Daily Iowan, July 6, 1919
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Sunday, July 6, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE SOCIETY AND PERSONAL ___________ SMITH-KRAPPE Edith P. Smith, daughter of Mrs. Grace Partridge Smith, instructor in Greek and editor of he Iowa Alumnus, was married last night at 8 o'clock at her home on the West side to Alexander Krappe, who received his master of arts degree at the University in 1918. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Ira J. Housten of the First Congregational church. Mrs. Krappe was graduated from the University last month with high honors. She is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Pi Beta Phi. She was also a Staff and Circle Girl. Mr. Krappe will receive his doctor of philosophy degree from the University of Chicago next October. He received his masters' degree here in Romance languages. He will teach at the University of Indiana next year. After the ceremony last evening Mr. and Mrs. Krappe left for Chicago. Following a trip on the lakes, they will spend the summer at An Arbor, Mich. ___________ FISHER-BURGE Dr. Martin H. Burge, class of 1918, was married on May 25 to Miss Eva Gould Fisher at Clayton Mo. ___________ MAASER-ZASTRAW The marriage of Elma Maaser '15 to Ralph W. Zastrow of Charles City took place June 24 at Waverly. ___________ ALEXANDER-GROVES Announcement of the marriage of Helen G. Alexander ex-'20 to Alexander Groves on June 25 at Plymouth church in Des Moines has just been received. ___________ SCHNEIDER-DELANEY Emmett P. Delaney, a graduate of the University law school, was married June 25 to Miss Irene Schneider of Ann Arbor at St. Thomas' Catholic church, Ann Arbor, Mich. ___________ EHMSEN-HUNZELMAN Harry Hunzelman of Marengo and Lilian Ehmsen of Williamsburg were married last August at Marion, but kept their marriage secret for eleven months. Mr. Hunzelman is a student in the college of medicine and a star football man. They will make their home in Iowa City. ___________ Ted Royce, who just returned from overseas with the Co. A. engineers, spent the Fourth of July in Davenport. Royce was a former student in the University and has been visiting here since his discharge. ___________ LAKE CALVIN ONCE ON UNIVERSITY SITE (continued from page one) er technical evidences of a conclusive nature to geologists. To those interested in the early history of eastern Iowa the published work of Mr. Shoewe on "The Origin and History of the Extinct Lake Calvin" will be of concern. ___________ THE TOWNSEND STUDIO Different Photography ___________ [image] This is the pitch range audiometer, the instrument. invented by Cordia C. Bunch of the psychology department which attracted so much attention among medical men at the national convention in Atlantic City recently. The machine measures quickly and accurately keenness of hearing at any pitch within the range of the human ear. ___________ IOWA ALUMNI IN HIGH POSITIONS State Officials and National Figures Among University of Iowa Graduates Fifteen members of the state senate, thirteen of the state house, four supreme court judges, the secretary of state and attorney general represented the University of Iowa at the state capitol last session. From the University of Iowa alumni register this is shown to be a very small number of the graduates of the University who are now in public life. During Wilson's administration five University alumni had seats in the United States Senate. Two are now in the national house of representatives. Two Iowa alumni have been in the consular service in China and Great Britain. A former governor of Iowa, Frank D. Jackson, and the present governor of Illinois, Frank O. Lowden, are graduates of the University. George W. Clarke, dean of the college of law at Drake university and former lieutenant governor of the state is an Iowa alumnus. On the roster of Iowa graduates seven college presidents are found. President Homer H. Seerley of the Iowa State Teachers college received his third degree from the University. In the field of journalism Frank B. Tracy, former editor of the Boston Transcript and Harvey Ingham, the editor of the state's largest newspaper, are prominent among University graduates. The popular fiction writers, Randall Parrish and Emerson Hough, and half a dozen short story writers of recognized ability claim the same alma mater. Stefansson and Anderson, noted arctic explorers, and Frank B. Russell, a former explorer of the north, received their college training at the University of Iowa. Three famous theologians won degrees from the University. In science and in medicine University alumni have won distinguished places. Dr. George E. Shambaugh of Chicago, an Iowa alumnus, was awarded an international prize for skill in otology. Frank Springer, another graduate, now connected with the Smithsonian institute, is an international authority on certain forms of past life. ___________ SOLDIERS' LETTERS U.S.S. Hellena Honkong, China, May 20, 1919 To the Editor, The Daily Iowan: - Inclosed is a small remittance which I trust will pay for The Iowan for the balance of the school year, and I sincerely hope you will be able to get it to me at regular intervals. On this side of the world, news from the United States and especially from the Old School is much sought after and hard to obtain. As for myself, I might say that shortly after the armistice was signed I was detached from submarine duty and ordered to a surface cruising Man-'o'War. We steamed around to China and it looks like we might stay a while. However, I hope to gt released from active duty dong enough to come back to Iowa at the opening of school this fall and finish my course. If there are any of the old gang around who were on the "sheet" during fall of 1916 while I had the circulation, please slip them the season's greeting for me. "Lefty" Holt, L.A. '18. ___________ JUNE WAS HOTTEST IN EIGHTEEN YEARS June of this year was the hottest since 1901, according to local weather reports. The mean average temperature for the month was 83.7 and the hottest day was June 16 with a temperature of 94 degrees. In June 1901, the mean average temperature was 87.1 with twelve days with the temperature exceeded 90. June 30 of that year was 102 degrees. ___________ Typewriters ALL MAKES SOLD & RENTED Patterson's Typewriter & Office Equipment Store Dey Bldg. Phone 71 ___________ Let a Daily Iowan Want Ad to Your Work It will rent your room and find your lost articles for you ... Try one and see how it works ___________ UNITARIAN CHURCH 11:00 AM - CHURCH SERVICE 5:30 PM - SOCIAL HOUR ___________ A Service Message YOUR FRIEND IN TOWN Make this bank your friend in town. Whenever you are too busy to come to the bank in person mail your deposits to us, or call up on the phone. We are always glad to be of any service to our farmers, and count it a privilege to offer you the advantages of such a service. FIRST NATIONAL BANK IOWA CITY, IOWA MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
Sunday, July 6, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE SOCIETY AND PERSONAL ___________ SMITH-KRAPPE Edith P. Smith, daughter of Mrs. Grace Partridge Smith, instructor in Greek and editor of he Iowa Alumnus, was married last night at 8 o'clock at her home on the West side to Alexander Krappe, who received his master of arts degree at the University in 1918. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Ira J. Housten of the First Congregational church. Mrs. Krappe was graduated from the University last month with high honors. She is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Pi Beta Phi. She was also a Staff and Circle Girl. Mr. Krappe will receive his doctor of philosophy degree from the University of Chicago next October. He received his masters' degree here in Romance languages. He will teach at the University of Indiana next year. After the ceremony last evening Mr. and Mrs. Krappe left for Chicago. Following a trip on the lakes, they will spend the summer at An Arbor, Mich. ___________ FISHER-BURGE Dr. Martin H. Burge, class of 1918, was married on May 25 to Miss Eva Gould Fisher at Clayton Mo. ___________ MAASER-ZASTRAW The marriage of Elma Maaser '15 to Ralph W. Zastrow of Charles City took place June 24 at Waverly. ___________ ALEXANDER-GROVES Announcement of the marriage of Helen G. Alexander ex-'20 to Alexander Groves on June 25 at Plymouth church in Des Moines has just been received. ___________ SCHNEIDER-DELANEY Emmett P. Delaney, a graduate of the University law school, was married June 25 to Miss Irene Schneider of Ann Arbor at St. Thomas' Catholic church, Ann Arbor, Mich. ___________ EHMSEN-HUNZELMAN Harry Hunzelman of Marengo and Lilian Ehmsen of Williamsburg were married last August at Marion, but kept their marriage secret for eleven months. Mr. Hunzelman is a student in the college of medicine and a star football man. They will make their home in Iowa City. ___________ Ted Royce, who just returned from overseas with the Co. A. engineers, spent the Fourth of July in Davenport. Royce was a former student in the University and has been visiting here since his discharge. ___________ LAKE CALVIN ONCE ON UNIVERSITY SITE (continued from page one) er technical evidences of a conclusive nature to geologists. To those interested in the early history of eastern Iowa the published work of Mr. Shoewe on "The Origin and History of the Extinct Lake Calvin" will be of concern. ___________ THE TOWNSEND STUDIO Different Photography ___________ [image] This is the pitch range audiometer, the instrument. invented by Cordia C. Bunch of the psychology department which attracted so much attention among medical men at the national convention in Atlantic City recently. The machine measures quickly and accurately keenness of hearing at any pitch within the range of the human ear. ___________ IOWA ALUMNI IN HIGH POSITIONS State Officials and National Figures Among University of Iowa Graduates Fifteen members of the state senate, thirteen of the state house, four supreme court judges, the secretary of state and attorney general represented the University of Iowa at the state capitol last session. From the University of Iowa alumni register this is shown to be a very small number of the graduates of the University who are now in public life. During Wilson's administration five University alumni had seats in the United States Senate. Two are now in the national house of representatives. Two Iowa alumni have been in the consular service in China and Great Britain. A former governor of Iowa, Frank D. Jackson, and the present governor of Illinois, Frank O. Lowden, are graduates of the University. George W. Clarke, dean of the college of law at Drake university and former lieutenant governor of the state is an Iowa alumnus. On the roster of Iowa graduates seven college presidents are found. President Homer H. Seerley of the Iowa State Teachers college received his third degree from the University. In the field of journalism Frank B. Tracy, former editor of the Boston Transcript and Harvey Ingham, the editor of the state's largest newspaper, are prominent among University graduates. The popular fiction writers, Randall Parrish and Emerson Hough, and half a dozen short story writers of recognized ability claim the same alma mater. Stefansson and Anderson, noted arctic explorers, and Frank B. Russell, a former explorer of the north, received their college training at the University of Iowa. Three famous theologians won degrees from the University. In science and in medicine University alumni have won distinguished places. Dr. George E. Shambaugh of Chicago, an Iowa alumnus, was awarded an international prize for skill in otology. Frank Springer, another graduate, now connected with the Smithsonian institute, is an international authority on certain forms of past life. ___________ SOLDIERS' LETTERS U.S.S. Hellena Honkong, China, May 20, 1919 To the Editor, The Daily Iowan: - Inclosed is a small remittance which I trust will pay for The Iowan for the balance of the school year, and I sincerely hope you will be able to get it to me at regular intervals. On this side of the world, news from the United States and especially from the Old School is much sought after and hard to obtain. As for myself, I might say that shortly after the armistice was signed I was detached from submarine duty and ordered to a surface cruising Man-'o'War. We steamed around to China and it looks like we might stay a while. However, I hope to gt released from active duty dong enough to come back to Iowa at the opening of school this fall and finish my course. If there are any of the old gang around who were on the "sheet" during fall of 1916 while I had the circulation, please slip them the season's greeting for me. "Lefty" Holt, L.A. '18. ___________ JUNE WAS HOTTEST IN EIGHTEEN YEARS June of this year was the hottest since 1901, according to local weather reports. The mean average temperature for the month was 83.7 and the hottest day was June 16 with a temperature of 94 degrees. In June 1901, the mean average temperature was 87.1 with twelve days with the temperature exceeded 90. June 30 of that year was 102 degrees. ___________ Typewriters ALL MAKES SOLD & RENTED Patterson's Typewriter & Office Equipment Store Dey Bldg. Phone 71 ___________ Let a Daily Iowan Want Ad to Your Work It will rent your room and find your lost articles for you ... Try one and see how it works ___________ UNITARIAN CHURCH 11:00 AM - CHURCH SERVICE 5:30 PM - SOCIAL HOUR ___________ A Service Message YOUR FRIEND IN TOWN Make this bank your friend in town. Whenever you are too busy to come to the bank in person mail your deposits to us, or call up on the phone. We are always glad to be of any service to our farmers, and count it a privilege to offer you the advantages of such a service. FIRST NATIONAL BANK IOWA CITY, IOWA MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
Daily Iowan Newspapers