Daily Iowan, June 1, 1919
Page 4
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, June 1, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST--Phi Delta Kappa pin, Finder phone 1498. reward. FOR SALE--Cheap: Golf sticks tennis racket, bicycle lantern. Phone 216. 109 WANTED--Position as bookkeeper and stenographer. Address KS care Daily Iowan. 120 LOST near Lover's Leap Thursday evening a black purse containing $4.50 and several keys. Return to Olive K. Martin, Room 2 L. A. Reward. LOST--A Beta pin jewelled around the edge. Return to Beta house. Reward $5. 111 FOR SALE--Beautiful old-fashioned walnut bedstead. Call evenings. 114 E. Harrison 111 FOUND--Fountain pen. Owner may have same upon identification and payment for this ad. Call at Iowan Office. FOR SALE--Strings for violins, violas, cellos, bass viols and harps. Violin bows. Clarinet and saxaphone reeds and pads. Accessories for bow and wind instruments. F. J. Benda, 12 1-2 S. Dubuque St. 111 LOST--Old fashioned gold bar pin--valuable to owner. Reward. Phone 1387. 111 LOST--Sash of heavy blue silk sweater. Finder return to Iowan office. Reward. 111 EXTENSION DIVISION TO WATCH CRIPPLES Lola Yerkes Will Follow Each Case and See that Proper Conditions Surround Every child who has ever received treatment under the Perkins law at the University hospital will be followed up by the University as a part of the new program of public health work which is soon to be inaugurated by the extension division. Miss Lola Yerkes who has had wide experience in the field of home economics, nursing, and social welfare, has just been elected to do this unique type of work. Miss Yerkes, who will arrive here August 1 to begin her duties, is a graduate from Ohio State University with a major in home economics. She is a graduate of the nurses training school at Bellevue hospital, New York City. She has been a resident at the Godman Guild settlement house in Columbus, Ohio. The University considers itself extremely fortunate in securing Miss Yerkes, declares Prof. O. E. Klingaman of the extension division. The work is entirely new with Iowa. The nurse, or whatever title she will bear, will find out just how each child is progressing and, if his condition admits of remedy, she will refer the case to the proper authorities to see that aid is administered. She will work, with the public health and social welfare agencies of the various towns of the state. Heretofore the state, after going to the expense of giving medical treatment, schooling, and various types of training at the University hospital to the little cripples, has DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. had no means of checking up the results of this treatment. Miss Yerkes will see to it that the proper living conditions surround the former patient and that he has opportunities of schooling. Y. W. SECRETARY LEAVES Bernice Cole, Y. W. C. A. secretary, left here yesterday for her home at Woodbine where she will remain for three days. Miss Cole leaves Woodbine Tuesday for Rapids City, South Dakota, to be general secretary of a new Y. W. C. A. association. Rapids City is to be the center of work for the district around the Black Hills, which has been recently organized. The work that Miss Cole will be in charge of is a large town association of the Y. W. C. A. and her work will be with the high school girls, business girls, and working girls. ORCHESTRA NOTICE Rehearsals of the University orchestra will be discontinued for the rest of the school year. PHI BETA KAPPA INITIATES Harold Rigler of Iowa City was initiated in Phi Beta Kappa, Wednesday evening. Owing to Mr. Rigler's being in service last fall, there was difficulty in adjusting his credits for graduation so that his name was omitted from the first list. As soon, however, as it was decided that he could graduate in June, he was elected to the honorary scholarship fraternity. Mary Ellen Crane of Dexter and Millicent Stern of Fairfield are guests at the Pi Beta Phi house. SUMMER-TIME APPAREL FOR YOUNG WOMEN There Are Dresses For Every Occasion Ideal Dresses of Organdie in plain colors and white, extra values from . . . $7.98 to $29.50 New figured Voile Dresses, very specially priced from . . .$4.98 to $18.50 New plaid Gingham Dresses . . . $4.98 to $18.50 Beautiful new middy blouses, splendid values from . . .. $1.95 to $5.98 [illustration: Miss Saratoga"] [illustration: Kate] Dainty new Georgette Dresses, moderately priced from . . . $20 to $35 Also Sport Sweaters in silk and wool, all colors. Bathing suits, bathing millinery, shoes, etc. Come here for your summertime apparel. Yetter's THE BIG STORE BANNER DAIRY LUNCH Offers you Wholesome Meals at Reasonable Prices 11 South Dubuque Street Princess Candy Kitchen Home-Made Candy Ice Cream Lunches "The Cleanest Kitchen in Iowa City" according to the Government Inspector last fall. UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text Books and Supplies WATERMAN, CONKLIN AND SCHAEFFER FOUNTAIN PENS UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE NORTHWESTERN TEACHERS' AGENCY FOR ENTIRE WEST AND ALASKA--THE LARGEST AND BEST AGENCY Write immediately for free circular BOISE IDAHO Racine's Cigar Stores BILLIARD PARLOR AND SODA FOUNTAIN A SERVICE MESSAGE EARN AS YOU LEARN Students who maintain growing accounts with this bank are getting more out of them than they put in. In learning to save they are learning to spend. The more they economize in order to increase their accounts, the more they profit in money and experience in handling money. The only way to learn the true value of a dollar is to save some of them. Open an account here and earn as you learn. FIRST NATIONAL BANK IOWA CITY, IOWA MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, June 1, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST--Phi Delta Kappa pin, Finder phone 1498. reward. FOR SALE--Cheap: Golf sticks tennis racket, bicycle lantern. Phone 216. 109 WANTED--Position as bookkeeper and stenographer. Address KS care Daily Iowan. 120 LOST near Lover's Leap Thursday evening a black purse containing $4.50 and several keys. Return to Olive K. Martin, Room 2 L. A. Reward. LOST--A Beta pin jewelled around the edge. Return to Beta house. Reward $5. 111 FOR SALE--Beautiful old-fashioned walnut bedstead. Call evenings. 114 E. Harrison 111 FOUND--Fountain pen. Owner may have same upon identification and payment for this ad. Call at Iowan Office. FOR SALE--Strings for violins, violas, cellos, bass viols and harps. Violin bows. Clarinet and saxaphone reeds and pads. Accessories for bow and wind instruments. F. J. Benda, 12 1-2 S. Dubuque St. 111 LOST--Old fashioned gold bar pin--valuable to owner. Reward. Phone 1387. 111 LOST--Sash of heavy blue silk sweater. Finder return to Iowan office. Reward. 111 EXTENSION DIVISION TO WATCH CRIPPLES Lola Yerkes Will Follow Each Case and See that Proper Conditions Surround Every child who has ever received treatment under the Perkins law at the University hospital will be followed up by the University as a part of the new program of public health work which is soon to be inaugurated by the extension division. Miss Lola Yerkes who has had wide experience in the field of home economics, nursing, and social welfare, has just been elected to do this unique type of work. Miss Yerkes, who will arrive here August 1 to begin her duties, is a graduate from Ohio State University with a major in home economics. She is a graduate of the nurses training school at Bellevue hospital, New York City. She has been a resident at the Godman Guild settlement house in Columbus, Ohio. The University considers itself extremely fortunate in securing Miss Yerkes, declares Prof. O. E. Klingaman of the extension division. The work is entirely new with Iowa. The nurse, or whatever title she will bear, will find out just how each child is progressing and, if his condition admits of remedy, she will refer the case to the proper authorities to see that aid is administered. She will work, with the public health and social welfare agencies of the various towns of the state. Heretofore the state, after going to the expense of giving medical treatment, schooling, and various types of training at the University hospital to the little cripples, has DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. had no means of checking up the results of this treatment. Miss Yerkes will see to it that the proper living conditions surround the former patient and that he has opportunities of schooling. Y. W. SECRETARY LEAVES Bernice Cole, Y. W. C. A. secretary, left here yesterday for her home at Woodbine where she will remain for three days. Miss Cole leaves Woodbine Tuesday for Rapids City, South Dakota, to be general secretary of a new Y. W. C. A. association. Rapids City is to be the center of work for the district around the Black Hills, which has been recently organized. The work that Miss Cole will be in charge of is a large town association of the Y. W. C. A. and her work will be with the high school girls, business girls, and working girls. ORCHESTRA NOTICE Rehearsals of the University orchestra will be discontinued for the rest of the school year. PHI BETA KAPPA INITIATES Harold Rigler of Iowa City was initiated in Phi Beta Kappa, Wednesday evening. Owing to Mr. Rigler's being in service last fall, there was difficulty in adjusting his credits for graduation so that his name was omitted from the first list. As soon, however, as it was decided that he could graduate in June, he was elected to the honorary scholarship fraternity. Mary Ellen Crane of Dexter and Millicent Stern of Fairfield are guests at the Pi Beta Phi house. SUMMER-TIME APPAREL FOR YOUNG WOMEN There Are Dresses For Every Occasion Ideal Dresses of Organdie in plain colors and white, extra values from . . . $7.98 to $29.50 New figured Voile Dresses, very specially priced from . . .$4.98 to $18.50 New plaid Gingham Dresses . . . $4.98 to $18.50 Beautiful new middy blouses, splendid values from . . .. $1.95 to $5.98 [illustration: Miss Saratoga"] [illustration: Kate] Dainty new Georgette Dresses, moderately priced from . . . $20 to $35 Also Sport Sweaters in silk and wool, all colors. Bathing suits, bathing millinery, shoes, etc. Come here for your summertime apparel. Yetter's THE BIG STORE BANNER DAIRY LUNCH Offers you Wholesome Meals at Reasonable Prices 11 South Dubuque Street Princess Candy Kitchen Home-Made Candy Ice Cream Lunches "The Cleanest Kitchen in Iowa City" according to the Government Inspector last fall. UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text Books and Supplies WATERMAN, CONKLIN AND SCHAEFFER FOUNTAIN PENS UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE NORTHWESTERN TEACHERS' AGENCY FOR ENTIRE WEST AND ALASKA--THE LARGEST AND BEST AGENCY Write immediately for free circular BOISE IDAHO Racine's Cigar Stores BILLIARD PARLOR AND SODA FOUNTAIN A SERVICE MESSAGE EARN AS YOU LEARN Students who maintain growing accounts with this bank are getting more out of them than they put in. In learning to save they are learning to spend. The more they economize in order to increase their accounts, the more they profit in money and experience in handling money. The only way to learn the true value of a dollar is to save some of them. Open an account here and earn as you learn. FIRST NATIONAL BANK IOWA CITY, IOWA MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
Daily Iowan Newspapers