Daily Iowan, May 24, 1919
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THE DAILY IOWAN The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa VOL. XVIII----New Series VOL. III Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday, May 24, 1919 Number 105 MASS FIELD MEET HELD BY BIG TEN WILL CLOSE TODAY Figures Show That 425 Local Athletes Competed in Various Events IOWA MAKES GOOD SHOWING Results Will Be Sent To Chicago, Where Records Will Be Compiled. Mass athletic meets between all Big Ten schools are being held this week. This meet is held each spring on the home grounds of each university. The period of competition must be completed during eight days, Saturdays included. This year's meet was run off from May 17 to 24. There are two contests, an all around contest and an individual event contest. An unlimited number of men may compete. In the all around contest the total of the records of the first 200 men who have competed in all the following five events, high jump, broad jump, shot put, 50 yard hurdles and 100 yard dash, shall determine the standing of the university. POINT SYSTEM USED In the individual event the total of the best 200 men in the same five events shall determine the standing of the university in each individual event. The relay race will be an independent event. Thirty-two men, each man running 110 yards, will make up the team. The all around contest shall be scored on a point system. The individual events of the high jump, broad jump, and shot put shall be scored in feet and inches. The 100 yard dash and 50 yard hurdles shall be scored in seconds and fifths of a second. Each contestant was allowed to choose his own equipment but no spiked shoes were used. Individual winners are determined by the totals of the events, and the contestant with the best record is given first place. MAKES GOOD SHOWING Director Schroeder, who has charge of the meet, is well pleased with the showing made by Iowa. Figures show that about 425 men competed in the meet. In the 100 yard dash the following men ran it in eleven seconds, H. M. Barnes, Belding and Shope. In the high jump several men went over five feet. R. H. McDonald went five feet, three, M. W. Burns, five feet, G. F. Debrie, five feet, three and R. E. Shope, five feet, one inch. F. J. Cornelius made a leap of 19 feet, six inches in the broad jump; H. M. Barnes, eighteen feet, seven inches; R. E. Shope eighteen feet, five inches. George Fiesler put the shot thirty seven feet, seven inches and Lohman put the lead thirty seven feet, eight inches. The results of each school will be mailed to the faculty committee of the conference at Chicago where the records will be compiled. MRS. CAVANAUGH TO GO EAST Mrs. Margaret Cavanaugh of the commercial department of the University high school, has accepted a position in economics in an eastern university for next year. Marian Cavanaugh, a student in the University and Dorothy who is attending the University high school will go east with their mother. Raymond Cavanaugh of the flying signal corps, when discharged will attend the same University. WOMEN TO COMPETE IN TENNIS TOURNAMENT University women are already signing up for the women's tennis tournament, the first two rounds of which will be played next week. Entries should be made at the women's gymnasium before Tuesday morning, after which time the lists will be closed. Judging from the crowded conditions of the courts, and the large enrollment of 244 freshman and sophomore women tennis players, there should be enough sharks to furnish an interesting tournament. DECORATION DAY SET FOR BIG CANOE RACE Men and Women May Complete----Must Be Able to Swim Fifty Yards Decoration Day has been set by the Eels' club as the date for the canoe race down from Mid-river. The eligibility rules and all arrangements are now complete. Aspirants for the two silver loving cups will journey to Joe Wray's crossing and be prepared for the crack of the gun at nine o'clock. As the contestants will paddle two at the canoe each or those paddling the winning craft will receive a cup. The course lies down stream to the park bridge which has been chosen as the finishing point, and the two whose canoe first breaks water beneath it will be declared winners. As it is necessary to port the canoes around the Coralville dam it is provided that in so doing the contestants may carry them for a distance of 125 yards, but in no case to eliminate other obstacles or bends in this manner. Both men and women are allowed to compete, but as a precaution against accident, they must be able to pass a swimming test of fifty yards. It is required that entries be in the hands of the physical department by May twenty-eighth at the latest. The craft used in this race must be canoes 14 to 18 feet in length and carry only two contestants who shall use single paddles. A judge will be present at the crossing to start the race and the participants are to pay their expenses to that point. There are expected to be a number of entries and the Eels are desirous of making this an annual affair. Very little use of the river has been made in the past and it is the object of the club to create and interest in the river sports. DR. HOLMES TO LECTURE Dr. Abbey Holmes will give a series of lectures on Social Education to women at the L. A. auditorium Monday at 4 p. m., Tuesday at 4 and 7 p. m. and Thursday at 4 p. m. Attendance at these lectures is required of freshmen women and other University women are welcome. NOTRE DAME WINS FROM IOWA, 8-0 Iowa lost to Notre Dame on the latter's baseball field yesterday by a score of 8 to 0, according to a telegram received here last night. The dispatch stated that Notre Dame scored nine hits, Iowa one. Hamilton pitched for the local nine. Murray of Notre Dame was allowed one hit. [photograph of Emma Noe] FAMOUS ORCHESTRA CONCERTS TONIGHT AND THIS AFTERNOON Program Starts at 3 p. m. and 8:15 p. m.----Last University Musical This Year HAS RECORD TICKET SALE Oberhoffer, Noe, Campbell, Woodard, Beyer-Hane, McConnell and Lindquist Will Appear Two concerts given by the Minneapolis Symphony orchestra in the armory this afternoon and this evening at 8:15, mark the climax of the musical festivities provided by the University this year. There has been a larger advance seat sale than any during the past three years for the annual spring concert. Seats may be reserved at the Johnson County bank this moring and at the armory after 1:30 o'clock. Talented Aftists Emil Oberhoffer, conductor, is extremely versatile in his musical understanding and seems to be equally at home with all types and schools of music. Emma Noe, soprano, will sing an aria, "Ritorna Vincitor," from Verdi's "Aida" at the afternoon concert. One of the admirable features of Miss Noe's art, as commented upon by critics in many cities, is her fine diction. Besides possessing an unusually rich and full voice, Miss Noe is said to be attractive in appearance and to have real stage presence. Fifteen months in the front line trenches, with a long subsequent period in the hospital have not diminished the beauty and vigor of the voice of Corporal Finlay Campbell, baritone, who will sing "She Alone Charmeth My Sadness," from "The Queen of Sheba" by Gounod. Guy H. Woodard, concert master of the Minneapolis Symphony organization will play the solo violin part in Saint-Saens' "Danse Macabre" this afternoon. Cello Solo In Evening In addition to the vocal solos at the evening concert, Herman Beyer-Hane, cellist, will play the Andante from Dvorak's Concerto for Violin-cello. Harriet McConnell, contralto, will sing "O, Immortal Harp," from "Sapho" by Gounod. Critics of her work seem unanimous in praising a warm appealing quality in her tones, and a marked smoothness of registers. Albert Lindquest, who sings an aria from Gomez's "Salvatore Rosa" (Continued on page 4) AURNER IS PRESIDENT OF UNIVERSITY COUNCIL Robert R. Aurner was elected president of the University council Thursday evening, succeeding Ronald G. Reed. Everett M. Raymond became vice-president and chairman of the committee on [constitution?], and Julia Wade secretary. A committee has been appointed to investigate similar councils at Michigan and other universities, with a view toward effecting a permanent elected organization next fall. TO PRESENT "HEROD" AT ENGLERT JUNE 4 Members of Educational Dramatic Class Will Stage Elaborate Three Act Tragedy Because of the size of the production, and its large cast, "Herod," the three act tragedy to be given by the educational dramatics class will not be presented in the natural science auditorium May 28, as has been previously announced, but will be staged a week later, June 4, at the Englert. Tickets will sell at 50 cents and may be purchased on the campus. "Herod" is one of the heaviest productions yet attempted by students of the University both in the quality of acting demanded from its principals, and in the matter of setting. The scene is laid in Jerusalem during the splendid reign of Herod. The action centers about the attempt of the high priest to usurp the crown. Charles V. Brown of the University Players will play the part of Herod; Martha Darrah, the part of Marianne, his queen; Eleanor Talley, Salome; and J. Leonard Murphy the part of Gadias, advisor to the king. About twenty-five additional characters will complete the cast. Rehearsals for the spectacle are being carried on under the direction of Miss Emma Dumke of the public speaking department. DEAN TALKS WITH WOMEN Outside Activities of Freshman Women Being Investigated To learn what class of outside activities and to what extent each one has entered into them is the object of Mrs. Nellie S. Aurner, dean of women, who has been holding conferences with all freshman women of the University. Extra-curricular activities, as literary, musical, dramatics, athletics; social activities, as sorority, parties, callers; religious activities, as church and the Y.M.C.A., are discussed in an effort to gain facts in regard to interests and tastes outside the class room, and to what side of campus life the young woman turns in her first year of college. Mrs. Aurner plans to issue a call shortly to all sophomore women for short conferences which must take place within the next week. Prof. C. M. Case gave the commencement address at the Shelby high school last night. MILITARY NOTICE Cadets in the military department, who desire to attend the summer camp at Camp Funston, must report at the military headquarters by noon Monday May 26. After this date no applications will be received. Colonel Mumma. SIGMA XI ELECTS TWENTY-TWO NEW STUDENT MEMBERS Seniors, Graduate Students and Alumni are Eligible for Membership KIRBY FIVE YEAR MEMBER University Has Only Iowa Chapter----Research Work is Basis For Choosing Members Twenty-two students of the University have been elected to Sigma Xi, honorary national scientific fraternity. Members to this fraternity from the senior class are chosen on the basis of promise in research, graduate students must have at least one definite piece of research work published or practically ready for publication in order to be elected. The State University of Iowa has the only chapter of Sigma Xi in Iowa. The purpose of the society is to further the cause of scientific research. Seniors in the college of liberal arts who have majored in science, seniors in the college of medicine and in the college of applied science, graduate students in science, alumni of five years' standing and science members of the faculties are eligible to membership. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Those elected to associate membership in the college of liberal arts are: Edward F. Benhart, Oxford Junction; Anna Hobbet, Eagle Grove; Wilhemina Koerth, Portland, Oregon; and Lewis B. Miller, Parkersburg. In the college of medicine, the following students were elected; John Harold Butts, Montezuma; Homer William Scott, Ida Grove; William Gordon Walker, Riceville. Applied Science students elected are: Rudolph H. Freese, Sioux Falls, S. D.; Alvin H. Hanapel, Bellevue; Erwin E. Noll, Hoboken, N. J.; Harold W. Schnell, Iowa City; George G. Sward, Iowa City. GRADUATES HONORED Full membership to the fraternity was given to the following students of the graduate college: Arthur H. Dewey, Ft. Madison; Evelyn Ensign, Storm Lake; Carl Emanuel Erickson, Cedar Rapids; Henry Magnus Halverson, Minneapolis, Minn; Harry Matlock Hines, Spencer; Oswald Benjamin Overn, Decorah; Hazel Martha Stanton, Stromsburg; Beryl Taylor, Cedar Rapids; Helen J. Williams, Streeter, Illinois. The only graduate student of five years standing elected is Walter Glenn Kirby, Mishawaka, Ind. PROFESSOR ADAMS TO SPEAK MAY 26 Prof. Roger Adams who is in charge of organic chemistry at the Uiversity of Illinois will be the guest of the department of chemistry Monday, May 26. Professor Adams will speak at 8 o'clock in the evening upon the achievements and possibilities of organic chemistry, a general lecture for those who have had elementary chemistry. At 4 o'clock he will speak to advanced students upon chemical research. These lectures will be in room 110, chemical laboratory and are open to all who are interested. The American Legion will meet today at the commercial club rooms at 2 o'clock. All Johnson county soldiers are requested to be present.
THE DAILY IOWAN The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa VOL. XVIII----New Series VOL. III Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday, May 24, 1919 Number 105 MASS FIELD MEET HELD BY BIG TEN WILL CLOSE TODAY Figures Show That 425 Local Athletes Competed in Various Events IOWA MAKES GOOD SHOWING Results Will Be Sent To Chicago, Where Records Will Be Compiled. Mass athletic meets between all Big Ten schools are being held this week. This meet is held each spring on the home grounds of each university. The period of competition must be completed during eight days, Saturdays included. This year's meet was run off from May 17 to 24. There are two contests, an all around contest and an individual event contest. An unlimited number of men may compete. In the all around contest the total of the records of the first 200 men who have competed in all the following five events, high jump, broad jump, shot put, 50 yard hurdles and 100 yard dash, shall determine the standing of the university. POINT SYSTEM USED In the individual event the total of the best 200 men in the same five events shall determine the standing of the university in each individual event. The relay race will be an independent event. Thirty-two men, each man running 110 yards, will make up the team. The all around contest shall be scored on a point system. The individual events of the high jump, broad jump, and shot put shall be scored in feet and inches. The 100 yard dash and 50 yard hurdles shall be scored in seconds and fifths of a second. Each contestant was allowed to choose his own equipment but no spiked shoes were used. Individual winners are determined by the totals of the events, and the contestant with the best record is given first place. MAKES GOOD SHOWING Director Schroeder, who has charge of the meet, is well pleased with the showing made by Iowa. Figures show that about 425 men competed in the meet. In the 100 yard dash the following men ran it in eleven seconds, H. M. Barnes, Belding and Shope. In the high jump several men went over five feet. R. H. McDonald went five feet, three, M. W. Burns, five feet, G. F. Debrie, five feet, three and R. E. Shope, five feet, one inch. F. J. Cornelius made a leap of 19 feet, six inches in the broad jump; H. M. Barnes, eighteen feet, seven inches; R. E. Shope eighteen feet, five inches. George Fiesler put the shot thirty seven feet, seven inches and Lohman put the lead thirty seven feet, eight inches. The results of each school will be mailed to the faculty committee of the conference at Chicago where the records will be compiled. MRS. CAVANAUGH TO GO EAST Mrs. Margaret Cavanaugh of the commercial department of the University high school, has accepted a position in economics in an eastern university for next year. Marian Cavanaugh, a student in the University and Dorothy who is attending the University high school will go east with their mother. Raymond Cavanaugh of the flying signal corps, when discharged will attend the same University. WOMEN TO COMPETE IN TENNIS TOURNAMENT University women are already signing up for the women's tennis tournament, the first two rounds of which will be played next week. Entries should be made at the women's gymnasium before Tuesday morning, after which time the lists will be closed. Judging from the crowded conditions of the courts, and the large enrollment of 244 freshman and sophomore women tennis players, there should be enough sharks to furnish an interesting tournament. DECORATION DAY SET FOR BIG CANOE RACE Men and Women May Complete----Must Be Able to Swim Fifty Yards Decoration Day has been set by the Eels' club as the date for the canoe race down from Mid-river. The eligibility rules and all arrangements are now complete. Aspirants for the two silver loving cups will journey to Joe Wray's crossing and be prepared for the crack of the gun at nine o'clock. As the contestants will paddle two at the canoe each or those paddling the winning craft will receive a cup. The course lies down stream to the park bridge which has been chosen as the finishing point, and the two whose canoe first breaks water beneath it will be declared winners. As it is necessary to port the canoes around the Coralville dam it is provided that in so doing the contestants may carry them for a distance of 125 yards, but in no case to eliminate other obstacles or bends in this manner. Both men and women are allowed to compete, but as a precaution against accident, they must be able to pass a swimming test of fifty yards. It is required that entries be in the hands of the physical department by May twenty-eighth at the latest. The craft used in this race must be canoes 14 to 18 feet in length and carry only two contestants who shall use single paddles. A judge will be present at the crossing to start the race and the participants are to pay their expenses to that point. There are expected to be a number of entries and the Eels are desirous of making this an annual affair. Very little use of the river has been made in the past and it is the object of the club to create and interest in the river sports. DR. HOLMES TO LECTURE Dr. Abbey Holmes will give a series of lectures on Social Education to women at the L. A. auditorium Monday at 4 p. m., Tuesday at 4 and 7 p. m. and Thursday at 4 p. m. Attendance at these lectures is required of freshmen women and other University women are welcome. NOTRE DAME WINS FROM IOWA, 8-0 Iowa lost to Notre Dame on the latter's baseball field yesterday by a score of 8 to 0, according to a telegram received here last night. The dispatch stated that Notre Dame scored nine hits, Iowa one. Hamilton pitched for the local nine. Murray of Notre Dame was allowed one hit. [photograph of Emma Noe] FAMOUS ORCHESTRA CONCERTS TONIGHT AND THIS AFTERNOON Program Starts at 3 p. m. and 8:15 p. m.----Last University Musical This Year HAS RECORD TICKET SALE Oberhoffer, Noe, Campbell, Woodard, Beyer-Hane, McConnell and Lindquist Will Appear Two concerts given by the Minneapolis Symphony orchestra in the armory this afternoon and this evening at 8:15, mark the climax of the musical festivities provided by the University this year. There has been a larger advance seat sale than any during the past three years for the annual spring concert. Seats may be reserved at the Johnson County bank this moring and at the armory after 1:30 o'clock. Talented Aftists Emil Oberhoffer, conductor, is extremely versatile in his musical understanding and seems to be equally at home with all types and schools of music. Emma Noe, soprano, will sing an aria, "Ritorna Vincitor," from Verdi's "Aida" at the afternoon concert. One of the admirable features of Miss Noe's art, as commented upon by critics in many cities, is her fine diction. Besides possessing an unusually rich and full voice, Miss Noe is said to be attractive in appearance and to have real stage presence. Fifteen months in the front line trenches, with a long subsequent period in the hospital have not diminished the beauty and vigor of the voice of Corporal Finlay Campbell, baritone, who will sing "She Alone Charmeth My Sadness," from "The Queen of Sheba" by Gounod. Guy H. Woodard, concert master of the Minneapolis Symphony organization will play the solo violin part in Saint-Saens' "Danse Macabre" this afternoon. Cello Solo In Evening In addition to the vocal solos at the evening concert, Herman Beyer-Hane, cellist, will play the Andante from Dvorak's Concerto for Violin-cello. Harriet McConnell, contralto, will sing "O, Immortal Harp," from "Sapho" by Gounod. Critics of her work seem unanimous in praising a warm appealing quality in her tones, and a marked smoothness of registers. Albert Lindquest, who sings an aria from Gomez's "Salvatore Rosa" (Continued on page 4) AURNER IS PRESIDENT OF UNIVERSITY COUNCIL Robert R. Aurner was elected president of the University council Thursday evening, succeeding Ronald G. Reed. Everett M. Raymond became vice-president and chairman of the committee on [constitution?], and Julia Wade secretary. A committee has been appointed to investigate similar councils at Michigan and other universities, with a view toward effecting a permanent elected organization next fall. TO PRESENT "HEROD" AT ENGLERT JUNE 4 Members of Educational Dramatic Class Will Stage Elaborate Three Act Tragedy Because of the size of the production, and its large cast, "Herod," the three act tragedy to be given by the educational dramatics class will not be presented in the natural science auditorium May 28, as has been previously announced, but will be staged a week later, June 4, at the Englert. Tickets will sell at 50 cents and may be purchased on the campus. "Herod" is one of the heaviest productions yet attempted by students of the University both in the quality of acting demanded from its principals, and in the matter of setting. The scene is laid in Jerusalem during the splendid reign of Herod. The action centers about the attempt of the high priest to usurp the crown. Charles V. Brown of the University Players will play the part of Herod; Martha Darrah, the part of Marianne, his queen; Eleanor Talley, Salome; and J. Leonard Murphy the part of Gadias, advisor to the king. About twenty-five additional characters will complete the cast. Rehearsals for the spectacle are being carried on under the direction of Miss Emma Dumke of the public speaking department. DEAN TALKS WITH WOMEN Outside Activities of Freshman Women Being Investigated To learn what class of outside activities and to what extent each one has entered into them is the object of Mrs. Nellie S. Aurner, dean of women, who has been holding conferences with all freshman women of the University. Extra-curricular activities, as literary, musical, dramatics, athletics; social activities, as sorority, parties, callers; religious activities, as church and the Y.M.C.A., are discussed in an effort to gain facts in regard to interests and tastes outside the class room, and to what side of campus life the young woman turns in her first year of college. Mrs. Aurner plans to issue a call shortly to all sophomore women for short conferences which must take place within the next week. Prof. C. M. Case gave the commencement address at the Shelby high school last night. MILITARY NOTICE Cadets in the military department, who desire to attend the summer camp at Camp Funston, must report at the military headquarters by noon Monday May 26. After this date no applications will be received. Colonel Mumma. SIGMA XI ELECTS TWENTY-TWO NEW STUDENT MEMBERS Seniors, Graduate Students and Alumni are Eligible for Membership KIRBY FIVE YEAR MEMBER University Has Only Iowa Chapter----Research Work is Basis For Choosing Members Twenty-two students of the University have been elected to Sigma Xi, honorary national scientific fraternity. Members to this fraternity from the senior class are chosen on the basis of promise in research, graduate students must have at least one definite piece of research work published or practically ready for publication in order to be elected. The State University of Iowa has the only chapter of Sigma Xi in Iowa. The purpose of the society is to further the cause of scientific research. Seniors in the college of liberal arts who have majored in science, seniors in the college of medicine and in the college of applied science, graduate students in science, alumni of five years' standing and science members of the faculties are eligible to membership. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Those elected to associate membership in the college of liberal arts are: Edward F. Benhart, Oxford Junction; Anna Hobbet, Eagle Grove; Wilhemina Koerth, Portland, Oregon; and Lewis B. Miller, Parkersburg. In the college of medicine, the following students were elected; John Harold Butts, Montezuma; Homer William Scott, Ida Grove; William Gordon Walker, Riceville. Applied Science students elected are: Rudolph H. Freese, Sioux Falls, S. D.; Alvin H. Hanapel, Bellevue; Erwin E. Noll, Hoboken, N. J.; Harold W. Schnell, Iowa City; George G. Sward, Iowa City. GRADUATES HONORED Full membership to the fraternity was given to the following students of the graduate college: Arthur H. Dewey, Ft. Madison; Evelyn Ensign, Storm Lake; Carl Emanuel Erickson, Cedar Rapids; Henry Magnus Halverson, Minneapolis, Minn; Harry Matlock Hines, Spencer; Oswald Benjamin Overn, Decorah; Hazel Martha Stanton, Stromsburg; Beryl Taylor, Cedar Rapids; Helen J. Williams, Streeter, Illinois. The only graduate student of five years standing elected is Walter Glenn Kirby, Mishawaka, Ind. PROFESSOR ADAMS TO SPEAK MAY 26 Prof. Roger Adams who is in charge of organic chemistry at the Uiversity of Illinois will be the guest of the department of chemistry Monday, May 26. Professor Adams will speak at 8 o'clock in the evening upon the achievements and possibilities of organic chemistry, a general lecture for those who have had elementary chemistry. At 4 o'clock he will speak to advanced students upon chemical research. These lectures will be in room 110, chemical laboratory and are open to all who are interested. The American Legion will meet today at the commercial club rooms at 2 o'clock. All Johnson county soldiers are requested to be present.
Daily Iowan Newspapers