Daily Iowan, July 1, 1919
Page 4
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, July 1, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction; 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. WANTED - House or part of house for summer months for the upkeep or reasonable rent. Responsible person. Address Z-care Daily Iowan. ----- LOST - P. E. O. pin. Finder return to Fannie Gilmore, Currier Hall. ----- GOOD ROADS MAY BE BORDERED BY TREES Dense Hedges Make Bad Roads but Well Trimmed Trees Are No Detriment --- Good roads enthusiast are all wrong when they think that trees along the raodside are detrimental to fine roads, says Professor Bohumil Shimek, botany professor at the University. There is no reason in the world why every driveway in Iowa shold not be bordered by beautiful shade trees. Dense growth and rubbish along the roadside are what keep the roads moist and bad, Professor Shimek states. Willows, hedges, sunflowers, wild grapevines, are all conducive to bad roads because they prevent free circulation of air. Wind rather than the hot sun is the chief agent in drying roads just as it is in drying the family washing on Mondays. In the winter snow drifts in hedges and low walls of rubbish, and thus the roads are put in poor condition. Shade trees, however, do not produce this undesirable effect. They should be planted close to the roads so as not to interfere with adjoining fields, and they should be trimmed up six or seven feet from the ground. A tree thus trimmed does not prevent free circulation of air on the roads and has the same windbreaking quality as a lower and more dense growth. ----- Lillian Ten Eyck of Downey is visiting here. ----- Here's the chance of a lifetime Hart Schaffner & Marx Advance fall styles at record-breaking prices We arrived in Chicago at just the right moment to make a big savings for you men on the very finest all-wool suits. Here's the whole story. We had the chance to buy on hundred suits from Hart Schaffner & Marx at a price that showed a big savings. We jumped at the chance and shipped the suits right on to Iowa City. They are not regular models but a special lot made from a surplus of spring and summer fabrics in advance of fall styles. They are double-breasted models snappy styles for young men; popular two and three button sacks for the older young men; values that you won't be able to equal elsewhere at the price. Here's just a tip; these suits aren't going to last very long. The men that get them can consider themselves lucky. How about you? New Silk Shirts At this time you will find the largest assortment of Silk Shirts we have shown for a long time. Crepes, Tub Silks and Jerseys. New Hats Both straw hats and the light weight felts. They are exceptional qualities at prices low enough to warrant satisfaction. In solid colors. Caps in grays, greens and tans. Palm Beach and other Two-Piece Suits for Men and Young Men About one hundred two-piece suits were placed in stock today. They are just the ting for hot weather wear. All sizes up to size 50. COASTS' IOWA CITY, IOWA ----- ATTEND BAR ASSOCIATION Dean D.O. McGovney and Prof. H. C. Horack, of the law college, spent Thursday and Friday at the Iowa State Bar association meeting at Davenport. Professor Horack is the treasurer of this association. ----- Charles Hacke, senior liberal arts, spent the week end at his home in Lone Tree. "Lefty" Holt, former circulation manager of The Daily Iowan, is now in China. Holt is lieutenant in the navy.
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, July 1, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction; 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. WANTED - House or part of house for summer months for the upkeep or reasonable rent. Responsible person. Address Z-care Daily Iowan. ----- LOST - P. E. O. pin. Finder return to Fannie Gilmore, Currier Hall. ----- GOOD ROADS MAY BE BORDERED BY TREES Dense Hedges Make Bad Roads but Well Trimmed Trees Are No Detriment --- Good roads enthusiast are all wrong when they think that trees along the raodside are detrimental to fine roads, says Professor Bohumil Shimek, botany professor at the University. There is no reason in the world why every driveway in Iowa shold not be bordered by beautiful shade trees. Dense growth and rubbish along the roadside are what keep the roads moist and bad, Professor Shimek states. Willows, hedges, sunflowers, wild grapevines, are all conducive to bad roads because they prevent free circulation of air. Wind rather than the hot sun is the chief agent in drying roads just as it is in drying the family washing on Mondays. In the winter snow drifts in hedges and low walls of rubbish, and thus the roads are put in poor condition. Shade trees, however, do not produce this undesirable effect. They should be planted close to the roads so as not to interfere with adjoining fields, and they should be trimmed up six or seven feet from the ground. A tree thus trimmed does not prevent free circulation of air on the roads and has the same windbreaking quality as a lower and more dense growth. ----- Lillian Ten Eyck of Downey is visiting here. ----- Here's the chance of a lifetime Hart Schaffner & Marx Advance fall styles at record-breaking prices We arrived in Chicago at just the right moment to make a big savings for you men on the very finest all-wool suits. Here's the whole story. We had the chance to buy on hundred suits from Hart Schaffner & Marx at a price that showed a big savings. We jumped at the chance and shipped the suits right on to Iowa City. They are not regular models but a special lot made from a surplus of spring and summer fabrics in advance of fall styles. They are double-breasted models snappy styles for young men; popular two and three button sacks for the older young men; values that you won't be able to equal elsewhere at the price. Here's just a tip; these suits aren't going to last very long. The men that get them can consider themselves lucky. How about you? New Silk Shirts At this time you will find the largest assortment of Silk Shirts we have shown for a long time. Crepes, Tub Silks and Jerseys. New Hats Both straw hats and the light weight felts. They are exceptional qualities at prices low enough to warrant satisfaction. In solid colors. Caps in grays, greens and tans. Palm Beach and other Two-Piece Suits for Men and Young Men About one hundred two-piece suits were placed in stock today. They are just the ting for hot weather wear. All sizes up to size 50. COASTS' IOWA CITY, IOWA ----- ATTEND BAR ASSOCIATION Dean D.O. McGovney and Prof. H. C. Horack, of the law college, spent Thursday and Friday at the Iowa State Bar association meeting at Davenport. Professor Horack is the treasurer of this association. ----- Charles Hacke, senior liberal arts, spent the week end at his home in Lone Tree. "Lefty" Holt, former circulation manager of The Daily Iowan, is now in China. Holt is lieutenant in the navy.
Daily Iowan Newspapers