Daily Iowan, June 7, 1919
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Saturday, June 7, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE FIVE [Design of Campus includes Old Capitol building; proposed building; grass and terrace designing upper terrace and lower terrace; physics building; flagstaff, fountain terrace and Madison Street] Plat of Proposed Campus Improvement PLAN PROPOSED FOR BEAUTIFYING CAMPUS Landscape Gardener's Design of West Campus Includes Terraces and Foundation The plan of beautifying the west campus which has been recently approved by the board of education is printed in this issue. This is one of about six plans submitted by landscape gardeners who have been working on the problem of grading and building up the campus fronting the river. A building to match the hall of physics is provided for in the new plan. This will replace the old dental and home economics building. Between the two buildings will be a grassy terrace leading down to the flagstaff around which there will be enough space for military review and retreat. From the flagstaff, a sloping walk will lead down to a fountain terrace. Landscape architects further suggest building another entrance like the present one on the west side of of Old Capitol. There will be no trees in the grassy spaces in this improved campus, but trees will be planted along the street. One plan that was suggested was the building of a Graeco-Roman theater to be used as an auditorium at the foot of the hill but it has been deemed more practical to build the new auditorium elsewhere. Carrying out of these plans will take time and money but when they are realized, "Iowa", in the opinion of Dr. C. H. Weller, "will have a campus second to none." SOCIAL RULES ARE REVISED Visiting Hours on Week-ends are Extended a Half Hour Fixing the hour of closing houses to callers on Friday and Saturday nights at 11 o'clock instead of 10:30 was the only change of consequence in the University regulations made by the social committee at the meeting Tuesday afternoon. While no new regulations were added, many old ones were eliminated. The committee is endeavoring to make University regulations as few and as simple as possible. Before the students were members of the body, the committee gathered together regulations which had been passed upon from time to time to be codified and given to students. They delayed their work, however, until students were put on the committee. Since that time all old regulations have been gone over one by one and repassed upon. Three weekly meetings have been held to complete the work. The regulations are to be published and will be ready for students by next fall. Racine's Cigar Stores BILLIARD PARLOR AND SODA FOUNTAIN [Picture of woman with hat holding a scroll with a shoe to the left and another to the right of her] Pumps That Are Truly Delightful Especially suited for Graduation Permit us to help you choose just the appropriate footwear for your graduation. For you slippers are in truth the foundation upon which the whole dainty effect is produced.─consequently too much care cannot be given in their selection. Here are just a few of the Real Favorites. Maxine White Kid Pumps .......................$5.75 and $11.00 Snug fitting narrow last and High French Heel Maxine Black and Dark Brown Pumps ..............$6.50 to $11.00 Stylish Lasts and High French Heels Lace Oxfords in the best styles .....................$6.00 to $10.00 White Canvas Pumps and Oxfords at prices to suit every purse. Of course we do Shoe Repairing─lots of it. KRUEGER BROS. Buster Brown Shoe Store ...108 So. Clinton Bevo is a part of the game «« it makes good sportsmen and more enjoyable sport ««« good fellowship, health and refreshment «« best to train on and gain on. Berg The all-year-round soft drink ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST. LOUIS Sold everywhere families supplied by grocer druggist and dealer -- Visitors are cordially invited to inspect our plant - [Bottle with Bevo label] [advertisement] TEACHERS WANTED For all departments of school work. School officials will soon elect teachers for next year. A MAXIMUM OF SERVICE AT A MINIMUM COMMISSION RATE. Commission 4 per cent. Territory, central and western states. Write today for blanks. HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Saturday, June 7, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE FIVE [Design of Campus includes Old Capitol building; proposed building; grass and terrace designing upper terrace and lower terrace; physics building; flagstaff, fountain terrace and Madison Street] Plat of Proposed Campus Improvement PLAN PROPOSED FOR BEAUTIFYING CAMPUS Landscape Gardener's Design of West Campus Includes Terraces and Foundation The plan of beautifying the west campus which has been recently approved by the board of education is printed in this issue. This is one of about six plans submitted by landscape gardeners who have been working on the problem of grading and building up the campus fronting the river. A building to match the hall of physics is provided for in the new plan. This will replace the old dental and home economics building. Between the two buildings will be a grassy terrace leading down to the flagstaff around which there will be enough space for military review and retreat. From the flagstaff, a sloping walk will lead down to a fountain terrace. Landscape architects further suggest building another entrance like the present one on the west side of of Old Capitol. There will be no trees in the grassy spaces in this improved campus, but trees will be planted along the street. One plan that was suggested was the building of a Graeco-Roman theater to be used as an auditorium at the foot of the hill but it has been deemed more practical to build the new auditorium elsewhere. Carrying out of these plans will take time and money but when they are realized, "Iowa", in the opinion of Dr. C. H. Weller, "will have a campus second to none." SOCIAL RULES ARE REVISED Visiting Hours on Week-ends are Extended a Half Hour Fixing the hour of closing houses to callers on Friday and Saturday nights at 11 o'clock instead of 10:30 was the only change of consequence in the University regulations made by the social committee at the meeting Tuesday afternoon. While no new regulations were added, many old ones were eliminated. The committee is endeavoring to make University regulations as few and as simple as possible. Before the students were members of the body, the committee gathered together regulations which had been passed upon from time to time to be codified and given to students. They delayed their work, however, until students were put on the committee. Since that time all old regulations have been gone over one by one and repassed upon. Three weekly meetings have been held to complete the work. The regulations are to be published and will be ready for students by next fall. Racine's Cigar Stores BILLIARD PARLOR AND SODA FOUNTAIN [Picture of woman with hat holding a scroll with a shoe to the left and another to the right of her] Pumps That Are Truly Delightful Especially suited for Graduation Permit us to help you choose just the appropriate footwear for your graduation. For you slippers are in truth the foundation upon which the whole dainty effect is produced.─consequently too much care cannot be given in their selection. Here are just a few of the Real Favorites. Maxine White Kid Pumps .......................$5.75 and $11.00 Snug fitting narrow last and High French Heel Maxine Black and Dark Brown Pumps ..............$6.50 to $11.00 Stylish Lasts and High French Heels Lace Oxfords in the best styles .....................$6.00 to $10.00 White Canvas Pumps and Oxfords at prices to suit every purse. Of course we do Shoe Repairing─lots of it. KRUEGER BROS. Buster Brown Shoe Store ...108 So. Clinton Bevo is a part of the game «« it makes good sportsmen and more enjoyable sport ««« good fellowship, health and refreshment «« best to train on and gain on. Berg The all-year-round soft drink ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST. LOUIS Sold everywhere families supplied by grocer druggist and dealer -- Visitors are cordially invited to inspect our plant - [Bottle with Bevo label] [advertisement] TEACHERS WANTED For all departments of school work. School officials will soon elect teachers for next year. A MAXIMUM OF SERVICE AT A MINIMUM COMMISSION RATE. Commission 4 per cent. Territory, central and western states. Write today for blanks. HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Daily Iowan Newspapers