Daily Iowan, May 15, 1919
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PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, May 15, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST-- Leather purse containing money. Inquire at Iowan office. tf LOST—Phi Delta Theta pin, Friday night. Return to Iowan office. tf WANTED-- Several copies of the Daily Iowan for April 22d. Will pay five cents apiece for them. Bring your copy to the business office, under University Book Store today. WANTED-- Several men for general work in brick and tile factory, Sheffield, Iowa. Good wages by the hour and lots of piece work. Steady work. WANTED-- Issues of The Daily Iowan for November 10, 1918. Will pay ten cents for the copy. Bring to The Iowan office. WANTED-- Lady clerk, part time. Phone 217 97 WANTED-- Experienced cook for outing club at Clear Lake, Iowa. Season opens June 20. Good salary. Verno L. Truman, Vinton, Iowa. LOST-- Gold fountain pen without cap, with initials O.S.M. Finder please return to Daily Iowan office. tf LOST-- Delta Gamma pin. Return two 605 E. Burlington. 101 LOST OR TAKEN BY MISTAKE-- Note book with valuable medical notes. Please return notes at once to W.H. Watters. 101 LOST-- A gold-chained rosary in N.S. building. Finder please return to Iowan office. 100 PRUDENCE HEBERLING IN REVIEWERS STAND Prudence Heberling, ‘18, who has been spending the winter in New York city, was given the opportunity recently of watching the launching of the Tennessee, largest man-of-war in the world, from the reviewing stand. Over 100,000 people were spectators from the navy yard, and 150 of these were in the stand from which the governor’s daughter flung the bottle of [champaign?] as she gave the ship its name. Those in the stand were presented with souvenirs, and received formal invitations. Miss Sarah E Howell is making a social survey this week at Clarinda. Bethany circle will meet tonight at the home of Elsie Hayek, 803 N. Dodge street. HAWKEYES TO MEET CYCLONES IN TRACK AND FIELD EVENTS Annual Classic Will Be Contested On Iowa Field Saturday Afternoon DOPE TABLE FAVORS IOWA Sports Writer Predicts Outcome of Meet by Comparison of Relative Strength Two great rivals, Iowa and Ames, will clash on Iowa field Saturday in a track and field meet that will be the center of state wide interest. The annual classic promises to be the most bitterly contested meet in the history of the two schools. Last spring, the Hawkeyes won the state meet over Coach Merrian’s Aggies by a narrow margin and ever since then, the Cyclones have been “thirsting for revenge.” Whatever the result of the state meet, this year on May 24, the winner of Saturday’s meet will feel justified in taking extreme satisfaction in the accomplishment. Dopesters are finding it hard to predict the outcome of the meet. Both Ames and Iowa are represented by two of the most evenly balanced teams in their history, and they appear to be about equal in ability. It is admitted by the following of both schools that the Hawkeyes will enjoy a big advantage in the two dashes, but the Cyclones are almost certain to balance the scale by triumphs in the mile and two mile events. The results of these four events are about all that can be predicted safely. There is however a strong likelihood that the Old Gold will cop the javelin and discus throws. Sheedy in the former event and Slater and Greenwood in the latter have performed consistently better than their Ames rivals. In the high jump and shot put, Iowa fans will undoubtedly see two great battles. Page, the Ames high jumper and the idol of the Aggie sports followers, has cleared the bar in the neighborhood of six feet, as has Brigham, Iowa’s jumper. Wallen of Iowa and Wagner of the Cyclone team will also settle the question of superiority in the shot put. In the following table the Daily Iowan has attempted to work out a “dope” score after a careful study of the relative strength of the two teams. It will be readily seen that the figures are very conservative in favor Ames and every event that is doubtful. The dope table is as follows: Event 100 yard dash Ames 0 Iowa 9 220 yard dash Ames 1 Iowa 8 440 yard run Ames 4 Iowa 5 880 yard run Ames 6 Iowa 3 mile run Ames 9 Iowa 0 low hurdles Ames 6 Iowa 3 high hurdles Ames 6 Iowa 3 mile relay Ames 5 Iowa 0 half mile relay Ames 0 Iowa 5 pole vault Ames 5 Iowa 4 high jump Ames 5 Iowa 4 broad jump Ames 6 Iowa 3 shot put Ames 4 Iowa 5 discus throw Ames 1 Iowa 8 javelin Ames 1 Iowa 8 two mile run Ames 8 Iowa 1 Totals 67 69 The Iowa-Ames track meet in the Iowa-Notre Dame baseball game, scheduled for Saturday afternoon on Iowa field, have been arranged so that there will be no conflict between the two events. The track meet will begin promptly at 2 o’clock with events every ten minutes until all are run off. Athletic Director Howard H. Jones believes that the meet will be finished by 3:45. The baseball game is not called until 4 o’clock. [advertisement] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text Books and Supplies WATERMAN, CONKLIN AND SCHAEFFER FOUNTAIN PENS UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE TENNIS PLAYERS BUSY Tennis matches among varsity candidates are being played to determine who shall compose the team that will meet Chicago. Coach Van de Zee urges that the matches scheduled be played off as soon as possible. Several matches have already been played. Brierly took his first match, winning from McCullough, who defeated Lambert in his second match. Evans won from Lambert in his first match. Walsh downed McDowell in their match and Mott took his match from McDowell. All candidates will be matched with one another and in the outcome will furnish the means of choosing the varsity squad. CASE AT WESLEY CLUB Prof. C.M. Case will speak on the history of the Friends’ church at the meeting of Wesley club at the home of the University pastor, 406 S. Clinton street. This will be the last regular meeting of the club for this school year. [advertisement] Summer=time Apparel OPENING ON MAY 15, 16 AND 17, 1919 THE NEWEST OF EVERYTHING WILL BE ON DISPLAY THE DAYS NAMED, AND FROM THAT TIME FORWARD THE DAINTY SUMMER THINGS WILL BE THE REIGNING FEATURE IN THIS STORE. THERE ARE DRESSES FOR EVERY OCCASION—EXQUISITE WEDDING DRESSES, DAINTY GRADUATION DRESSES, STUNNING DAYTIME DRESSES, AND ATTRACTIVE WRAPS AND ACCESSORIES. Ideal Wash Dresses for Summertime Wear of fine Voiles, Organdies, Ginghams and linens, light and dark. The skirts are slightly fuller than the spring styles. Prices….$3.98 to $25.00 Summer Dresses of Exquisite Charm Soft, lovely dresses of georgette are shown in rich solid colors and beautiful figured and floral effects on colored grounds. The prices range from--$18.50 to $50.00 Summer Blouses To go with your new suit—waists of fine quality georgette—exquisitely trimmed with colored beads or embroidery. All are moderately priced at--$3.98, $4.98, $5.98 and up. Yetter’s THE BIG STORE [advertisement] T. Dell Kelley Tailoring, Cleaning Repairing and Pressing FINE WORK IN LADIES’ GARMENTS PHONE 17 211 E. College St. [advertisement] ATTENTION PLEASE GRADUATES— Order your Caps and Gowns NOW Please do NOT wait until the last day or you may be disappointed. Our Caps and Gowns are new from the factory. Bremer’s GOLDEN EAGLE IOWA CITY, IOWA
PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, May 15, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST-- Leather purse containing money. Inquire at Iowan office. tf LOST—Phi Delta Theta pin, Friday night. Return to Iowan office. tf WANTED-- Several copies of the Daily Iowan for April 22d. Will pay five cents apiece for them. Bring your copy to the business office, under University Book Store today. WANTED-- Several men for general work in brick and tile factory, Sheffield, Iowa. Good wages by the hour and lots of piece work. Steady work. WANTED-- Issues of The Daily Iowan for November 10, 1918. Will pay ten cents for the copy. Bring to The Iowan office. WANTED-- Lady clerk, part time. Phone 217 97 WANTED-- Experienced cook for outing club at Clear Lake, Iowa. Season opens June 20. Good salary. Verno L. Truman, Vinton, Iowa. LOST-- Gold fountain pen without cap, with initials O.S.M. Finder please return to Daily Iowan office. tf LOST-- Delta Gamma pin. Return two 605 E. Burlington. 101 LOST OR TAKEN BY MISTAKE-- Note book with valuable medical notes. Please return notes at once to W.H. Watters. 101 LOST-- A gold-chained rosary in N.S. building. Finder please return to Iowan office. 100 PRUDENCE HEBERLING IN REVIEWERS STAND Prudence Heberling, ‘18, who has been spending the winter in New York city, was given the opportunity recently of watching the launching of the Tennessee, largest man-of-war in the world, from the reviewing stand. Over 100,000 people were spectators from the navy yard, and 150 of these were in the stand from which the governor’s daughter flung the bottle of [champaign?] as she gave the ship its name. Those in the stand were presented with souvenirs, and received formal invitations. Miss Sarah E Howell is making a social survey this week at Clarinda. Bethany circle will meet tonight at the home of Elsie Hayek, 803 N. Dodge street. HAWKEYES TO MEET CYCLONES IN TRACK AND FIELD EVENTS Annual Classic Will Be Contested On Iowa Field Saturday Afternoon DOPE TABLE FAVORS IOWA Sports Writer Predicts Outcome of Meet by Comparison of Relative Strength Two great rivals, Iowa and Ames, will clash on Iowa field Saturday in a track and field meet that will be the center of state wide interest. The annual classic promises to be the most bitterly contested meet in the history of the two schools. Last spring, the Hawkeyes won the state meet over Coach Merrian’s Aggies by a narrow margin and ever since then, the Cyclones have been “thirsting for revenge.” Whatever the result of the state meet, this year on May 24, the winner of Saturday’s meet will feel justified in taking extreme satisfaction in the accomplishment. Dopesters are finding it hard to predict the outcome of the meet. Both Ames and Iowa are represented by two of the most evenly balanced teams in their history, and they appear to be about equal in ability. It is admitted by the following of both schools that the Hawkeyes will enjoy a big advantage in the two dashes, but the Cyclones are almost certain to balance the scale by triumphs in the mile and two mile events. The results of these four events are about all that can be predicted safely. There is however a strong likelihood that the Old Gold will cop the javelin and discus throws. Sheedy in the former event and Slater and Greenwood in the latter have performed consistently better than their Ames rivals. In the high jump and shot put, Iowa fans will undoubtedly see two great battles. Page, the Ames high jumper and the idol of the Aggie sports followers, has cleared the bar in the neighborhood of six feet, as has Brigham, Iowa’s jumper. Wallen of Iowa and Wagner of the Cyclone team will also settle the question of superiority in the shot put. In the following table the Daily Iowan has attempted to work out a “dope” score after a careful study of the relative strength of the two teams. It will be readily seen that the figures are very conservative in favor Ames and every event that is doubtful. The dope table is as follows: Event 100 yard dash Ames 0 Iowa 9 220 yard dash Ames 1 Iowa 8 440 yard run Ames 4 Iowa 5 880 yard run Ames 6 Iowa 3 mile run Ames 9 Iowa 0 low hurdles Ames 6 Iowa 3 high hurdles Ames 6 Iowa 3 mile relay Ames 5 Iowa 0 half mile relay Ames 0 Iowa 5 pole vault Ames 5 Iowa 4 high jump Ames 5 Iowa 4 broad jump Ames 6 Iowa 3 shot put Ames 4 Iowa 5 discus throw Ames 1 Iowa 8 javelin Ames 1 Iowa 8 two mile run Ames 8 Iowa 1 Totals 67 69 The Iowa-Ames track meet in the Iowa-Notre Dame baseball game, scheduled for Saturday afternoon on Iowa field, have been arranged so that there will be no conflict between the two events. The track meet will begin promptly at 2 o’clock with events every ten minutes until all are run off. Athletic Director Howard H. Jones believes that the meet will be finished by 3:45. The baseball game is not called until 4 o’clock. [advertisement] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text Books and Supplies WATERMAN, CONKLIN AND SCHAEFFER FOUNTAIN PENS UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE TENNIS PLAYERS BUSY Tennis matches among varsity candidates are being played to determine who shall compose the team that will meet Chicago. Coach Van de Zee urges that the matches scheduled be played off as soon as possible. Several matches have already been played. Brierly took his first match, winning from McCullough, who defeated Lambert in his second match. Evans won from Lambert in his first match. Walsh downed McDowell in their match and Mott took his match from McDowell. All candidates will be matched with one another and in the outcome will furnish the means of choosing the varsity squad. CASE AT WESLEY CLUB Prof. C.M. Case will speak on the history of the Friends’ church at the meeting of Wesley club at the home of the University pastor, 406 S. Clinton street. This will be the last regular meeting of the club for this school year. [advertisement] Summer=time Apparel OPENING ON MAY 15, 16 AND 17, 1919 THE NEWEST OF EVERYTHING WILL BE ON DISPLAY THE DAYS NAMED, AND FROM THAT TIME FORWARD THE DAINTY SUMMER THINGS WILL BE THE REIGNING FEATURE IN THIS STORE. THERE ARE DRESSES FOR EVERY OCCASION—EXQUISITE WEDDING DRESSES, DAINTY GRADUATION DRESSES, STUNNING DAYTIME DRESSES, AND ATTRACTIVE WRAPS AND ACCESSORIES. Ideal Wash Dresses for Summertime Wear of fine Voiles, Organdies, Ginghams and linens, light and dark. The skirts are slightly fuller than the spring styles. Prices….$3.98 to $25.00 Summer Dresses of Exquisite Charm Soft, lovely dresses of georgette are shown in rich solid colors and beautiful figured and floral effects on colored grounds. The prices range from--$18.50 to $50.00 Summer Blouses To go with your new suit—waists of fine quality georgette—exquisitely trimmed with colored beads or embroidery. All are moderately priced at--$3.98, $4.98, $5.98 and up. Yetter’s THE BIG STORE [advertisement] T. Dell Kelley Tailoring, Cleaning Repairing and Pressing FINE WORK IN LADIES’ GARMENTS PHONE 17 211 E. College St. [advertisement] ATTENTION PLEASE GRADUATES— Order your Caps and Gowns NOW Please do NOT wait until the last day or you may be disappointed. Our Caps and Gowns are new from the factory. Bremer’s GOLDEN EAGLE IOWA CITY, IOWA
Daily Iowan Newspapers