Daily Iowan, May 29, 1919
Page 4
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, May 29, 1919 "HEROD" PRESENTED AT ENGLERT JUNE 4 Dramatic Class Will Give Last Play of Year with Elaborately Costumed Cast Placards and posters on the campus announces the coming of "Herod" the educational dramatics class's last play of the year to be given at the Englert theater Wednesday, June 4. Tickets are now on sale on the campus and at Whetstone's for fifty cents. According to Miss Emma Dumke of the public speaking department, "Herod" is the most pretentious production attempted by any dramatic group in the University this year. About thirty people will make up the cast. The elaborate costumes necessary to reproduce the splendid court of Herod, King of Judea, will be brought from Chicago. "Herod," written by Stephen Phillips the English poet-dramatist, was first produced at Her Majesty's theater, London, in 1900. Since its success there it has been the vehicle for many stars of the stage including William Faversham and Sir Beerbohm Tree. The difficult role of Herod, King of Judea, will be played by Charles V. Brown of the University Players. Opposite him Martha Darrah will take the part of Marianne the Queen. Eleanor Talley will appear as Salome, sister of Herod; Harriett Franker will play the part of Cypros. The entire cast will be announced at a later date. IOWA ART GUILD TO HOLD EXHIBITION SOON The Iowa Art Guild will hold it annual exhibition in the art department in the physics building. The pictures are now being arranged and the exhibit will be open from Monday, June 2, until after commencement week. The hours when the exhibit will be open to the public are from 4 to 6 p.m. daily and 2 to 6 Sunday. The pictures shown are all Iowa subjects composed by members of the guild. Practically all of them are oil paintings. These pictures will be shown for the first time in Iowa City. They were exhibited last fall in the library gallery in Des Moines. The painters will be represented as follows: Theo Aulmann, four landscapes; Edith Bell, three portraits and two landscapes; Linn Culbertson, two landscapes; Chas A. Cumming, three landscapes; Catherine McCartney, three landscapes and one portrait; Harriet Macy, three landscapes and two watercolors of the Panama Exposition; Alice McKee, one landscape; Edna Patzig, four landscapes; Edna Rounds, two landscapes. The guild has a special ambition to put Iowa on the art map. All of the members are planning to devote the summer to painting, getting ready for next year's exhibition. PROF. KELLER TALKS TO ENGINEERS TODAY Prof. G.J. Keller of the department of mechanical engineering will lecture on that subject in the lecture room of physics hall this morning at 10 o'clock. His discussion will be illustrated by slides. Next Thursday morning at the same time Prof. S.M. Woodward will give the next of this series of lectures on the subject, "A Great Engineering Project." BAND GIVES CONCERT The University band gave a concert on the campus in front of the liberal arts building last night. "The Fighting Allies" by Lake closed the program. It featured the national airs of the Allied forces in the order of their entrance into the war. WOMEN BEGIN TENNIS TOURNAMENT TODAY First matches in the women's tennis tournament will be played today. There are thirty-two entries for singles. Players wishing to enter the doubles must sign up at the women's gymnasium before six o'clock tonight, entering the names of partners in the same class. Players must get the first rounds off by tomorrow night. Names of contestants for succeeding sets will be put on the frame at the gymnasium. Freshmen entries predominate. Sophomores come next, then juniors, then seniors. One graduate student will play. Singles will be played by the following: Kane vs. Brierly, Starbuck vs. Burtis, Gibson vs. Esther Graves, Carrie McIntosh vs. Mary Stewart, Stotts vs. Giehm, Rummelhart vs. Timby, MacIntosh vs. Mulroney, Dawson vs. Listig, Alice Stewart vs Roe, Bickett vs. Long, Read vs, Barnes, Osgood vs. Evans, Matthewson vs. Dolliver, Prentiss vs. Watkins, Thielen vs. Dietz, and Klopping vs. Kimm. SILENT READING EMPHASISES THOUGHT Who would think that children in the first grade of the elementary school know all about the Hawkner trip across the ocean? They do though, and moreover all about the compensation he was to receive, provided he was successful, in his trans-Atlantic voyage. Miss Emma Watkins, teacher of this grade said that their silent reading was based on live topics such as the airplane hydroplanes, and modern inventions. They also learn little social customs, through this silent reading. The map of the Hawker voyage is drawn on the board and they are able to trace the journey as well as their parents and they display much interest in following the trip of NC-4 to Lisbon. Dr. Ernst Horn, director of the elementary school, says that the whole problem of the work in the first grade is to street the ability of the child to get the information quickly and accurately rather than to develop mere parrot pronunciation. They dwell continually on getting information correctly, and this developed will bring about speed reading. NOTICE—BASEBALL TODAY The Indiana-Iowa baseball game tomorrow is scheduled for 4 o'clock, but will not be played until after the University Memorial exercises should the program last later than that time. JUNIOR WOMEN WIN GAME Defeat Seniors By 16 to 14 Score in Indoor Baseball Good team work on the part of the junior women's indoor baseball nine coupled with the repeated fumbles of their opponents, caused the juniors to beat the seniors in the game played Tuesday evening at the women's gymnasium by a score of 16 to 14. Agnes Dawson, senior captain, allowed only one base on balls, while Anne Thomsen, junior captain, showed good reach in catching flys. At the end of the first inning, the score stood 3 to 2 for the seniors. By the close of the second, the count had mounted to 10 to 9 in favor of the juniors. With the score at 16 to 14 for the juniors in the last inning and the seniors up with two outs, Agnes Dawson, tipped the dish for her team by allowing the junior catcher, Esther Graves, to catch her with the ball while she was trying to slip home. Six last year's players were on the senior team, but four of them had failed to come out to practise. With two of their players, Adele Kimm and Esther Graves, unable to play because of a conflict with their classes in aesthetic dancing, the juniors put in substitutes and saved the day for their team. Esther Graves succeeded in getting down for one inning. Jeanne Lees, coach, umpired the game. MISS ANDERSON IS GUEST AT RECEPTION Miss Mary Andersen, former secretary of the University Y.W.C.A. and Miss Bernice Cole, the present secretary, were guests of honor at a reception in the liberal arts drawing room yesterday afternoon. Miss Andersen, who recently returned from France were she spent fourteen months in the service, is spending several days visiting here before going to her home at Hudson, Wisconsin. Miss Cole leaves either Saturday or Sunday for Rapids City, S. Dak., where she will be general secretary of a new Y.W.C.A. association. She has held her position here for the past year, and prior to that time was a student in the University. The regular meeting of the Y.W.C.A., was held in the liberal arts auditorium at 4:30 o'clock yesterday at which time Miss Anderson gave a talk. Evelyn Bown has accepted a position as teacher of English and domestic science at Lawler, Iowa. [Ad] Your Straw Hat Is Here! Our vast variety of new straws will make it easy for you to choose your hat quickly and satisfactorily here. Every new style idea and effect is represented as well as the conservative shapes which will always be popular. HERE's out business code: Give you more value, more styles, more clothes satisfaction. If we don't do it—give your money back. COASTS' The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes [Ad] Bevo THE BEVERAGE The all-year-'round soft drink For business men, professional men, men of sports -- golf, bowling, tennis, shooting, riding. For everybody, everywhere, the year 'round. Bevo is hale refreshment for wholesome thirst -- an invigorating soft drink. Ideal for the athlete or the man in physical or mental training -- good to train and gain on. Healthful and appetizing. Sold everywhere -- Families supplied by grocer, druggist and dealer. Visitors are cordially invited to inspect our plant. ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST. LOUIS [Ad] Delicate Garments Daintily Laundered Do you know that we use greater care in washing delicate shirt waists and lingerie than a washwoman? It's a fact! We wash each of these garments separately. Then they are carefully and expertly ironed by hand. If a garment is washable, no matted [sic] how sheer it may be, you can send it to us with perfect confidence. There is no need of mailing it home. New Process Laundry "The Pride of Iowa City" PHONE 294
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, May 29, 1919 "HEROD" PRESENTED AT ENGLERT JUNE 4 Dramatic Class Will Give Last Play of Year with Elaborately Costumed Cast Placards and posters on the campus announces the coming of "Herod" the educational dramatics class's last play of the year to be given at the Englert theater Wednesday, June 4. Tickets are now on sale on the campus and at Whetstone's for fifty cents. According to Miss Emma Dumke of the public speaking department, "Herod" is the most pretentious production attempted by any dramatic group in the University this year. About thirty people will make up the cast. The elaborate costumes necessary to reproduce the splendid court of Herod, King of Judea, will be brought from Chicago. "Herod," written by Stephen Phillips the English poet-dramatist, was first produced at Her Majesty's theater, London, in 1900. Since its success there it has been the vehicle for many stars of the stage including William Faversham and Sir Beerbohm Tree. The difficult role of Herod, King of Judea, will be played by Charles V. Brown of the University Players. Opposite him Martha Darrah will take the part of Marianne the Queen. Eleanor Talley will appear as Salome, sister of Herod; Harriett Franker will play the part of Cypros. The entire cast will be announced at a later date. IOWA ART GUILD TO HOLD EXHIBITION SOON The Iowa Art Guild will hold it annual exhibition in the art department in the physics building. The pictures are now being arranged and the exhibit will be open from Monday, June 2, until after commencement week. The hours when the exhibit will be open to the public are from 4 to 6 p.m. daily and 2 to 6 Sunday. The pictures shown are all Iowa subjects composed by members of the guild. Practically all of them are oil paintings. These pictures will be shown for the first time in Iowa City. They were exhibited last fall in the library gallery in Des Moines. The painters will be represented as follows: Theo Aulmann, four landscapes; Edith Bell, three portraits and two landscapes; Linn Culbertson, two landscapes; Chas A. Cumming, three landscapes; Catherine McCartney, three landscapes and one portrait; Harriet Macy, three landscapes and two watercolors of the Panama Exposition; Alice McKee, one landscape; Edna Patzig, four landscapes; Edna Rounds, two landscapes. The guild has a special ambition to put Iowa on the art map. All of the members are planning to devote the summer to painting, getting ready for next year's exhibition. PROF. KELLER TALKS TO ENGINEERS TODAY Prof. G.J. Keller of the department of mechanical engineering will lecture on that subject in the lecture room of physics hall this morning at 10 o'clock. His discussion will be illustrated by slides. Next Thursday morning at the same time Prof. S.M. Woodward will give the next of this series of lectures on the subject, "A Great Engineering Project." BAND GIVES CONCERT The University band gave a concert on the campus in front of the liberal arts building last night. "The Fighting Allies" by Lake closed the program. It featured the national airs of the Allied forces in the order of their entrance into the war. WOMEN BEGIN TENNIS TOURNAMENT TODAY First matches in the women's tennis tournament will be played today. There are thirty-two entries for singles. Players wishing to enter the doubles must sign up at the women's gymnasium before six o'clock tonight, entering the names of partners in the same class. Players must get the first rounds off by tomorrow night. Names of contestants for succeeding sets will be put on the frame at the gymnasium. Freshmen entries predominate. Sophomores come next, then juniors, then seniors. One graduate student will play. Singles will be played by the following: Kane vs. Brierly, Starbuck vs. Burtis, Gibson vs. Esther Graves, Carrie McIntosh vs. Mary Stewart, Stotts vs. Giehm, Rummelhart vs. Timby, MacIntosh vs. Mulroney, Dawson vs. Listig, Alice Stewart vs Roe, Bickett vs. Long, Read vs, Barnes, Osgood vs. Evans, Matthewson vs. Dolliver, Prentiss vs. Watkins, Thielen vs. Dietz, and Klopping vs. Kimm. SILENT READING EMPHASISES THOUGHT Who would think that children in the first grade of the elementary school know all about the Hawkner trip across the ocean? They do though, and moreover all about the compensation he was to receive, provided he was successful, in his trans-Atlantic voyage. Miss Emma Watkins, teacher of this grade said that their silent reading was based on live topics such as the airplane hydroplanes, and modern inventions. They also learn little social customs, through this silent reading. The map of the Hawker voyage is drawn on the board and they are able to trace the journey as well as their parents and they display much interest in following the trip of NC-4 to Lisbon. Dr. Ernst Horn, director of the elementary school, says that the whole problem of the work in the first grade is to street the ability of the child to get the information quickly and accurately rather than to develop mere parrot pronunciation. They dwell continually on getting information correctly, and this developed will bring about speed reading. NOTICE—BASEBALL TODAY The Indiana-Iowa baseball game tomorrow is scheduled for 4 o'clock, but will not be played until after the University Memorial exercises should the program last later than that time. JUNIOR WOMEN WIN GAME Defeat Seniors By 16 to 14 Score in Indoor Baseball Good team work on the part of the junior women's indoor baseball nine coupled with the repeated fumbles of their opponents, caused the juniors to beat the seniors in the game played Tuesday evening at the women's gymnasium by a score of 16 to 14. Agnes Dawson, senior captain, allowed only one base on balls, while Anne Thomsen, junior captain, showed good reach in catching flys. At the end of the first inning, the score stood 3 to 2 for the seniors. By the close of the second, the count had mounted to 10 to 9 in favor of the juniors. With the score at 16 to 14 for the juniors in the last inning and the seniors up with two outs, Agnes Dawson, tipped the dish for her team by allowing the junior catcher, Esther Graves, to catch her with the ball while she was trying to slip home. Six last year's players were on the senior team, but four of them had failed to come out to practise. With two of their players, Adele Kimm and Esther Graves, unable to play because of a conflict with their classes in aesthetic dancing, the juniors put in substitutes and saved the day for their team. Esther Graves succeeded in getting down for one inning. Jeanne Lees, coach, umpired the game. MISS ANDERSON IS GUEST AT RECEPTION Miss Mary Andersen, former secretary of the University Y.W.C.A. and Miss Bernice Cole, the present secretary, were guests of honor at a reception in the liberal arts drawing room yesterday afternoon. Miss Andersen, who recently returned from France were she spent fourteen months in the service, is spending several days visiting here before going to her home at Hudson, Wisconsin. Miss Cole leaves either Saturday or Sunday for Rapids City, S. Dak., where she will be general secretary of a new Y.W.C.A. association. She has held her position here for the past year, and prior to that time was a student in the University. The regular meeting of the Y.W.C.A., was held in the liberal arts auditorium at 4:30 o'clock yesterday at which time Miss Anderson gave a talk. Evelyn Bown has accepted a position as teacher of English and domestic science at Lawler, Iowa. [Ad] Your Straw Hat Is Here! Our vast variety of new straws will make it easy for you to choose your hat quickly and satisfactorily here. Every new style idea and effect is represented as well as the conservative shapes which will always be popular. HERE's out business code: Give you more value, more styles, more clothes satisfaction. If we don't do it—give your money back. COASTS' The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes [Ad] Bevo THE BEVERAGE The all-year-'round soft drink For business men, professional men, men of sports -- golf, bowling, tennis, shooting, riding. For everybody, everywhere, the year 'round. Bevo is hale refreshment for wholesome thirst -- an invigorating soft drink. Ideal for the athlete or the man in physical or mental training -- good to train and gain on. Healthful and appetizing. Sold everywhere -- Families supplied by grocer, druggist and dealer. Visitors are cordially invited to inspect our plant. ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST. LOUIS [Ad] Delicate Garments Daintily Laundered Do you know that we use greater care in washing delicate shirt waists and lingerie than a washwoman? It's a fact! We wash each of these garments separately. Then they are carefully and expertly ironed by hand. If a garment is washable, no matted [sic] how sheer it may be, you can send it to us with perfect confidence. There is no need of mailing it home. New Process Laundry "The Pride of Iowa City" PHONE 294
Daily Iowan Newspapers