Daily Iowan, May 24, 1919
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Saturday, May 24, 1919 The Daily Iowan, State University of Iowa Page Three SOCIETY AND PERSONAL PHARMACISTS BANQUET The twenty-sixth annual banquet of Nu chapter of the Phi Delta Chi pharmacy fraternity was held Thursday evening at the Jefferson hotel. Dr. C. S. Case acted as toastmaster, and Dean W. J. Teeters, Prof. R. A. Kuever, Prof. H. M. F. Doden, H. A. Grimm, John Clark, L. W. March and Frank Glotfeldty responded to toasts. PRE-LAWS ENJOY MIXER A good crowd of Laws and Pre-laws turned out for the mixer given Thursday night by the Law Students' association to the pre-laws. The purpose was to get acquainted and to show those who intend to study law the ample facilities at their disposal. Refreshments, cigars and a short program of speeches were enjoyed by all present. Marc Mullany, president of the Law Students' association had charge of the meeting. Major Bordwell and Dean D. O. McGovney, representing the faculty, gave enjoyable and instructive talks. President W. A. Jessup by his presence and words of encouragement lent a broad university touch to the meeting. Vergil [Hancher] presented the pre-laws. Currier hall entertained at its annual dancing party Friday evening. Chaperons were the Misses Sara McBride, Selina Terry, Laura Chennel and Margaret Switzer. Achoth sorority will entertain at a dinner dance at the Masonic temple this evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Records and Dr. and Mrs. Kracher will be the chaperons. Alpha Xi Delta announces the pledging of Winifred Dunham of Marshalltown. Phi Zeta Epsilon entertained at a dinner dance at the Country club last evening. Prof. and Mrs. H. F. Wickham were the chaperons. Dean G. F. Kay gave the commencement address at Harlan last night. He is also to speak at Ossian, Radcliffe, and Dexter May 28, 29, and 30, respectively. Chaperons at Varsity Friday evening were Dr. and Mrs. R. V. Smith. Saturday evening Dr. and Mrs. O. E. Van Doren and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carson will chaperon. D. Richard Young, Sigma Phi Epsilon, is ill in the hospital. Catherine Stover, junior, who has been ill at the University hospital for the past two weeks, will resume her work in the University the first of next week. Anna M. Wolfe, instructor in the department of physical education is entertaining her sister, Alberta, of Keokuk for a few days this week. Nelle Hutton of Kearney, Neb., is visiting friends here for a few days. Lyman C. Knierem of Davenport is visiting his brother Walker at the Phi Zeta Epsilon house this week end. Vera Johnson, freshman, was called to Cedar Rapids yesterday afternoon to see a cousin who was injured in the explosion which took place Thursday evening. Chester Leese, freshman, was called to his home in Clinton by the illness of his mother. Sigma Alpha Epsilon will entertain at a dancing party at the park pavilion this evening. Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Whinery ad Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Kirk will chaperon. Frances Dunham, freshman, was called to her home in Wapello by the death of her father. Robert Russell of the University of Nebraska is visiting at the Sigma Phi Epsilon house for a few days. [advertisement] DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. [advertisement] TEACHERS WANTED For all departments of school work. School officials will soon elect teachers for next year. A MAXIMUM OF SERVICE AT A MINIMUM COMMISSION RATE. Commission 4 per cent. Territory, central and western states. Write today for blanks. HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY Cedar Rapids, Iowa [advertisement] BENNISON'S Kirk's Bath Tablets....9c Pure Cocoanut Oil Soap....7c Goblin Medicated Soap....7c Mavis Talcums....21c Hard Water Castile Soap....9c Resinol Medicated....19c Pond's Cold Cream....21c Colgate's Tooth Paste....19c Pepsodent Tooth Paste....39c Kolynos Tooth Paste....19c Woodbury's Facial Soap....19c Pebeco Tooth Paste....39c GINGHAM DRESSES [illustration of woman wearing elegant style dress] A Big Bargain At $5.85 and $6.85 Dresses worth $8 and $10. We contracted for these many weeks ago. For the hot days ahead, realizing the uncertainty of our remodeling and alterations----we wired for their immediate delivery. They are a very clever lot----the style and models----the workmanship and the pretty plaid----gives them a $10.00 appearance. We have a big quantity----and to close them, we are offering the entire purchase at a figure that for the value is without exaggeration. THE BEST this store has ever offered. They are not House Dresses----they are DRESS UP DRESSES at House Dress prices. WHITE BLOUSES $1.05 [illustration of woman with an umbrella modeling a delicate looking blouse] Snow White Blouses----Heaps Of Them and everyone a beauty, too. The season's newest models are to be found in this wonderful assortment. Each being smartly tailored, charmingly trimmed. White Voiles, White Organdies and Novelty checks and stripes, featuring the new collars and necks, 2 days at $1.00 each. A most charming and beautiful lot of fine Voiles and Organdie, and White Blouses, in a very pretty range of models. Blouses that denote style, chic and dainty, virtually priced at 1/3 and 1/2 their value. Styles for stouts included, 2 days sale at $1.95. CLOSING OUT THE ENTIRE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT [illustration of many styles of hats] We are cutting the prices in half, and in many instances 1/4 and 1/3 of the original price is all that is asked, and to close the stock on hand and too----it's a large stock----as every conceivable up to the minute idea is expressed in the models that are shown. More notable still, than even our Spring displays is the summer showing of New Hats----in which daintiness and originality have vied with each other to produce the quaintest and most becoming Millinery which the foremost designers have conceived. We turn over the Millinery space in 2 weeks to the Contractors. To close the stock we offer hats up to $12 for....$4.95 Hats up to $15 for....$6.95 Special Lots at 1/3 and 1/4 their original prices at....$1.95, $2.95, $3.95 FOR 1/2 PRICE Saturday ANY SUIT IN OUR STOCK There'll be no restrictions----All Go $75.00 Suits for....$37.50 $65.00 Suits for....$32.50 $60.00 Suits for....$30.00 $50.00 Suits for....$25.00 1/2 the Original Value----Get an early Choice----They Will Go Quick Every suit offered is strictly a new Spring model. The best tailored----latest styles produced. [advertisement] THE TOWNSEND STUDIO Established 42 Years. There's a reason.
Saturday, May 24, 1919 The Daily Iowan, State University of Iowa Page Three SOCIETY AND PERSONAL PHARMACISTS BANQUET The twenty-sixth annual banquet of Nu chapter of the Phi Delta Chi pharmacy fraternity was held Thursday evening at the Jefferson hotel. Dr. C. S. Case acted as toastmaster, and Dean W. J. Teeters, Prof. R. A. Kuever, Prof. H. M. F. Doden, H. A. Grimm, John Clark, L. W. March and Frank Glotfeldty responded to toasts. PRE-LAWS ENJOY MIXER A good crowd of Laws and Pre-laws turned out for the mixer given Thursday night by the Law Students' association to the pre-laws. The purpose was to get acquainted and to show those who intend to study law the ample facilities at their disposal. Refreshments, cigars and a short program of speeches were enjoyed by all present. Marc Mullany, president of the Law Students' association had charge of the meeting. Major Bordwell and Dean D. O. McGovney, representing the faculty, gave enjoyable and instructive talks. President W. A. Jessup by his presence and words of encouragement lent a broad university touch to the meeting. Vergil [Hancher] presented the pre-laws. Currier hall entertained at its annual dancing party Friday evening. Chaperons were the Misses Sara McBride, Selina Terry, Laura Chennel and Margaret Switzer. Achoth sorority will entertain at a dinner dance at the Masonic temple this evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Records and Dr. and Mrs. Kracher will be the chaperons. Alpha Xi Delta announces the pledging of Winifred Dunham of Marshalltown. Phi Zeta Epsilon entertained at a dinner dance at the Country club last evening. Prof. and Mrs. H. F. Wickham were the chaperons. Dean G. F. Kay gave the commencement address at Harlan last night. He is also to speak at Ossian, Radcliffe, and Dexter May 28, 29, and 30, respectively. Chaperons at Varsity Friday evening were Dr. and Mrs. R. V. Smith. Saturday evening Dr. and Mrs. O. E. Van Doren and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carson will chaperon. D. Richard Young, Sigma Phi Epsilon, is ill in the hospital. Catherine Stover, junior, who has been ill at the University hospital for the past two weeks, will resume her work in the University the first of next week. Anna M. Wolfe, instructor in the department of physical education is entertaining her sister, Alberta, of Keokuk for a few days this week. Nelle Hutton of Kearney, Neb., is visiting friends here for a few days. Lyman C. Knierem of Davenport is visiting his brother Walker at the Phi Zeta Epsilon house this week end. Vera Johnson, freshman, was called to Cedar Rapids yesterday afternoon to see a cousin who was injured in the explosion which took place Thursday evening. Chester Leese, freshman, was called to his home in Clinton by the illness of his mother. Sigma Alpha Epsilon will entertain at a dancing party at the park pavilion this evening. Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Whinery ad Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Kirk will chaperon. Frances Dunham, freshman, was called to her home in Wapello by the death of her father. Robert Russell of the University of Nebraska is visiting at the Sigma Phi Epsilon house for a few days. [advertisement] DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. [advertisement] TEACHERS WANTED For all departments of school work. School officials will soon elect teachers for next year. A MAXIMUM OF SERVICE AT A MINIMUM COMMISSION RATE. Commission 4 per cent. Territory, central and western states. Write today for blanks. HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY Cedar Rapids, Iowa [advertisement] BENNISON'S Kirk's Bath Tablets....9c Pure Cocoanut Oil Soap....7c Goblin Medicated Soap....7c Mavis Talcums....21c Hard Water Castile Soap....9c Resinol Medicated....19c Pond's Cold Cream....21c Colgate's Tooth Paste....19c Pepsodent Tooth Paste....39c Kolynos Tooth Paste....19c Woodbury's Facial Soap....19c Pebeco Tooth Paste....39c GINGHAM DRESSES [illustration of woman wearing elegant style dress] A Big Bargain At $5.85 and $6.85 Dresses worth $8 and $10. We contracted for these many weeks ago. For the hot days ahead, realizing the uncertainty of our remodeling and alterations----we wired for their immediate delivery. They are a very clever lot----the style and models----the workmanship and the pretty plaid----gives them a $10.00 appearance. We have a big quantity----and to close them, we are offering the entire purchase at a figure that for the value is without exaggeration. THE BEST this store has ever offered. They are not House Dresses----they are DRESS UP DRESSES at House Dress prices. WHITE BLOUSES $1.05 [illustration of woman with an umbrella modeling a delicate looking blouse] Snow White Blouses----Heaps Of Them and everyone a beauty, too. The season's newest models are to be found in this wonderful assortment. Each being smartly tailored, charmingly trimmed. White Voiles, White Organdies and Novelty checks and stripes, featuring the new collars and necks, 2 days at $1.00 each. A most charming and beautiful lot of fine Voiles and Organdie, and White Blouses, in a very pretty range of models. Blouses that denote style, chic and dainty, virtually priced at 1/3 and 1/2 their value. Styles for stouts included, 2 days sale at $1.95. CLOSING OUT THE ENTIRE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT [illustration of many styles of hats] We are cutting the prices in half, and in many instances 1/4 and 1/3 of the original price is all that is asked, and to close the stock on hand and too----it's a large stock----as every conceivable up to the minute idea is expressed in the models that are shown. More notable still, than even our Spring displays is the summer showing of New Hats----in which daintiness and originality have vied with each other to produce the quaintest and most becoming Millinery which the foremost designers have conceived. We turn over the Millinery space in 2 weeks to the Contractors. To close the stock we offer hats up to $12 for....$4.95 Hats up to $15 for....$6.95 Special Lots at 1/3 and 1/4 their original prices at....$1.95, $2.95, $3.95 FOR 1/2 PRICE Saturday ANY SUIT IN OUR STOCK There'll be no restrictions----All Go $75.00 Suits for....$37.50 $65.00 Suits for....$32.50 $60.00 Suits for....$30.00 $50.00 Suits for....$25.00 1/2 the Original Value----Get an early Choice----They Will Go Quick Every suit offered is strictly a new Spring model. The best tailored----latest styles produced. [advertisement] THE TOWNSEND STUDIO Established 42 Years. There's a reason.
Daily Iowan Newspapers