Daily Iowan, May 29, 1919
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The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper at the State University of Iowa VOL. XVIII--NEW SERIES VOL. III IOWA CITY, IOWA, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1919 PROFESSOR DILL TO CAPTAIN EXPEDITION TO PACIFIC ISLANDS ---------------------- University Taxidermist Will Leave This Week for Islands off Puget Sound ------------- MANVILLE ONE OF PARTY ------------- Seals, Sea Lions, and Rare Birds To Be Procured--Must Have Permits to Enter -------------- And Expedition headed by Prof. Homer R. Dill, will leave the University Saturday night for the Quillayute Needle bird reservation located on some small islands off Puget Sound. Mr. B. E. Manville of Iowa City wlil accompany Professor Dill, and they will be met at Seattle by Clarence Albrecht, a former student at the University. This important expedition, which [] the ninety-second sent out from the University since the establishment of its museum, will be conducted during the month of June. Expenses are being met largely by friends of the University. Grad Assists Expedition Through the efforts of Clarence Albrecht, who was formerly a student of museum methods here, Professor Dill was able to secure the necessary permits to visit the islands and collect specimens. Persons without permits are not allowed either on the Indian or the bird reservations. Mr. Albrecht is now director of exhibits of the University of Washington. Headquarters for the party will be at La Push, an Indian settlement on the coast. Here Professor Dill will secure Indian guides and assistants. Trips to the islands will be made in a small power boat. Sea lions, fur seals, and sea birds will constitute the main body of the specimens with which Professor Dill hopes to return. Many of these types of wild life, he declares, are becoming exceedingly rare, and the university taxidermist is anxious to secure specimens for preservation. Fifteen or twenty species of rare birds dwell on these islands, such as the duck-hawk, fan-tailed pigeon, and harlaquin duck. Miss Bell is Artist Miss Edith Bell of the art department will not accompany the party on the expedition, but from the photographs and material which Professor Dill will bring back with him, she will paint the background for the museum group in which the specimens will be placed. Among the more important expeditions undertaken for the museum in recent years are the famous Layon island trip the expedition to Louisana and the Mississippi delta last year, and the Wyoming expedition for elk several years ago. The University is conceded to have the best museum connected with any university in the country. ----------------- SWISHER TO CEDAR RAPIDS Miss Esther MacDowell Swisher of the school of music will go to Cedar Rapids this week to attend the annual meeting of the Society of Music Teachers of Iowa. While there, she will conduct examinations for pupils studying music for a part of their high school credit. ----------------- Herman P White was initiated into Sigma Delta Chi, professional journalistic fraternity last evening. ----------------- IOWA GRAD TO COACH GIRLS IN DRAMATICS An Iowa graduate in 1911, Pearl Bennett of Des Moines, is donating her services to the government by giving free lessons in dramatic art to the girls of the Community Service league in Des Moines. One hundred girls have signified their intention of studying dramatic art during the summer months. Miss Bennett has instructed in dramatic art in both East and West High and has taught public speaking in several high schools for the state. After her graduation from the University, she took work at Commnock. --------------------- PHI BETA KAPPA INITIATES SEVENTEEN --------------- Dr. John D. Stoops Gives Address Prof. F. C. Ensign in Charge of Ceremonies -------------- Initiation of the seventeen Phi Beta Kappa candidates was held last night in room 104 liberal arts building. Professor Forest C. Ensign, president of the local chapter presided. The exercises consisted of the "Presentation of Candidates" by Mrs. Grace Partridge Smith; History of Phi Beta Kappa", by Prof. Jacob Van der Zee; and "Explanation of the Signs and Symbols," by Miss Jane Roberts. At the banquet following the initiation Prof. Ensign acted as toast-master. Prof. G. W. Patrick extended a welcome to the initiates to which Albert Wilcox responded. The address of the evening was given by Dr. John Stoops of Grinnell. Following are the names of the initiates: Elizabeth Beatrice Beam Violet Blakely Ethel Katherine Boyce Mrs. Grace Earhart Chaffee William Garrett Crane C. Hermina Dorweiler S. Louise Dorweiler Elsie Hayek Louise Ruth Jones Nellie Agnes Ogle Lilian Prentiss Mame Rose Prosser Edith Pauline Smith Louis D. Wichman Albert Craig Wilcox Geneva Olivia Wiles Mrs. Edith Gayton Germaine -------------- DANCING CLASSES GIVE EXHIBITION NEXT WEEK "Little Man in a Fix," and "Pop Goes the Weasel" by the class in folk dancing, and "Butterflies" by the aesthetic dancing class will feature the exhibition to be held by the department of physical education for women, Tuesday evening at 8:30 o'clock in the women's gymnasium. Practises and arrangements for costumes are in the hands of Anna M. Wolfe, dancing instructor. "Dutch Twins," "Reaping the Flax," "Daisies," "Rheinlander," "Gavotte',' "Csardes," "Irish Jig," and "Elfin Queen," are the names of solo numers. "Ostendais," "Crestod Hen,' 'and the Ox Dance" will be shown by members of the folk dancing class. Probably one of the prettiest dances of the evening will be "Flower Waltz" by the aesthetic dancing class, which will also give an exhibition of technique. No admission will be charged. SELLARS TO PLAY OWN COMPOSITIONS AT CONCERT TONIGHT -------------------- Organist Returns From South America After Concert Tour for Red Cross ---------------- PLAYED AT QUEENS'S HALL ----------------- Unites Marvelous Technique With Imagination in Interpreting Compositions ------------- When Mr. Sellars appeared at the Queens Hall London, he was recalled fourtimes, and praise of his work was manifold. He is said to display "magnificent digital dexterity and knowledge of unusual tonal effects." "Only two others can be classified with Sellars in the marvelous union of technique of a virtuoso, the imagination of a poet and dramatist and such tremendous magnetism," is the criticism given him in the "Times" in Erie, Pa. Raised Funds For English Mr. Sellars has just returned from South America, where he has been giving recitals in the principal cities for a six months period, under the direction of the British Patriotic Society for the Red Cross funds. Several of his own compositions will be included in the organ recital given by Gatty Sellars, English organist-composer, who will play at the First Methodist church this evening at 8 o'clock. This concert has been provided by the music council of the University. Music Has Much Imagery "Overture Fantasque" is one of Mr. Sellars' compositions, which opens with a spirited section of Tschaikovskian flavor. While he was traveling on the Pacific ocean near the coast of South America, Mr. Sellars wrote a number, "In Arcadia", suggestive of summer skies and the small Spanish orchestras to be heard there. Mr. Sellers will also play "In Venice", which typifies the sights and sounds of the Venetian waters at moonlight. Mr. Sellars has arranged a military fantasia, "Victory", which introduces the March of Nations, based on "Keep the Home Fires Burning" first heardin the distance. As the triumphal march of the troops approach, the national anthem of the allies are heard with military effects concluding with "The Star Spangled Banner." Saint-Saens' "Marche Heroique", the closing number of the program, is a bold and vigorous march, dedicated to the memory of Henri Regnault, the French painter, and presents an excellent example of the later French school. --------------------- Dr. Norris A. Brisco, head of the school of commerce, will give the Memorial address at West Liberty tomorrow. ------------- NO IOWAN SATURDAY The Daily Iowan will have no issue Saturday morning, May 31. The printers wish a holiday on Decoration day and since the publishing of The Iowan would necessitate the opening of the printing office in the afternoon and evening, it has been decided to omit Saturday morning's issue. The next Iowan will be published on Sunday morning. ------------ DR COLMES CONCLUDES SERIES OF LECTURES Dr. Abley Holmes, who is giving a series of informational talkes on "Social Education" to the freshman women, will give her last lecture this afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Natural Sciences auditorium. Her subject is "The Emotional Life of Women." Because of its interest the meeting will be open to all women of the University. Dr. Holmes has arranged to hold a conference today with all woman who care to see her, from 9 to 12, in the Ranney library and from 1 to 4 in the office of the dean of women. --------------- TRACK MEN TRAIN FOR CHICAGO MEET --------------- Track Squad Has Been Reduced That Watson May Devote Time to Iowa Stars --------------- Track season is drawing to a close. The state meet at Des Moines last Saturday, in which Iowa placed third, a half point behind the old rival at Ames, officially ended the competition in the state. The climax to the long period of training will come for the Hawkeyes at Chicago, June 7, when athletes from all over the middle west will compete in the nineteenth annual Western Intercollegiate Athletic association field and track games on Stagg field. Although the pick of the middle west will be in attendance at the big classic, fans are predicting that several of the Old Gold stars will be able to place in their respective events. Trainer Jack Watson has reduced his squad considerably since the state meet, and will devote all of his time to the few men who will make the trip to the Windy City. Justin and Colby will likely compete in the dashes for Iowa. The latter sprinter has lowered his time in the century considerable since the opening of the season and has a show to rank among the fast runners of the Big Ten. Sheedy and Dyke in the javelin throw, and Greenwood and Slater in the discus, have performed well this spring and their records warrant an opportunity to contend with the best men of the country in their respective events. Brigham will be the only jumper to compete for the Hawkeyes. He has jumped near the six foot mark consistently and has not suffered a defeat this year in out door competition. Watson is confident that he will place high at the big carnival. ------------ LAW FRAT AT LUNCHEON Several local lawyers and Judge Popham of Marengo, who is holding district court in Iowa City, were present at the monthly luncheon of Phi Delta Phi, law fraternity, yesterday noon at the Hotel Jefferson. In addition to Judge Popham, Mayor Swisher, attorneys Dutcher and Walker, Dean McGovney and Prof. Horack of the law college, all members of the Phi Delta Phi, were entertained by the student members of the fraternity, and responded to toasts. ----------- All picnic lovers are asked to meet at the Presbyterian church Saturday at 5:45 and attend the picnic of the Christian Endeavor society at the City Park. This is the last chance to relax before exams, the committee announces. ----------- IOWA WINS RETURN GAME WITH AMES ON IOWA FIELD 10 T0 8 --------- Score Indicates Weird Game But Total of 10 Errors and 24 Hits Holds Interest ---------------- NINTH INNING WAS PRIZE ---------------- Crawford Makes First Appearance at First and Gets Four Hits Out of Five Times Up -------------- Old Iowa sure needed ten runs in that Aggie baseball game yesterday afternoon and it was not without relief that nine innings came to an end and the Cyclones were two counts to the rear in the second game of the season between the two teams. A score of 10 to 8 means a weird game, and between good and bad luck, five errors for each team, and a total of twenty-four hits the show on Iowa field didn't lack for interest, though it could scarcely be exhibited as a model of the national game. Plagge for Ames got off to a bad start in the box and was yanked after the first stanza. Hits by Brown and Ehred, added to a sacrifice by Goodwin and Crawford's triple, made two runs and Crawford scored the third a moment later on Hamilton's infield out. Mayser was satisfied that Plagge wasn't right and had Greenlee in the box when the second inning opened, though it was said that Greenlee would have started the game had itnot been for an infected finger that gives him trouble. Both Score in Third In the third an error by Goodwin, who made a poor throw to first, paved the way for the first Aggie tally. Schneider went to second on the play, advanced to third on an infield out, and scored a moment later when Davidson singled to center. McIlree won the run back for Iowa in the last half of the inning when his blow to the left scored Crawford, the Iowa marker coming after two were out. When the Cyclones scored two more in the first half of the fifth the Hawkeyes came to life and counted ve themselves , apparently putting the game on ice. Betz struck out to start the innings for Ames, but Shellito put a fast one between third and short. When he stole second Olson's throw got past Goodwin and Hamilton's error in retrieving the ball enabled Shellito to make third. Davidson was an out, but Thayer got a base on balls and with Shellito on third stole second, Plagge's hit to right scoring both runners. Vanderloo hit safely but Levsen was out McIlree to Crawford. Playing Was Loose Iowa battled around in the last half of the fifth. Goodwin led off with a single and Crawford hit safely after Ehred flied to Davidson. Here Hamilton whaled a long high one between center and right; the hit going for home run and three scores. McIlree was out but Irish got a life on a pass. Errors by Thayer, Levsen, and Betz let two more runs over before Brown was out Levsen and Betz. Both teams scored again in the seventh, Ames putting over two and Iowa one. The Agge score came as a result of Levsen's long hit to center, Plagge scoring first on the blow. Levsen's bingle was good for three bases, but Hamilton booted the ball (Continued on page 6)
The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper at the State University of Iowa VOL. XVIII--NEW SERIES VOL. III IOWA CITY, IOWA, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1919 PROFESSOR DILL TO CAPTAIN EXPEDITION TO PACIFIC ISLANDS ---------------------- University Taxidermist Will Leave This Week for Islands off Puget Sound ------------- MANVILLE ONE OF PARTY ------------- Seals, Sea Lions, and Rare Birds To Be Procured--Must Have Permits to Enter -------------- And Expedition headed by Prof. Homer R. Dill, will leave the University Saturday night for the Quillayute Needle bird reservation located on some small islands off Puget Sound. Mr. B. E. Manville of Iowa City wlil accompany Professor Dill, and they will be met at Seattle by Clarence Albrecht, a former student at the University. This important expedition, which [] the ninety-second sent out from the University since the establishment of its museum, will be conducted during the month of June. Expenses are being met largely by friends of the University. Grad Assists Expedition Through the efforts of Clarence Albrecht, who was formerly a student of museum methods here, Professor Dill was able to secure the necessary permits to visit the islands and collect specimens. Persons without permits are not allowed either on the Indian or the bird reservations. Mr. Albrecht is now director of exhibits of the University of Washington. Headquarters for the party will be at La Push, an Indian settlement on the coast. Here Professor Dill will secure Indian guides and assistants. Trips to the islands will be made in a small power boat. Sea lions, fur seals, and sea birds will constitute the main body of the specimens with which Professor Dill hopes to return. Many of these types of wild life, he declares, are becoming exceedingly rare, and the university taxidermist is anxious to secure specimens for preservation. Fifteen or twenty species of rare birds dwell on these islands, such as the duck-hawk, fan-tailed pigeon, and harlaquin duck. Miss Bell is Artist Miss Edith Bell of the art department will not accompany the party on the expedition, but from the photographs and material which Professor Dill will bring back with him, she will paint the background for the museum group in which the specimens will be placed. Among the more important expeditions undertaken for the museum in recent years are the famous Layon island trip the expedition to Louisana and the Mississippi delta last year, and the Wyoming expedition for elk several years ago. The University is conceded to have the best museum connected with any university in the country. ----------------- SWISHER TO CEDAR RAPIDS Miss Esther MacDowell Swisher of the school of music will go to Cedar Rapids this week to attend the annual meeting of the Society of Music Teachers of Iowa. While there, she will conduct examinations for pupils studying music for a part of their high school credit. ----------------- Herman P White was initiated into Sigma Delta Chi, professional journalistic fraternity last evening. ----------------- IOWA GRAD TO COACH GIRLS IN DRAMATICS An Iowa graduate in 1911, Pearl Bennett of Des Moines, is donating her services to the government by giving free lessons in dramatic art to the girls of the Community Service league in Des Moines. One hundred girls have signified their intention of studying dramatic art during the summer months. Miss Bennett has instructed in dramatic art in both East and West High and has taught public speaking in several high schools for the state. After her graduation from the University, she took work at Commnock. --------------------- PHI BETA KAPPA INITIATES SEVENTEEN --------------- Dr. John D. Stoops Gives Address Prof. F. C. Ensign in Charge of Ceremonies -------------- Initiation of the seventeen Phi Beta Kappa candidates was held last night in room 104 liberal arts building. Professor Forest C. Ensign, president of the local chapter presided. The exercises consisted of the "Presentation of Candidates" by Mrs. Grace Partridge Smith; History of Phi Beta Kappa", by Prof. Jacob Van der Zee; and "Explanation of the Signs and Symbols," by Miss Jane Roberts. At the banquet following the initiation Prof. Ensign acted as toast-master. Prof. G. W. Patrick extended a welcome to the initiates to which Albert Wilcox responded. The address of the evening was given by Dr. John Stoops of Grinnell. Following are the names of the initiates: Elizabeth Beatrice Beam Violet Blakely Ethel Katherine Boyce Mrs. Grace Earhart Chaffee William Garrett Crane C. Hermina Dorweiler S. Louise Dorweiler Elsie Hayek Louise Ruth Jones Nellie Agnes Ogle Lilian Prentiss Mame Rose Prosser Edith Pauline Smith Louis D. Wichman Albert Craig Wilcox Geneva Olivia Wiles Mrs. Edith Gayton Germaine -------------- DANCING CLASSES GIVE EXHIBITION NEXT WEEK "Little Man in a Fix," and "Pop Goes the Weasel" by the class in folk dancing, and "Butterflies" by the aesthetic dancing class will feature the exhibition to be held by the department of physical education for women, Tuesday evening at 8:30 o'clock in the women's gymnasium. Practises and arrangements for costumes are in the hands of Anna M. Wolfe, dancing instructor. "Dutch Twins," "Reaping the Flax," "Daisies," "Rheinlander," "Gavotte',' "Csardes," "Irish Jig," and "Elfin Queen," are the names of solo numers. "Ostendais," "Crestod Hen,' 'and the Ox Dance" will be shown by members of the folk dancing class. Probably one of the prettiest dances of the evening will be "Flower Waltz" by the aesthetic dancing class, which will also give an exhibition of technique. No admission will be charged. SELLARS TO PLAY OWN COMPOSITIONS AT CONCERT TONIGHT -------------------- Organist Returns From South America After Concert Tour for Red Cross ---------------- PLAYED AT QUEENS'S HALL ----------------- Unites Marvelous Technique With Imagination in Interpreting Compositions ------------- When Mr. Sellars appeared at the Queens Hall London, he was recalled fourtimes, and praise of his work was manifold. He is said to display "magnificent digital dexterity and knowledge of unusual tonal effects." "Only two others can be classified with Sellars in the marvelous union of technique of a virtuoso, the imagination of a poet and dramatist and such tremendous magnetism," is the criticism given him in the "Times" in Erie, Pa. Raised Funds For English Mr. Sellars has just returned from South America, where he has been giving recitals in the principal cities for a six months period, under the direction of the British Patriotic Society for the Red Cross funds. Several of his own compositions will be included in the organ recital given by Gatty Sellars, English organist-composer, who will play at the First Methodist church this evening at 8 o'clock. This concert has been provided by the music council of the University. Music Has Much Imagery "Overture Fantasque" is one of Mr. Sellars' compositions, which opens with a spirited section of Tschaikovskian flavor. While he was traveling on the Pacific ocean near the coast of South America, Mr. Sellars wrote a number, "In Arcadia", suggestive of summer skies and the small Spanish orchestras to be heard there. Mr. Sellers will also play "In Venice", which typifies the sights and sounds of the Venetian waters at moonlight. Mr. Sellars has arranged a military fantasia, "Victory", which introduces the March of Nations, based on "Keep the Home Fires Burning" first heardin the distance. As the triumphal march of the troops approach, the national anthem of the allies are heard with military effects concluding with "The Star Spangled Banner." Saint-Saens' "Marche Heroique", the closing number of the program, is a bold and vigorous march, dedicated to the memory of Henri Regnault, the French painter, and presents an excellent example of the later French school. --------------------- Dr. Norris A. Brisco, head of the school of commerce, will give the Memorial address at West Liberty tomorrow. ------------- NO IOWAN SATURDAY The Daily Iowan will have no issue Saturday morning, May 31. The printers wish a holiday on Decoration day and since the publishing of The Iowan would necessitate the opening of the printing office in the afternoon and evening, it has been decided to omit Saturday morning's issue. The next Iowan will be published on Sunday morning. ------------ DR COLMES CONCLUDES SERIES OF LECTURES Dr. Abley Holmes, who is giving a series of informational talkes on "Social Education" to the freshman women, will give her last lecture this afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Natural Sciences auditorium. Her subject is "The Emotional Life of Women." Because of its interest the meeting will be open to all women of the University. Dr. Holmes has arranged to hold a conference today with all woman who care to see her, from 9 to 12, in the Ranney library and from 1 to 4 in the office of the dean of women. --------------- TRACK MEN TRAIN FOR CHICAGO MEET --------------- Track Squad Has Been Reduced That Watson May Devote Time to Iowa Stars --------------- Track season is drawing to a close. The state meet at Des Moines last Saturday, in which Iowa placed third, a half point behind the old rival at Ames, officially ended the competition in the state. The climax to the long period of training will come for the Hawkeyes at Chicago, June 7, when athletes from all over the middle west will compete in the nineteenth annual Western Intercollegiate Athletic association field and track games on Stagg field. Although the pick of the middle west will be in attendance at the big classic, fans are predicting that several of the Old Gold stars will be able to place in their respective events. Trainer Jack Watson has reduced his squad considerably since the state meet, and will devote all of his time to the few men who will make the trip to the Windy City. Justin and Colby will likely compete in the dashes for Iowa. The latter sprinter has lowered his time in the century considerable since the opening of the season and has a show to rank among the fast runners of the Big Ten. Sheedy and Dyke in the javelin throw, and Greenwood and Slater in the discus, have performed well this spring and their records warrant an opportunity to contend with the best men of the country in their respective events. Brigham will be the only jumper to compete for the Hawkeyes. He has jumped near the six foot mark consistently and has not suffered a defeat this year in out door competition. Watson is confident that he will place high at the big carnival. ------------ LAW FRAT AT LUNCHEON Several local lawyers and Judge Popham of Marengo, who is holding district court in Iowa City, were present at the monthly luncheon of Phi Delta Phi, law fraternity, yesterday noon at the Hotel Jefferson. In addition to Judge Popham, Mayor Swisher, attorneys Dutcher and Walker, Dean McGovney and Prof. Horack of the law college, all members of the Phi Delta Phi, were entertained by the student members of the fraternity, and responded to toasts. ----------- All picnic lovers are asked to meet at the Presbyterian church Saturday at 5:45 and attend the picnic of the Christian Endeavor society at the City Park. This is the last chance to relax before exams, the committee announces. ----------- IOWA WINS RETURN GAME WITH AMES ON IOWA FIELD 10 T0 8 --------- Score Indicates Weird Game But Total of 10 Errors and 24 Hits Holds Interest ---------------- NINTH INNING WAS PRIZE ---------------- Crawford Makes First Appearance at First and Gets Four Hits Out of Five Times Up -------------- Old Iowa sure needed ten runs in that Aggie baseball game yesterday afternoon and it was not without relief that nine innings came to an end and the Cyclones were two counts to the rear in the second game of the season between the two teams. A score of 10 to 8 means a weird game, and between good and bad luck, five errors for each team, and a total of twenty-four hits the show on Iowa field didn't lack for interest, though it could scarcely be exhibited as a model of the national game. Plagge for Ames got off to a bad start in the box and was yanked after the first stanza. Hits by Brown and Ehred, added to a sacrifice by Goodwin and Crawford's triple, made two runs and Crawford scored the third a moment later on Hamilton's infield out. Mayser was satisfied that Plagge wasn't right and had Greenlee in the box when the second inning opened, though it was said that Greenlee would have started the game had itnot been for an infected finger that gives him trouble. Both Score in Third In the third an error by Goodwin, who made a poor throw to first, paved the way for the first Aggie tally. Schneider went to second on the play, advanced to third on an infield out, and scored a moment later when Davidson singled to center. McIlree won the run back for Iowa in the last half of the inning when his blow to the left scored Crawford, the Iowa marker coming after two were out. When the Cyclones scored two more in the first half of the fifth the Hawkeyes came to life and counted ve themselves , apparently putting the game on ice. Betz struck out to start the innings for Ames, but Shellito put a fast one between third and short. When he stole second Olson's throw got past Goodwin and Hamilton's error in retrieving the ball enabled Shellito to make third. Davidson was an out, but Thayer got a base on balls and with Shellito on third stole second, Plagge's hit to right scoring both runners. Vanderloo hit safely but Levsen was out McIlree to Crawford. Playing Was Loose Iowa battled around in the last half of the fifth. Goodwin led off with a single and Crawford hit safely after Ehred flied to Davidson. Here Hamilton whaled a long high one between center and right; the hit going for home run and three scores. McIlree was out but Irish got a life on a pass. Errors by Thayer, Levsen, and Betz let two more runs over before Brown was out Levsen and Betz. Both teams scored again in the seventh, Ames putting over two and Iowa one. The Agge score came as a result of Levsen's long hit to center, Plagge scoring first on the blow. Levsen's bingle was good for three bases, but Hamilton booted the ball (Continued on page 6)
Daily Iowan Newspapers