Daily Iowan, July 6, 1919
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PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, July 6, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN A morning paper published during the six weeks summer session on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays by the Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City ----- Entered as second class matter, at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa ----- Under direction of department of journalism, Room 14, liberal arts building MILDRED E. WHITCOMB, in charge ----- MEMBER IOWA COLLEGE PRESS ----- Subscription Rate.... 50 cents the summer ----- BOARD OF TRUSTEES C.H. Weller, chairman, E. M. McEwen, Mary Anderson, Marian Dyer ----- EDITORIAL STAFF BETH WELLMAN Editor-in-chief Telephone, Black 1757; Office hours 1-5 Daily. Room 14, L. A. building ----- Marian Dyer Managing Editor (Rest of staff to be announced later) ----- BUSINESS STAFF ROMOLA LATCHEM, Business Manager Telephone, 935; Office hours, Daily 9-12 103 Iowa Avenue ----- AMERICANIZATION This coming week has been set aside by the University as Americanization week. For the benefit of summer session students a series of lectures have been planned dealing with this vital subject. In the past we have been placing the emphasis upon naturalization, rather than upon Americanization. Now we are coming to realize that there is a vast difference between the two, and that the fact that a foreigner has taken out certain papers and expressed his desire to become a citizen of the United States does not necessarily mean that he is at heart an American. The war has driven home to us that fact, as it has also disclosed the ardent loyalty of the great mass of the people. On investigation it was found that the opponents in the liberty loan drives were the first and second generations of the foreign born here. What is meant by Americanization seems to be difficult of definition. The secretary of the interior, Franklin K .Lane, has defined it as "the interpretation of the attitude, ideals, standards, and life of the American people to those who come here from abroad; it is also a movement for the fuller realization of all the opportunities of one who lives in America." Iilliteracy is a serious problem before the United States today and stands in the way of teaching the foreigned who come to our country our ideals and the value of our democratic institutions. One thing history has taught us, that we cannot Americanize by forcing our language upon a people. They must catch the spirit of our democracy as well as gain a knowledge of its institutions and language. It is hoped that Americanization week at the University will serve to help the Summer Session students, particularly those who are to be teachers next year, to formulate definite and constructive ideas and ideals relating to this problem, that they may spread these ideals relat-spread these ideas and ideals by their teachings in the public schools. LET’S HAVE A MIXER Half of the first term of the summer session has passed and no opportunity has been given to the students to get acquainted with each other. There has been no all-University mixer, such as was held last year and such as is usually held at the beginning of every new school year, and nothing in the way of an entertainment. True, the young people’s societies of the different churches have held receptions, picnics, or parties, but not so many as in former years. Last year, union parties were held every week end at one of the churches. Students do not get acquainted very well when they meet once, and never see each other again except perhaps to pass on the campus. Why do we not have another all-University mixer for everybody enrolled in the summer session to come and get acquainted? The large attendance at the mixers last year spoke well for their popularity with the summer students. Many of those who are here are anxious to become acquainted with others. Probably the majority of us would be surprised to find there someone from our home town [of?] someone we used to know in former school days, and whom we did not know was in Iowa City. There is a lot of truth in the old saying that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Students, let’s have a mixer. CHOOSING OUR POSSESSION In the new world (after the League of Nations is established) there will no doubt be a school of manners, not limited to reluctant bolshevists. The chief item of instruction should be on the art of possession. False ideals prevail today. A man says “my office,” but his clerks say “our office.” Men and women assume possession with startling rapidity. An accident in “our car,” or “in our street” acquires a world’s significance, beside which the eruption of Stromboli is a small and dismal thing. Just as men take pride in Texas because they live in the largest state, so office boys are haughty if their building has more elevators than any other in the world. We think the socialist ought to supply us with an analysis of this fury to possess. As a starting point we offer the suggestion that humanity is all wrong—it is not the man who owns the office; the office could much more justly speak of “my man.” In spite of our title deeds and rent receipts we are all men possessed, by property or by an idea or by those we love. The art of living is in choosing our possessions—and our possessors as well.—Colliers. HOW ABOUT THE FIGHTER? There is a movement to recognize war nurses with military titles. Where is this tendency to end? The war has seen the distribution of an endless profusion of titles. We have traditionally thought of the lieutenant, the captain, major, and colonel as symbolizing the military power of the nation. Now we find lieutenants, captains, majors, and colonels in the Red Cross, in the noncombatant branches, and in all manner of strange and non-fighting services. Red Cross officers demanded the salute of line fighters, agents of the war risk bureau were shoulder barred, the publicity bureau had its spurs. Now the nurses would be officers. Presently we shall be asking the question: What is an army?—The Chicago Daily Tribune. LAWN PARTY FOR GRADUATES Dean and Mrs. C.E. Seashore will give an informal reception and lawn party for graduate students of the summer session at their home, 815 North Linn street Wednesday evening, July 16, from seven to nine o’clock. Dr. Archie O’Donoghue, a graduate of the school of medicine last March, will locate at Storm Lake. ABOUT THE CAMPUS WOMEN’S SWIMMING POOL Back stroke, side stroke, sputter and choke stroke! They have them all—and how they do enjoy it! Not only do they enjoy it, but so, also does any chance onlooker, for the big swimming pool in the girls’ gymnasium has aesthetic and recreative values for the spectator as well as the participants in the sport. This is what he sees—a dozen or more would-be mermaids in many colored suits and caps, cavorting in a blue-green pool of water, and (if he look with the eyes of fancy) deep in the bottom of the pool not unromantic white enameled brick, but yellow sea sand, with shells and coral and fantastic fishes. Then the illusion of the mermaids becomes complete. If he should chance to arrive just at the moment when a new class comes out, the aesthetic may give place to the ludicrous and his illusions will be shattered. For the prospective life savers line up along the edge of the pool for land drill (what the uninitiated might call “swimming in the air”). And as it’s very difficult matter to make every hand and every foot that you possess do a different thing at the same time, the effect is apt to be laugh-provoking to the onlooker. There are one hundred and forty girls taking swimming this summer, besides a number of recreational swimmers who have the privileges of the pool from 5:00 to 5:30. The girls are divided into five classes, four elementary and one intermediate, one of which receives instruction during each hour of the afternoon. At the end of a course the beginners are expected to have learned how to float, to know the side and back strokes and to know a little of diving. The over-hand, frog kick, scissors kick, and crawl are also taught. No life wings or other aids are used, for it is believed that confidence is better gained without them. The pool is 60 feet long and 24 feet wide ,with a depth of 3 1-2 feet, and 8 1-2 feet. The room is high, airy, well ventilated, and lighted by windows on three sides. There is an equipment of life bouys, two [unreadable] hooks, a diving board and swimming trolley. A life guard is on duty [unreadable] hours that the pool is open. The girls are making rapid progress in their lessons, and not only that, but they are finding pleasure [unreadable] profit, and genuine fun while they learn to swim. Alan C. Rockwood, correspondent for The Iowan, has been transferred from Camp Funston to Fort Monroe, Va., where he will be with the [unreadable] artillery as an engineering expert. [advertisement] GARDEN THEATRE SUNDAY AND MONDAY EMMY WEHLEN in “THE AMATEUR ADVENTURESS” Also a good comedy—“COPPER’S SCENTS” [advertisement] CANOES AND BOWBOATS FOR RENT AT FITZGERALD’S BOAT HOUSE West Market Street Launch Parties at Reasonable Rates. [advertisement] TRY THE Bon=Ton Cafe For a Good Square Meal Tables For Ladies Newly Furnished Throughout [advertisement] WANTED FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JUNE 11 and 12 Eight men for ushers and ticket sellers; four men to work on stage. DEVEREUX PLAYERS Apply to E.H. Lauer, Room 102 Liberal Arts, 3-4 p.m. or phone 1930. [advertisement] RACINE’S CIGAR STORES BILLIARD PARLOR AND SODA FOUNTAIN [advertisement] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text Books and Supplies WATERMAN, CONKLIN AND SCHAEFFER FOUNTAIN PENS UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE
PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, July 6, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN A morning paper published during the six weeks summer session on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays by the Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City ----- Entered as second class matter, at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa ----- Under direction of department of journalism, Room 14, liberal arts building MILDRED E. WHITCOMB, in charge ----- MEMBER IOWA COLLEGE PRESS ----- Subscription Rate.... 50 cents the summer ----- BOARD OF TRUSTEES C.H. Weller, chairman, E. M. McEwen, Mary Anderson, Marian Dyer ----- EDITORIAL STAFF BETH WELLMAN Editor-in-chief Telephone, Black 1757; Office hours 1-5 Daily. Room 14, L. A. building ----- Marian Dyer Managing Editor (Rest of staff to be announced later) ----- BUSINESS STAFF ROMOLA LATCHEM, Business Manager Telephone, 935; Office hours, Daily 9-12 103 Iowa Avenue ----- AMERICANIZATION This coming week has been set aside by the University as Americanization week. For the benefit of summer session students a series of lectures have been planned dealing with this vital subject. In the past we have been placing the emphasis upon naturalization, rather than upon Americanization. Now we are coming to realize that there is a vast difference between the two, and that the fact that a foreigner has taken out certain papers and expressed his desire to become a citizen of the United States does not necessarily mean that he is at heart an American. The war has driven home to us that fact, as it has also disclosed the ardent loyalty of the great mass of the people. On investigation it was found that the opponents in the liberty loan drives were the first and second generations of the foreign born here. What is meant by Americanization seems to be difficult of definition. The secretary of the interior, Franklin K .Lane, has defined it as "the interpretation of the attitude, ideals, standards, and life of the American people to those who come here from abroad; it is also a movement for the fuller realization of all the opportunities of one who lives in America." Iilliteracy is a serious problem before the United States today and stands in the way of teaching the foreigned who come to our country our ideals and the value of our democratic institutions. One thing history has taught us, that we cannot Americanize by forcing our language upon a people. They must catch the spirit of our democracy as well as gain a knowledge of its institutions and language. It is hoped that Americanization week at the University will serve to help the Summer Session students, particularly those who are to be teachers next year, to formulate definite and constructive ideas and ideals relating to this problem, that they may spread these ideals relat-spread these ideas and ideals by their teachings in the public schools. LET’S HAVE A MIXER Half of the first term of the summer session has passed and no opportunity has been given to the students to get acquainted with each other. There has been no all-University mixer, such as was held last year and such as is usually held at the beginning of every new school year, and nothing in the way of an entertainment. True, the young people’s societies of the different churches have held receptions, picnics, or parties, but not so many as in former years. Last year, union parties were held every week end at one of the churches. Students do not get acquainted very well when they meet once, and never see each other again except perhaps to pass on the campus. Why do we not have another all-University mixer for everybody enrolled in the summer session to come and get acquainted? The large attendance at the mixers last year spoke well for their popularity with the summer students. Many of those who are here are anxious to become acquainted with others. Probably the majority of us would be surprised to find there someone from our home town [of?] someone we used to know in former school days, and whom we did not know was in Iowa City. There is a lot of truth in the old saying that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Students, let’s have a mixer. CHOOSING OUR POSSESSION In the new world (after the League of Nations is established) there will no doubt be a school of manners, not limited to reluctant bolshevists. The chief item of instruction should be on the art of possession. False ideals prevail today. A man says “my office,” but his clerks say “our office.” Men and women assume possession with startling rapidity. An accident in “our car,” or “in our street” acquires a world’s significance, beside which the eruption of Stromboli is a small and dismal thing. Just as men take pride in Texas because they live in the largest state, so office boys are haughty if their building has more elevators than any other in the world. We think the socialist ought to supply us with an analysis of this fury to possess. As a starting point we offer the suggestion that humanity is all wrong—it is not the man who owns the office; the office could much more justly speak of “my man.” In spite of our title deeds and rent receipts we are all men possessed, by property or by an idea or by those we love. The art of living is in choosing our possessions—and our possessors as well.—Colliers. HOW ABOUT THE FIGHTER? There is a movement to recognize war nurses with military titles. Where is this tendency to end? The war has seen the distribution of an endless profusion of titles. We have traditionally thought of the lieutenant, the captain, major, and colonel as symbolizing the military power of the nation. Now we find lieutenants, captains, majors, and colonels in the Red Cross, in the noncombatant branches, and in all manner of strange and non-fighting services. Red Cross officers demanded the salute of line fighters, agents of the war risk bureau were shoulder barred, the publicity bureau had its spurs. Now the nurses would be officers. Presently we shall be asking the question: What is an army?—The Chicago Daily Tribune. LAWN PARTY FOR GRADUATES Dean and Mrs. C.E. Seashore will give an informal reception and lawn party for graduate students of the summer session at their home, 815 North Linn street Wednesday evening, July 16, from seven to nine o’clock. Dr. Archie O’Donoghue, a graduate of the school of medicine last March, will locate at Storm Lake. ABOUT THE CAMPUS WOMEN’S SWIMMING POOL Back stroke, side stroke, sputter and choke stroke! They have them all—and how they do enjoy it! Not only do they enjoy it, but so, also does any chance onlooker, for the big swimming pool in the girls’ gymnasium has aesthetic and recreative values for the spectator as well as the participants in the sport. This is what he sees—a dozen or more would-be mermaids in many colored suits and caps, cavorting in a blue-green pool of water, and (if he look with the eyes of fancy) deep in the bottom of the pool not unromantic white enameled brick, but yellow sea sand, with shells and coral and fantastic fishes. Then the illusion of the mermaids becomes complete. If he should chance to arrive just at the moment when a new class comes out, the aesthetic may give place to the ludicrous and his illusions will be shattered. For the prospective life savers line up along the edge of the pool for land drill (what the uninitiated might call “swimming in the air”). And as it’s very difficult matter to make every hand and every foot that you possess do a different thing at the same time, the effect is apt to be laugh-provoking to the onlooker. There are one hundred and forty girls taking swimming this summer, besides a number of recreational swimmers who have the privileges of the pool from 5:00 to 5:30. The girls are divided into five classes, four elementary and one intermediate, one of which receives instruction during each hour of the afternoon. At the end of a course the beginners are expected to have learned how to float, to know the side and back strokes and to know a little of diving. The over-hand, frog kick, scissors kick, and crawl are also taught. No life wings or other aids are used, for it is believed that confidence is better gained without them. The pool is 60 feet long and 24 feet wide ,with a depth of 3 1-2 feet, and 8 1-2 feet. The room is high, airy, well ventilated, and lighted by windows on three sides. There is an equipment of life bouys, two [unreadable] hooks, a diving board and swimming trolley. A life guard is on duty [unreadable] hours that the pool is open. The girls are making rapid progress in their lessons, and not only that, but they are finding pleasure [unreadable] profit, and genuine fun while they learn to swim. Alan C. Rockwood, correspondent for The Iowan, has been transferred from Camp Funston to Fort Monroe, Va., where he will be with the [unreadable] artillery as an engineering expert. [advertisement] GARDEN THEATRE SUNDAY AND MONDAY EMMY WEHLEN in “THE AMATEUR ADVENTURESS” Also a good comedy—“COPPER’S SCENTS” [advertisement] CANOES AND BOWBOATS FOR RENT AT FITZGERALD’S BOAT HOUSE West Market Street Launch Parties at Reasonable Rates. [advertisement] TRY THE Bon=Ton Cafe For a Good Square Meal Tables For Ladies Newly Furnished Throughout [advertisement] WANTED FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JUNE 11 and 12 Eight men for ushers and ticket sellers; four men to work on stage. DEVEREUX PLAYERS Apply to E.H. Lauer, Room 102 Liberal Arts, 3-4 p.m. or phone 1930. [advertisement] RACINE’S CIGAR STORES BILLIARD PARLOR AND SODA FOUNTAIN [advertisement] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text Books and Supplies WATERMAN, CONKLIN AND SCHAEFFER FOUNTAIN PENS UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE
Daily Iowan Newspapers