Daily Iowan, May 27, 1919
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PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, May 27, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST—Phi Delta Kappa pin. Finder phone 1498. reward. WILL party who took the tennis racket from the Y.W.C.A. room please return same immediately 104 FOR SALE—Cheap; Golf sticks tennis racket, bicycle lantern. Phone 216. 109 WANTED—Position as bookkeeper and stenographer. Address KS care Daily Iowan. 120 WILL PAY 5c each for several numbers of May 15 and May 17. Bring them to Iowan office under University Book Store. FOR SALE—Orchestra bells (full three octave) Price $12.50. Phone 622. 108 GRINNELL GRABS PREMIER HONORS (Continued from page one) finish in this cutting down the Cyclone runners' lead and catching his man at the tape. Summary as follows: 120-yard hurdles—Hendrickson (Simpson) first, Burnell (Drake) second, Stock (Grinnell) third, Spiker (Ames) fourth. Time, :16 flat. Mile run—Browning (Cornell) first, Stone (Ames) second, Gunderson (Simpson) third, Hanson (Ames) fourth. Time, 4:30 3-5 (new record). 100-yard dash—Hass (Grinnell) first, Cowden (Grinnell) second, Colby (Iowa) third, Justin (Iowa) fourth. Time, :10 flat. 440-yard dash—Frentress (Coe) first, Crane (Grinnell) second, Minty (Grinnell) third, Greenwood (Iowa) fourth. Time :50 2-5. 220-yard hurdles—Evans (Grinnell) first, Burnell (Drake) second, Van Cleve (Coe) third. Lawrence (Cornell) fourth. Time, :26 1-5. Half-mile run—Johnston (Des Moines, first, Marriam (Ames) second, Gunderson (Simpson) third, Richards (Grinnell) fourth. Time, 1:59 2-5. 220-yard dash—Hass (Grinnell) first, Colby (Iowa) second, Lodwick (Ames) third, Cowden (Grinnell) fourth. Time, :21 4-5. Mile relay—Grinnell (Crane, Winter, Hoyte and Minty) first, Iowa and Ames tied for second, Morningside, fourth. Time 3:26 1-5 (ties record). Two-mile run—Torrance (Cornell) first, Smith (Ames) second, Laube (Ames) third, Frevert (Ames) fourth. Time 10:09 2-5. Half-mile relay—Grinnell (Evans, Cowden, Minty and Hass) first, Iowa second, Drake third, Ames fourth. Time 1:30 3-5 (ties record). Pole valut—Hendrickson (Simpson) first, Boehmler (Grinnell) second, Jones (Morningside) third, Sheedy and Bailey (Iowa) tied for fourth. Heighth, 11 feet 1 3-4 inches. Discus throw—Slater (Iowa) first, Greenwood (Iowa) second, Flinspach (Parsons) third, Hearriott (Grinnell) fourth. Distance 120 feet, 8 inches. Shotput—Wagner (Ames) first, Mockmore (Iowa) second, Slater (Iowa) third, Wallen (Iowa) fourth. Distance, 39 feet 8 inches. High jump—Brigham (Iowa) first Stock (Grinnell), Fouke (Morningside) and Paige (Ames) tied for second. Height, 5 feet 9 1-4 inches. Broad jump—Paige (Ames) first, Vinsee (Grinnell) second, Crane (Grinnell) third, Dimick (Ames) and Hendrickson (Simpson) tied for fourth. Distance, 21 feet 11 1-2 inches. [Ad] Just Received A new shipment of Blouses We can now show you some of the very newest styles and materials [Image: Seal for Round Ticket Stocking 4 thread heels & toes Gordon Reg.U.S.Pat.Off. Hard to wear out] We have also added to our exclusive lines Kayser and Gordon Hosiery and a new line of Kayser Silk Gloves [Image: Gordon Hosiery logo] COME IN AND SEE THEM Harvat & Stach Out New Location 10 S. Dubuque Street MIS ANDERSON IS VISITING UNIVERSITY (Continued from page 1) hut and rented by the hour to the girls. After the unit left Angers, Miss Andersen went to Paris and established a tea room for nurses in the Red Cross equipment bureau. She remained here until April 25, when she went to England to return home. Miss Andersen will go to her home at Hudson, Wis., Wednesday evening. HESPERIA ELECTION Regular business meeting at 7:15 in room 116 L.A. tonight. Election of officers. Everybody come and be on time. Bring money and tickets for the play. CABINET TO HEAR KOLB The Y.M.C.A. cabinet meeting Wednesday will be held at 7:30 o'clock because of the ball game in the afternoon. Mr. Kolb of Chicago will meet with the cabinet. Alpha Chi Omega entertained fifteen out of town guests this week end. The guests were entertained at a May breakfast, a luncheon, and a dinner dance at the Burkley. The chaperons at the dance were Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Aurner, Dr. and Mrs. D.M. Brunfiel, Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Kutz, and Mrs. Woodard. DR. FUNSTON AT HOSPITAL Dr. R.E. Funston, who recently received his discharge from the medical corps of the army, is now at the children's hospital working on Dr. Arthur Steindler's staff. Dr. Funston received his degree from an eastern medical college and then went to serve the army in France. Mrs. Dixon of Burlington returned home yesterday after spending the week end at the Delta Gamma house with her daughter, Mrs. Frederick Leopold. "Rip Van Winkle" and "The Sleeping Beauty" will be presented by the pupils of the seventh and eighth grades in St. Mary's high school auditorium this afternoon at 2:30, under the direction of Mildred McGhee. Delta Tau Delta will entertain at a dinner dance at the Country club Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Cannon and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cox will be the chaperons. [Ad] PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Mary. V. Burns Manuscripts copied Suits 8, Paul-Helen Bldg. [Ad] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text Books and Supplies WATERMAN, CONKLIN AND SCHAEFFER FOUNTAIN PENS UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE Subscribers and solicitors of the largest numbers of Victory bonds at the University of Illinois were given airplane rides in return for their services. C.L. McDowell, sophomore, visited at his home in Davenport Sunday. Kathryn Turney of Fairfield returned home yesterday after spending the week end at the Delta Gamma house. Miss Annie Pierce, teacher in University high school, is in Mount Vernon on business.
PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, May 27, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST—Phi Delta Kappa pin. Finder phone 1498. reward. WILL party who took the tennis racket from the Y.W.C.A. room please return same immediately 104 FOR SALE—Cheap; Golf sticks tennis racket, bicycle lantern. Phone 216. 109 WANTED—Position as bookkeeper and stenographer. Address KS care Daily Iowan. 120 WILL PAY 5c each for several numbers of May 15 and May 17. Bring them to Iowan office under University Book Store. FOR SALE—Orchestra bells (full three octave) Price $12.50. Phone 622. 108 GRINNELL GRABS PREMIER HONORS (Continued from page one) finish in this cutting down the Cyclone runners' lead and catching his man at the tape. Summary as follows: 120-yard hurdles—Hendrickson (Simpson) first, Burnell (Drake) second, Stock (Grinnell) third, Spiker (Ames) fourth. Time, :16 flat. Mile run—Browning (Cornell) first, Stone (Ames) second, Gunderson (Simpson) third, Hanson (Ames) fourth. Time, 4:30 3-5 (new record). 100-yard dash—Hass (Grinnell) first, Cowden (Grinnell) second, Colby (Iowa) third, Justin (Iowa) fourth. Time, :10 flat. 440-yard dash—Frentress (Coe) first, Crane (Grinnell) second, Minty (Grinnell) third, Greenwood (Iowa) fourth. Time :50 2-5. 220-yard hurdles—Evans (Grinnell) first, Burnell (Drake) second, Van Cleve (Coe) third. Lawrence (Cornell) fourth. Time, :26 1-5. Half-mile run—Johnston (Des Moines, first, Marriam (Ames) second, Gunderson (Simpson) third, Richards (Grinnell) fourth. Time, 1:59 2-5. 220-yard dash—Hass (Grinnell) first, Colby (Iowa) second, Lodwick (Ames) third, Cowden (Grinnell) fourth. Time, :21 4-5. Mile relay—Grinnell (Crane, Winter, Hoyte and Minty) first, Iowa and Ames tied for second, Morningside, fourth. Time 3:26 1-5 (ties record). Two-mile run—Torrance (Cornell) first, Smith (Ames) second, Laube (Ames) third, Frevert (Ames) fourth. Time 10:09 2-5. Half-mile relay—Grinnell (Evans, Cowden, Minty and Hass) first, Iowa second, Drake third, Ames fourth. Time 1:30 3-5 (ties record). Pole valut—Hendrickson (Simpson) first, Boehmler (Grinnell) second, Jones (Morningside) third, Sheedy and Bailey (Iowa) tied for fourth. Heighth, 11 feet 1 3-4 inches. Discus throw—Slater (Iowa) first, Greenwood (Iowa) second, Flinspach (Parsons) third, Hearriott (Grinnell) fourth. Distance 120 feet, 8 inches. Shotput—Wagner (Ames) first, Mockmore (Iowa) second, Slater (Iowa) third, Wallen (Iowa) fourth. Distance, 39 feet 8 inches. High jump—Brigham (Iowa) first Stock (Grinnell), Fouke (Morningside) and Paige (Ames) tied for second. Height, 5 feet 9 1-4 inches. Broad jump—Paige (Ames) first, Vinsee (Grinnell) second, Crane (Grinnell) third, Dimick (Ames) and Hendrickson (Simpson) tied for fourth. Distance, 21 feet 11 1-2 inches. [Ad] Just Received A new shipment of Blouses We can now show you some of the very newest styles and materials [Image: Seal for Round Ticket Stocking 4 thread heels & toes Gordon Reg.U.S.Pat.Off. Hard to wear out] We have also added to our exclusive lines Kayser and Gordon Hosiery and a new line of Kayser Silk Gloves [Image: Gordon Hosiery logo] COME IN AND SEE THEM Harvat & Stach Out New Location 10 S. Dubuque Street MIS ANDERSON IS VISITING UNIVERSITY (Continued from page 1) hut and rented by the hour to the girls. After the unit left Angers, Miss Andersen went to Paris and established a tea room for nurses in the Red Cross equipment bureau. She remained here until April 25, when she went to England to return home. Miss Andersen will go to her home at Hudson, Wis., Wednesday evening. HESPERIA ELECTION Regular business meeting at 7:15 in room 116 L.A. tonight. Election of officers. Everybody come and be on time. Bring money and tickets for the play. CABINET TO HEAR KOLB The Y.M.C.A. cabinet meeting Wednesday will be held at 7:30 o'clock because of the ball game in the afternoon. Mr. Kolb of Chicago will meet with the cabinet. Alpha Chi Omega entertained fifteen out of town guests this week end. The guests were entertained at a May breakfast, a luncheon, and a dinner dance at the Burkley. The chaperons at the dance were Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Aurner, Dr. and Mrs. D.M. Brunfiel, Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Kutz, and Mrs. Woodard. DR. FUNSTON AT HOSPITAL Dr. R.E. Funston, who recently received his discharge from the medical corps of the army, is now at the children's hospital working on Dr. Arthur Steindler's staff. Dr. Funston received his degree from an eastern medical college and then went to serve the army in France. Mrs. Dixon of Burlington returned home yesterday after spending the week end at the Delta Gamma house with her daughter, Mrs. Frederick Leopold. "Rip Van Winkle" and "The Sleeping Beauty" will be presented by the pupils of the seventh and eighth grades in St. Mary's high school auditorium this afternoon at 2:30, under the direction of Mildred McGhee. Delta Tau Delta will entertain at a dinner dance at the Country club Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Cannon and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cox will be the chaperons. [Ad] PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Mary. V. Burns Manuscripts copied Suits 8, Paul-Helen Bldg. [Ad] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text Books and Supplies WATERMAN, CONKLIN AND SCHAEFFER FOUNTAIN PENS UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE Subscribers and solicitors of the largest numbers of Victory bonds at the University of Illinois were given airplane rides in return for their services. C.L. McDowell, sophomore, visited at his home in Davenport Sunday. Kathryn Turney of Fairfield returned home yesterday after spending the week end at the Delta Gamma house. Miss Annie Pierce, teacher in University high school, is in Mount Vernon on business.
Daily Iowan Newspapers