Daily Iowan, June 8, 1919
Page 5
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Sunday, June 8, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE FIVE [Advertisement] WE WANT YOUR PATRONAGE--REMODELING SALE Bennison's We Are Giving the Best Values Possible For a store to offer, to get it, we are virtually closing many lines of Merchandise, entirely, to make room for the contractors. This entire stock will have to go into one-third the present selling space. Plaint White 40-inch Voile A very sheer fine 50c quality. Wide taped . . 34c Best Toilet Soaps, for a cake . . . . . . . . . . . 9c Peroxide, Lilac, Dose, Life Buoy, Jap Rose, Hardwter, Castile. Face Powers Djer Kiss . . . . . . . . . 59c Love Me . . . . . . . . . 59c Mavis . . . . . . . . . . . .45c Melba . . . . . . . . . . . 45c Best Talcums Mavis, for . . . . . . . . .21c Love Me, for . . . . . . 21c Hudnut's, for . . . . . .21c Colgate's for . . . . . .12c Plain White Sheer Underwear Nainsook 40c a yard quality . . . . 29c [Pictures of three women with hats on] Hats Must Go There'll be a bunch of Hats go out of this department these 2 days. Some of the Ladies that know, are going to get a bargain BECAUSE THERE'S A REASON for making Bargains. We have got to have the space for other purposes. THE BARGAIN PRICES $2.95 $3.95 $5.95 are generally the same here with us. But it does not mean the Hats are always the same THEY CHANGE DAILY. New ones are constantly taking the place of the sold ones. FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY THEY ARE WONDERS You'll see some that sold as high as $15.00 originally. A Big Clearance of Children's Hats, Straws of all kind Hats sold up to $1.50 and $1.75, Fri. and Sat. . . . . 25c A Most Clever and Wonderful Stock of All Thats New in Wash Skirts Big Check Novelty Worsted Sports Skirts, $10 value, Friday and Saturday for $5.85 EACH WE'LL OFFER─50 Beautiful Poplin Silk Skirts, in Plain and Plaids, Navy, Grey, Copen and Black, all of which are this season's very latest models, in about 10 different styles. Skirts of all sizes, for stouts as well. Sold up to $13.50, Friday and Saturday FOR $7.95 EACH [[pictures of two women's skirts] $2.95, $3.95, $4.85, $5.50, $6.85, $7.85 We are showing at this time the best and most complete stock of Wash Skirts we have ever had in our store. The materials are all the best money will buy. Skirts that are strictly of the best tailoring and as to Models─it would be hard indeed to do justice here in a fair description. Some are richly embroidered; others have clever pockets and belts and all have large Pearl Buttons─some front, some back trim. We want to show you our idea of a CLASSY WASH SKIRT and we want you to note THE PRICES. They'll appeal to you as you have never, at any time for an equal amount, had such value as we offer in these. For 1-2 Any Suit in Our Stock 1-2 500 of the Prettiest Shirt Waists For Less Than Ever Priced at $1.29, $1.69 and $1.95 [pictures of women's blouses] On sale in Special Lots, 1st floor. Styles like the cuts. Voiles, Organdies, Lawns, white and colored. New round necks. Pincheck Voiles, woven stripe Voiles, embroidered, hemstitched. Fancy Organdie Collars, Cuffs. Ladies' Sport Shirt Blouses on sale 2nd floor. Organdie and Voile Blouses. Pretty new Summer styles for all kinds of wear─in all sizes. $2.50 $2.98 $3.25 $3.48 We Defy Any Store to Show Better Values, Better Qualities in Men's, Women's, Girl's Boy's Underwear [pictures of two women in their underwear and a man in his underwear] We sell the best produced in America. We have the Merchandise to back our statements─WE MAKE THE PRICE. GILT EDGE, ROYAL MILLS and COOPER make the UNDERWEAR. IN WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR every conceivable style, kind and make is shown in the numerous styles we have here, as well as every size. UNDERWEAR THAT FITS─gives not only service but comfort. Tailor-made Nainsook and Silk for Ladies. Athletic styles are very much in demand. We have 2 very good numbers. BOYS' NAINSOOK ATHLETIC style Underwear at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c a Suit MEN'S FAMOUS NEWPORT ATHLETIC Style Underwear. The best value money will buy at . . . . . 45c 95c $1.35 MEN'S FINE RIBBED LISLE and EGYPTIAN COTTON UNIONS─Cooper's, Gilt Edge and Royal Mills, at a saving of one-fourth. 75c $1.35 $1.95 $2.25 $2.50 $2.95
Sunday, June 8, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE FIVE [Advertisement] WE WANT YOUR PATRONAGE--REMODELING SALE Bennison's We Are Giving the Best Values Possible For a store to offer, to get it, we are virtually closing many lines of Merchandise, entirely, to make room for the contractors. This entire stock will have to go into one-third the present selling space. Plaint White 40-inch Voile A very sheer fine 50c quality. Wide taped . . 34c Best Toilet Soaps, for a cake . . . . . . . . . . . 9c Peroxide, Lilac, Dose, Life Buoy, Jap Rose, Hardwter, Castile. Face Powers Djer Kiss . . . . . . . . . 59c Love Me . . . . . . . . . 59c Mavis . . . . . . . . . . . .45c Melba . . . . . . . . . . . 45c Best Talcums Mavis, for . . . . . . . . .21c Love Me, for . . . . . . 21c Hudnut's, for . . . . . .21c Colgate's for . . . . . .12c Plain White Sheer Underwear Nainsook 40c a yard quality . . . . 29c [Pictures of three women with hats on] Hats Must Go There'll be a bunch of Hats go out of this department these 2 days. Some of the Ladies that know, are going to get a bargain BECAUSE THERE'S A REASON for making Bargains. We have got to have the space for other purposes. THE BARGAIN PRICES $2.95 $3.95 $5.95 are generally the same here with us. But it does not mean the Hats are always the same THEY CHANGE DAILY. New ones are constantly taking the place of the sold ones. FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY THEY ARE WONDERS You'll see some that sold as high as $15.00 originally. A Big Clearance of Children's Hats, Straws of all kind Hats sold up to $1.50 and $1.75, Fri. and Sat. . . . . 25c A Most Clever and Wonderful Stock of All Thats New in Wash Skirts Big Check Novelty Worsted Sports Skirts, $10 value, Friday and Saturday for $5.85 EACH WE'LL OFFER─50 Beautiful Poplin Silk Skirts, in Plain and Plaids, Navy, Grey, Copen and Black, all of which are this season's very latest models, in about 10 different styles. Skirts of all sizes, for stouts as well. Sold up to $13.50, Friday and Saturday FOR $7.95 EACH [[pictures of two women's skirts] $2.95, $3.95, $4.85, $5.50, $6.85, $7.85 We are showing at this time the best and most complete stock of Wash Skirts we have ever had in our store. The materials are all the best money will buy. Skirts that are strictly of the best tailoring and as to Models─it would be hard indeed to do justice here in a fair description. Some are richly embroidered; others have clever pockets and belts and all have large Pearl Buttons─some front, some back trim. We want to show you our idea of a CLASSY WASH SKIRT and we want you to note THE PRICES. They'll appeal to you as you have never, at any time for an equal amount, had such value as we offer in these. For 1-2 Any Suit in Our Stock 1-2 500 of the Prettiest Shirt Waists For Less Than Ever Priced at $1.29, $1.69 and $1.95 [pictures of women's blouses] On sale in Special Lots, 1st floor. Styles like the cuts. Voiles, Organdies, Lawns, white and colored. New round necks. Pincheck Voiles, woven stripe Voiles, embroidered, hemstitched. Fancy Organdie Collars, Cuffs. Ladies' Sport Shirt Blouses on sale 2nd floor. Organdie and Voile Blouses. Pretty new Summer styles for all kinds of wear─in all sizes. $2.50 $2.98 $3.25 $3.48 We Defy Any Store to Show Better Values, Better Qualities in Men's, Women's, Girl's Boy's Underwear [pictures of two women in their underwear and a man in his underwear] We sell the best produced in America. We have the Merchandise to back our statements─WE MAKE THE PRICE. GILT EDGE, ROYAL MILLS and COOPER make the UNDERWEAR. IN WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR every conceivable style, kind and make is shown in the numerous styles we have here, as well as every size. UNDERWEAR THAT FITS─gives not only service but comfort. Tailor-made Nainsook and Silk for Ladies. Athletic styles are very much in demand. We have 2 very good numbers. BOYS' NAINSOOK ATHLETIC style Underwear at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c a Suit MEN'S FAMOUS NEWPORT ATHLETIC Style Underwear. The best value money will buy at . . . . . 45c 95c $1.35 MEN'S FINE RIBBED LISLE and EGYPTIAN COTTON UNIONS─Cooper's, Gilt Edge and Royal Mills, at a saving of one-fourth. 75c $1.35 $1.95 $2.25 $2.50 $2.95
Daily Iowan Newspapers