Daily Iowan, June 3, 1919
Page 4
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Page Four The Daily Iowan, State University of Iowa Tuesday, June 3, 1919 WANT ADS Rate 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST---Phi Delta Kappa pin. Finder phone 1498. reward. WANTED---Position as bookkeeper and stenographer. Address KS care Daily Iowan. LOST near Lover's Leap Thursday evening a black purse containing $4.50 and several keys. Return to Olive K. Martin, Room 2 L. A. Reward. LOST----A Beta pin jeweled around the edge. Return to Beta house. Reward $5. FOR SALE----Beautiful old-fashioned walnut bedstead. Call evenings. 114 E. Harrison FOUND---Fountain pen. Owner may have same upon identification and payment for this ad. Call at Iowan Office. FOR SALE---Strings for violins, violas, cellos, bass viols and harps. Violin bows. Clarinet and saxophone reeds and pads. Accessories for bow and wind instruments. F. J. Benda, 12 1/2 S. Dubuque St. LOST---Old fashioned gold bar pin---valuable to owner. Reward. Phone 1387. LOST---Sash of heavy blue silk sweater. Finder return to Iowan office. Reward. FOR SALE---Cheap: Golf sticks, tennis racket, bicycle lantern. Phone 216. LOST---Medium sized black leather notebook left in room 203. Keep the book but return notes please. Return to Iowan Office. SECOND PLACE MAY COME TO HAWKEYES (Continued from page 1) Coach Jones, he has played an excellent game. Jake got a poor start on his batting average but in the last scraps was making one and two hits in each game. Belding, in the double role of fielder and pitcher, is also retiring after a final season of good work. A bad knee hindered his performance in several games, especially as it served to keep him out of the pitching box, but his playing in the field was always sure and certain. Cockshoot played first base in six of the games and has a standing of fifth in the batting list. Cockshoot was supplanted at the keystone sack in the later games of the season but came into his own in the Indiana game when his batting prowess was called on and he knocked out a hit for two bases that scored two runs. PITCHERS WILL BE BACK Both Hamilton and McIlree, the two leading pitchers on the squad this year, will return to school next season and be eligible for the team again. Their return is one of the brightest spots on next year's prospects. The present infield, except for Irish and Parrott, will be gone as will the outfield except for Crawford. Ehred, Goodwin, and Brown, three of the four leading batters, have finished. With recruits from this year's freshman team, however, there seems little doubt that Iowa will play next year's schedule with a strong lineup. McIlree will be available for an infield position as well as for pitching duties and Hamilton will play outfield when not in the box. BATTING AVERAGES Batting averages for the season were as follows: Ehred ss 58 At bat 19 hits .328 average; Crawford cf-1b 57 At bat 16 hits .280 average; Goodwin 2b 39 At bat 10 hits .256 average; Brown lf 65 At bat 15 hits .230 average; Cockshoot 1b 35 At bat 8 hits .228 average; McIlree p-3b-1b 63 At bat 12 hits .190 average; Hamilton cf-rf 63 At bat 12 hits .190 average; Olson 1b-c 56 At bat 8 hits .146 average; Belding rf-cf-p 25 At bat 3 hits .120 average. THE SEASON'S RECORD Scores of the season's games were: Iowa 5 Coe 2; Iowa 6 Chicago 5; Iowa 4 Coe 2; Iowa 5 Cornell 4; Iowa 7 Purdue 6; Iowa 4 Illinois 3; Iowa 2 Illinois 4; Iowa 9 Cornell 0; Iowa 3 Notre Dame 4; Iowa 1 Michigan 8; Iowa 0 Notre Dame 8; Iowa 1 Michigan 11; Iowa 1 Ames 4; Iowa 10 Ames 8; Iowa 7 Indiana 3; Iowa 5 Indiana 3. DANCING EXHIBITION OPEN TO THE PUBLIC (Continued from page 1) Little Man in a Fix....Folk Dance Crested Hen....Folk Dance Folk Dancing Class 6. Csardas….Folk Dance Vera Goodburn 7. Dancing Technique....Aesthetic Dancing Class. 8. Laudnum Bunches Moris Dance Jessie Culver, Vera Goodburn, Frances Cochrane, Lenore Osgood, Mildred Weller, Esther Myers 9. Dutch Twins Character Dance Adele Kimm, Thelma Graves 10. Reaping the Flax….Folk Dance Folk Dancing Class 11. Daisies....Aesthetic Dance Claribel Wright, Esther Graves 12. Pop Goes the Weasel American Country Dance Folk Dancing Class 13. Gavotte....Elizabeth Dorcas 14. Rheinlander....Folk Dances Mildred Weller, Eloise Junk, Jessie Culver, Vera Goodburn, Lenore Osgood, Ruth Wilson. 15. Butterflies Aesthetic Dancing Class TROWBRIDGE AT SAN ANTONIO Prof. A. C. Trowbridge, who was given a leave of absence from the University two years ago to assist in Y.M.C.A. work, has recently accepted a position at San Antonio, Texas, as a geological survey director. Professor Trowbridge will return to the University in September to resume his work in the geology department. I. W. A. A. BANQUETS The women's athletic association will have a banquet Wednesday night at the women's gymnasium. Awarding of "I's" and installation of officers will take place. An expression of the opinion of the body about compulsory physical training will also be secured at this meeting. SUMMONS TO SENIORS All seniors of liberal arts, both men and women, are asked to meet Wednesday at 4:30 in liberal arts assembly. This is an important meeting. The matter of caps and gowns will be one of the subjects to be presented. WOMEN'S TOURNAMENT TO BE FINISHED SOON Results from singles in the women's tennis tournament are still being turned in at the women's gymnasium. Saturday's games yielded victory for Adele Kimm over Glenava Klopping, and for Catherine Watkins over Lue Prentiss. Second rounds between Marion Brierly and Margaret Starbuck netted a victory for Brierly of 6-1 in the first match and by default in the second, and for Miriam Roe over Lola Long of 6-4 in both matches. Entries in the doubles are: Lorna Ludwick and Bertha Shore, vs. Margaret Stotts and Leona Dietz; Margaret Starbuck and Miriam Roe vs. Josephine Thielen and Gracia McKay; Charlotte Wickham and Edna Price vs. Mary Mathewson and Glenava Klopping; Lola Long and Marion Brierly vs. Evelyn Bickett and Catherine Watkins. Remaining singles, second rounds in singles, and doubles will be played the first day the condition of the tennis grounds permits. Players must record scores on the schedule in the women's gymnasium. Rodney Cobb spent a few days at his home in Davenport. John Parsons visited at his home in Genoseo the past week end. [advertisement] DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. [advertisement] STRAND THEATRE Last Time Tonight DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in "THE KNICKER-BOCKER BUCKABOO" Wednesday Only ELSIE FERGUSON Starting Thursday ANITA STEWART in "MARY REGAN" [advertisement] DON'T FAIL TO SEE "ALIAS JIMMIE VALENTINE" Englert Theatre MONDAY JUNE....16 [advertisement] NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF COMMERCE A University Professional School offers to students who have had two, or three, years of college work, professional courses in commerce, which lead to a degree, and which prepare for business leadership. Special opportunities afforded to specialize in Business Administration, Accounting, Banking and Finance, Merchandising and Advertising, Factory Management, Traffic and Transportation, Foreign Trade, Employment Management. Northwestern University School of Commerce is ideally situated in the down town loop of Chicago, next door to all of the city's great commercial activities. Write for book of courses. 515 Northwestern University Building Lake and Dearborn Streets Chicago [advertisement] SENIORS TAKE NOTICE PLEASE Order Your CAPS AND GOWNS This week (Your Last Chance) Do not wait until the last day. Because our caps and gowns are ordered from factory, and it will take a few days to get here. BREMER'S Golden Eagle Iowa City, Iowa [advertisement] H. A. STRUB & CO. Silks and Wash Dress Goods---- All The New Things Hosiery and Gloves H. A. STRUB & CO. [advertisement] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE On The Corner TEXT BOOKS AND SUPPLIES Waterman, Conklin and Schaeffer Fountain Pens UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE
Page Four The Daily Iowan, State University of Iowa Tuesday, June 3, 1919 WANT ADS Rate 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST---Phi Delta Kappa pin. Finder phone 1498. reward. WANTED---Position as bookkeeper and stenographer. Address KS care Daily Iowan. LOST near Lover's Leap Thursday evening a black purse containing $4.50 and several keys. Return to Olive K. Martin, Room 2 L. A. Reward. LOST----A Beta pin jeweled around the edge. Return to Beta house. Reward $5. FOR SALE----Beautiful old-fashioned walnut bedstead. Call evenings. 114 E. Harrison FOUND---Fountain pen. Owner may have same upon identification and payment for this ad. Call at Iowan Office. FOR SALE---Strings for violins, violas, cellos, bass viols and harps. Violin bows. Clarinet and saxophone reeds and pads. Accessories for bow and wind instruments. F. J. Benda, 12 1/2 S. Dubuque St. LOST---Old fashioned gold bar pin---valuable to owner. Reward. Phone 1387. LOST---Sash of heavy blue silk sweater. Finder return to Iowan office. Reward. FOR SALE---Cheap: Golf sticks, tennis racket, bicycle lantern. Phone 216. LOST---Medium sized black leather notebook left in room 203. Keep the book but return notes please. Return to Iowan Office. SECOND PLACE MAY COME TO HAWKEYES (Continued from page 1) Coach Jones, he has played an excellent game. Jake got a poor start on his batting average but in the last scraps was making one and two hits in each game. Belding, in the double role of fielder and pitcher, is also retiring after a final season of good work. A bad knee hindered his performance in several games, especially as it served to keep him out of the pitching box, but his playing in the field was always sure and certain. Cockshoot played first base in six of the games and has a standing of fifth in the batting list. Cockshoot was supplanted at the keystone sack in the later games of the season but came into his own in the Indiana game when his batting prowess was called on and he knocked out a hit for two bases that scored two runs. PITCHERS WILL BE BACK Both Hamilton and McIlree, the two leading pitchers on the squad this year, will return to school next season and be eligible for the team again. Their return is one of the brightest spots on next year's prospects. The present infield, except for Irish and Parrott, will be gone as will the outfield except for Crawford. Ehred, Goodwin, and Brown, three of the four leading batters, have finished. With recruits from this year's freshman team, however, there seems little doubt that Iowa will play next year's schedule with a strong lineup. McIlree will be available for an infield position as well as for pitching duties and Hamilton will play outfield when not in the box. BATTING AVERAGES Batting averages for the season were as follows: Ehred ss 58 At bat 19 hits .328 average; Crawford cf-1b 57 At bat 16 hits .280 average; Goodwin 2b 39 At bat 10 hits .256 average; Brown lf 65 At bat 15 hits .230 average; Cockshoot 1b 35 At bat 8 hits .228 average; McIlree p-3b-1b 63 At bat 12 hits .190 average; Hamilton cf-rf 63 At bat 12 hits .190 average; Olson 1b-c 56 At bat 8 hits .146 average; Belding rf-cf-p 25 At bat 3 hits .120 average. THE SEASON'S RECORD Scores of the season's games were: Iowa 5 Coe 2; Iowa 6 Chicago 5; Iowa 4 Coe 2; Iowa 5 Cornell 4; Iowa 7 Purdue 6; Iowa 4 Illinois 3; Iowa 2 Illinois 4; Iowa 9 Cornell 0; Iowa 3 Notre Dame 4; Iowa 1 Michigan 8; Iowa 0 Notre Dame 8; Iowa 1 Michigan 11; Iowa 1 Ames 4; Iowa 10 Ames 8; Iowa 7 Indiana 3; Iowa 5 Indiana 3. DANCING EXHIBITION OPEN TO THE PUBLIC (Continued from page 1) Little Man in a Fix....Folk Dance Crested Hen....Folk Dance Folk Dancing Class 6. Csardas….Folk Dance Vera Goodburn 7. Dancing Technique....Aesthetic Dancing Class. 8. Laudnum Bunches Moris Dance Jessie Culver, Vera Goodburn, Frances Cochrane, Lenore Osgood, Mildred Weller, Esther Myers 9. Dutch Twins Character Dance Adele Kimm, Thelma Graves 10. Reaping the Flax….Folk Dance Folk Dancing Class 11. Daisies....Aesthetic Dance Claribel Wright, Esther Graves 12. Pop Goes the Weasel American Country Dance Folk Dancing Class 13. Gavotte....Elizabeth Dorcas 14. Rheinlander....Folk Dances Mildred Weller, Eloise Junk, Jessie Culver, Vera Goodburn, Lenore Osgood, Ruth Wilson. 15. Butterflies Aesthetic Dancing Class TROWBRIDGE AT SAN ANTONIO Prof. A. C. Trowbridge, who was given a leave of absence from the University two years ago to assist in Y.M.C.A. work, has recently accepted a position at San Antonio, Texas, as a geological survey director. Professor Trowbridge will return to the University in September to resume his work in the geology department. I. W. A. A. BANQUETS The women's athletic association will have a banquet Wednesday night at the women's gymnasium. Awarding of "I's" and installation of officers will take place. An expression of the opinion of the body about compulsory physical training will also be secured at this meeting. SUMMONS TO SENIORS All seniors of liberal arts, both men and women, are asked to meet Wednesday at 4:30 in liberal arts assembly. This is an important meeting. The matter of caps and gowns will be one of the subjects to be presented. WOMEN'S TOURNAMENT TO BE FINISHED SOON Results from singles in the women's tennis tournament are still being turned in at the women's gymnasium. Saturday's games yielded victory for Adele Kimm over Glenava Klopping, and for Catherine Watkins over Lue Prentiss. Second rounds between Marion Brierly and Margaret Starbuck netted a victory for Brierly of 6-1 in the first match and by default in the second, and for Miriam Roe over Lola Long of 6-4 in both matches. Entries in the doubles are: Lorna Ludwick and Bertha Shore, vs. Margaret Stotts and Leona Dietz; Margaret Starbuck and Miriam Roe vs. Josephine Thielen and Gracia McKay; Charlotte Wickham and Edna Price vs. Mary Mathewson and Glenava Klopping; Lola Long and Marion Brierly vs. Evelyn Bickett and Catherine Watkins. Remaining singles, second rounds in singles, and doubles will be played the first day the condition of the tennis grounds permits. Players must record scores on the schedule in the women's gymnasium. Rodney Cobb spent a few days at his home in Davenport. John Parsons visited at his home in Genoseo the past week end. [advertisement] DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. [advertisement] STRAND THEATRE Last Time Tonight DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in "THE KNICKER-BOCKER BUCKABOO" Wednesday Only ELSIE FERGUSON Starting Thursday ANITA STEWART in "MARY REGAN" [advertisement] DON'T FAIL TO SEE "ALIAS JIMMIE VALENTINE" Englert Theatre MONDAY JUNE....16 [advertisement] NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF COMMERCE A University Professional School offers to students who have had two, or three, years of college work, professional courses in commerce, which lead to a degree, and which prepare for business leadership. Special opportunities afforded to specialize in Business Administration, Accounting, Banking and Finance, Merchandising and Advertising, Factory Management, Traffic and Transportation, Foreign Trade, Employment Management. Northwestern University School of Commerce is ideally situated in the down town loop of Chicago, next door to all of the city's great commercial activities. Write for book of courses. 515 Northwestern University Building Lake and Dearborn Streets Chicago [advertisement] SENIORS TAKE NOTICE PLEASE Order Your CAPS AND GOWNS This week (Your Last Chance) Do not wait until the last day. Because our caps and gowns are ordered from factory, and it will take a few days to get here. BREMER'S Golden Eagle Iowa City, Iowa [advertisement] H. A. STRUB & CO. Silks and Wash Dress Goods---- All The New Things Hosiery and Gloves H. A. STRUB & CO. [advertisement] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE On The Corner TEXT BOOKS AND SUPPLIES Waterman, Conklin and Schaeffer Fountain Pens UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE
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