Daily Iowan, June 19, 1919
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Page Two The Daily Iowan, State University of Iowa Thursday, June 19, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN A morning paper published during the six weeks summer session on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays by The Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City Under direction of department of journalism, Room 14, liberal arts building MILDRED E. WHITCOMB, in charge MEMBER IOWA COLLEGE PRESS Subscription Rate....50 cents the summer BOARD OF TRUSTEES C. H. Weller, chairman, E. M. McEwen, Mary Anderson, Marian Dyer EDITORIAL STAFF BETH WELLMAN Editor-in-chief Telephone, Black 1757; Office hours 1-5 Daily. Room 14, L. A. building Marian Dyer Managing Editor (Rest of staff to be announced later) BUSINESS STAFF ROMOLA LATCHEM, Business Manager Telephone, 935; Office hours, Daily 9-12 103 Iowa Avenue CENSORING THE MOVIES The national board of censorship for motion picture films is extinct, is it not? No one has told us this but we have been aware of its inactivity for some months. However, that should not hinder local motion picture managers or the public from exercising some choice in the selecting of films. In a University town it would be expected that the popular taste would be considerably superior to these tiresome and unescapable sex plays. The suggestiveness and the brazenness of the acting and costumes in some of the pictures which have been shown here recently to audiences containing children is little short of criminal, in our opinion. From visiting a movie twice a week and considering the average pictures presented, the child would gain an idea that the underworld life is the accepted and natural mode of existence. Vampires, dens, and exaggerated displays of uncontrolled passion is about all one can expect to find at the motion theatre, these intermingled with slapstick, vulgar comedy with a bedroom and bath setting. No scenario writers seem to have success getting a play produced unless the major portion of it relates to immoral life. Then the crowd sits through an hour of fast living by the hero or heroine to see at the end that he or she is suddenly forgiven by the world in general and some innocent young man or woman of lofty ideals. Children must get the idea that it is so in real life, this singular ability of movie characters to overlook and forget deep dark pasts. Out of the hundreds of movies given in local theaters here this year, The Iowan is willing to wager that 75 per cent of them are either immoral on the face of them or are suggestive of immoral situations. The managers of moving picture houses evidently find that this is the kind of film which crowds their houses. They are simply answering the demand. We are satisfied the Iowa City, and most particularly the University, public does not want this type of movie as a place of entertainment for them, their friends, and their children. It is then up to them to go to the managers and request that they produce films which have been approved by a local board which has at heart the interests of the children of the city. As a goal for the University club, the women's clubs of Iowa City, or an organization of University girls The Iowan thinks this would be something worth while. THE CONFERENCE FOR WOMEN A Conference for Women is now in session at the University. This is a unique endeavor, the first conference of its kind that has ever been held here; and; so far as we are aware, it is the only one ever attempted at any institution. This conference is but another mark of the advancing position of woman in our society. It indicates at least the beginning of an awakening to social consciousness and to a sense of social responsibility on the part of women. Women are realizing that to conduct the home in the best way they must be trained along many lines. They must be trained in child welfare, nutrition, health and sanitation, economy and taste in clothing and in house decoration, and in many other lines. The Conference for Women is a short course for just such training. For it have been secured the best authorities in the fields of biology, sociology, home economics, child welfare, and nutrition that the University affords. These people are giving of their time and effort that the women of Iowa may be better citizens and may obtain a broader view and a better knowledge of the "sphere" of woman. The conference will continue for two more weeks, closing July 2. It is hoped that students of the summer session will take advantage of the opportunity to hear these lectures which have been planned. Men, as well as women, may find them profitable. IOWANS PLACE AT GENEVA Iowa Track Men Win Second in Interstate Meet at Lake Geneva Iowa schools took second place in the Geneva interstate track and field meet held at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, recently, in connection to the Y.M.C.A. student conference under way there. A telegram from Horace Tousley, local student Y.M.C.A. secretary, states that Arthur Rosenbaugh, crack half miler on this year's Hawkeye track team, placed second in his favorite event in the conference meet, defeating Stone of Ames who finished third. Illinois won the meet with a total of 49 2/7 points, Iowa second with a total of 40 2/7, and Michigan third with 9 points. Stone, the star Aggie runner added points to the Iowa score column by winning the mile. Besides Ames and Iowa, Cornell, Grinnell, and Morningside, aided in garnering counters for the Hawkeye representatives, and in all the Iowans captured the following events: two mile run, high jump, broad jump, and shot put. Miss Bertha Anna Cooper of the University school of music faculty has been appointed soloist in the Battle Creek symphony orchestra recital to be given at the Olivet college commencement exercises, June 25. This is the seventy-fifth commencement of Olivet college, of which Miss Cooper is a graduate. HIXSON WILL GO TO COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Chemistry Professor Resigns Position---Has Been Consulting Engineer in Army Prof. Arthur W. Hixson of the chemistry department has resigned and will go to Columbia university as assistant professor of industrial chemistry. The new position gives him a great advance in salary. For the past year Professor Hixson has been on leave of absence from the University in government service. He was consulting chemical engineer in the ordnance department, one of the most important war appointments made by the government. In that capacity he had supervisory authority over 12 or 15 of the largest explosive manufacturing plants in the country. His duties in supervising the factories consisted in keeping their production up to the maximum and of coordinating their work with the needs of the government. The year of 1917-18, Professor Hixson spent studying at Columbia. Professor Hixson has been a member of the University of Iowa faculty since 1908, being an associate professor of chemistry and metallurgy. Four other professors from the University department of chemistry have been elected to positions at Columbia. GRADUATES AT FOURTEEN Helen Starbuck, daughter of Prof. and Mrs. Edwin Diller Starbuck, was graduated from the University high school last week at the age of fourteen years. A few days ago the Des Moines Register carried a story of a fourteen year old graduate from Belmond high school who claimed she was the youngest in the state. Helen Starbuck is contesting the claim. The month of the Belmond girl's birth was not given in The Register account. TO GIVE SERIES OF TALKS The first lecture of a series on "Modern Biology" by Prof. Gilbert N. Houser will be given Saturday morning a 8 o'clock in room 107 natural science building. This series, consisting of six lectures, will be continued every Saturday at the same time and place. They are open to all students without registration or prerequisite. [advertisement] A SERVICE MESSAGE AN AID TO SUCCESS Young men and women who at this time are leaving school or college and entering business, will find a permanent bank connection an invaluable aid in getting ahead in a business way. By making such a connection with this bank you not only enjoy all the conveniences of a thoroughly modern bank, but obtain the help, advice and counsel of men whose experience will often prove vastly helpful in conducting your own affairs. We invite the accounts of young people on this basis. Regardless of the size of the account, we will serve you well. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Iowa City, Iowa Member Federal Reserve System [advertisement] KEEP COOL While you study. One of our small size electric fans is just the thing. Come in and see our complete assortment. $8.35 and up. CARL J. STACH Across from the Englert [advertisement] DELICATE GARMENTS Daintily Laundered Do you know that we use greater care in washing delicate shirt waists and lingerie than a washwoman? It's a fact! We wash each of these garments separately. Then they are carefully and expertly ironed by hand. If a garment is washable, no matter how sheer it may be, you can send it to us with perfect confidence. There is no need of mailing it home. NEW PROCESS LAUNDRY "The Pride of Iowa City" Phone 294 [advertisement] H. A. STRUB & CO. Silk and Wash Summer Dress Goods Full Line Up To Date Hosiery Gloves And Underwear For Summer H. A. STRUB & CO. [advertisement] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE On The Corner TEXT BOOKS AND SUPPLIES Waterman, Conklin and Schaeffer Fountain Pens UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE
Page Two The Daily Iowan, State University of Iowa Thursday, June 19, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN A morning paper published during the six weeks summer session on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays by The Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City Under direction of department of journalism, Room 14, liberal arts building MILDRED E. WHITCOMB, in charge MEMBER IOWA COLLEGE PRESS Subscription Rate....50 cents the summer BOARD OF TRUSTEES C. H. Weller, chairman, E. M. McEwen, Mary Anderson, Marian Dyer EDITORIAL STAFF BETH WELLMAN Editor-in-chief Telephone, Black 1757; Office hours 1-5 Daily. Room 14, L. A. building Marian Dyer Managing Editor (Rest of staff to be announced later) BUSINESS STAFF ROMOLA LATCHEM, Business Manager Telephone, 935; Office hours, Daily 9-12 103 Iowa Avenue CENSORING THE MOVIES The national board of censorship for motion picture films is extinct, is it not? No one has told us this but we have been aware of its inactivity for some months. However, that should not hinder local motion picture managers or the public from exercising some choice in the selecting of films. In a University town it would be expected that the popular taste would be considerably superior to these tiresome and unescapable sex plays. The suggestiveness and the brazenness of the acting and costumes in some of the pictures which have been shown here recently to audiences containing children is little short of criminal, in our opinion. From visiting a movie twice a week and considering the average pictures presented, the child would gain an idea that the underworld life is the accepted and natural mode of existence. Vampires, dens, and exaggerated displays of uncontrolled passion is about all one can expect to find at the motion theatre, these intermingled with slapstick, vulgar comedy with a bedroom and bath setting. No scenario writers seem to have success getting a play produced unless the major portion of it relates to immoral life. Then the crowd sits through an hour of fast living by the hero or heroine to see at the end that he or she is suddenly forgiven by the world in general and some innocent young man or woman of lofty ideals. Children must get the idea that it is so in real life, this singular ability of movie characters to overlook and forget deep dark pasts. Out of the hundreds of movies given in local theaters here this year, The Iowan is willing to wager that 75 per cent of them are either immoral on the face of them or are suggestive of immoral situations. The managers of moving picture houses evidently find that this is the kind of film which crowds their houses. They are simply answering the demand. We are satisfied the Iowa City, and most particularly the University, public does not want this type of movie as a place of entertainment for them, their friends, and their children. It is then up to them to go to the managers and request that they produce films which have been approved by a local board which has at heart the interests of the children of the city. As a goal for the University club, the women's clubs of Iowa City, or an organization of University girls The Iowan thinks this would be something worth while. THE CONFERENCE FOR WOMEN A Conference for Women is now in session at the University. This is a unique endeavor, the first conference of its kind that has ever been held here; and; so far as we are aware, it is the only one ever attempted at any institution. This conference is but another mark of the advancing position of woman in our society. It indicates at least the beginning of an awakening to social consciousness and to a sense of social responsibility on the part of women. Women are realizing that to conduct the home in the best way they must be trained along many lines. They must be trained in child welfare, nutrition, health and sanitation, economy and taste in clothing and in house decoration, and in many other lines. The Conference for Women is a short course for just such training. For it have been secured the best authorities in the fields of biology, sociology, home economics, child welfare, and nutrition that the University affords. These people are giving of their time and effort that the women of Iowa may be better citizens and may obtain a broader view and a better knowledge of the "sphere" of woman. The conference will continue for two more weeks, closing July 2. It is hoped that students of the summer session will take advantage of the opportunity to hear these lectures which have been planned. Men, as well as women, may find them profitable. IOWANS PLACE AT GENEVA Iowa Track Men Win Second in Interstate Meet at Lake Geneva Iowa schools took second place in the Geneva interstate track and field meet held at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, recently, in connection to the Y.M.C.A. student conference under way there. A telegram from Horace Tousley, local student Y.M.C.A. secretary, states that Arthur Rosenbaugh, crack half miler on this year's Hawkeye track team, placed second in his favorite event in the conference meet, defeating Stone of Ames who finished third. Illinois won the meet with a total of 49 2/7 points, Iowa second with a total of 40 2/7, and Michigan third with 9 points. Stone, the star Aggie runner added points to the Iowa score column by winning the mile. Besides Ames and Iowa, Cornell, Grinnell, and Morningside, aided in garnering counters for the Hawkeye representatives, and in all the Iowans captured the following events: two mile run, high jump, broad jump, and shot put. Miss Bertha Anna Cooper of the University school of music faculty has been appointed soloist in the Battle Creek symphony orchestra recital to be given at the Olivet college commencement exercises, June 25. This is the seventy-fifth commencement of Olivet college, of which Miss Cooper is a graduate. HIXSON WILL GO TO COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Chemistry Professor Resigns Position---Has Been Consulting Engineer in Army Prof. Arthur W. Hixson of the chemistry department has resigned and will go to Columbia university as assistant professor of industrial chemistry. The new position gives him a great advance in salary. For the past year Professor Hixson has been on leave of absence from the University in government service. He was consulting chemical engineer in the ordnance department, one of the most important war appointments made by the government. In that capacity he had supervisory authority over 12 or 15 of the largest explosive manufacturing plants in the country. His duties in supervising the factories consisted in keeping their production up to the maximum and of coordinating their work with the needs of the government. The year of 1917-18, Professor Hixson spent studying at Columbia. Professor Hixson has been a member of the University of Iowa faculty since 1908, being an associate professor of chemistry and metallurgy. Four other professors from the University department of chemistry have been elected to positions at Columbia. GRADUATES AT FOURTEEN Helen Starbuck, daughter of Prof. and Mrs. Edwin Diller Starbuck, was graduated from the University high school last week at the age of fourteen years. A few days ago the Des Moines Register carried a story of a fourteen year old graduate from Belmond high school who claimed she was the youngest in the state. Helen Starbuck is contesting the claim. The month of the Belmond girl's birth was not given in The Register account. TO GIVE SERIES OF TALKS The first lecture of a series on "Modern Biology" by Prof. Gilbert N. Houser will be given Saturday morning a 8 o'clock in room 107 natural science building. This series, consisting of six lectures, will be continued every Saturday at the same time and place. They are open to all students without registration or prerequisite. [advertisement] A SERVICE MESSAGE AN AID TO SUCCESS Young men and women who at this time are leaving school or college and entering business, will find a permanent bank connection an invaluable aid in getting ahead in a business way. By making such a connection with this bank you not only enjoy all the conveniences of a thoroughly modern bank, but obtain the help, advice and counsel of men whose experience will often prove vastly helpful in conducting your own affairs. We invite the accounts of young people on this basis. Regardless of the size of the account, we will serve you well. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Iowa City, Iowa Member Federal Reserve System [advertisement] KEEP COOL While you study. One of our small size electric fans is just the thing. Come in and see our complete assortment. $8.35 and up. CARL J. STACH Across from the Englert [advertisement] DELICATE GARMENTS Daintily Laundered Do you know that we use greater care in washing delicate shirt waists and lingerie than a washwoman? It's a fact! We wash each of these garments separately. Then they are carefully and expertly ironed by hand. If a garment is washable, no matter how sheer it may be, you can send it to us with perfect confidence. There is no need of mailing it home. NEW PROCESS LAUNDRY "The Pride of Iowa City" Phone 294 [advertisement] H. A. STRUB & CO. Silk and Wash Summer Dress Goods Full Line Up To Date Hosiery Gloves And Underwear For Summer H. A. STRUB & CO. [advertisement] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE On The Corner TEXT BOOKS AND SUPPLIES Waterman, Conklin and Schaeffer Fountain Pens UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE
Daily Iowan Newspapers