Daily Iowan, July 10, 1919
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The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa XVIII-- NEW SERIES VOL. III IOWA CITY, IOWA, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1919 NUMBER 125 DEVEREUX PLAYERS PRESENT WORLD'S GREATEST DRAMAS Clifford Devereux is Said to be Best Liked of Contemporary Actors [...OKED] FOR SIXTY WEEKS [...ny] Actors of Experience and Superior Ability are With the Company To have presented in the last six [...ars] over a score of the world's greatest dramas, including the masterpieces of Shakespeare, Goldsmith, Sheridan, Henrik Ibsen, Moliere, Edmond Rostand, Bjorsen, and George Bernard Shaw, has been the privilege of Clifford Devereux, who is to appear here Friday and Saturday. The Devereux players will be seen [in?] the natural science auditorium, where they will present "The Taming of the Shrew" Friday evening at [8:15?]. "The School for Scandal" Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and "Romeo and Juliet" Saturday evening at 8:15. Tickets for these performances may now be secured at the Library and the University book store. Prices are 83c (including war tax) for single tickets and $1.65 for [...urse?] tickets. Play at Columbia They come here from Cedar Falls, where they were to appear yesterday and today. This is their first western tour and they have been booked for steady engagements in the east and middle west for sixty weeks, their bookings extending to May 1920. They will play during that time at most of the universities which are in session. The company is secured [each?] year for a two weeks engagement at Columbia university, where they play to large audiences at $1.50 As to Clifford Devereaux The Memphis Commercial Appeal states "He is one of the best known and best liked of our contemporary actors. He is a student ,an artist, a man of inexaustible resources...... His splendid command of the language of the play, his well-balanced voicing of Shakespeare's periods and commas, his profound play of facial expression, emphasizes his work-- a work wonderfully well expressed and executed." Played With Noted Actors Mr. Devereux has been able to secure his company actors of experience and superior ability, many of whom have played in Shakespearian drama with Sothern and Marlowe. Of the company, Norman Hapgood in Harper's Weekly says: "Life in the United States lacks no desirable element more than it lacks art, and yet even in the arts we occasionally find something of very high quality. The Devereaux players will serve as an illustration. They are giving Shakespeare with a refinement and competence that is extremely rare in our country." Besides the Shakespearian comedy and tragedy, the players will present on Saturday afternoon Richard Brinesley Sheridan's rollicking comedy, "The School for Scandal." In this Miss Zinita Graf, leading woman of the company, is said to be at her best. Miss Graf has been with the company for four years, having been, before she joined them, a student and assistant of dramatics in Texas university. Her rise has been remarkably rapid, and critics speak with enthusiasm of her work. WILL HOLD SEMINAR ON MODERN BIOLOGY A seminar on "Modern Biology" will be held by Prof. Gilbert L. Houser, Monday evening, July 21, at 7:30, in room 107, natural science building. This will include a systematic survey of modern biology touching on the psychological, sociological, and educational aspects of it. This final lecture will be given because of the deep interest shown in the former lectures, and will touch upon questions not entirely discussed in the former lectures. PROFESSOR FOSTER RETURNS TO U.S. Served at the A.E.F. University As Professor of Secondary Education Prof. Fredrick Fredrick M. Foster, for many years a member of the University latin department, has returned home after a year's service in France. He was connected with the Y.M.C.A. and educational department of the army. After leaving here in the fall Professor Foster went direct to France as a member of the 29th division where at Bourbonne les Bains he served in organizing the education work of the army. From January to March 10 he was with the motor transport corps at Marsailles in the post school. When the A.E.F. university was organized at Beaune in March, he was made professor of secondary education. He held this position until the university was disorganized in June, and most of the troops left for coast cities and transports home. In the opinion of Professor Foster it proved much more satisfactory to have the educational work under the supervision of the army than in the hands of the Y.M.C.A. as it was during the early years of the war. The university of Beaune was under the direct control of army officials. Fifteen thousand men or more were enrolled there, some with high schol, and some with only elementary school training. Professor Foster has not decided upon a definite location for the future, but he will not return to the University. Mrs. Foster has been making her home with her parents on the West Side. PROGRAM OF CLASSES IS NEARLY COMPLETED The program of classes for the second term is practically completed and will be published soon, according to information given out from the office of Dr. C. H. Weller, director of the summer session, yesterday afternoon. the first publication of the schedule of classes will appear in The Daily Iowan for Sunday or possibly Tuesday. LAMBDA THETA ENTERTAINS Lamdba Theta, educational sorority, entertained last evening at Currier hall. Miss Pierce gave a vocal solo; Helen Mackintosh, president of the sorority spoke on, "Aims and Purposes of Lambda theta"; Professor Ensign gave a talk on the organization of Lambda Theta during the year; and Miss Chapin of Cedar Rapids, who will be a member of the public speaking staff next fall., gave a reading. After the program the members held an informal reception. MEN'S DORM BULLETIN OUT Prices for Rooms at First Dormitory For Men Are Now Fixed A new bulletin on the men's dormitory is now on the press and will be ready for distribution in a few days, according to Dr C. H. Weller, University editor. A sixteen page, bulletin it is liberally illustrated by several new views of the dormitory and numerous group pictures of University buildings. Prices of dormitory rooms have recently been determined and are announced in the bulletin. Single rooms will rent for $15 when occupied by one and for $14 when shared by two. The double rooms throughout the dormitory will rent for $20. This is a slightly different arrangement than the one in practice at Currier hall, where some rooms owing to their superior location and facilities, rent for higher prices. Suites of rooms may also be rented at Currier balcony rooms are extremely popular. All rooms in the men's dormitories are said to be equally good. Recreation rooms for the men in the new dormitory are located in the towers. The two main flows are given over to bed rooms and a cafeteria. AT CAPITOL FOR RESEARCH Dr. Pollock Investigates Activities for Food Administration Dr. Ivan L. Pollock, instructor in political science, left Monday evening for Washington D.C., where he will do some research work on the activities of the National Food Administration in Iowa during the period of the war. The State Historical society is conducting a number of intensive researches into the history of Iowa's part in the war. Once of these, "The National Food Administration in Iowa" has been entrusted to Dr. Pollock. Since the records of Iowa have already been sent to the national capitol by the food administrator, it is necessary for Dr. Pollock to do his research work at Washington. While there he hopes to get in touch with the work of some of the men who are compiling for the government and history of the governmental activities during the war. Dr. Pollock will be in Washington a number of weeks. HAWKEYE CONTRACT LET New Year's Annual to be Printed by Iowa City Company The contracts for the engraving and printing of the 1921 Hawkeye have just been let, declares Dr. C. H. Weller, chairman of the Hawkeye board of trustees. The Commercial Art Engravers of Cedar Rapids will do all the engraving for the year book and the Economy Advertising company of Iowa City will print it. Fred A. Steiner of Corydon is editor of the annual for next year, and Arthur K. Walling of Oskaloosa is business manager. The men were elected at the meeting of the board of trustees of the Hawkeye Inc. shortly before the close of the regular session. Plans for the book are being worked out by the editor and manager this summer. This is the zrst time in years that the book has been printed in Iowa City. The 1920 Hawkeye was done by the Castle-Pierce company of Oshkosh. the engraving for this year’ book was the work of the Minneapolis Bureau of Engraving. EW YORK HERALD Miss Bertha Anne Cooper of the School of Music faculty who has been attending the commencement exercises of her alma mater at Beloit and has been visiting in Wisconsin, happened on to an old copy of the New York Herald which she prizes very highly. The Herald appears under the date of April 15, 1865 and tells of the assassination of President Lincoln and the attempted killing of Secretary of State Seward. The paper also tells of the crisis between United States and Portugal when our flag was fired upon as carried by the Niagara and the Sacramento. The paper is only four pages and six columns to the page and is set in exceedingly small type even to the advertisements. BOY MAY TAKE PART IN NATIONAL MATCH Morton Mumma, Fourteen Years Old, Only Two Points From Making Team Morton C. Mumma, the 14 year old son of Col. Morton C. Mumma, may be among the rifle shooters who will get to go to Cadwell, N. J. for the national meet to be held late in August. The boy made a record of 548 out of a possible 700, which was only two points behind the score which placed the final members of the team Since some of the members chosen may not be able to go to New Jersey, it is possible that he may be chosen as a substitute to fill a vacancy. Col. Mumma has been at Camp Dodge for several weeks as captain of the infantry rifle team comma having been selected by the war department pending arrival from France of the regular appointed leader. He has been conducting tryouts for places on both infantry and cavalry teams which will represent the army in the national matches at Cadwell. Donald Price, captain of the University rifle team, placed third on the team with a score of 604 out of a possible 700. The highest record made was 625. Mr. Price was coach of the University team also this year. Two hundred and forty-six of the best marksmen in the army were in the practice tryouts at Camp Dodge. Civilians were allowed to visit the range on any week day. TRIP TO QUAKER OATS FACTORY SATURDAY A visit to the Quaker Oats factory at Cedar Rapids is scheduled for Saturday July 12. The party will leave on the 7:30 a. m. interurban, the roundtrip fare being $1.73. Those intending to go on this excursion should notify Prof. P.S. Peirce, 206 L. A. before Friday night. A company representative will conduct the party through the cereal plant and every detail and stage of the work will be shown and explained. TEXAS U. TO HAVE OIL WELL Arrangements have been made for drilling an oil well upon land belonging to the University of Texas in the Hueco basin, situated about 45 miles from El Paso. An investigation of the geological formation of this land has been made by S. H. Worrell, dean of the state school of mines and metallurgy, who is confident that oil in paying quantities will be found there. PERSHING WAY MEN UNIVERSITY GUESTS DURING BRIEF VISIT Highway Enthusiasts Stop For Half Hour-- Inspect Museums And East Side Campus CANADA TO NEW ORLEANS Proposed Route Across Country Cuts Iowa From Mason City Down To Keokuk As guests of the University for thirty minutes yesterday morning were about forty Pershing Way enthusiasts who are making the trip from Mason City to Keokuk. The museum of the University were ordered unlocked for the visitors, and efforts were made to show them as much of the University and city as could be done in such a short time. Thirteen cars arrived at the University at 9 o'clock, having been piloted from Cedar Rapids by Ralph Puckett of Iowa City. The party was composed of the members of the state board of conservation, the Pershing Way quartet, the division engineer of the state highway commission, and a number of men and women who joined the party along the route. Iowa Most Beautiful “Of all the trails I have ever traveled,” stated Herbert F. Macdougall, secretary and manager of the organization, “the Iowa division of the Pershing Way is the prettiest and best.” The Pershing Way is the proposed highway from Winnipeg, Canada to New Orleans. Although the destinations are the same as the Jefferson highway, the route is 400 miles shorter and through an entirely different section of the country. The purpose of the trip through Iowa is to organize the commercial clubs of the towns along in the way to push the highway. Park System In State The largest delegation in the sociability run was from La Porte City. They had six cars making the whole trip. The party left here by the Hills-Riverside road and were expected to reach Keokuk by 4 o'clock last night in time to inspect the dam. One of the ideas of the Pershing Way organizations is to have a system of parks along the route for the benefit of those tourists who wish to picnic along the way. The route through Iowa comes down through Cedar Falls and Cedar Rapids. MCCOLLISTER-KNIGHT Tuesday at high noon at the home of the bride in the city the wedding of Florence McCollister and Dr. Ben L. Knight of Kentwood Park took place. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dwight Witherspoon Wylie assisted by Robert E. Reed. Mrs. Knight was a graduate of the University in 1917 and has been teaching music in the Mechanicsville schools for the past year. She is a member of Alpha Xi Delta and was a Staff and Circle girl. She is also a former president of the Erodelphian literary society. Dr. Knight was graduated here from the college of medicine in 1918, after receiving his bachelor of arts degree at Cornell college. He is a Phi Rho Sigma. For the last year Dr. Knight has been interne in St. Luke's hospital in Cedar Rapids. He opened an office in Kenwood Park a few weeks ago and will practice there.
The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa XVIII-- NEW SERIES VOL. III IOWA CITY, IOWA, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1919 NUMBER 125 DEVEREUX PLAYERS PRESENT WORLD'S GREATEST DRAMAS Clifford Devereux is Said to be Best Liked of Contemporary Actors [...OKED] FOR SIXTY WEEKS [...ny] Actors of Experience and Superior Ability are With the Company To have presented in the last six [...ars] over a score of the world's greatest dramas, including the masterpieces of Shakespeare, Goldsmith, Sheridan, Henrik Ibsen, Moliere, Edmond Rostand, Bjorsen, and George Bernard Shaw, has been the privilege of Clifford Devereux, who is to appear here Friday and Saturday. The Devereux players will be seen [in?] the natural science auditorium, where they will present "The Taming of the Shrew" Friday evening at [8:15?]. "The School for Scandal" Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and "Romeo and Juliet" Saturday evening at 8:15. Tickets for these performances may now be secured at the Library and the University book store. Prices are 83c (including war tax) for single tickets and $1.65 for [...urse?] tickets. Play at Columbia They come here from Cedar Falls, where they were to appear yesterday and today. This is their first western tour and they have been booked for steady engagements in the east and middle west for sixty weeks, their bookings extending to May 1920. They will play during that time at most of the universities which are in session. The company is secured [each?] year for a two weeks engagement at Columbia university, where they play to large audiences at $1.50 As to Clifford Devereaux The Memphis Commercial Appeal states "He is one of the best known and best liked of our contemporary actors. He is a student ,an artist, a man of inexaustible resources...... His splendid command of the language of the play, his well-balanced voicing of Shakespeare's periods and commas, his profound play of facial expression, emphasizes his work-- a work wonderfully well expressed and executed." Played With Noted Actors Mr. Devereux has been able to secure his company actors of experience and superior ability, many of whom have played in Shakespearian drama with Sothern and Marlowe. Of the company, Norman Hapgood in Harper's Weekly says: "Life in the United States lacks no desirable element more than it lacks art, and yet even in the arts we occasionally find something of very high quality. The Devereaux players will serve as an illustration. They are giving Shakespeare with a refinement and competence that is extremely rare in our country." Besides the Shakespearian comedy and tragedy, the players will present on Saturday afternoon Richard Brinesley Sheridan's rollicking comedy, "The School for Scandal." In this Miss Zinita Graf, leading woman of the company, is said to be at her best. Miss Graf has been with the company for four years, having been, before she joined them, a student and assistant of dramatics in Texas university. Her rise has been remarkably rapid, and critics speak with enthusiasm of her work. WILL HOLD SEMINAR ON MODERN BIOLOGY A seminar on "Modern Biology" will be held by Prof. Gilbert L. Houser, Monday evening, July 21, at 7:30, in room 107, natural science building. This will include a systematic survey of modern biology touching on the psychological, sociological, and educational aspects of it. This final lecture will be given because of the deep interest shown in the former lectures, and will touch upon questions not entirely discussed in the former lectures. PROFESSOR FOSTER RETURNS TO U.S. Served at the A.E.F. University As Professor of Secondary Education Prof. Fredrick Fredrick M. Foster, for many years a member of the University latin department, has returned home after a year's service in France. He was connected with the Y.M.C.A. and educational department of the army. After leaving here in the fall Professor Foster went direct to France as a member of the 29th division where at Bourbonne les Bains he served in organizing the education work of the army. From January to March 10 he was with the motor transport corps at Marsailles in the post school. When the A.E.F. university was organized at Beaune in March, he was made professor of secondary education. He held this position until the university was disorganized in June, and most of the troops left for coast cities and transports home. In the opinion of Professor Foster it proved much more satisfactory to have the educational work under the supervision of the army than in the hands of the Y.M.C.A. as it was during the early years of the war. The university of Beaune was under the direct control of army officials. Fifteen thousand men or more were enrolled there, some with high schol, and some with only elementary school training. Professor Foster has not decided upon a definite location for the future, but he will not return to the University. Mrs. Foster has been making her home with her parents on the West Side. PROGRAM OF CLASSES IS NEARLY COMPLETED The program of classes for the second term is practically completed and will be published soon, according to information given out from the office of Dr. C. H. Weller, director of the summer session, yesterday afternoon. the first publication of the schedule of classes will appear in The Daily Iowan for Sunday or possibly Tuesday. LAMBDA THETA ENTERTAINS Lamdba Theta, educational sorority, entertained last evening at Currier hall. Miss Pierce gave a vocal solo; Helen Mackintosh, president of the sorority spoke on, "Aims and Purposes of Lambda theta"; Professor Ensign gave a talk on the organization of Lambda Theta during the year; and Miss Chapin of Cedar Rapids, who will be a member of the public speaking staff next fall., gave a reading. After the program the members held an informal reception. MEN'S DORM BULLETIN OUT Prices for Rooms at First Dormitory For Men Are Now Fixed A new bulletin on the men's dormitory is now on the press and will be ready for distribution in a few days, according to Dr C. H. Weller, University editor. A sixteen page, bulletin it is liberally illustrated by several new views of the dormitory and numerous group pictures of University buildings. Prices of dormitory rooms have recently been determined and are announced in the bulletin. Single rooms will rent for $15 when occupied by one and for $14 when shared by two. The double rooms throughout the dormitory will rent for $20. This is a slightly different arrangement than the one in practice at Currier hall, where some rooms owing to their superior location and facilities, rent for higher prices. Suites of rooms may also be rented at Currier balcony rooms are extremely popular. All rooms in the men's dormitories are said to be equally good. Recreation rooms for the men in the new dormitory are located in the towers. The two main flows are given over to bed rooms and a cafeteria. AT CAPITOL FOR RESEARCH Dr. Pollock Investigates Activities for Food Administration Dr. Ivan L. Pollock, instructor in political science, left Monday evening for Washington D.C., where he will do some research work on the activities of the National Food Administration in Iowa during the period of the war. The State Historical society is conducting a number of intensive researches into the history of Iowa's part in the war. Once of these, "The National Food Administration in Iowa" has been entrusted to Dr. Pollock. Since the records of Iowa have already been sent to the national capitol by the food administrator, it is necessary for Dr. Pollock to do his research work at Washington. While there he hopes to get in touch with the work of some of the men who are compiling for the government and history of the governmental activities during the war. Dr. Pollock will be in Washington a number of weeks. HAWKEYE CONTRACT LET New Year's Annual to be Printed by Iowa City Company The contracts for the engraving and printing of the 1921 Hawkeye have just been let, declares Dr. C. H. Weller, chairman of the Hawkeye board of trustees. The Commercial Art Engravers of Cedar Rapids will do all the engraving for the year book and the Economy Advertising company of Iowa City will print it. Fred A. Steiner of Corydon is editor of the annual for next year, and Arthur K. Walling of Oskaloosa is business manager. The men were elected at the meeting of the board of trustees of the Hawkeye Inc. shortly before the close of the regular session. Plans for the book are being worked out by the editor and manager this summer. This is the zrst time in years that the book has been printed in Iowa City. The 1920 Hawkeye was done by the Castle-Pierce company of Oshkosh. the engraving for this year’ book was the work of the Minneapolis Bureau of Engraving. EW YORK HERALD Miss Bertha Anne Cooper of the School of Music faculty who has been attending the commencement exercises of her alma mater at Beloit and has been visiting in Wisconsin, happened on to an old copy of the New York Herald which she prizes very highly. The Herald appears under the date of April 15, 1865 and tells of the assassination of President Lincoln and the attempted killing of Secretary of State Seward. The paper also tells of the crisis between United States and Portugal when our flag was fired upon as carried by the Niagara and the Sacramento. The paper is only four pages and six columns to the page and is set in exceedingly small type even to the advertisements. BOY MAY TAKE PART IN NATIONAL MATCH Morton Mumma, Fourteen Years Old, Only Two Points From Making Team Morton C. Mumma, the 14 year old son of Col. Morton C. Mumma, may be among the rifle shooters who will get to go to Cadwell, N. J. for the national meet to be held late in August. The boy made a record of 548 out of a possible 700, which was only two points behind the score which placed the final members of the team Since some of the members chosen may not be able to go to New Jersey, it is possible that he may be chosen as a substitute to fill a vacancy. Col. Mumma has been at Camp Dodge for several weeks as captain of the infantry rifle team comma having been selected by the war department pending arrival from France of the regular appointed leader. He has been conducting tryouts for places on both infantry and cavalry teams which will represent the army in the national matches at Cadwell. Donald Price, captain of the University rifle team, placed third on the team with a score of 604 out of a possible 700. The highest record made was 625. Mr. Price was coach of the University team also this year. Two hundred and forty-six of the best marksmen in the army were in the practice tryouts at Camp Dodge. Civilians were allowed to visit the range on any week day. TRIP TO QUAKER OATS FACTORY SATURDAY A visit to the Quaker Oats factory at Cedar Rapids is scheduled for Saturday July 12. The party will leave on the 7:30 a. m. interurban, the roundtrip fare being $1.73. Those intending to go on this excursion should notify Prof. P.S. Peirce, 206 L. A. before Friday night. A company representative will conduct the party through the cereal plant and every detail and stage of the work will be shown and explained. TEXAS U. TO HAVE OIL WELL Arrangements have been made for drilling an oil well upon land belonging to the University of Texas in the Hueco basin, situated about 45 miles from El Paso. An investigation of the geological formation of this land has been made by S. H. Worrell, dean of the state school of mines and metallurgy, who is confident that oil in paying quantities will be found there. PERSHING WAY MEN UNIVERSITY GUESTS DURING BRIEF VISIT Highway Enthusiasts Stop For Half Hour-- Inspect Museums And East Side Campus CANADA TO NEW ORLEANS Proposed Route Across Country Cuts Iowa From Mason City Down To Keokuk As guests of the University for thirty minutes yesterday morning were about forty Pershing Way enthusiasts who are making the trip from Mason City to Keokuk. The museum of the University were ordered unlocked for the visitors, and efforts were made to show them as much of the University and city as could be done in such a short time. Thirteen cars arrived at the University at 9 o'clock, having been piloted from Cedar Rapids by Ralph Puckett of Iowa City. The party was composed of the members of the state board of conservation, the Pershing Way quartet, the division engineer of the state highway commission, and a number of men and women who joined the party along the route. Iowa Most Beautiful “Of all the trails I have ever traveled,” stated Herbert F. Macdougall, secretary and manager of the organization, “the Iowa division of the Pershing Way is the prettiest and best.” The Pershing Way is the proposed highway from Winnipeg, Canada to New Orleans. Although the destinations are the same as the Jefferson highway, the route is 400 miles shorter and through an entirely different section of the country. The purpose of the trip through Iowa is to organize the commercial clubs of the towns along in the way to push the highway. Park System In State The largest delegation in the sociability run was from La Porte City. They had six cars making the whole trip. The party left here by the Hills-Riverside road and were expected to reach Keokuk by 4 o'clock last night in time to inspect the dam. One of the ideas of the Pershing Way organizations is to have a system of parks along the route for the benefit of those tourists who wish to picnic along the way. The route through Iowa comes down through Cedar Falls and Cedar Rapids. MCCOLLISTER-KNIGHT Tuesday at high noon at the home of the bride in the city the wedding of Florence McCollister and Dr. Ben L. Knight of Kentwood Park took place. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dwight Witherspoon Wylie assisted by Robert E. Reed. Mrs. Knight was a graduate of the University in 1917 and has been teaching music in the Mechanicsville schools for the past year. She is a member of Alpha Xi Delta and was a Staff and Circle girl. She is also a former president of the Erodelphian literary society. Dr. Knight was graduated here from the college of medicine in 1918, after receiving his bachelor of arts degree at Cornell college. He is a Phi Rho Sigma. For the last year Dr. Knight has been interne in St. Luke's hospital in Cedar Rapids. He opened an office in Kenwood Park a few weeks ago and will practice there.
Daily Iowan Newspapers