Daily Iowan, May 22, 1919
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The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa VOL. XVIIII─NEW SERIES VOL. III IOWA CITY, IOWA, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1919 NUMBER 104 TICKETS IN DEMAND FOR MINNEAPOLIS SYMPHONY CONCERT Famous Orchestra Will Play Saturday Afternoon and Evening at Armory OBERHOFFER IS DIRECTOR Emma Noe, Finlay Campbell, Harriet McConnell and Albert Lindquest Are Vocal Soloists Tickets are selling rapidly for the afternoon and evening concerns of the Minneapolis Symphony orchestra, which will play in the armory Saturday of this week. Reservations began yesterday morning at the Johnson County bank. Emil Oberhoffer, conductor of the Minneapolis organization, has been hailed by a prominent critic "America's poet-conductor" and true it is that while his interpretations are virile and vivid as occasion may require, he has that rare faculty of leaving a spell over his audiences by reason of his power of bringing out the inner poetic spirit of the works of the masters of music. It is this faculty of fusing the minds and performances of the eighty-five musicians that make up his orchestra into what may be called a wonderfully elequent instrument, that has placed him among the recognized great conductors of the world and has won for the Minneapolis Symphony orchestra its position as one of America's three greatest orchestras. Emma Noe, soprano, and Finlay Campbell, baritone, are the soloists of the afternoon concert. Miss Noe is said to possess a splendid voice of pleasing quality, sings with the assurance of the mature artist, and phrases with good taste. Corporal Campbell, who spent fifteen months in the front line trenches, is said to sing with the soul of the born singer, giving each song a distinct characterization as delightful as it is rare. At the evening concert there will be a cello solo by Herman Beyer-Hane, besides vocal solos by Harriet McConnell, contralto, and Albert Lindquest, tenor. All of these artists have received emphatic praise wherever they have appeared during the past seasons. REGULATIONS DISCUSSED Student Representatives In First Meeting With Social Committee The social committee of the University met Tuesday afternoon for the first time with its student members. They are: Julia Wade, Don Nasby, Roy Burns, from the junior class and Marion Smith, Helen Evans, and Leo Murphy from the sophomore class. Faculty members of the committee are; Dean W. J. Teeters, chairman; Mrs. Nellie S. Aurner, dean of women; Clara M. Daley, Robert E. Reinow, dean of men, Prof. E. E. Lewis, and Dr. E. M. McEwen. Present social reulations were considered, and new rulings were discussed. No definite action was taken. This is the first social committee on which the student body has been represented. At its conclusion one student representative remarked, "the only disagreeable part of the meetings is that they are held for two hours every week." LAWS HOLD MIXER TONIGHT All Prospective Law Students Are Invited The Iowa law students' association is holding a "Mixer" in the Law library tonight at 7:30 for all Liberal Arts students who are prospective law students for next year. The committee on invitations has mailed invitations to all prospects that they have been able to locate, but announces that all students in the university who expected to take law are cordially invited. Marc Mullany will preside over the formal program of the evening, which will consist of speeches by President Jessup, Dean McGovney, and Professor Bordwell, representing the College of Law, and Virgil Hancher, representing the visitors. Refreshments will be served. CAST IS ANNOUNCED Graduates Will Present "Alias Jimmy Valentine" at Englert June 16 "Alias Jimmy Valentine", by Paul Armstrong, has been chosen by the Senior play committee for the class play. Mrs. Carl Brueckner will coach the play which will be presented at the Englert theater Monday night, June 16. The play centers about Lee Randall, alias "Jimmy Valentine," a convict on parole from Sing Sing prison. The cast of characters calls for a good many men and has been difficult to select because of the few men graduates. With a few exceptions, the cast has been determined: Handler, the warden . . Ronald Reed Blickendolfenbach, an inventor . . . . Carl Wackerbarth Doyle, a detective . . . . Earl Culver Mrs. Webster . . . Sophia Kleveland Mrs. Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . Etna Barr Rose Lane . . . . . . . Marjorie Madden Mr. Lane . . . . . . . . . NewmanDorr Lieut. Gov. Fay . . . . . . Albert Wilcox Jimmy Valentine . . . . Harold Harney "Red" Jocelyn . . . . . Luther Erickson Bill Avery . . . . . . . . . . . Carl Judson Bobby . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard Davis Kitty . . . . . . . . . . Katherine Horack Dick-the-Rate . . . . . . . Maurice Webb Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . Harold Stoner TENNIS CANDIDATES PLAYING OFF MATCHES Individual tennis matches between varsity candidates are being played off so rapidly that it will not be long before Coach Van der Zee will have a line on his team. In the last matches played, Walsh won a close set from Lambert and Hathorn pushed Brierly hard to win. After the singles are over, the players will start doubles and a process of elimination will probably be used to decide the doubles. ALPHA TAU BETA BANQUETS Alpha Tau Beta held a banquet at Hotel Jefferson Monday evening for the initiates, Laurel Isaac and Dorothy Robinson. Carrie Ring Irish presided over the toast program. Mrs. Lottie Volkmer and Mrs. Emily Yetter, alumnae members of the sorority, Ruth Sailor, president of the organization, Eva Richardson, Rose Reeve, Laurel Isaac and Dorothy Robinson responded to toasts. Initiation services were held at the conclusion of the banquet. IOWA HAS EDGE ON RIVALS AT STATE MEET FANS DECLARE Runners Who Must Compete in Preliminaries Will Leave Iowa City Today BUTLER MAY BE INELIGIBLE Smaller Schools May Have Dark Horses Which Will Cut Down Points of Larger Schools Track men who go to Des Moines to represent the University in the state meet Saturday will leave in two separate parties. Eleven men, Colby, Justin, Greenwood, Smith, Kostlan, Kelly, Reno, Brigham, Kaufman, Sheedy, and Bailey, leave this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock to be on hand for the preliminaries in their respect events, Friday. The second contingent, also made up of eleven contestants, will not go until Friday afternoon as these men are not required to enter preliminary contests. Those who leave then are Cumberland, Stone, Rosenbaugh, Sweazey, Kruse, Slater, Mockmore, Wallen, Wahl, Hill, and Matthey. Sol Butler of Dubuque may not be allowed to enter the meet since he has been judged ineligible by some officials because of late registration. If Butler competes, he will probably cut in on Ames and Grinnell in the broad jump, and on Iowa in the dashes. That forty points will win the meet is the belief of Jack Watson. The fact that so many smaller colleges are entered he gives as a reason for this judgment. Brigham is doped to win the high jump, although he will be jumping against some athletes of ability. Prospects are not so bright in the broad jump, and the Hawkeyes will be lucky to get a place. In the discus throw Iowa should cop first place and also second or third. Wagner of Ames will probably win the shot put, but Wallen, Slater and Mockmore are expected to be good for four points in that event. Fourth place is a fairly safe guess for the pole vault. Coach Watson is noncommittal on the subject of the dashes. However, Colby has been running better every day, and Haas of Grinnell may be defeated by the Iowa sprinter. Iowa seems to have a little the edge in the judgment of most dopesters, Grinnell is expected to beat Ames to second place, and the Cyclones will score third unless the dope is badly upset. WISCONSIN FROSH BEAT HAWKEYES Wisconsin won the track and field meet which was held recently between the Iowa freshman track squad and the yearlings of that school. The final score gave Iowa 44 5-6 points to 86 1-6 for Wisconsin. The Hawkeye freshmen beat Northwestern by about the same margin the week before. In the field event each school took 31 1-2 points, but in the track events Wisconsin took first place in everything but the mile run. Wisconsin also won the mile relay. SIG ALPS BEAT PHI PSI Sigma Alpha Epsilon defeated Phi Kappa Psi in the inter-fraternity baseball contest Tuesday evening by score of 8 to 1. FROSH LECTURE POSTPONED Girls Required to Attend a Series of Talks There will be no meeting this afternoon, but all Freshman girls will be required to attend a series of lectures to be given next week by Dr. Abley Holmes of the Bureau of Social Education of the National Y. W. C. A. Her subject, "Social Education" will be presented in four informational talks on the business of being a woman, from the physical, mental, emotional, and social aspects. The meetings will be held in the liberal arts auditorium, Monday at 4 p. m., Tuesday at 4 p. m. and 7 p. m. and Thursday at 4 p. m. Freshman girls who have classes at any of these hours should call at the office of the Dean of Women at once to make arrangements to be excused. "A SCRAP OF PAPER" IS A HUGE SUCCESS Hep-Zet Presented the Only Literary Society Play of the Year Last Evening "A Scrap of Paper," a clever French comedy, was successfully presented last night at the Englert theater by members of the Hesperian and Zetagathian literary societies. A large audience attended to see the only literary society play of the year. Romola Latchem played very well the part of Suzanne Levering, the wealthy young woman who chose to remain single in spite of all her suitors, until the very end of the play when she consented to become the wife of Mr. Holbrook. The part of Mr. Holbrook was ably portrayed by Luther Erickson and everyone watched with interest the love affair of this character. Clarence Fackler as John Gilbert, the entomologist, brought down the house with remarks concerning his speciments. Ruth Rogers played the part of John's dignified sister, who was greatly shocked at the ideas of her brother. Herman White, as George Harding, took very cleverly the part of the youthful lover of Mathilde Newton, played by Marian Dyer. Earl Wells, as Mr. Rockwell, was very dignified as a walking iceberg, and caused his wife, Ruth Ford, a great deal of worry. Mrs. Rockwell suffered a good deal from nervousness for fear that the lost love letter which she wrote three years before might be found by her husband. The three servants, played by Helen Von Lackum, Isabel Naureth and Mr. Matt, also entered in the course of the play and gave it a good setting in their discussions of the characters. PROF. LAMBERT LECTURES Another of the series of lectures given to students of applied science by professors in that department will be made Thursday morning at 10 o'clock by Prof. B. J. Lambert in the physics lecture room. He will discuss the problems of civil and structural engineering and other points connected with the subject. Prof. G. J. Keller is to give the next talk May 29. It will deal with mechanical engineering. The Komenians will meet Thursday, May 27, at the home of Erma Prizler, 227 N. Governor street. IOWA SENIOR WOMEN CONCLUDE FESTIVAL PROGRAM TODAY Will Be Guests of the Garden Theater This Evening─Rush On Englert Fails PICNIC AT SAUNDERS'S HILL May Breakfast, Sing On Old Capitol Steps and Y. W. Meeting Are Also Features Scores of University senior women proceeded in a grand march from the hall of liberal arts Tuesday evening down Washington street and rushed en masse past the box window of the Englert theater to crowd into the middle section of the balcony. They confessed among themselves that they half anticipated that a similar rush would be required of them by way of the side door exit. Having settled down to enjoy Lillian Gish's screen adventures, they were just ready to give nine rahs for the show when a stern and quiet voice came to them, asking that they each pay thirty-three cents as they passed out. While Lillian Gish was proving that her rustic sweetheart might be delivered from the devil and New York, Lilian Prentiss marshalled her troops about her to decide whether the war tax only or the whole admission fee should be submitted. She was overruled by demands for a wholesale walk-out The walk-out turned into a walk-over and the women entered the Garden theater across the street. Invited to Return To their manifest delight they were welcomed with an invitation to return Thursday night. The announcement on the screen called forth enthusiastic and sustained applause and the rah, rah, rah's were as lusty as any "Iowa Fight" yells. Senior women will attend the show in a body this evening. They have planned to spend the day at Saunders' hill in a class picnic. Almost a hundred girls had signified their intention to go yesterday noon. In case bad weather prevails the party will be held in the women's gymnasium. The senior table arranged at the May morning breakfast last Tuesday could not accommodate all the women of the class in attendance, and places were provided at two other tables for the overflow. The unpleasant cold and dampness only stimulated their spirits, and songs and parodies were enjoyed in the intervals between the fruit cups and the ham and eggs. To Put Away Caps Senior members of the Y. W. C. A. cabinet took part in the meeting of the Y. W. yesterday afternoon. Dorothy Hull gave a talk on "If I were a Freshman," and other speeches were made by Ann Hobbett, "Sophomore;" Miriam Chase, "Junior", Edythe Saylor, "Senior;" and Elizabeth Hendee, "Alumnae." Today is the last of the three days set apart by the senior women as their week. For the most part, the senior caps will not be in evidence again until Commencement week in June. LATIN SHARKS NOTICE The competitive examination for the Lowden prize in Latin will be held Friday, May 23, at 3 p. m. in room 111 L. A. This examination is open to members of the sophomore Latin class.
The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa VOL. XVIIII─NEW SERIES VOL. III IOWA CITY, IOWA, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1919 NUMBER 104 TICKETS IN DEMAND FOR MINNEAPOLIS SYMPHONY CONCERT Famous Orchestra Will Play Saturday Afternoon and Evening at Armory OBERHOFFER IS DIRECTOR Emma Noe, Finlay Campbell, Harriet McConnell and Albert Lindquest Are Vocal Soloists Tickets are selling rapidly for the afternoon and evening concerns of the Minneapolis Symphony orchestra, which will play in the armory Saturday of this week. Reservations began yesterday morning at the Johnson County bank. Emil Oberhoffer, conductor of the Minneapolis organization, has been hailed by a prominent critic "America's poet-conductor" and true it is that while his interpretations are virile and vivid as occasion may require, he has that rare faculty of leaving a spell over his audiences by reason of his power of bringing out the inner poetic spirit of the works of the masters of music. It is this faculty of fusing the minds and performances of the eighty-five musicians that make up his orchestra into what may be called a wonderfully elequent instrument, that has placed him among the recognized great conductors of the world and has won for the Minneapolis Symphony orchestra its position as one of America's three greatest orchestras. Emma Noe, soprano, and Finlay Campbell, baritone, are the soloists of the afternoon concert. Miss Noe is said to possess a splendid voice of pleasing quality, sings with the assurance of the mature artist, and phrases with good taste. Corporal Campbell, who spent fifteen months in the front line trenches, is said to sing with the soul of the born singer, giving each song a distinct characterization as delightful as it is rare. At the evening concert there will be a cello solo by Herman Beyer-Hane, besides vocal solos by Harriet McConnell, contralto, and Albert Lindquest, tenor. All of these artists have received emphatic praise wherever they have appeared during the past seasons. REGULATIONS DISCUSSED Student Representatives In First Meeting With Social Committee The social committee of the University met Tuesday afternoon for the first time with its student members. They are: Julia Wade, Don Nasby, Roy Burns, from the junior class and Marion Smith, Helen Evans, and Leo Murphy from the sophomore class. Faculty members of the committee are; Dean W. J. Teeters, chairman; Mrs. Nellie S. Aurner, dean of women; Clara M. Daley, Robert E. Reinow, dean of men, Prof. E. E. Lewis, and Dr. E. M. McEwen. Present social reulations were considered, and new rulings were discussed. No definite action was taken. This is the first social committee on which the student body has been represented. At its conclusion one student representative remarked, "the only disagreeable part of the meetings is that they are held for two hours every week." LAWS HOLD MIXER TONIGHT All Prospective Law Students Are Invited The Iowa law students' association is holding a "Mixer" in the Law library tonight at 7:30 for all Liberal Arts students who are prospective law students for next year. The committee on invitations has mailed invitations to all prospects that they have been able to locate, but announces that all students in the university who expected to take law are cordially invited. Marc Mullany will preside over the formal program of the evening, which will consist of speeches by President Jessup, Dean McGovney, and Professor Bordwell, representing the College of Law, and Virgil Hancher, representing the visitors. Refreshments will be served. CAST IS ANNOUNCED Graduates Will Present "Alias Jimmy Valentine" at Englert June 16 "Alias Jimmy Valentine", by Paul Armstrong, has been chosen by the Senior play committee for the class play. Mrs. Carl Brueckner will coach the play which will be presented at the Englert theater Monday night, June 16. The play centers about Lee Randall, alias "Jimmy Valentine," a convict on parole from Sing Sing prison. The cast of characters calls for a good many men and has been difficult to select because of the few men graduates. With a few exceptions, the cast has been determined: Handler, the warden . . Ronald Reed Blickendolfenbach, an inventor . . . . Carl Wackerbarth Doyle, a detective . . . . Earl Culver Mrs. Webster . . . Sophia Kleveland Mrs. Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . Etna Barr Rose Lane . . . . . . . Marjorie Madden Mr. Lane . . . . . . . . . NewmanDorr Lieut. Gov. Fay . . . . . . Albert Wilcox Jimmy Valentine . . . . Harold Harney "Red" Jocelyn . . . . . Luther Erickson Bill Avery . . . . . . . . . . . Carl Judson Bobby . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard Davis Kitty . . . . . . . . . . Katherine Horack Dick-the-Rate . . . . . . . Maurice Webb Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . Harold Stoner TENNIS CANDIDATES PLAYING OFF MATCHES Individual tennis matches between varsity candidates are being played off so rapidly that it will not be long before Coach Van der Zee will have a line on his team. In the last matches played, Walsh won a close set from Lambert and Hathorn pushed Brierly hard to win. After the singles are over, the players will start doubles and a process of elimination will probably be used to decide the doubles. ALPHA TAU BETA BANQUETS Alpha Tau Beta held a banquet at Hotel Jefferson Monday evening for the initiates, Laurel Isaac and Dorothy Robinson. Carrie Ring Irish presided over the toast program. Mrs. Lottie Volkmer and Mrs. Emily Yetter, alumnae members of the sorority, Ruth Sailor, president of the organization, Eva Richardson, Rose Reeve, Laurel Isaac and Dorothy Robinson responded to toasts. Initiation services were held at the conclusion of the banquet. IOWA HAS EDGE ON RIVALS AT STATE MEET FANS DECLARE Runners Who Must Compete in Preliminaries Will Leave Iowa City Today BUTLER MAY BE INELIGIBLE Smaller Schools May Have Dark Horses Which Will Cut Down Points of Larger Schools Track men who go to Des Moines to represent the University in the state meet Saturday will leave in two separate parties. Eleven men, Colby, Justin, Greenwood, Smith, Kostlan, Kelly, Reno, Brigham, Kaufman, Sheedy, and Bailey, leave this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock to be on hand for the preliminaries in their respect events, Friday. The second contingent, also made up of eleven contestants, will not go until Friday afternoon as these men are not required to enter preliminary contests. Those who leave then are Cumberland, Stone, Rosenbaugh, Sweazey, Kruse, Slater, Mockmore, Wallen, Wahl, Hill, and Matthey. Sol Butler of Dubuque may not be allowed to enter the meet since he has been judged ineligible by some officials because of late registration. If Butler competes, he will probably cut in on Ames and Grinnell in the broad jump, and on Iowa in the dashes. That forty points will win the meet is the belief of Jack Watson. The fact that so many smaller colleges are entered he gives as a reason for this judgment. Brigham is doped to win the high jump, although he will be jumping against some athletes of ability. Prospects are not so bright in the broad jump, and the Hawkeyes will be lucky to get a place. In the discus throw Iowa should cop first place and also second or third. Wagner of Ames will probably win the shot put, but Wallen, Slater and Mockmore are expected to be good for four points in that event. Fourth place is a fairly safe guess for the pole vault. Coach Watson is noncommittal on the subject of the dashes. However, Colby has been running better every day, and Haas of Grinnell may be defeated by the Iowa sprinter. Iowa seems to have a little the edge in the judgment of most dopesters, Grinnell is expected to beat Ames to second place, and the Cyclones will score third unless the dope is badly upset. WISCONSIN FROSH BEAT HAWKEYES Wisconsin won the track and field meet which was held recently between the Iowa freshman track squad and the yearlings of that school. The final score gave Iowa 44 5-6 points to 86 1-6 for Wisconsin. The Hawkeye freshmen beat Northwestern by about the same margin the week before. In the field event each school took 31 1-2 points, but in the track events Wisconsin took first place in everything but the mile run. Wisconsin also won the mile relay. SIG ALPS BEAT PHI PSI Sigma Alpha Epsilon defeated Phi Kappa Psi in the inter-fraternity baseball contest Tuesday evening by score of 8 to 1. FROSH LECTURE POSTPONED Girls Required to Attend a Series of Talks There will be no meeting this afternoon, but all Freshman girls will be required to attend a series of lectures to be given next week by Dr. Abley Holmes of the Bureau of Social Education of the National Y. W. C. A. Her subject, "Social Education" will be presented in four informational talks on the business of being a woman, from the physical, mental, emotional, and social aspects. The meetings will be held in the liberal arts auditorium, Monday at 4 p. m., Tuesday at 4 p. m. and 7 p. m. and Thursday at 4 p. m. Freshman girls who have classes at any of these hours should call at the office of the Dean of Women at once to make arrangements to be excused. "A SCRAP OF PAPER" IS A HUGE SUCCESS Hep-Zet Presented the Only Literary Society Play of the Year Last Evening "A Scrap of Paper," a clever French comedy, was successfully presented last night at the Englert theater by members of the Hesperian and Zetagathian literary societies. A large audience attended to see the only literary society play of the year. Romola Latchem played very well the part of Suzanne Levering, the wealthy young woman who chose to remain single in spite of all her suitors, until the very end of the play when she consented to become the wife of Mr. Holbrook. The part of Mr. Holbrook was ably portrayed by Luther Erickson and everyone watched with interest the love affair of this character. Clarence Fackler as John Gilbert, the entomologist, brought down the house with remarks concerning his speciments. Ruth Rogers played the part of John's dignified sister, who was greatly shocked at the ideas of her brother. Herman White, as George Harding, took very cleverly the part of the youthful lover of Mathilde Newton, played by Marian Dyer. Earl Wells, as Mr. Rockwell, was very dignified as a walking iceberg, and caused his wife, Ruth Ford, a great deal of worry. Mrs. Rockwell suffered a good deal from nervousness for fear that the lost love letter which she wrote three years before might be found by her husband. The three servants, played by Helen Von Lackum, Isabel Naureth and Mr. Matt, also entered in the course of the play and gave it a good setting in their discussions of the characters. PROF. LAMBERT LECTURES Another of the series of lectures given to students of applied science by professors in that department will be made Thursday morning at 10 o'clock by Prof. B. J. Lambert in the physics lecture room. He will discuss the problems of civil and structural engineering and other points connected with the subject. Prof. G. J. Keller is to give the next talk May 29. It will deal with mechanical engineering. The Komenians will meet Thursday, May 27, at the home of Erma Prizler, 227 N. Governor street. IOWA SENIOR WOMEN CONCLUDE FESTIVAL PROGRAM TODAY Will Be Guests of the Garden Theater This Evening─Rush On Englert Fails PICNIC AT SAUNDERS'S HILL May Breakfast, Sing On Old Capitol Steps and Y. W. Meeting Are Also Features Scores of University senior women proceeded in a grand march from the hall of liberal arts Tuesday evening down Washington street and rushed en masse past the box window of the Englert theater to crowd into the middle section of the balcony. They confessed among themselves that they half anticipated that a similar rush would be required of them by way of the side door exit. Having settled down to enjoy Lillian Gish's screen adventures, they were just ready to give nine rahs for the show when a stern and quiet voice came to them, asking that they each pay thirty-three cents as they passed out. While Lillian Gish was proving that her rustic sweetheart might be delivered from the devil and New York, Lilian Prentiss marshalled her troops about her to decide whether the war tax only or the whole admission fee should be submitted. She was overruled by demands for a wholesale walk-out The walk-out turned into a walk-over and the women entered the Garden theater across the street. Invited to Return To their manifest delight they were welcomed with an invitation to return Thursday night. The announcement on the screen called forth enthusiastic and sustained applause and the rah, rah, rah's were as lusty as any "Iowa Fight" yells. Senior women will attend the show in a body this evening. They have planned to spend the day at Saunders' hill in a class picnic. Almost a hundred girls had signified their intention to go yesterday noon. In case bad weather prevails the party will be held in the women's gymnasium. The senior table arranged at the May morning breakfast last Tuesday could not accommodate all the women of the class in attendance, and places were provided at two other tables for the overflow. The unpleasant cold and dampness only stimulated their spirits, and songs and parodies were enjoyed in the intervals between the fruit cups and the ham and eggs. To Put Away Caps Senior members of the Y. W. C. A. cabinet took part in the meeting of the Y. W. yesterday afternoon. Dorothy Hull gave a talk on "If I were a Freshman," and other speeches were made by Ann Hobbett, "Sophomore;" Miriam Chase, "Junior", Edythe Saylor, "Senior;" and Elizabeth Hendee, "Alumnae." Today is the last of the three days set apart by the senior women as their week. For the most part, the senior caps will not be in evidence again until Commencement week in June. LATIN SHARKS NOTICE The competitive examination for the Lowden prize in Latin will be held Friday, May 23, at 3 p. m. in room 111 L. A. This examination is open to members of the sophomore Latin class.
Daily Iowan Newspapers