Daily Iowan, June 8, 1919
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PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, June 8, 1919 [Advertisement] The Last Big Party of the Year FRIDAY JUNE 13 Ticket Sale Limited No Flowers Senior Hop FORMAL TICKET SALE LIMITED TO 100 ONLY A FEW LEFT! COMPANY A ARMORY TICKETS $3.50 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. WANTED─Position as bookkeeper and stenographer. Address KS care Daily Iowan. 120 LOST─Alpha Delta Pi pin. Finder return to Dean's office 114 TICKETS SELLING RAPIDLY FOR LAST FORMAL OF YEAR Electric Fans Will Furnish Cool Breezes for the Dancers In Company A Hall VARSITY ORCHESTRA MUSIC Japanese Decorations Are Planned For Evening By Prince's Flower Shop Tickets for the Senior Hop, now on sale at Whetstone's are being sold rapidly, and the supply will soon be exhausted. Only 100 tickets are to be sold. Prince's Flower Shop has charge of the decorations which will be in Japanese style. Provisions have been made for a number of electric fans so that there will be plenty of cool breezes during the evening. Music will be by the "Varsity Orchestra," which will contain nine pieces. The dancing program will begin at 8:30, and continue until 1 o'clock. The programs are brown leather, with the pin of the class embossed in one corner. The program is as follows: 1. One Step─Indian Blues. 2. Fox Trot─Monte Cristo. 3. One Step─Heart Breaking Baby Doll. 4. Walt─Shadows. 5. Fox Trot──Alcoholic Blues. 6. One Step─Rip Van Winkle. 7. Fox Trot─The Russian Rag. 8. Waltz─Beautiful Girl of Somewhere. 9. One Step─I was so Young. 10. Fox Trot─The Cootie Drag. 11. One Step─I'm a Cave Man. 12. Waltz─I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles. 13. Fox Trot─Lucille. 14. One Step─My Salvation Army Girl. 15. Fox Trot─I'm Going to Tell Your Mamma. 16. Waltz─Good-bye, Old Gold. Extras─ A. One Step─Dixie Bound. B. Fox Trot─Move Your Feet. C. One Step─I'm Going to Settle Down. D. Waltz ─Lonesome ─That's All. PROFESSOR SHIMIK RESIGNS HEADSHIP (Continued from page 1) cago, where he received his Ph. D. degree in plant morphology and plant physiology in 1904. As a member of the staff of Woods Hole Marine laboratory, Puget sound, and a member of the United States Kelp Expedition to Alaska, Professor Wylie has gained a variety of experiences in botanical work. During this summer's session at Iowa Lakeside laboratory, Lake Okoboji, Professor Wylie will act as director as he has done in alternate summers since 1913. He is the author of various publications, and is a member of the A .A A. S., of the Botanical Society of American, and a fellow in the Iowa Academy of Science. ATHENA NOTICE There will be a very brief but important meeting of Athena in the drawing room Monday at 4:15. Edwards Weeks is at Davenport for the week end. [Advertisement] CAN A CROOK REFORM? "Alias Jimmie Valentine" A romantic drama in 4 acts will answer the question Englert Theatre MONDAY JUNE .......16 Seats' reserved Saturday, Sunday afternoon and Monday June 14, 15, 16. SENIOR PLAY RECEIVED ITS FINAL TOUCHES Alias Jimmy Valentine Has Been A Great Success Wherever Presented "A play that will please any audience" is the comment of the leading papers of the east on the drama, "Alias Jimmy Valentine" to be given by the seniors June 16 at the Englert. This performance has had long runs in the eastern cities but this will be its first appearance here. Rehearsals have been going on now for some time and the players are rapidly attaining perfection. Ronald Reed in the role of a detective has shown some clever work and ability in carrying out his part, and has an able associate in Albert Wilcox. Marjory Madden as the leading lady and Harold Harney, "Alias Jimmy Valentine," have their troubles and add versatility to the plot. In the rehearsal yesterday afternoon the cast went through the acts in a very satisfactory manner. In the pas tthis play has been given in a diversity of places, and on one occasion it was presented before the prisoners in the penitentiary at St. Quenten upon a request of the warden Mr. Hoyle. Here it was favorably accepted and the warden says of it, "We want prisoners to know as they play points out that the convict who tries to reform will be given a chance and encouraged to work out his own regeneration." EXPECT LARGE CROWD AT COMMENCEMENT Ten thousand invitations to Commencement have gone out over the state from the office of the University editor. The committee on arrangements of commencement exercises believes that this will be a record year in attendance. Tickets for the alumni luncheon and various functions, say the committee, may be secured at the alumni headquarters which will be in the women's drawing room. For the baccalaureate sermon Sunday afternoon seniors in cap and gown are requested by the committee to meet at 3:45 on the walk in front of Old Capital. On Tuesday morning for graduating exercises, they will meet along with members of the instructional staff at the same place at 8:45. Louise Dorweiler of Currier hall is spending the week end at Lone Tree. Dr. Ellsworth Faris, director of child welfare, has been out of the city the past week. [Advertisement] PASTIME THEATRE TODAY TOMORROW Norma Talmadge in her very latest and greatest picture─ "THE NEW MOON" Also Harold Lloyd Comedy─Pathe News─ Come early ADMISSION 10-20c "Some show" Believe me [Advertisement] You Need The Daily Iowan This Summer The Iowan will be continued under the present management during Summer School. Three issues a week for the six weeks' session. SUBSCRIBE NOW AT THE DAILY IOWA OFFICE (Underneath University Book Store) Subscription Price = 50c
PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, June 8, 1919 [Advertisement] The Last Big Party of the Year FRIDAY JUNE 13 Ticket Sale Limited No Flowers Senior Hop FORMAL TICKET SALE LIMITED TO 100 ONLY A FEW LEFT! COMPANY A ARMORY TICKETS $3.50 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. WANTED─Position as bookkeeper and stenographer. Address KS care Daily Iowan. 120 LOST─Alpha Delta Pi pin. Finder return to Dean's office 114 TICKETS SELLING RAPIDLY FOR LAST FORMAL OF YEAR Electric Fans Will Furnish Cool Breezes for the Dancers In Company A Hall VARSITY ORCHESTRA MUSIC Japanese Decorations Are Planned For Evening By Prince's Flower Shop Tickets for the Senior Hop, now on sale at Whetstone's are being sold rapidly, and the supply will soon be exhausted. Only 100 tickets are to be sold. Prince's Flower Shop has charge of the decorations which will be in Japanese style. Provisions have been made for a number of electric fans so that there will be plenty of cool breezes during the evening. Music will be by the "Varsity Orchestra," which will contain nine pieces. The dancing program will begin at 8:30, and continue until 1 o'clock. The programs are brown leather, with the pin of the class embossed in one corner. The program is as follows: 1. One Step─Indian Blues. 2. Fox Trot─Monte Cristo. 3. One Step─Heart Breaking Baby Doll. 4. Walt─Shadows. 5. Fox Trot──Alcoholic Blues. 6. One Step─Rip Van Winkle. 7. Fox Trot─The Russian Rag. 8. Waltz─Beautiful Girl of Somewhere. 9. One Step─I was so Young. 10. Fox Trot─The Cootie Drag. 11. One Step─I'm a Cave Man. 12. Waltz─I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles. 13. Fox Trot─Lucille. 14. One Step─My Salvation Army Girl. 15. Fox Trot─I'm Going to Tell Your Mamma. 16. Waltz─Good-bye, Old Gold. Extras─ A. One Step─Dixie Bound. B. Fox Trot─Move Your Feet. C. One Step─I'm Going to Settle Down. D. Waltz ─Lonesome ─That's All. PROFESSOR SHIMIK RESIGNS HEADSHIP (Continued from page 1) cago, where he received his Ph. D. degree in plant morphology and plant physiology in 1904. As a member of the staff of Woods Hole Marine laboratory, Puget sound, and a member of the United States Kelp Expedition to Alaska, Professor Wylie has gained a variety of experiences in botanical work. During this summer's session at Iowa Lakeside laboratory, Lake Okoboji, Professor Wylie will act as director as he has done in alternate summers since 1913. He is the author of various publications, and is a member of the A .A A. S., of the Botanical Society of American, and a fellow in the Iowa Academy of Science. ATHENA NOTICE There will be a very brief but important meeting of Athena in the drawing room Monday at 4:15. Edwards Weeks is at Davenport for the week end. [Advertisement] CAN A CROOK REFORM? "Alias Jimmie Valentine" A romantic drama in 4 acts will answer the question Englert Theatre MONDAY JUNE .......16 Seats' reserved Saturday, Sunday afternoon and Monday June 14, 15, 16. SENIOR PLAY RECEIVED ITS FINAL TOUCHES Alias Jimmy Valentine Has Been A Great Success Wherever Presented "A play that will please any audience" is the comment of the leading papers of the east on the drama, "Alias Jimmy Valentine" to be given by the seniors June 16 at the Englert. This performance has had long runs in the eastern cities but this will be its first appearance here. Rehearsals have been going on now for some time and the players are rapidly attaining perfection. Ronald Reed in the role of a detective has shown some clever work and ability in carrying out his part, and has an able associate in Albert Wilcox. Marjory Madden as the leading lady and Harold Harney, "Alias Jimmy Valentine," have their troubles and add versatility to the plot. In the rehearsal yesterday afternoon the cast went through the acts in a very satisfactory manner. In the pas tthis play has been given in a diversity of places, and on one occasion it was presented before the prisoners in the penitentiary at St. Quenten upon a request of the warden Mr. Hoyle. Here it was favorably accepted and the warden says of it, "We want prisoners to know as they play points out that the convict who tries to reform will be given a chance and encouraged to work out his own regeneration." EXPECT LARGE CROWD AT COMMENCEMENT Ten thousand invitations to Commencement have gone out over the state from the office of the University editor. The committee on arrangements of commencement exercises believes that this will be a record year in attendance. Tickets for the alumni luncheon and various functions, say the committee, may be secured at the alumni headquarters which will be in the women's drawing room. For the baccalaureate sermon Sunday afternoon seniors in cap and gown are requested by the committee to meet at 3:45 on the walk in front of Old Capital. On Tuesday morning for graduating exercises, they will meet along with members of the instructional staff at the same place at 8:45. Louise Dorweiler of Currier hall is spending the week end at Lone Tree. Dr. Ellsworth Faris, director of child welfare, has been out of the city the past week. [Advertisement] PASTIME THEATRE TODAY TOMORROW Norma Talmadge in her very latest and greatest picture─ "THE NEW MOON" Also Harold Lloyd Comedy─Pathe News─ Come early ADMISSION 10-20c "Some show" Believe me [Advertisement] You Need The Daily Iowan This Summer The Iowan will be continued under the present management during Summer School. Three issues a week for the six weeks' session. SUBSCRIBE NOW AT THE DAILY IOWA OFFICE (Underneath University Book Store) Subscription Price = 50c
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