Daily Iowan, June 19, 1919
Page 3
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Thursday, June 19, 1919 The Daily Iowan, State University of Iowa Page Three PARIS COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS OFFERS TWO SCHOLARSHIPS [Perspective?] French Teachers May Apply for Free Tuition to St-Germain-en-Laye ONE SCHOLAR FOR 1919-20 One Girl Already Appointed for Next Year---Two Each Year For Three Years For American college girls with a good knowledge of French, the Teachers' College of St-Germain-en-Laye in Paris offers two scholarships next year and two for each of the succeeding years. Announcement of the scholarships has just reached president W. A. Jessup from Lieut. [Gene?} Gallant of the French High [commission?] One scholar for the ensuing year has already been appointed, writes Robert L. Kelly, executive secretary of the association of American colleges. He has written to the University to nominate some candidate. Any girl who considers herself qualified is asked to report at the President's office at once. COVER MAJOR EXPENSES The scholarships to the Paris institution carry with them free tuition, board and room, including laundry. The holders of the scholarships will have to provide only for books, clothing, and incidentals. Applicants must have finished the [last?] year's work in college. The University of Iowa is given opportunity to select a candidate because it is one of the American universities which received French girls this year. The French government is taking this first step in the field of educational reciprocity growing out of the work of the University in offering scholarships to French girls. BETWEEN AGES OF 18-22 Lieut. Gallant suggests that girls who apply for the scholarships be prospective teachers of French. At Paris they would be given professional training and would be able to acquire the French language perfectly, teaching French to French children, under the supervision of their professors. The complete courses at St-Germain-de-Laye is three years. The studies cover psychology, ethics, literature, history, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and related subjects, with special attention given to pedagogical training. Girls between 18 and 22 are preferred by the French college. The school is said to be one of the best equipped in the vicinity of Pairs and is surrounded by a large park. SOCIETY AND PERSONAL HEBERLING-SMITH Of more than usual interest to University folk is the wedding of Helen Heberling, '15 and Lieut. Norvin Smith '17 which took place at the Methodist church in this city Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The bride was attended by Margery Heberling, a student in the University, as bridesmaid, and Prudence Heberling '18 as maid of honor. Harold Chamberlin was best man, and Harold Stoner, Donnan B. Harding, J. Dale Rogers, and Russell W. Lemley, all Iowa men, ushered. Following the wedding ceremony there was a reception at the Judge Remley home in Bella Vista place. Miss Heberling was the University of Iowa member of the Ford peace party which went to Europe early in the war in the interests of making peace. Since the United States has been in the war, she has been doing government work in the east, particularly in relation to social and working conditions among women, work for which she was well fitted through experience in Henry street settlement, New York, for more than two years. Lieut. Smith went to France in August, 1917, and participated in every important battle in which the American army was engaged. He was wounded three times, twice seriously, and since returning to this country has received from the French government the Croix de guerre with palm, the highest grade of decoration given. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will live in Philadelphia, where Mr. Smith has a position with the Curtis Publishing Company. HAYEK-EVANS Elsie Hayek and Earnest V. Evans, two University graduates were married at high noon yesterday at the bride's home, 804 N. Dodge street. Beatrice Benda was bridesmaid at the ceremony and Vernon Cone best man. Mrs. Evans received her degree at the Tuesday convocation. She was elected to Phi Beta Kappa this spring. Mr. Evans whose home is in Williamsburg is a graduate of the college of engineering class of 1917. He was commissioned second lieutenant at the zrst Snelling camp and was among the first Americans to go across. He saw seventeen months of service in France and Germany with the first artillery. His discharge came only a few weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Evans will live in Cleveland, Ohio where Mr. Evans is employed by one of the largest electrical concerns of that place. President and Mrs. W. A. Jessup gave a reception for the faculty of the summer session last night at 8 o'clock. Agnes Kingsbury will go to Waterloo soon where she will become editor of the Waterloo Daily Courier. Florence Peterman is conducting classes in swimming for girls at the high school gymnasium. Miss Bess Miller, supervisor of music in the Kansas City schools, is here to enroll for the course given by the psychology department in measuring musical talent. SCOUT MASTERS ASSEMBLE Number of Men From Outside of State Attend Conference The boy scouts conference is in full swing. Mr. Charles F. Smith, educational scout commissioner of New York and scout executive at the State Island academy, arrived Tuesday night and began instructing his men yesterday. Five men from outside the state are in attendance at the conference. They are: George C. Driesbach of Akron, Ohio; F. C. Rogers of Racine, Wis.; L. W. Stiegel of Moline, Ill.; Maurice Dopp of Congress Park, Ill.; and Ralph French of LaGrange, Ill. The scout masters conference will last two weeks; the men camp in a cottage a mile up the river near Black Springs. Last year the men camped at Linder's cottage farther up stream. A public lecture on the boy scout movement will be given tonight by Charles F. Smith, head instructor of the camp in room 105, liberal arts. SATURDAY PICNIC The Christian Endeavor society of the Congregational church invites all Congregationalists of the summer school to a picnic next Saturday afternoon at "Lovers Leap". The launch will leave the boat-house at 5 o'clock. Fare will be 10 cents, Supper 20 cents. Phone the Conference house, Black 1122, and tell Mr. Shafer that you are coming. [advertisement] RACINE'S CIGAR STORES Billiard Parlor and Soda Fountain [advertisement] SUMMER SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS AND SUPPLIES BOOK AND CRAFT SHOP 124 E. Washington Street GALLI CURCI BELONGS WANTED: Caruso, Melba, Tetrazzini, et al for the assembly choir. Those who wish places in the choir are urged to meet Prof. W. E. Hays of the school of music as soon as possible. Already nearly 20 persons have applied. Instruction is given free, rehearsals are not frequent, and those interested in glee club singing are requested to apply. RED CROSS DIRECTOR HERE Dr. Jesse T. Steiner, director general of the educational work of the Red Cross at Washington, D. C., is visiting the University. Dr. Steiner is looking for assistants in this work. While in the city, he is the guest of Dr. G. G. Benjamin. SEEKS FOREIGN BORN UNIVERSITY WOMEN Mrs. A. M. Hendee of the national War Work council of the Y.W.C.A., New York city, was among the commencement guests this week. Mrs. Hendee has been connected with the Polish Gray Samaritan training school. She is recruiting college women of European birth or descent for a summer course in New York, where they will be trained for leadership in social service work in the countries devastated by the war. Scholarships providing all necessary expenses for the course, including carfare to New York, are given by the War Work council of the Y.W.C.A. Several University of Iowa girls have made application, and if accepted will be in line for overseas service. [advertisement] [illustration of man wearing a Hart Schaffner & Marx suit, copyright 1919] HERE'S our business code: Give you more value, more style, more clothes satisfaction. If we don't do it--- give your money back. KEEP COOL IN DIXIE WEAVES They are the best "keep cool" fabrics we know; light weight, but all-wool and long wearing at the same time; made by Hart Schaffner & Marx, and that means made right. We'll show them to you in all the new styles; waist-seams, sport styles, sacks. BLUE SERGES FOR SUMMER There's no time of the year when a blue serge isn't on duty. For summer year there are light weight serges; nothing finer, in all sizes. Satisfaction guaranteed. COAST'S The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Thursday, June 19, 1919 The Daily Iowan, State University of Iowa Page Three PARIS COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS OFFERS TWO SCHOLARSHIPS [Perspective?] French Teachers May Apply for Free Tuition to St-Germain-en-Laye ONE SCHOLAR FOR 1919-20 One Girl Already Appointed for Next Year---Two Each Year For Three Years For American college girls with a good knowledge of French, the Teachers' College of St-Germain-en-Laye in Paris offers two scholarships next year and two for each of the succeeding years. Announcement of the scholarships has just reached president W. A. Jessup from Lieut. [Gene?} Gallant of the French High [commission?] One scholar for the ensuing year has already been appointed, writes Robert L. Kelly, executive secretary of the association of American colleges. He has written to the University to nominate some candidate. Any girl who considers herself qualified is asked to report at the President's office at once. COVER MAJOR EXPENSES The scholarships to the Paris institution carry with them free tuition, board and room, including laundry. The holders of the scholarships will have to provide only for books, clothing, and incidentals. Applicants must have finished the [last?] year's work in college. The University of Iowa is given opportunity to select a candidate because it is one of the American universities which received French girls this year. The French government is taking this first step in the field of educational reciprocity growing out of the work of the University in offering scholarships to French girls. BETWEEN AGES OF 18-22 Lieut. Gallant suggests that girls who apply for the scholarships be prospective teachers of French. At Paris they would be given professional training and would be able to acquire the French language perfectly, teaching French to French children, under the supervision of their professors. The complete courses at St-Germain-de-Laye is three years. The studies cover psychology, ethics, literature, history, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and related subjects, with special attention given to pedagogical training. Girls between 18 and 22 are preferred by the French college. The school is said to be one of the best equipped in the vicinity of Pairs and is surrounded by a large park. SOCIETY AND PERSONAL HEBERLING-SMITH Of more than usual interest to University folk is the wedding of Helen Heberling, '15 and Lieut. Norvin Smith '17 which took place at the Methodist church in this city Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The bride was attended by Margery Heberling, a student in the University, as bridesmaid, and Prudence Heberling '18 as maid of honor. Harold Chamberlin was best man, and Harold Stoner, Donnan B. Harding, J. Dale Rogers, and Russell W. Lemley, all Iowa men, ushered. Following the wedding ceremony there was a reception at the Judge Remley home in Bella Vista place. Miss Heberling was the University of Iowa member of the Ford peace party which went to Europe early in the war in the interests of making peace. Since the United States has been in the war, she has been doing government work in the east, particularly in relation to social and working conditions among women, work for which she was well fitted through experience in Henry street settlement, New York, for more than two years. Lieut. Smith went to France in August, 1917, and participated in every important battle in which the American army was engaged. He was wounded three times, twice seriously, and since returning to this country has received from the French government the Croix de guerre with palm, the highest grade of decoration given. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will live in Philadelphia, where Mr. Smith has a position with the Curtis Publishing Company. HAYEK-EVANS Elsie Hayek and Earnest V. Evans, two University graduates were married at high noon yesterday at the bride's home, 804 N. Dodge street. Beatrice Benda was bridesmaid at the ceremony and Vernon Cone best man. Mrs. Evans received her degree at the Tuesday convocation. She was elected to Phi Beta Kappa this spring. Mr. Evans whose home is in Williamsburg is a graduate of the college of engineering class of 1917. He was commissioned second lieutenant at the zrst Snelling camp and was among the first Americans to go across. He saw seventeen months of service in France and Germany with the first artillery. His discharge came only a few weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Evans will live in Cleveland, Ohio where Mr. Evans is employed by one of the largest electrical concerns of that place. President and Mrs. W. A. Jessup gave a reception for the faculty of the summer session last night at 8 o'clock. Agnes Kingsbury will go to Waterloo soon where she will become editor of the Waterloo Daily Courier. Florence Peterman is conducting classes in swimming for girls at the high school gymnasium. Miss Bess Miller, supervisor of music in the Kansas City schools, is here to enroll for the course given by the psychology department in measuring musical talent. SCOUT MASTERS ASSEMBLE Number of Men From Outside of State Attend Conference The boy scouts conference is in full swing. Mr. Charles F. Smith, educational scout commissioner of New York and scout executive at the State Island academy, arrived Tuesday night and began instructing his men yesterday. Five men from outside the state are in attendance at the conference. They are: George C. Driesbach of Akron, Ohio; F. C. Rogers of Racine, Wis.; L. W. Stiegel of Moline, Ill.; Maurice Dopp of Congress Park, Ill.; and Ralph French of LaGrange, Ill. The scout masters conference will last two weeks; the men camp in a cottage a mile up the river near Black Springs. Last year the men camped at Linder's cottage farther up stream. A public lecture on the boy scout movement will be given tonight by Charles F. Smith, head instructor of the camp in room 105, liberal arts. SATURDAY PICNIC The Christian Endeavor society of the Congregational church invites all Congregationalists of the summer school to a picnic next Saturday afternoon at "Lovers Leap". The launch will leave the boat-house at 5 o'clock. Fare will be 10 cents, Supper 20 cents. Phone the Conference house, Black 1122, and tell Mr. Shafer that you are coming. [advertisement] RACINE'S CIGAR STORES Billiard Parlor and Soda Fountain [advertisement] SUMMER SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS AND SUPPLIES BOOK AND CRAFT SHOP 124 E. Washington Street GALLI CURCI BELONGS WANTED: Caruso, Melba, Tetrazzini, et al for the assembly choir. Those who wish places in the choir are urged to meet Prof. W. E. Hays of the school of music as soon as possible. Already nearly 20 persons have applied. Instruction is given free, rehearsals are not frequent, and those interested in glee club singing are requested to apply. RED CROSS DIRECTOR HERE Dr. Jesse T. Steiner, director general of the educational work of the Red Cross at Washington, D. C., is visiting the University. Dr. Steiner is looking for assistants in this work. While in the city, he is the guest of Dr. G. G. Benjamin. SEEKS FOREIGN BORN UNIVERSITY WOMEN Mrs. A. M. Hendee of the national War Work council of the Y.W.C.A., New York city, was among the commencement guests this week. Mrs. Hendee has been connected with the Polish Gray Samaritan training school. She is recruiting college women of European birth or descent for a summer course in New York, where they will be trained for leadership in social service work in the countries devastated by the war. Scholarships providing all necessary expenses for the course, including carfare to New York, are given by the War Work council of the Y.W.C.A. Several University of Iowa girls have made application, and if accepted will be in line for overseas service. [advertisement] [illustration of man wearing a Hart Schaffner & Marx suit, copyright 1919] HERE'S our business code: Give you more value, more style, more clothes satisfaction. If we don't do it--- give your money back. KEEP COOL IN DIXIE WEAVES They are the best "keep cool" fabrics we know; light weight, but all-wool and long wearing at the same time; made by Hart Schaffner & Marx, and that means made right. We'll show them to you in all the new styles; waist-seams, sport styles, sacks. BLUE SERGES FOR SUMMER There's no time of the year when a blue serge isn't on duty. For summer year there are light weight serges; nothing finer, in all sizes. Satisfaction guaranteed. COAST'S The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Daily Iowan Newspapers