Daily Iowan, June 3, 1919
Page 3
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Tuesday, June 3, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Page Three [advertisement] SENIOR HOP Formal Tickets on sale at Whetstone's and by members of the committee Friday June 13 Ticket sale limited No flowers Company A Armory Tickets $3.50 SEVEN TRACK MEN ARE PICKED TO GO TO CHICAGO MEET Western Intercollegiate Conference Athletic Association to Hold Meet Saturday JACK WATSON OPTIMISTIC Colby, Justen, Slater, Wallen, Sheedy, Dyke and Brigham Will Represent University Seven men will represented Iowa at the annual Western Intercollegiate Conference Athletic association field and track games to be held on Stagg field, Chicago, Saturday, June [7?]. Colby and Justen will compete in the sprints, Slater and Wallen in the [heights?], Sheedy and Dyke in the javelin throw and Brigham in the high jump. These men were picked from the larger track squad that competed in the state meet as the ones most likely to place in the Big Ten classic. Trainer Jack Watson has received no word from the meet authorities as to when the preliminaries for the carnival will be held, and as a result, the time of the Hawkeyes' departure is uncertain, but it will be either Thursday evening or early Friday morning. Jack Watson is optimistic over the chances of his seven proteges to [face?] in the Chicago games. Although stars of the first water from all over the middle west will be on hand to defend the laurels they have won in smaller meets, the Old Gold athletes performed in a class with the best during the past season, and are capable of bettering the marks they have already established. Colby and Justen have been burning up the track in their workouts during the last week of practice, and Saturday, Watson caught them both on the century at 10 seconds even. Slater and Wallen in the shot are heaving the spheroid around 40 feet, while Sheedy and Dyke can be counted on for 165 feet in the javelin. The high jump should be a battle for Brigham of Iowa, Johnson of Michigan, and Linn of Northwestern. All three men have cleared the bar around the six foot mark. Johnson seems to be a favorite as a result of his performance in the eastern meet Saturday when he leaped 6 feet 1 inch. MUSIC STUDENT WINS PRAISE Jennie Parr, student in the school of music, received much praise for her success in playing the English chimes which Gatty Sellars, organist-composer, used in connection with his interpretation of one of his compositions, "In Venice," at an organ recital in the Methodist church Thursday evening. NU SIGMA PHI ENTERTAINED Nu Sigma Phi, medical sorority, was entertained at the home of Mrs. C. Van Epps, Friday evening. Amy Littig was pledged and Mrs. W. F. Boiler and Katherine Mullen were initiated. The guests were: Bertha McMurray, Esther Mackintosh, Cornetta Grothaus, and Stella M. Dodd. Dorothy Cave, Alpha Delta Pi, visited at her home in Greene for a few days. Edyth Saylor, Delia Zeta, returned Monday morning after spending the week end at her home in Burlington. Esther Olson of Centerville visited Gladys Hayden over the week end and attended the Chi Omega party at Linder's cottage. Harold Plotts, senior dentist, has returned from his home in Des Moines, where he went to recover from a recent operation at the University hospital. Margaret Dondore, alumna, has returned to Iowa, from Blairstown where she has been teaching home economics in the high school. PROFESSORS SPEAK AT COMMENCEMENT Twenty-five members of the University faculty gave commencement addresses in various towns of Iowa during the past week. Their names and the respective towns are as follows: E. J. Ashbaugh….Grandview and Malcolm Prof. N. A. Brisco….Lowden Prof. Clarence M. Case....New Providence and Alden Prof. H. L. Dodge....Prescott and Kent Prof. Forest C. Ensign….Griswold Prof. Ellsworth Faris….Delmar Prof. Paul N. Ivey....Lohrville President Walter A. Jessup....Grundy Center Dean George F. Kay....Ossian, Radcliffe, and Dexter Prof. O. E. Klingaman….Pomeroy Prof. E. H. Lauer....Kent and Salem Prof. Glenn N. Merry....Goldfield and Villisca Prof. P. S. Peirce....Arthur Prof. H. G. Plum....Castalia Dean Robert Rienow….Elkader Prof. E. E. Lewis....Hopkinton Dean Wm. F. Russell....Lost Nation Prof. J. H. Scott....Nichols Prof. B. Shimek….Iowa Falls Prof. E. D. Starbuck....Osage, Colo, and Chelsea Prof. G. W. Stewart....Andrew and Correctionville Prof. A. O. Thomas....Albion Prof. Chas. E. Ward....LaPorte City Prof. C. W. Wassam….Agency, Zearing, and Rolfe Prof. Chas. E. Young….Wheatland Let The Iowan be your letter. [advertisement] PASTIME THEATRE Today & Tomorrow TOM MIX in his best picture "FIGHTING FOR GOLD" This is some picture "Nuf sed" See it. Admission 15c [advertisement] A SERVICE MESSAGE EARN AS YOU LEARN Students who maintain growing accounts with this bank are getting more out of them than they put in. In learning to save they are learning to spend. The more they economize in order to increase their accounts, the more they profit in money and experience in handling money. The only way to learn the true value of a dollar is to save some of them. Open an account here and earn as you learn. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Iowa City, Iowa Member Federal Reserve System [advertisement] SABINS' EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 A. M. M. DORNON, Manager The most widely patronized, because the most reliable Teachers Agency in the Middle West. Territory from Mississippi River to Pacific Coast. FLYNN BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA [advertisement] RACINE'S CIGAR STORES Billiard Parlor and Soda Fountain [advertisement] WRIGLEY'S [illustration of elf with Wrigley's gum] The longest---- lasting benefit the greatest satisfaction for your sweet tooth. WRIGLEY'S in the sealed packages. Air-tight and impurity-proof. Sealed Tight Kept Right Wrapped in United profit-sharing Coupons THE FLAVOR LASTS Wrigley's Spearmint The perfect gum Wrigley's Juicy Fruit chewing gum Wrigley's Doublemint chewing gum
Tuesday, June 3, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Page Three [advertisement] SENIOR HOP Formal Tickets on sale at Whetstone's and by members of the committee Friday June 13 Ticket sale limited No flowers Company A Armory Tickets $3.50 SEVEN TRACK MEN ARE PICKED TO GO TO CHICAGO MEET Western Intercollegiate Conference Athletic Association to Hold Meet Saturday JACK WATSON OPTIMISTIC Colby, Justen, Slater, Wallen, Sheedy, Dyke and Brigham Will Represent University Seven men will represented Iowa at the annual Western Intercollegiate Conference Athletic association field and track games to be held on Stagg field, Chicago, Saturday, June [7?]. Colby and Justen will compete in the sprints, Slater and Wallen in the [heights?], Sheedy and Dyke in the javelin throw and Brigham in the high jump. These men were picked from the larger track squad that competed in the state meet as the ones most likely to place in the Big Ten classic. Trainer Jack Watson has received no word from the meet authorities as to when the preliminaries for the carnival will be held, and as a result, the time of the Hawkeyes' departure is uncertain, but it will be either Thursday evening or early Friday morning. Jack Watson is optimistic over the chances of his seven proteges to [face?] in the Chicago games. Although stars of the first water from all over the middle west will be on hand to defend the laurels they have won in smaller meets, the Old Gold athletes performed in a class with the best during the past season, and are capable of bettering the marks they have already established. Colby and Justen have been burning up the track in their workouts during the last week of practice, and Saturday, Watson caught them both on the century at 10 seconds even. Slater and Wallen in the shot are heaving the spheroid around 40 feet, while Sheedy and Dyke can be counted on for 165 feet in the javelin. The high jump should be a battle for Brigham of Iowa, Johnson of Michigan, and Linn of Northwestern. All three men have cleared the bar around the six foot mark. Johnson seems to be a favorite as a result of his performance in the eastern meet Saturday when he leaped 6 feet 1 inch. MUSIC STUDENT WINS PRAISE Jennie Parr, student in the school of music, received much praise for her success in playing the English chimes which Gatty Sellars, organist-composer, used in connection with his interpretation of one of his compositions, "In Venice," at an organ recital in the Methodist church Thursday evening. NU SIGMA PHI ENTERTAINED Nu Sigma Phi, medical sorority, was entertained at the home of Mrs. C. Van Epps, Friday evening. Amy Littig was pledged and Mrs. W. F. Boiler and Katherine Mullen were initiated. The guests were: Bertha McMurray, Esther Mackintosh, Cornetta Grothaus, and Stella M. Dodd. Dorothy Cave, Alpha Delta Pi, visited at her home in Greene for a few days. Edyth Saylor, Delia Zeta, returned Monday morning after spending the week end at her home in Burlington. Esther Olson of Centerville visited Gladys Hayden over the week end and attended the Chi Omega party at Linder's cottage. Harold Plotts, senior dentist, has returned from his home in Des Moines, where he went to recover from a recent operation at the University hospital. Margaret Dondore, alumna, has returned to Iowa, from Blairstown where she has been teaching home economics in the high school. PROFESSORS SPEAK AT COMMENCEMENT Twenty-five members of the University faculty gave commencement addresses in various towns of Iowa during the past week. Their names and the respective towns are as follows: E. J. Ashbaugh….Grandview and Malcolm Prof. N. A. Brisco….Lowden Prof. Clarence M. Case....New Providence and Alden Prof. H. L. Dodge....Prescott and Kent Prof. Forest C. Ensign….Griswold Prof. Ellsworth Faris….Delmar Prof. Paul N. Ivey....Lohrville President Walter A. Jessup....Grundy Center Dean George F. Kay....Ossian, Radcliffe, and Dexter Prof. O. E. Klingaman….Pomeroy Prof. E. H. Lauer....Kent and Salem Prof. Glenn N. Merry....Goldfield and Villisca Prof. P. S. Peirce....Arthur Prof. H. G. Plum....Castalia Dean Robert Rienow….Elkader Prof. E. E. Lewis....Hopkinton Dean Wm. F. Russell....Lost Nation Prof. J. H. Scott....Nichols Prof. B. Shimek….Iowa Falls Prof. E. D. Starbuck....Osage, Colo, and Chelsea Prof. G. W. Stewart....Andrew and Correctionville Prof. A. O. Thomas....Albion Prof. Chas. E. Ward....LaPorte City Prof. C. W. Wassam….Agency, Zearing, and Rolfe Prof. Chas. E. Young….Wheatland Let The Iowan be your letter. [advertisement] PASTIME THEATRE Today & Tomorrow TOM MIX in his best picture "FIGHTING FOR GOLD" This is some picture "Nuf sed" See it. Admission 15c [advertisement] A SERVICE MESSAGE EARN AS YOU LEARN Students who maintain growing accounts with this bank are getting more out of them than they put in. In learning to save they are learning to spend. The more they economize in order to increase their accounts, the more they profit in money and experience in handling money. The only way to learn the true value of a dollar is to save some of them. Open an account here and earn as you learn. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Iowa City, Iowa Member Federal Reserve System [advertisement] SABINS' EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 A. M. M. DORNON, Manager The most widely patronized, because the most reliable Teachers Agency in the Middle West. Territory from Mississippi River to Pacific Coast. FLYNN BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA [advertisement] RACINE'S CIGAR STORES Billiard Parlor and Soda Fountain [advertisement] WRIGLEY'S [illustration of elf with Wrigley's gum] The longest---- lasting benefit the greatest satisfaction for your sweet tooth. WRIGLEY'S in the sealed packages. Air-tight and impurity-proof. Sealed Tight Kept Right Wrapped in United profit-sharing Coupons THE FLAVOR LASTS Wrigley's Spearmint The perfect gum Wrigley's Juicy Fruit chewing gum Wrigley's Doublemint chewing gum
Daily Iowan Newspapers