Daily Iowan, May 27, 1919
Page 5
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Tuesday, May 27, 1919 The Daily Iowan, State University of Iowa Page 5 [photograph of Gatty Sellers, Organist-Composer] FAMOUS MUSICIAN APPEARS THURSDAY IN ORGAN RECITAL Will Play Several of His Own Compositions, Also Sousa's "The Golden Star" PLAYS AT M. E. CHURCH Records on Columbia and Player Piano Rank High in This Country and Europe Gatty Sellers, English organist-composer, who will give an organ recital at the First Methodist church Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, has made records for the Columbia Graphophone company in London and New York. His performances have also been recorded by the Welte-Mignon company in Freidburg, Germany, and his compositions are recorded on the rolls of the Aeolian and Estey Organ company. In both Europe and America Mr. Sellers has been announced with the world's highest salaried instrumental artists. He was engaged in Europe to perform for records of his organ compositions after Paderewski had previously played for the pianoforte records, and in America where Joseph Hofmann was the pianist for the purpose. The Columbia Graphophone catalogue states: Gatty Sellers is admitted the world's master descriptive organist, as a composer of tone-poems for recording purposes for the 'King of instruments' he stands alone." His program in Iowa City Thursday evening will include several of his own compositions. "In Venice" begins with an entrancing melody suggestive of the gondolas gliding on Venetian waters at moonlight. This melody alternates with the chimes of St. Mark's Cathedral and the chanting of the monks at their vespers. One of his newer compositions is "In Arcadia", which was penned on the Pacific ocean near the coast of South America. "The Golden Star" written by John Philip Sousa in memory of those men who gave up their lives during the war, will be played here by Mr. Sellers, from whose hands this march received its first public hearing at his recent New York recital. There will be no rehearsals for the University orchestra this week. ORCHESTRAE PRESNTS POPULAR CONCERT Special Train Left Yesterday Morning for Cedar Rapids--- Four Concerts There Popular selections characterized the third concert given by the Minneapolis Symphony orchestra at the armory, Sunday afternoon. Emil Oberhoffer, conductor, acknowledged the continued applause to the "Overture to 'Mignon'" with Westerhoup's "Rondo d'Amour". The popular MacDowell "Woodland Sketches" were given a prominent place on the program and created favorable comment. Lizst's "Hungarian Rhapsody no. 2", in which Henry J. Williams played the harp cadenza, was the most brilliant number of this concert and as an encore, the stringed instruments gave Hubert's "Air de Ballet". Emma Noe, who charmed her audience at her first appearance Saturday afternoon, retained her popularity when she sang an aria from "The Queen of Sheba" and responded with "Prince Charming" from "The Vicar of Wakefield". The tenor, Albert Lindquest, was commended for his excellent interpretations. The viola obligato to Mr. Lindquest's solo, played by Karl Scheurer, added greatly to the variety of the afternoon's program. Delilah's "Spring Song" from "Samson and Delilah", sung by Harriet McConnell, was an especially pleasing number and she too was forced to sing an encore. During their two days stay in Iowa City, members of the Minneapolis Symphony orchestra were entertained by Adrian Funnekotter, violin instructor in the University, who formerly played with the Minneapolis organization. Corporal Finlay Campbell, baritone, Albert Lindquest, tenor, and Wendell Heighton, manager of the orchestra, were guests at the Delta Gamma house Sunday. Miss Dagmar Johnson, who is the accompanist for Prof. W. E. Hays, played for the singers at the sorority house where they gave a delightful program. The Minneapolis Symphony orchestra left in their special train yesterday morning for Cedar Rapids where they gave concerts in the afternoon and evening. They will also play two programs there today. STUDENTS TO ACCEPT TEACHING POSITIONS The committee on recommendations reports recently accepted teaching positions for next [year]. Fern Chittendon will go to Wellman as supervisor of music. Bernice Greeve, now at Armour, South Dakota, will teach English next year at Whiting. B. J. Hovde, graduate student in history, has accepted a position as instructor in Luther college, Decorah. Ethel Martin, now at Iowa Falls, will teach in the grades at Nevada. Jeannette Kyle, now at Fremont, has accepted a position as domestic science teacher at Mediapolis. Bernice Moffit, who has been teaching sewing at Charles City this year, has accepted a position at Cedar Rapids for next year. Tressie Sexsmith of Wilton will teach home economics at West Liberty. M. Orinne Johnson, now at Kinross, will teach home economics at Hartley next year. Martha Robinson will go to Riceville as teacher of Latin and history. Eleanor Rosenberg has accepted a position as instructor of Latin at Keota. Ruth McVey, sophomore, will teach English in the high school at Luana. Forest W. Johnson has been elected superintendent of the Kalona schools. F. M McCulley will go to Woodward as instructor of mathematics. Lloyd McKinley will teach science in the high school at Watertown, South Dakota. W. G. Protzman, now at Burlington, Colorado, will teach science in the Iowa City high school next year. In the Phi Beta Kappa election at Northwestern Helen Montgomery stands at the head of the list with a record of all "A" work throughout her entire college course. [advertisement] PASTIME THEATRE Today & Tomorrow ALBERTA RAY in the latest hit "WORDS AND MUSIC BY----" Pathe News Pathe Review Admission 15c A dandy show---See it. [advertisement] STRAND THEATRE Last Time Today WILLIAM S. HART in in his big special feature "BREED OF MEN" Wednesday & Thursday DOROTHY DALTON in "THE HOME-BREAKER" [advertisement] GRADUATES PLEASE NOTICE Kindly Leave Your Order For CAPS AND GOWNS EARLY Do Not Wait Until The Last Few Days. It Will Save You Much Worry. BREMER'S Golden Eagle Iowa City, Iowa [advertisement] TEACHERS WANTED For all departments of school work. School officials will soon elect teachers for next year. A MAXIMUM OF SERVICE AT A MINIMUM COMMISSION RATE. Commission 4 per cent. Territory, central and western states. Write today for blanks. HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY Cedar Rapids, Iowa [advertisement] GOOD THINGS TO EAT All Home Made Pies, Cakes, Salads Pastry of all Kinds Delicious "Eats" For Picnics 109 Iowa Ave. DELICATESSEN [advertisement] VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory Varsity 8 Piece Orchestra Dancing from 8:45 to 11:45 Thursday Eve., May 29 Friday Eve, May 30
Tuesday, May 27, 1919 The Daily Iowan, State University of Iowa Page 5 [photograph of Gatty Sellers, Organist-Composer] FAMOUS MUSICIAN APPEARS THURSDAY IN ORGAN RECITAL Will Play Several of His Own Compositions, Also Sousa's "The Golden Star" PLAYS AT M. E. CHURCH Records on Columbia and Player Piano Rank High in This Country and Europe Gatty Sellers, English organist-composer, who will give an organ recital at the First Methodist church Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, has made records for the Columbia Graphophone company in London and New York. His performances have also been recorded by the Welte-Mignon company in Freidburg, Germany, and his compositions are recorded on the rolls of the Aeolian and Estey Organ company. In both Europe and America Mr. Sellers has been announced with the world's highest salaried instrumental artists. He was engaged in Europe to perform for records of his organ compositions after Paderewski had previously played for the pianoforte records, and in America where Joseph Hofmann was the pianist for the purpose. The Columbia Graphophone catalogue states: Gatty Sellers is admitted the world's master descriptive organist, as a composer of tone-poems for recording purposes for the 'King of instruments' he stands alone." His program in Iowa City Thursday evening will include several of his own compositions. "In Venice" begins with an entrancing melody suggestive of the gondolas gliding on Venetian waters at moonlight. This melody alternates with the chimes of St. Mark's Cathedral and the chanting of the monks at their vespers. One of his newer compositions is "In Arcadia", which was penned on the Pacific ocean near the coast of South America. "The Golden Star" written by John Philip Sousa in memory of those men who gave up their lives during the war, will be played here by Mr. Sellers, from whose hands this march received its first public hearing at his recent New York recital. There will be no rehearsals for the University orchestra this week. ORCHESTRAE PRESNTS POPULAR CONCERT Special Train Left Yesterday Morning for Cedar Rapids--- Four Concerts There Popular selections characterized the third concert given by the Minneapolis Symphony orchestra at the armory, Sunday afternoon. Emil Oberhoffer, conductor, acknowledged the continued applause to the "Overture to 'Mignon'" with Westerhoup's "Rondo d'Amour". The popular MacDowell "Woodland Sketches" were given a prominent place on the program and created favorable comment. Lizst's "Hungarian Rhapsody no. 2", in which Henry J. Williams played the harp cadenza, was the most brilliant number of this concert and as an encore, the stringed instruments gave Hubert's "Air de Ballet". Emma Noe, who charmed her audience at her first appearance Saturday afternoon, retained her popularity when she sang an aria from "The Queen of Sheba" and responded with "Prince Charming" from "The Vicar of Wakefield". The tenor, Albert Lindquest, was commended for his excellent interpretations. The viola obligato to Mr. Lindquest's solo, played by Karl Scheurer, added greatly to the variety of the afternoon's program. Delilah's "Spring Song" from "Samson and Delilah", sung by Harriet McConnell, was an especially pleasing number and she too was forced to sing an encore. During their two days stay in Iowa City, members of the Minneapolis Symphony orchestra were entertained by Adrian Funnekotter, violin instructor in the University, who formerly played with the Minneapolis organization. Corporal Finlay Campbell, baritone, Albert Lindquest, tenor, and Wendell Heighton, manager of the orchestra, were guests at the Delta Gamma house Sunday. Miss Dagmar Johnson, who is the accompanist for Prof. W. E. Hays, played for the singers at the sorority house where they gave a delightful program. The Minneapolis Symphony orchestra left in their special train yesterday morning for Cedar Rapids where they gave concerts in the afternoon and evening. They will also play two programs there today. STUDENTS TO ACCEPT TEACHING POSITIONS The committee on recommendations reports recently accepted teaching positions for next [year]. Fern Chittendon will go to Wellman as supervisor of music. Bernice Greeve, now at Armour, South Dakota, will teach English next year at Whiting. B. J. Hovde, graduate student in history, has accepted a position as instructor in Luther college, Decorah. Ethel Martin, now at Iowa Falls, will teach in the grades at Nevada. Jeannette Kyle, now at Fremont, has accepted a position as domestic science teacher at Mediapolis. Bernice Moffit, who has been teaching sewing at Charles City this year, has accepted a position at Cedar Rapids for next year. Tressie Sexsmith of Wilton will teach home economics at West Liberty. M. Orinne Johnson, now at Kinross, will teach home economics at Hartley next year. Martha Robinson will go to Riceville as teacher of Latin and history. Eleanor Rosenberg has accepted a position as instructor of Latin at Keota. Ruth McVey, sophomore, will teach English in the high school at Luana. Forest W. Johnson has been elected superintendent of the Kalona schools. F. M McCulley will go to Woodward as instructor of mathematics. Lloyd McKinley will teach science in the high school at Watertown, South Dakota. W. G. Protzman, now at Burlington, Colorado, will teach science in the Iowa City high school next year. In the Phi Beta Kappa election at Northwestern Helen Montgomery stands at the head of the list with a record of all "A" work throughout her entire college course. [advertisement] PASTIME THEATRE Today & Tomorrow ALBERTA RAY in the latest hit "WORDS AND MUSIC BY----" Pathe News Pathe Review Admission 15c A dandy show---See it. [advertisement] STRAND THEATRE Last Time Today WILLIAM S. HART in in his big special feature "BREED OF MEN" Wednesday & Thursday DOROTHY DALTON in "THE HOME-BREAKER" [advertisement] GRADUATES PLEASE NOTICE Kindly Leave Your Order For CAPS AND GOWNS EARLY Do Not Wait Until The Last Few Days. It Will Save You Much Worry. BREMER'S Golden Eagle Iowa City, Iowa [advertisement] TEACHERS WANTED For all departments of school work. School officials will soon elect teachers for next year. A MAXIMUM OF SERVICE AT A MINIMUM COMMISSION RATE. Commission 4 per cent. Territory, central and western states. Write today for blanks. HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY Cedar Rapids, Iowa [advertisement] GOOD THINGS TO EAT All Home Made Pies, Cakes, Salads Pastry of all Kinds Delicious "Eats" For Picnics 109 Iowa Ave. DELICATESSEN [advertisement] VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory Varsity 8 Piece Orchestra Dancing from 8:45 to 11:45 Thursday Eve., May 29 Friday Eve, May 30
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