Daily Iowan, July 3, 1919
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Page Two The Daily Iowan, State University of Iowa Thursday, July 3, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN A morning paper published during the six weeks summer session on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays by The Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City Entered as second class matter, at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa Under direction of department of journalism, Room 14, liberal arts building MILDRED E. WHITCOMB, in charge MEMBER IOWA COLLEGE PRESS Subscription Rate....50 cents the summer BOARD OF TRUSTEES C. H. Weller, chairman, E. M. McEwen, Mary Anderson, Marian Dyer EDITORIAL STAFF BETH WELLMAN Editor-in-chief Telephone, Black 1757; Office hours 1-5 Daily. Room 14, L. A. building Marian Dyer Managing Editor (Rest of staff to be announced later) BUSINESS STAFF ROMOLA LATCHEM, Business Manager Telephone, 935; Office hours, Daily 9-12 103 Iowa Avenue RESPECT OUR SONG With the renewed patriotism and national feeling brought about by the union of the peoples of our country in the Great War just ended, there has come also an added respect for the flag and a keener consciousness of the marks of respect for it and for the other symbols of our democracy. There are a few persons, however, that do not stop to consider that one person in a group should not be given greater privileges than others in that group. At the weekly assembly yesterday during the singing of "America" several persons near the door began to sneak off one by one until there was a number of vacant seats at the entrance, There is no occasion for students not to stay until the singing of America is over; classes do not take up until the assembly is dismissed and ample time is allowed to reach the class room after the exercises are over. It is a mark of disrespect to the song not to stay for its completion. What if every other person should decide also to leave and only the choir were left? Would that not be indicative of gross disrespect for the song of our country. Perhaps one or two of those persons who left did have a valid reason, but a minute or two ought not to make a great deal of difference to the average student. THE SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT Yesterday a measure affecting a large percentage of the summer session students of the University was passed by the state legislature of Iowa at a special session called for that purpose. This was the ratification of the national suffrage amendment. With the ratification of three-fourths of the states, this amendment will become effective. But for one phrase inserted into the state constitution, the ratification of this amendment would entitle women to hold any office in the state of Iowa as well as to vote. This phrase requires among other things, that a member of the state house of representatives must be a male citizen of the United States. The insertion of these words, according to the Des Moines Register, means that women cannot be elected to either branch of the state legislature for two years, or until an amendment to the state constitution is passed. The state provision in no way conflicts with the proposed federal amendment, since that provides only for the right to vote and not for the right to hold office. However, any woman more than thirty years of age may become governor, lieutenant governor, judge of the supreme court, attorney general, district judge, county attorney, secretary of state, auditor of state, state treasurer, or a member of the board of education. The number of women who are present at the state capitol to witness the ratification of the federal amendment is proof against the old argument that women do not want to vote. It was at the personal solicitation of a suffrage leader that the governor issued the proclamation calling a special session of the state legislature. Suffrage leaders were contemplating beginning work immediately toward securing an amendment to the state constitution in order that none of the privileges extended to men should be withheld from the women; but they have given this up because the constitution cannot be amended for two years at the least. Nothing would therefore be gained by the immediate introduction of additional legislation. In view of these activities on the part of women, those arguing against the movement on the ground of non-interest of the women themselves in the vote will have to lay aside their ancient prejudice. It looks as if suffrage is at least to become universal. SOCIAL SERVICE Perhaps the greatest boon of college life lies in those intimate associations which after years of separation are quickly reestablished. Behind the commencement spectacle of uniformed classes competing with each other to produce bizarre effects, has been the quiet exchange of thoughts and life experiences as old friends gathered to "report the soul," in the fine poetic phrase of Georg Cabot Lodge, Senator Lodge's brilliant son who died a few years ago. Yesterday it seems, some broad-backed stalwart was the strength of the football line; today he turns up the earnest rector of a church with a splendid record of service done and knowledge gained as a beloved prison chaplain. And others have their human experiences to contribute as well. Whatever may have caused the reticences or evasions of commencement orators, their audiences have been thinking soberly and seriously upon the problems of the time and turning to their solution in inspiration of those who died. No college or university whose responsible leaders do not feel the compulsion of the same spirit is well equipped for the service it must render in the uncharted years that lie ahead. The world perhaps never stood more in need than now of unselfish missionary work. Possibly America itself needs such work at present more urgently than the more backward peoples. At all events in dealing with the grave problems before the nation and the world there is the utmost need of precisely the spirit which has consecrated so may college graduates to missionary service. Social work must not be left to the weaklings and the misfits of society; it needs able minds and forceful personalities. To get these there must be an ideal of disinterested service, a cause to which men and women of high character and first-rate ability will continue to devote themselves, and the maintenance of such an ideal must as in the past devolve in great part upon the college. It is not improbable that in supporting this ideal our institutions of learning will get increased aid from intensely practical people who have lately come to realize the dire possibilities of an unmitigated struggle for material success. There is room in the world for unlimited competition, provided it is carried on along different planes. There is no reason why workers of different sorts should clash if material success is not their common goal. But if nothing but money is respected, if to be poor is to have failed in life, if all the desire and ambitions of men are turned into an insatiable quest for wealth, then disaster is near. In these days thoughtful men are coming to realize their danger as never before. They will not be inclined to insist that colleges intensify the struggle for life by turning out trained competitors for wealth with a narrow and materialistic view of the meaning of success. The spirit most urgently needed now is of a different sort, varied in its aims, but disinterested in character. The colleges may well make of the war and the upheavals following the war a new point of departure; by their collective influence they can do great things for the spirit of social service.----Springeld Republican. NEWSPAPER ERRORS If The Daily Iowan contains an occasional typographical error you might remember this which some newspaper man with a mathematical head figured out. In an ordinary news column there are 70,000 chances for errors, besides millions for transpositions. In the sentence, "To be or not to be," by transposition alone 2,759,022 errors are possible. If we should have two typographical errors in a column we would then be overlooking only one mistake in a million. [advertisement] GARDEN THEATRE HAROLD LLOYD in "PALS FIRST" A six reel special Also a One-reel Outing Chester Admission 10-15c [advertisement] Try The BON=TON CAFE For a Good Square Meal Tables For Ladies Newly Furnished Throughout [advertisement] CANOES AND ROWBOATS For Rent At FITZGERALD'S BOAT HOUSE West Market Street Launch Parties at Reasonable rates [advertisement] RACINE'S CIGAR STORES Billiard Parlor and Soda Fountain [advertisement] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE On The Corner TEXT BOOKS AND SUPPLIES Waterman, Conklin and Schaeffer Fountain Pens UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE [advertisement] VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory Varsity Orchestra Dancing from 8:45 tp 11:45 Saturday July 5
Page Two The Daily Iowan, State University of Iowa Thursday, July 3, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN A morning paper published during the six weeks summer session on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays by The Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City Entered as second class matter, at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa Under direction of department of journalism, Room 14, liberal arts building MILDRED E. WHITCOMB, in charge MEMBER IOWA COLLEGE PRESS Subscription Rate....50 cents the summer BOARD OF TRUSTEES C. H. Weller, chairman, E. M. McEwen, Mary Anderson, Marian Dyer EDITORIAL STAFF BETH WELLMAN Editor-in-chief Telephone, Black 1757; Office hours 1-5 Daily. Room 14, L. A. building Marian Dyer Managing Editor (Rest of staff to be announced later) BUSINESS STAFF ROMOLA LATCHEM, Business Manager Telephone, 935; Office hours, Daily 9-12 103 Iowa Avenue RESPECT OUR SONG With the renewed patriotism and national feeling brought about by the union of the peoples of our country in the Great War just ended, there has come also an added respect for the flag and a keener consciousness of the marks of respect for it and for the other symbols of our democracy. There are a few persons, however, that do not stop to consider that one person in a group should not be given greater privileges than others in that group. At the weekly assembly yesterday during the singing of "America" several persons near the door began to sneak off one by one until there was a number of vacant seats at the entrance, There is no occasion for students not to stay until the singing of America is over; classes do not take up until the assembly is dismissed and ample time is allowed to reach the class room after the exercises are over. It is a mark of disrespect to the song not to stay for its completion. What if every other person should decide also to leave and only the choir were left? Would that not be indicative of gross disrespect for the song of our country. Perhaps one or two of those persons who left did have a valid reason, but a minute or two ought not to make a great deal of difference to the average student. THE SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT Yesterday a measure affecting a large percentage of the summer session students of the University was passed by the state legislature of Iowa at a special session called for that purpose. This was the ratification of the national suffrage amendment. With the ratification of three-fourths of the states, this amendment will become effective. But for one phrase inserted into the state constitution, the ratification of this amendment would entitle women to hold any office in the state of Iowa as well as to vote. This phrase requires among other things, that a member of the state house of representatives must be a male citizen of the United States. The insertion of these words, according to the Des Moines Register, means that women cannot be elected to either branch of the state legislature for two years, or until an amendment to the state constitution is passed. The state provision in no way conflicts with the proposed federal amendment, since that provides only for the right to vote and not for the right to hold office. However, any woman more than thirty years of age may become governor, lieutenant governor, judge of the supreme court, attorney general, district judge, county attorney, secretary of state, auditor of state, state treasurer, or a member of the board of education. The number of women who are present at the state capitol to witness the ratification of the federal amendment is proof against the old argument that women do not want to vote. It was at the personal solicitation of a suffrage leader that the governor issued the proclamation calling a special session of the state legislature. Suffrage leaders were contemplating beginning work immediately toward securing an amendment to the state constitution in order that none of the privileges extended to men should be withheld from the women; but they have given this up because the constitution cannot be amended for two years at the least. Nothing would therefore be gained by the immediate introduction of additional legislation. In view of these activities on the part of women, those arguing against the movement on the ground of non-interest of the women themselves in the vote will have to lay aside their ancient prejudice. It looks as if suffrage is at least to become universal. SOCIAL SERVICE Perhaps the greatest boon of college life lies in those intimate associations which after years of separation are quickly reestablished. Behind the commencement spectacle of uniformed classes competing with each other to produce bizarre effects, has been the quiet exchange of thoughts and life experiences as old friends gathered to "report the soul," in the fine poetic phrase of Georg Cabot Lodge, Senator Lodge's brilliant son who died a few years ago. Yesterday it seems, some broad-backed stalwart was the strength of the football line; today he turns up the earnest rector of a church with a splendid record of service done and knowledge gained as a beloved prison chaplain. And others have their human experiences to contribute as well. Whatever may have caused the reticences or evasions of commencement orators, their audiences have been thinking soberly and seriously upon the problems of the time and turning to their solution in inspiration of those who died. No college or university whose responsible leaders do not feel the compulsion of the same spirit is well equipped for the service it must render in the uncharted years that lie ahead. The world perhaps never stood more in need than now of unselfish missionary work. Possibly America itself needs such work at present more urgently than the more backward peoples. At all events in dealing with the grave problems before the nation and the world there is the utmost need of precisely the spirit which has consecrated so may college graduates to missionary service. Social work must not be left to the weaklings and the misfits of society; it needs able minds and forceful personalities. To get these there must be an ideal of disinterested service, a cause to which men and women of high character and first-rate ability will continue to devote themselves, and the maintenance of such an ideal must as in the past devolve in great part upon the college. It is not improbable that in supporting this ideal our institutions of learning will get increased aid from intensely practical people who have lately come to realize the dire possibilities of an unmitigated struggle for material success. There is room in the world for unlimited competition, provided it is carried on along different planes. There is no reason why workers of different sorts should clash if material success is not their common goal. But if nothing but money is respected, if to be poor is to have failed in life, if all the desire and ambitions of men are turned into an insatiable quest for wealth, then disaster is near. In these days thoughtful men are coming to realize their danger as never before. They will not be inclined to insist that colleges intensify the struggle for life by turning out trained competitors for wealth with a narrow and materialistic view of the meaning of success. The spirit most urgently needed now is of a different sort, varied in its aims, but disinterested in character. The colleges may well make of the war and the upheavals following the war a new point of departure; by their collective influence they can do great things for the spirit of social service.----Springeld Republican. NEWSPAPER ERRORS If The Daily Iowan contains an occasional typographical error you might remember this which some newspaper man with a mathematical head figured out. In an ordinary news column there are 70,000 chances for errors, besides millions for transpositions. In the sentence, "To be or not to be," by transposition alone 2,759,022 errors are possible. If we should have two typographical errors in a column we would then be overlooking only one mistake in a million. [advertisement] GARDEN THEATRE HAROLD LLOYD in "PALS FIRST" A six reel special Also a One-reel Outing Chester Admission 10-15c [advertisement] Try The BON=TON CAFE For a Good Square Meal Tables For Ladies Newly Furnished Throughout [advertisement] CANOES AND ROWBOATS For Rent At FITZGERALD'S BOAT HOUSE West Market Street Launch Parties at Reasonable rates [advertisement] RACINE'S CIGAR STORES Billiard Parlor and Soda Fountain [advertisement] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE On The Corner TEXT BOOKS AND SUPPLIES Waterman, Conklin and Schaeffer Fountain Pens UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE [advertisement] VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory Varsity Orchestra Dancing from 8:45 tp 11:45 Saturday July 5
Daily Iowan Newspapers