Daily Iowan, June 5, 1919
Page 6
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PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, June 5, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST—Phi Delta Kappa pin. Finder phone 1498. Reward. WANTED—Position as bookkeeper and stenographer. Address KS care Daily Iowan. 120 LOST near Lover’s Leap Thursday evening a black purse containing $4.50 and several keys. Return to Olive K. Martin, Room 2 L.A. Reward. LOST—A Beta pin jeweled around the edge. Return to Beta house. Reward $5. 111 FOR SALE—Beautiful old-fashioned walnut bedstead. Call evening. 114 E. Harrison 111 FOUND—Fountain pen. Owner may have same upon identification and payment for this ad. Call at Iowa Office. FOR SALE—Strings for violins, violas, cellos, bass viols and harps. Violin bows. Clarinet and saxophone reeds and pads. Accessories for bow and wind instruments. F.J. Benda, 12 1-2 S. Dubuque St. 111 LOST—Old-fashioned gold bar pin—valuable to owner. Reward. Phone 1387. 111 LOST—Sash of heavy blue silk sweater. Finder return to Iowan office. Reward. 111 FOR SALE—Cheap: Golf sticks tennis racket, bicycle lantern. Phone 216. 109 LOST—Medium sized black leather notebook left in room 203. Keep the book but return notes please. Return to Iowan Office. RARE SPECIMENS ATTRACT PROF. DILL TO WESTERN COAST Quillayute Needle Bird Reserve Will Be the Destination of Museum Party INDIAN GUIDES OBTAINED B.E. Manville, Clarence Albrecht To Go—Indian Village Will Be Headquarters Prof. Homer R. Dill, director of the University museum, has left for an expedition to the Quillayute Needle Bird reservation on the small islands off Puget Sound, in search of fur seals, sea lions and seabirds. Mr. B. E. Manville, and Mr. Clarence Albrecht, a former student in museum methods at the University, who is now located in the university of Washington as director of the exhibits, will be the other members of the party. Headquarters for the party will be at La Push, an Indian settlement on the coast, and trips to the islands will be made in a small power boat. Indian guides and assistants will help the party in their search for valuable specimens. In addition to the sea lions and seals, of which the University has a few specimens, Professor Dill hopes to procure some of the fifteen or twenty species of exceedingly rare seabirds which inhabit the islands. As many of these forms are rapidly disappearing, the University taxidermist is anxious to obtain them for preservation in our museum. Persons without permits are not allowed to enter either the Indian settlement or the bird reservation. Mr. Albrecht was able to obtain the necessary privileges for the party. Expenses for the trip will be covered largely by friends of the University. Other expeditions undertaken and carried through with great success by those interested in the museum have been in the Laysan trip which resulted in the beautiful Laysan island exhibit now in the museum, and the expedition last year to Louisiana and the Mississippi delta. Miss Edith Bell of the art department, who is museum artist, will do the work in painting in the background for the new groups from photographs and other material collected by Professor Dill. The Student Pharmaceutical association has elected the following officers for next year: President, H.M. Carton of Humeston; vice-president, M.P. Wilkinson of Marengo; secretary-treasurer, Irene Kemmedle of Iowa City; social representative, C.C. Hazard of Iowa City. [advertisement] DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING’S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. [advertisement] BANNER DAIRY LUNCH Offers you Wholesome Meals at Reasonable Prices 11 South Dubuque Street NOTICE SENIORS All seniors will be asked to pay the annual senior assessment of fifty cents to pay expenses of the class organization and the senior mixer. Young women of the liberal arts college can pay their assessment to Helen Grotewohl, Violet Blakely, or Eleanor Steinberg. Liberal arts men can pay Homer Brown or Arthur Stewart. Glenn Greenwood and E.W. Bond will collect in the dental college, Lloyd Richmond and Glenn Taylor in the college of pharmacy, and Albert Blitz and William Benda in the college of applied science. The Morrison club will hold its last meeting and party this school year tonight at 7:30 at the home of Grace and Virginia Carson, 906 College st. Refreshments will be served and plans for next year made. All Episcopal students are invited. [advertisement] YETTER'S The Big Store June Clearance Sale Begins Tomorrow Morning at 9 O'clock Read The Big Four Page Bulletin that is being distributed today. It announces the greatest sale of Spring and Summer Merchandise ever seen in this section of the state. Read without missing a single item, clear down to the bottom, both sides. Some of the biggest BARGAINS may be overlooked unless you read them all. COME FRIDAY MORNING [advertisement] DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. [advertisement] BANNER DAIRY LUNCH Offers you Wholesome Meals at Reasonable Prices 11 South Dubuque Street [advertisement] LISTEN LESTER! BRING HER HERE Oh, Boy, head her straight for the fountain of pleasure. She'll come willingly enough---and make you come again. You both will love our pure, delicious sodas, and say, that ice cream we serve is truly without compare. Meet and treat here, treat and meet again. WHETSTONES Drug Co. [advertisement] NORTHWESTERN TEACHERS' AGENCY FOR ENTIRE WEST AND ALASKA---THE LARGEST AND BEST AGENCY Write immediately for free circular BOISE IDAHO [advertisement] RACINE'S CIGAR STORES Billiard Parlor and Soda Fountain [advertisement] [illustration of WDC triangle trade mark] Price for price, grade for grade, there is no better pipe made than a W D C. You can get a pipe with the familiar triangle trade-mark in any size and shape and grade you want---and you will be glad you did it. W D C Pipes are American made and sold in the best shops at $6 down to 75 cents. WM. DEMUTH & CO., New York World's Largest Pipe Manufacturer [illustration of W D C pipe] Here is a pipe to be proud of in any company. Genuine French Briar, carefully selected, beautifully worked, superbly mounted with sterling band and vulcanite bit. [advertisement] VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory Varsity 8 Piece Orchestra Dancing from 8:45 to 11:45 Friday, June 6 Saturday, June 7
PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, June 5, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST—Phi Delta Kappa pin. Finder phone 1498. Reward. WANTED—Position as bookkeeper and stenographer. Address KS care Daily Iowan. 120 LOST near Lover’s Leap Thursday evening a black purse containing $4.50 and several keys. Return to Olive K. Martin, Room 2 L.A. Reward. LOST—A Beta pin jeweled around the edge. Return to Beta house. Reward $5. 111 FOR SALE—Beautiful old-fashioned walnut bedstead. Call evening. 114 E. Harrison 111 FOUND—Fountain pen. Owner may have same upon identification and payment for this ad. Call at Iowa Office. FOR SALE—Strings for violins, violas, cellos, bass viols and harps. Violin bows. Clarinet and saxophone reeds and pads. Accessories for bow and wind instruments. F.J. Benda, 12 1-2 S. Dubuque St. 111 LOST—Old-fashioned gold bar pin—valuable to owner. Reward. Phone 1387. 111 LOST—Sash of heavy blue silk sweater. Finder return to Iowan office. Reward. 111 FOR SALE—Cheap: Golf sticks tennis racket, bicycle lantern. Phone 216. 109 LOST—Medium sized black leather notebook left in room 203. Keep the book but return notes please. Return to Iowan Office. RARE SPECIMENS ATTRACT PROF. DILL TO WESTERN COAST Quillayute Needle Bird Reserve Will Be the Destination of Museum Party INDIAN GUIDES OBTAINED B.E. Manville, Clarence Albrecht To Go—Indian Village Will Be Headquarters Prof. Homer R. Dill, director of the University museum, has left for an expedition to the Quillayute Needle Bird reservation on the small islands off Puget Sound, in search of fur seals, sea lions and seabirds. Mr. B. E. Manville, and Mr. Clarence Albrecht, a former student in museum methods at the University, who is now located in the university of Washington as director of the exhibits, will be the other members of the party. Headquarters for the party will be at La Push, an Indian settlement on the coast, and trips to the islands will be made in a small power boat. Indian guides and assistants will help the party in their search for valuable specimens. In addition to the sea lions and seals, of which the University has a few specimens, Professor Dill hopes to procure some of the fifteen or twenty species of exceedingly rare seabirds which inhabit the islands. As many of these forms are rapidly disappearing, the University taxidermist is anxious to obtain them for preservation in our museum. Persons without permits are not allowed to enter either the Indian settlement or the bird reservation. Mr. Albrecht was able to obtain the necessary privileges for the party. Expenses for the trip will be covered largely by friends of the University. Other expeditions undertaken and carried through with great success by those interested in the museum have been in the Laysan trip which resulted in the beautiful Laysan island exhibit now in the museum, and the expedition last year to Louisiana and the Mississippi delta. Miss Edith Bell of the art department, who is museum artist, will do the work in painting in the background for the new groups from photographs and other material collected by Professor Dill. The Student Pharmaceutical association has elected the following officers for next year: President, H.M. Carton of Humeston; vice-president, M.P. Wilkinson of Marengo; secretary-treasurer, Irene Kemmedle of Iowa City; social representative, C.C. Hazard of Iowa City. [advertisement] DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING’S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. [advertisement] BANNER DAIRY LUNCH Offers you Wholesome Meals at Reasonable Prices 11 South Dubuque Street NOTICE SENIORS All seniors will be asked to pay the annual senior assessment of fifty cents to pay expenses of the class organization and the senior mixer. Young women of the liberal arts college can pay their assessment to Helen Grotewohl, Violet Blakely, or Eleanor Steinberg. Liberal arts men can pay Homer Brown or Arthur Stewart. Glenn Greenwood and E.W. Bond will collect in the dental college, Lloyd Richmond and Glenn Taylor in the college of pharmacy, and Albert Blitz and William Benda in the college of applied science. The Morrison club will hold its last meeting and party this school year tonight at 7:30 at the home of Grace and Virginia Carson, 906 College st. Refreshments will be served and plans for next year made. All Episcopal students are invited. [advertisement] YETTER'S The Big Store June Clearance Sale Begins Tomorrow Morning at 9 O'clock Read The Big Four Page Bulletin that is being distributed today. It announces the greatest sale of Spring and Summer Merchandise ever seen in this section of the state. Read without missing a single item, clear down to the bottom, both sides. Some of the biggest BARGAINS may be overlooked unless you read them all. COME FRIDAY MORNING [advertisement] DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. [advertisement] BANNER DAIRY LUNCH Offers you Wholesome Meals at Reasonable Prices 11 South Dubuque Street [advertisement] LISTEN LESTER! BRING HER HERE Oh, Boy, head her straight for the fountain of pleasure. She'll come willingly enough---and make you come again. You both will love our pure, delicious sodas, and say, that ice cream we serve is truly without compare. Meet and treat here, treat and meet again. WHETSTONES Drug Co. [advertisement] NORTHWESTERN TEACHERS' AGENCY FOR ENTIRE WEST AND ALASKA---THE LARGEST AND BEST AGENCY Write immediately for free circular BOISE IDAHO [advertisement] RACINE'S CIGAR STORES Billiard Parlor and Soda Fountain [advertisement] [illustration of WDC triangle trade mark] Price for price, grade for grade, there is no better pipe made than a W D C. You can get a pipe with the familiar triangle trade-mark in any size and shape and grade you want---and you will be glad you did it. W D C Pipes are American made and sold in the best shops at $6 down to 75 cents. WM. DEMUTH & CO., New York World's Largest Pipe Manufacturer [illustration of W D C pipe] Here is a pipe to be proud of in any company. Genuine French Briar, carefully selected, beautifully worked, superbly mounted with sterling band and vulcanite bit. [advertisement] VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory Varsity 8 Piece Orchestra Dancing from 8:45 to 11:45 Friday, June 6 Saturday, June 7
Daily Iowan Newspapers