Daily Iowan, May 20, 1919
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Tuesday, May, 20, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE ORCHESTRA TICKETS ADVANCE TOMORROW Season Tickets for Both Concerts Will Be $2.50--Reservations at Johnson County Bank This is the last day that tickets for the concerts of the Minneapolis Symphony orchestra Saturday afternoon and evening, may be secured at $2. Beginning tomorrow tickets will sell for $2.50. Reservations may be made at the Johnson County bank May 21 to 24. Guy H. Woodward, concert master and violin soloist of the Minneapolis Symphony orchestra, which will give two concerts at the armory Saturday, will play the solo in Saint-Saens "Danse Macabre" at the afternoon concert. Mr. Woodard, who is an American by birth and training, is an ardent exponent of the theory [photograph] WOODWARD, VIOLINIST that in the United States may be found the means of as good and thorough a technical musical training as anywhere in Europe. Emma Noe, soprano, who will sing an aria from Verdi's "Aida" at this concert, is also an American, and has had an exclusively American musical training. Miss Noe is said to possess a voice of really notable quality, lustrous, warm, flexible, throughout its entire range. "His voice is of charming quality, full of color and under excellent control," is the way in which the Milwaukee Sentinel commented upon Corporal Finlay Campbell, who will sing "She Alone Charmeth my Sadness," from "The Queen of Sheba" by Gounod at the afternoon concert. LOWDEN MATHEMATICAL PRIZE EXAMINATION An examination for the Lowden mathematical prize will be held Saturday, May 31 from 8 to 11 a. m. in room 222 physics hall, according to announcement made by Prof. H. L. Rietz yesterday. Competition is open to all students who are finishing, with the current year, the sophomore work in pure mathematics. The prize of $50 may be divided equally between not more than two candidates, or may be withheld if it shall appear that the work of no candidate is of a superior order of merit. The subjects to be covered by the examination are arithmetic, algebra, geometry, plane trigonometry, analytical geometry of two dimensions, differential and integral calculus. Those intending to compete are requested to submit their names to Prof. H. L. Rietz at an early date. COLLEGE OF LAW TO ENTERTAIN PROSPECTS The college of law will entertain at a mixer Thursday evening at 7:30 in the law library. One hundred and forty invitations were sent out to liberal arts students who have signified their intentions to study law eventually. Because the list was incomplete, Dean McGovney extends to all students who have such intention an invitation to be present. A musical program has been arranged and refreshments are to be served. GLEE CLUB MEETS TONIGHT Important meeting of the Men's Glee club, Tuesday evening, 7 p.m. in Mr. Hays' studio. It is necessary that every member be present. Dr. N. A. Brisco is expected home from a trip to Washington, Boston, New York and Chicago, where he went for the purpose of securing men to fill positions in the school of commerce next year. Who's Your Tailor? You can duplicate a suit-price any place but a PRICE SUIT only one place Made to your Individual Measure [signature] $30.00 AND UPWARDS J. R. KEMPSTON Opposite Englert Theatre For Commencement Gifts Call at Ye Gyfte Shop 407 N. Dubuque St. Open Evenings NOTICE--SENIOR EDITORS There will be a meeting of the senior editors today in room 105 L. A. Mrs. Grace Patridge Smith of the Alumnus will tell us how we can make use of that magazine, and a representative of The Daily Iowan will be present. The following persons are to be present and will be called upon for constructive suggestions for better senior publicity. Leo Sharp, applied science, Jay Stewart, dentistry, F. O. Parrish, law, and Paul Dahlen, pharmacy. R. Wellman, chairman. NOTICE Every senior woman must sign name on list in Y. W. room for the senior girls picnic to be held Thursday before 10 o'clock this morning. COUNCIL POSTPONES MEETING Women's University council meeting is postponed until May 27. The largest selling quality pencil in the world VENUS PENCILS 17 black degrees and 3 copying FREE Trial samples of VENUS pencils sent free on request. American Lead Pencil Co. 215 Fifth Ave., Dept. 8 N. Y. Of all stationers and stores throughout the world. Her Favorites [illustration] Liggett's CHOCOLATES "The Sweetest Story Ever Told" She'll Sure Mean What You Think She Means If You Take Her Liggetts HENRY LOUIS The Rexall Store 124 E. COLLEGE NORTHWESTERN TEACHERS' AGENCY FOR ENTIRE WEST AND ALASKA--THE LARGEST AND BEST AGENCY Write immediately for free circular BOISE IDAHO BANNER DAIRY LUNCH Offers you Wholesome Meals at Reasonable Prices 11 South Dubuque Street DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING's PHARMACY On Dubuque St. [photograph] Emil Oberhoffer, Conductor Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra ANNUAL SPRING TOUR THE ARMORY SATURDAY, MAY 24 MATINEE 3:00 EVENING 8:15 Price for two concerts $2.00 up to May 20, $2.50 May 21-24. Single admission tickets $1.50. Children under 12 accompanied by parents--half price. Ticket sale at University Book Store, Ries', Whetstone's, Wieneke's, Sunier's, Harmony Hall, Ragan's and Johnson County Bank. SEAT RESERVATIONS TODAY FOR THE HEP-ZET PLAY Englert Theatre Wednesday, May 21
Tuesday, May, 20, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE ORCHESTRA TICKETS ADVANCE TOMORROW Season Tickets for Both Concerts Will Be $2.50--Reservations at Johnson County Bank This is the last day that tickets for the concerts of the Minneapolis Symphony orchestra Saturday afternoon and evening, may be secured at $2. Beginning tomorrow tickets will sell for $2.50. Reservations may be made at the Johnson County bank May 21 to 24. Guy H. Woodward, concert master and violin soloist of the Minneapolis Symphony orchestra, which will give two concerts at the armory Saturday, will play the solo in Saint-Saens "Danse Macabre" at the afternoon concert. Mr. Woodard, who is an American by birth and training, is an ardent exponent of the theory [photograph] WOODWARD, VIOLINIST that in the United States may be found the means of as good and thorough a technical musical training as anywhere in Europe. Emma Noe, soprano, who will sing an aria from Verdi's "Aida" at this concert, is also an American, and has had an exclusively American musical training. Miss Noe is said to possess a voice of really notable quality, lustrous, warm, flexible, throughout its entire range. "His voice is of charming quality, full of color and under excellent control," is the way in which the Milwaukee Sentinel commented upon Corporal Finlay Campbell, who will sing "She Alone Charmeth my Sadness," from "The Queen of Sheba" by Gounod at the afternoon concert. LOWDEN MATHEMATICAL PRIZE EXAMINATION An examination for the Lowden mathematical prize will be held Saturday, May 31 from 8 to 11 a. m. in room 222 physics hall, according to announcement made by Prof. H. L. Rietz yesterday. Competition is open to all students who are finishing, with the current year, the sophomore work in pure mathematics. The prize of $50 may be divided equally between not more than two candidates, or may be withheld if it shall appear that the work of no candidate is of a superior order of merit. The subjects to be covered by the examination are arithmetic, algebra, geometry, plane trigonometry, analytical geometry of two dimensions, differential and integral calculus. Those intending to compete are requested to submit their names to Prof. H. L. Rietz at an early date. COLLEGE OF LAW TO ENTERTAIN PROSPECTS The college of law will entertain at a mixer Thursday evening at 7:30 in the law library. One hundred and forty invitations were sent out to liberal arts students who have signified their intentions to study law eventually. Because the list was incomplete, Dean McGovney extends to all students who have such intention an invitation to be present. A musical program has been arranged and refreshments are to be served. GLEE CLUB MEETS TONIGHT Important meeting of the Men's Glee club, Tuesday evening, 7 p.m. in Mr. Hays' studio. It is necessary that every member be present. Dr. N. A. Brisco is expected home from a trip to Washington, Boston, New York and Chicago, where he went for the purpose of securing men to fill positions in the school of commerce next year. Who's Your Tailor? You can duplicate a suit-price any place but a PRICE SUIT only one place Made to your Individual Measure [signature] $30.00 AND UPWARDS J. R. KEMPSTON Opposite Englert Theatre For Commencement Gifts Call at Ye Gyfte Shop 407 N. Dubuque St. Open Evenings NOTICE--SENIOR EDITORS There will be a meeting of the senior editors today in room 105 L. A. Mrs. Grace Patridge Smith of the Alumnus will tell us how we can make use of that magazine, and a representative of The Daily Iowan will be present. The following persons are to be present and will be called upon for constructive suggestions for better senior publicity. Leo Sharp, applied science, Jay Stewart, dentistry, F. O. Parrish, law, and Paul Dahlen, pharmacy. R. Wellman, chairman. NOTICE Every senior woman must sign name on list in Y. W. room for the senior girls picnic to be held Thursday before 10 o'clock this morning. COUNCIL POSTPONES MEETING Women's University council meeting is postponed until May 27. The largest selling quality pencil in the world VENUS PENCILS 17 black degrees and 3 copying FREE Trial samples of VENUS pencils sent free on request. American Lead Pencil Co. 215 Fifth Ave., Dept. 8 N. Y. Of all stationers and stores throughout the world. Her Favorites [illustration] Liggett's CHOCOLATES "The Sweetest Story Ever Told" She'll Sure Mean What You Think She Means If You Take Her Liggetts HENRY LOUIS The Rexall Store 124 E. COLLEGE NORTHWESTERN TEACHERS' AGENCY FOR ENTIRE WEST AND ALASKA--THE LARGEST AND BEST AGENCY Write immediately for free circular BOISE IDAHO BANNER DAIRY LUNCH Offers you Wholesome Meals at Reasonable Prices 11 South Dubuque Street DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING's PHARMACY On Dubuque St. [photograph] Emil Oberhoffer, Conductor Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra ANNUAL SPRING TOUR THE ARMORY SATURDAY, MAY 24 MATINEE 3:00 EVENING 8:15 Price for two concerts $2.00 up to May 20, $2.50 May 21-24. Single admission tickets $1.50. Children under 12 accompanied by parents--half price. Ticket sale at University Book Store, Ries', Whetstone's, Wieneke's, Sunier's, Harmony Hall, Ragan's and Johnson County Bank. SEAT RESERVATIONS TODAY FOR THE HEP-ZET PLAY Englert Theatre Wednesday, May 21
Daily Iowan Newspapers