor of the chemistry building. 3. A student must vote at the ballot box in the college in which he is registered. 4. Each student may vote for six candidates, three of these to be sophomores, and three juniors. 5. There shall be two judges and a clerk at each ballot box. The candidates for election are the following: Junior: Grace Altshuler, Julia Wade, Roy D. Burns, John A. Schneider, K.L. Burgett, Mary Moss. Sophomore: Rodney Cobb, Margaret Mulroney, Mrs. Dorothy Smith, "Happy" Evans, Marion G. Smith, Frank G. Shuttleworth. This is the first time that students will be elected to membership on the University social committee. Last year the faculty chose the students that were on the social committee, but this plan did not work out satisfactorily as it was not truly representative. The election this year is in the hands of the students and if they care anything about student representation and government and the University, every one will vote at the appointed places for three sophomores and three juniors. _________ Episcopal students and faculty members will have a banquet this evening at 6 o'clock in the Commercial club rooms. The Rev. Paul Macou, who is in charge of the work of the Episcopal church in universities will be the guest of honor. _________ TWO BIG EVENTS TRACK MEET Ames vs. Iowa 2 P.M. ------------------- BASEBALL Notre Dame vs. Iowa 4 P.M. ------------------- IOWA FIELD Saturday, May 17, 1919 _________ FACE POWDER Jonteel [image] Clinging Invisible WONDERFULLY soft and fine, it adheres so closely as to seem to belong to the skin itself. Never gives that coarse "make-up" look. And the exquisite Jonteel fragrance makes it a delight to use. Have you tried it? Take a box home today. 50 cents HENRY LOUIS The Rexcell Store 124 E. COLLEGE _________ NORTHWESTERN TEACHERS' AGENCY FOR ENTIRE WEST AND ALASKA - THE LARGEST AND BEST AGENCY Write immediately for free circular BOISE IDAHO _________ OH BOY! Did you ever taste those Sweet Rolls served for breakfast in the JEFFERSON COFFEE ROOM and JEFFERSON QUICK LUNCH SERVICE CAFE They are simply wonderful. Delicious coffee also - n'everything.
Daily Iowan Newspapers